def get_arguments(): info_txt = 'Usage: python FOLDER_NAME CELL_TYPE [PATTERN_NR]' try: folder = sys.argv[1] params_fn = os.path.abspath( folder) + '/Parameters/simulation_parameters.json' param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage( params_fn=params_fn) except: print info_txt print 'Taking the parameters currently in' param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() params = param_tool.params print 'debug n_cells', params['n_cells'] try: cell_type = sys.argv[2] except: print 'Missing cell_type argument' print info_txt exit(1) try: pn = int(sys.argv[3]) except: print info_txt print 'Plotting pattern 0' pn = 0 return params, cell_type, pn
def get_arguments(): info_txt = 'Usage: python FOLDER_NAME CELL_TYPE [PATTERN_NR]' try: folder = sys.argv[1] params_fn = os.path.abspath(folder) + '/Parameters/simulation_parameters.json' param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage(params_fn=params_fn) except: print info_txt print 'Taking the parameters currently in' param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() params = param_tool.params print 'debug n_cells', params['n_cells'] try: cell_type = sys.argv[2] except: print 'Missing cell_type argument' print info_txt exit(1) try: pn = int(sys.argv[3]) except: print info_txt print 'Plotting pattern 0' pn = 0 return params, cell_type, pn
def __init__(self, params=None, **kwargs): print 'BasicPlotter' if params == None: self.network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters self.params = self.network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary else: self.params = params self.subfig_cnt = 1 self.n_fig_x = kwargs.get('n_fig_x', 2) self.n_fig_y = kwargs.get('n_fig_y', 2) self.tuning_prop = np.loadtxt(self.params['tuning_prop_means_fn']) assert (self.tuning_prop[:, 0].size == self.params['n_exc']), 'Number of cells does not match in %s and simulation_parameters!\n Wrong tuning_prop file?' % self.params['tuning_prop_means_fn'] # figure details fig_width_pt = 800.0 # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inch golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches # fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height] fig_size = [fig_height,fig_width] params = {#'backend': 'png', 'titel.fontsize': 16, 'axes.labelsize' : 12, 'text.fontsize': 12, 'figure.figsize': fig_size} pylab.rcParams.update(params)
def return_plot(cell_gids=[], subplot_code=111, fig=None, input_fn_base=None, motion_params=None): network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters params = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary if input_fn_base == None: input_fn_base = params['input_rate_fn_base'] fn = params['tuning_prop_means_fn'] if motion_params == None: mp = params['motion_params'] else: mp = motion_params tp = np.loadtxt(fn) if len(cell_gids) == 0: n_cells =15 cell_gids = np.random.randint(0, params['n_exc'], n_cells) n_cells = len(cell_gids) ms = 5# markersize for scatterplots bg_color = 'w' pylab.rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 0 # input_sum = np.zeros(n_cells) # for i, gid in enumerate(cell_gids): # input_fn = input_fn_base + str(gid) + '.dat' # rate = np.loadtxt(input_fn) # input_sum[i] = rate.sum() # input_max = input_sum.max() if fig == None: fig = pylab.figure(facecolor=bg_color) ax = fig.add_subplot(subplot_code) colors = ['b', 'g'] for i, gid in enumerate(cell_gids): x, y, u, v = tp[gid, :] # print 'tp[%d]:' % (gid), tp[gid, :] # h = 240. # l = 1. - 0.5 * input_sum[i] / input_max # s = 1. # saturation # assert (0 <= h and h < 360) # assert (0 <= l and l <= 1) # assert (0 <= s and s <= 1) # (r, g, b) = utils.convert_hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l) # ax.plot(x, y, 'o', c=(r,g,b), markersize=ms) ax.plot(x, y, 'o', c=colors[i%len(colors)], markersize=ms) ax.quiver(x, y, u, v, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, width=0.02)#, headwidth=6) # plot stimulus stim_color = 'y' ax.quiver(mp[0], mp[1], mp[2], mp[3], angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, color=stim_color, headwidth=6, width=0.02) ax.annotate('Stimulus', (mp[0]+.5*mp[2], mp[1]+0.1), fontsize=12, color=stim_color) ax.set_xlim((0, 1)) ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) #output_fn_fig = 'delme_test.png' #print "Saving figure: ", output_fn_fig #pylab.savefig(output_fn_fig)#, facecolor=bg_color) return ax
def __init__(self, params=None, comm=None, data_fn=None, sim_cnt=0): if params == None: self.network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters self.params = self.network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary else: self.params = params self.no_spikes = False self.comm = comm self.n_fig_x = 2 self.n_fig_y = 2 self.tuning_params = np.loadtxt(self.params['tuning_prop_means_fn']) # define parameters self.n_cells = self.params['n_exc'] self.time_binsize = 20 # [ms] self.n_bins = int((self.params['t_sim'] / self.time_binsize) ) self.time_bins = [self.time_binsize * i for i in xrange(self.n_bins)] self.t_axis = np.arange(0, self.n_bins * self.time_binsize, self.time_binsize) self.n_good = self.params['n_exc'] * .10 # fraction of 'interesting' cells print 'Number of cells with \'good\' tuning_properties = ', self.n_good # create data structures self.nspikes = np.zeros(self.n_cells) # summed activity self.nspikes_binned = np.zeros((self.n_cells, self.n_bins)) # binned activity over time self.spiketrains = [[] for i in xrange(self.n_cells)] self.tuning_prop = np.loadtxt(self.params['tuning_prop_means_fn']) # sort the cells by their proximity to the stimulus into 'good_gids' and the 'rest' # cell in 'good_gids' should have the highest response to the stimulus print 'utils.sort_gids_by_distance_to_stimulus' all_gids, all_distances = utils.sort_gids_by_distance_to_stimulus(self.tuning_prop, self.params['motion_params'], self.params) self.good_gids, self.good_distances = all_gids[0:self.n_good], all_distances[0:self.n_good] print 'Saving gids to record to', self.params['gids_to_record_fn'] np.savetxt(self.params['gids_to_record_fn'], np.array(self.good_gids), fmt='%d') self.rest_gids = range(self.n_cells) for gid in self.good_gids: self.rest_gids.remove(gid) fig_width_pt = 800.0 # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inch golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height] params = {#'backend': 'png', # 'axes.labelsize': 10, # 'text.fontsize': 10, 'legend.fontsize': 10, # 'xtick.labelsize': 8, # 'ytick.labelsize': 8, # 'text.usetex': True, 'figure.figsize': fig_size} pylab.rcParams.update(params)
def plot_conductances_vs_time(params=None, comm=None, data_fn=None, inh_spikes = None): t_start = time.time() if params== None: network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters # P = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary params = network_params.params sim_cnt = 0 if data_fn == None: data_fn = params['exc_spiketimes_fn_merged'] + '%d.ras' % (sim_cnt) # if inh_spikes == None: # inh_spikes = params['inh_spiketimes_fn_merged'] + '%d.ras' % (sim_cnt) plotter = P.PlotConductances(params, comm, data_fn) plotter.load_spiketimes() if plotter.no_spikes: return output_fn_base = '%s%s_wsigmaX_%.2f_wsigmaV%.2f_wthresh%.1e' % (params['grouped_actitivty_fig_fn_base'], params['connectivity_code'], \ params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v'], params['w_thresh_connection']) # fig 1 # neuronal level plotter.create_fig() # create an empty figure plotter.plot_rasterplot('exc', 1) # 1 plotter.plot_rasterplot('inh', 2) # 2 plotter.plot_group_spikes_vs_time(3) # 3 output_fn = output_fn_base + '_0.png' print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn) # output_fn = '%sgoodcell_connections_%s_wsigmaX_%.2f_wsigmaV%.2f_wthresh%.1e.png' % (params['figures_folder'], params['connectivity_code'], \ # params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v'], params['w_thresh_connection']) # plotter.create_fig() # create an empty figure # plotter.plot_good_cell_connections(1) # subplot 1 + 2 # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn) # fig 2 plotter.create_fig() # create an empty figure plotter.plot_input_cond(1) # subplot 1 + 2 plotter.plot_conductances() output_fn = output_fn_base + '_1.png' print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn) plotter.create_fig() # create an empty figure plotter.plot_input_cond() t_stop = time.time() t_run = t_stop - t_start print "PlotConductance duration: %d sec or %.1f min for %d cells (%d exc, %d inh)" % (t_run, (t_run)/60., \ params['n_cells'], params['n_exc'], params['n_inh'])
def sort_cells_by_distance_to_stimulus(n_cells, verbose=True): import simulation_parameters network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters params = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary tp = np.loadtxt(params['tuning_prop_means_fn']) mp = params['motion_params'] indices, distances = sort_gids_by_distance_to_stimulus(tp , mp, params) # cells in indices should have the highest response to the stimulus print 'Motion parameters', mp print 'GID\tdist_to_stim\tx\ty\tu\tv\t\t' if verbose: for i in xrange(n_cells): gid = indices[i] print gid, '\t', distances[i], tp[gid, :] return indices, distances
def __init__(self, param_fn=None, spiketimes_fn=None): """ params : dictionary or NeuroTools.parameters ParameterSet """ if params == None: self.network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters self.params = self.network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary else: self.params = params self.no_spikes = False self.n_fig_x = 2 self.n_fig_y = 2 self.n_cells = self.params['n_exc'] self.nspikes = np.zeros(self.n_cells) # summed activity self.spiketrains = [[] for i in xrange(self.n_cells)] self.load_spiketimes(data_fn)
def plot_input_colormap(params=None, data_fn=None, inh_spikes = None): if params== None: network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters # P = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary params = network_params.params if data_fn == None: if params.has_key('merged_input_spiketrains_fn'): output_fn = params['merged_input_spiketrains_fn'] else: params['merged_input_spiketrains_fn'] = "%sinput_spiketrain_merged.dat" % (params['input_folder']) data_fn = params['merged_input_spiketrains_fn'] if not os.path.exists(data_fn): merge_input_spiketrains(params) plotter = P.PlotPrediction(params, data_fn) pylab.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 pylab.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 if plotter.no_spikes: return plotter.compute_v_estimates() # plotter.compute_position_estimates() # plotter.compute_theta_estimates() # fig 1 # neuronal level output_fn_base = params['figures_folder'] + 'input_colormap.png' plotter.create_fig() # create an empty figure pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.07, right=0.97, top=0.93, wspace=0.3, hspace=.2) plotter.n_fig_x = 2 plotter.n_fig_y = 2 # plotter.plot_rasterplot('exc', 1) # 1 # plotter.plot_rasterplot('inh', 2) # 2 plotter.plot_vx_grid_vs_time(1) # 3 plotter.plot_vy_grid_vs_time(2) # 4 plotter.plot_x_grid_vs_time(3, ylabel='x-position of stimulus') plotter.plot_y_grid_vs_time(4, ylabel='y-position of stimulus') output_fn = output_fn_base + '_0.png' print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn)
def __init__(self, params=None): if params == None: network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters # P = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary self.params = network_params.params else: self.params = params self.n_exc = self.params['n_exc'] self.output = [] self.g_in_histograms = [] self.output_fig = self.params['conductances_fig_fn_base'] self.n_good = self.params['n_exc'] * .05 # fraction of 'good' (well-tuned) cells print 'Number of \'good\' (well-tuned) cells:', self.n_good self.no_spikes = False self.load_nspikes() self.conn_dict = {} for conn_type in self.params['conn_types']: print 'Calling utils.get_conn_dict(..., %s)' % conn_fn conn_fn = self.params['conn_list_%s_fn' % conn_type] self.conn_dict[conn_type] = utils.get_conn_dict(self.params, conn_fn) fig_width_pt = 800.0 # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inch golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height] params = {#'backend': 'png', 'axes.labelsize': 12, # 'text.fontsize': 14, # 'legend.fontsize': 10, # 'xtick.labelsize': 8, # 'ytick.labelsize': 8, # 'text.usetex': True, 'figure.figsize': fig_size} pylab.rcParams.update(params) pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.30)
def __init__(self, argv): if len(argv) > 1: if argv[1].isdigit(): gid = int(argv[1]) else: param_fn = argv[1] if os.path.isdir(param_fn): param_fn += '/Parameters/simulation_parameters.json' print '\nLoading parameters from %s\n' % (param_fn) f = file(param_fn, 'r') params = json.load(f) else: print '\nLoading the default paremters...\n' import simulation_parameters ps = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() params = ps.params self.params = params self.conn_list_loaded = [False, False, False, False] self.conn_mat_loaded = [False, False, False, False] self.conn_lists = {}
def __init__(self, params=None, comm=None): if params == None: network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters params = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary print 'Merging connlists ...' os.system('python') else: self.params = params print 'Assuming that \n\tpython \nhas been called before in the directory %s' % params['folder_name'] self.comm = comm if comm != None: self.pc_id, self.n_proc = comm.rank, comm.size self.conn_lists = {} self.n_fig_x = 1 self.n_fig_y = 1 # cell markers self.markersize_cell = 10 self.markersize_min = 3 self.markersize_max = 12 self.shaft_width = 0.005 self.conn_type_dict = {'e' : 'excitatory', 'i' : 'inhibitory'}
def __init__(self, param_fn=None, spiketimes_fn=None): """ params : dictionary or NeuroTools.parameters ParameterSet """ print "debug", type(param_fn) if param_fn == None: print "Loading default parameters stored in" self.network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters self.params = self.network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary self.params_fn = self.params['params_fn'] else: if type(param_fn) != type(""): raise TypeError("File name expected for param_fn") self.params_fn = param_fn self.params = ntp.ParameterSet(param_fn) self.params self.spiketimes_fn = spiketimes_fn print os.path.abspath(self.params_fn) print os.path.abspath(self.spiketimes_fn) fig_width_pt = 800.0 # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inch golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height] params = {#'backend': 'png', # 'axes.labelsize': 10, # 'text.fontsize': 10, # 'legend.fontsize': 10, # 'xtick.labelsize': 8, # 'ytick.labelsize': 8, # 'text.usetex': True, 'figure.figsize': fig_size} pylab.rcParams.update(params)
if __name__ == '__main__': info_txt = \ """ Usage: python [PATTERN_NUMBER] """ # python [TRAINING_FOLDER] [TEST_FOLDER] [PATTERN_NUMBER_MIN] [PATTERN_NUMBER_MAX] assert (len(sys.argv) > 1), 'ERROR: pattern number not given\n' + info_txt pn_max = int(sys.argv[1]) training_folder = 'Cluster_OcOcLearning_nGlom40_nHC12_nMC30_vqOvrlp4_np50_OcOnly/' plot_folder = 'Cluster_PatternCompletionTestPostLearningWithSniff_fOR0.50_nGlom40_nHC12_nMC30_vqOvrlp4_np50_FullSystem/' params_fn = os.path.abspath(plot_folder) + '/Parameters/simulation_parameters.json' param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage(params_fn=params_fn) params = param_tool.params training_params_fn = os.path.abspath(training_folder) + '/Parameters/simulation_parameters.json' training_param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage(params_fn=training_params_fn) training_params = training_param_tool.params cell_type = 'readout' # cell_type = 'pyr' # cell_type = 'mit' for pn in xrange(pn_max): training_fn = training_params['%s_spiketimes_merged_fn_base' % cell_type] + str(pn) + '.dat' test_fn = params['%s_spiketimes_merged_fn_base' % cell_type] + str(pn) + '.dat' plot_params['figure.subplot.left'] = .11 plot_params[''] = .92 plot_params['figure.subplot.right'] = .98
def return_plot(iteration=None, fig=None): network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters params = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary fn = params['tuning_prop_means_fn'] tp = np.loadtxt(fn) if iteration == None: mp = params['motion_params'] else: motion_params_fn = params['parameters_folder'] + 'input_params.txt' all_mp = np.loadtxt(motion_params_fn) mp = all_mp[iteration, :] n_cells = tp[:, 0].size #n_cells = 10 ms = 10 # markersize for scatterplots bg_color = 'w' pylab.rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = 0 input_sum = np.zeros(n_cells) if iteration == None: input_fn_base = params['input_rate_fn_base'] fn_ending = '.npy' else: input_fn_base = params['folder_name'] + 'TrainingInput_%d/abstract_input_' % iteration fn_ending = '.dat' for i in xrange(n_cells): input_fn = input_fn_base + str(i) + fn_ending if iteration == None: rate = np.load(input_fn) else: rate = np.loadtxt(input_fn) input_sum[i] = rate.sum() input_max = input_sum.max() print 'input_max', input_max idx = input_sum.argsort() n_mac = int(round(params['n_exc'] * 0.05)) mac = idx[-n_mac:] print 'motion stimulus', mp print 'most activated cells:' for i in mac: dist = tp[i, :] - mp # print i, tp[i, :], np.sqrt(, dist)), input_sum[i], input_max if fig == None: fig = pylab.figure(facecolor=bg_color) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) # h = 240. # s = 1. # saturation o_min = 0. o_max = input_max norm = matplotlib.mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=o_min, vmax=o_max) m =, cmap=cm.binary)#PuBu)#jet) m.set_array(np.arange(o_min, o_max, (o_max-o_min)/1000.)) for i in idx: if i in mac: print 'debug', i, input_sum[i], input_max, input_sum[i] / input_max c = m.to_rgba(input_sum[i]) # l = 1. - 0.5 * input_sum[i] / input_max # assert (0 <= h and h < 360) # assert (0 <= l and l <= 1) # assert (0 <= s and s <= 1) # (r, g, b) = utils.convert_hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l) x, y, u, v = tp[i, :] ax.plot(x, y, 'o', c=c, markersize=ms) # ax.plot(x, y, 'o', c=(r,g,b), markersize=ms) # if l < .7: if i in mac: ax.annotate('%d' % i, (x + np.random.rand() * 0.02, y + np.random.rand() * 0.02), fontsize=10) stim_color = 'k' ax.quiver(mp[0], mp[1], mp[2], mp[3], angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, color=stim_color, headwidth=4, pivot='tail') ax.annotate('Stimulus', (mp[0]+.5*mp[2], mp[1]+0.1), fontsize=12, color=stim_color) fig.colorbar(m) ax.set_xlim((-.05, 1.05)) ax.set_ylim((-.05, 1.05)) if iteration == None: iteration = 0 ax.set_title('Abstract activtation iteration %d' % iteration) ax = fig.add_subplot(212)['n_exc']), input_sum, width=1) output_fn = params['figures_folder'] + 'abstract_activation_%d.png' % (iteration) print "Saving figure: ", output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn)#, facecolor=bg_color) return ax
colors = m.to_rgba(prj_matrix[:, hc]) cax = ax.scatter(mt_pos[:, 0], mt_pos[:, 1], mt_pos[:, 2], c=colors, marker='o', linewidth='5', edgecolor=colors) output_fig = self.params[ 'figure_folder'] + '/prj_mt_hc%d_ovrlp%d.png' % ( hc, self.params['vq_ob_oc_overlap']) print 'Saving to:', output_fig pylab.savefig(output_fig) if __name__ == '__main__': try: folder = sys.argv[1] params_fn = os.path.abspath( folder) + '/Parameters/simulation_parameters.json' param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage( params_fn=params_fn) except: param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() params = param_tool.params P = Plotter(params) P.plot_mt_cells_to_hc(hc=2)
# EPTH -> OB connections are not affected by the pattern print "Creating connections: orn -> mit" ConnectionClass = CreateObConnections.CreateObConnections(params) ConnectionClass.connect_orn_mit() ConnectionClass.connect_orn_pg() ConnectionClass.connect_pg_mit_serial() ConnectionClass.connect_pg_mit_reciprocal() ConnectionClass.connect_mt_gran_local() ConnectionClass.connect_mt_gran_global() if __name__ == '__main__': print info_txt # ------------ I N I T ----------------------------- # The simulation_parameters module defines a class for simulation parameter storage param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # params is the dictionary with all parameters params = param_tool.params if not (params['test_pattern_rivalry']): print '\n\n\tThis scipt is not intended to be used with the train_pattern_rivalry flag!\nWill now quit' exit(1) print 'New folder:', params['folder_name'] ok = raw_input('\nContinue to create this folder structure? Parameters therein will be overwritten\n\ty / Y / blank = OK; anything else --> exit\n') if not ((ok == '') or (ok.capitalize() == 'Y')): print 'quit' exit(1) OrnParamClass = CreateOrnParameters.CreateOrnParameters(params) # patterns for ORN activation must be recreated to add noise
""" Make sure that was run successfully before calling this script. """ import simulation_parameters import os import time import MergeSpikefiles import SetOfCurvesPlotter import CreateOrnParameters param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() params = param_tool.params param_tool.hoc_export() prepare = True if prepare: OrnParamClass = CreateOrnParameters.CreateOrnParameters(params) OrnParamClass.create_params_for_response_curve() t1 = time.time() sim_cnt = 0 pn = sim_cnt param_file_orns = params['orn_params_fn_base'] + '%d.dat' % pn assert os.path.exists( param_file_orns ), 'File does not exist: %s\nPlease run before!' % param_file_orns if params['with_artificial_orns']:
def plot_prediction(params=None, data_fn=None, inh_spikes = None): if params== None: network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters # P = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary params = network_params.params if data_fn == None: data_fn = params['exc_spiketimes_fn_merged'] + '.ras' # if inh_spikes == None: # inh_spikes = params['inh_spiketimes_fn_merged'] + '.ras' # params['t_sim'] = 1200 plotter = P.PlotPrediction(params, data_fn) pylab.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14 pylab.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 if plotter.no_spikes: return plotter.compute_v_estimates() # plotter.compute_position_estimates() --> happening in compute_v_estimates plotter.compute_theta_estimates() plotter.compute_orientation_estimates() # fig 1 # neuronal level output_fn_base = '%s%s_wsigmaX_%.2f_wsigmaV%.2f_delayScale%d_connRadius%.2f_wee%.2f' % (params['prediction_fig_fn_base'], params['connectivity_code'], \ params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v'], params['delay_scale'], params['connectivity_radius'], params['w_tgt_in_per_cell_ee']) plotter.create_fig() # create an empty figure pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.07, right=0.97, top=0.93, wspace=0.3, hspace=.2) plotter.n_fig_x = 2 plotter.n_fig_y = 3 plotter.plot_rasterplot('exc', 1) # 1 plotter.plot_rasterplot('inh', 2) # 2 plotter.plot_vx_grid_vs_time(3) # 3 plotter.plot_vy_grid_vs_time(4) # 4 plotter.plot_x_grid_vs_time(5) plotter.plot_y_grid_vs_time(6) output_fn = output_fn_base + '_0.png' print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_0.pdf' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # orientation figure plotter.create_fig() # create an empty figure plotter.n_fig_x = 3 plotter.n_fig_y = 2 # to have the ~same figure sizes as for the others plotter.plot_orientation_grid_vs_time(1) plotter.plot_orientation_estimates(2) plotter.plot_orientation_diff(3) output_fn = output_fn_base + '_orientation.png' print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_0.eps' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # poplation level, short time-scale plotter.n_fig_x = 3 plotter.n_fig_y = 2 plotter.create_fig() pylab.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 12 pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.07, right=0.97, top=0.93, wspace=0.3, hspace=.3) plotter.plot_vx_estimates(1) plotter.plot_vy_estimates(2) plotter.plot_vdiff(3) plotter.plot_x_estimates(4) plotter.plot_y_estimates(5) plotter.plot_xdiff(6) output_fn = output_fn_base + '_1.png' print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_1.pdf' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_1.eps' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # plotter.plot_theta_estimates(5) # fig 3 # population level, long time-scale # plotter.n_fig_x = 1 # plotter.n_fig_y = 4 # pylab.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10 # pylab.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) # plotter.create_fig() # plotter.plot_fullrun_estimates_vx(1) # plotter.plot_fullrun_estimates_vy(2) # plotter.plot_fullrun_estimates_theta(3) # plotter.plot_nspike_histogram(4) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_2.png' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_2.pdf' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_2.eps' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # fig 4 plotter.n_fig_x = 1 plotter.n_fig_y = 2 plotter.create_fig() # create an empty figure plotter.plot_network_activity('exc', 1) plotter.plot_network_activity('inh', 2) output_fn = output_fn_base + '_4.png' print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_4.pdf' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_4.eps' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) plotter.n_fig_x = 1 plotter.n_fig_y = 1 plotter.create_fig() weights = [plotter.nspikes_binned_normalized[i, :].sum() / plotter.n_bins for i in xrange(plotter.n_cells)] plotter.quiver_plot(weights, fig_cnt=1) output_fn = output_fn_base + '_quiver.png' print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_quiver.pdf' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) # output_fn = output_fn_base + '_quiver.eps' # print 'Saving figure to:', output_fn # pylab.savefig(output_fn, dpi=200) plotter.save_data()
Usage: python [FOLDER] [CELLTYPE] or python [FOLDER] [CELLTYPE] [PATTERN_NUMBER] """ assert (len(sys.argv) > 2), 'ERROR: folder and cell_type not given\n' + info_txt folder = sys.argv[1] cell_type = sys.argv[2] try: pn = int(sys.argv[3]) except: print 'WARNING: Using the default pattern number 0' pn = 0 params_fn = os.path.abspath(folder) + '/Parameters/simulation_parameters.json' param_tool = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage(params_fn=params_fn) params = param_tool.params if cell_type == 'all': # cell_types = params['cell_types'] cell_types = ['mit', 'pg', 'gran'] else: cell_types = [cell_type] for cell_type in cell_types: print 'Plotting raster for:', cell_type plot_raster_for_celltype(params, cell_type, title='%s spikes pattern %d' % (cell_type.upper(), pn)) # plot_raster_for_celltype(params, cell_type, title='%s spikes pattern %d' % (cell_type.upper(), pn))
import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: param_fn = sys.argv[1] if os.path.isdir(param_fn): param_fn += '/Parameters/simulation_parameters.json' import json f = file(param_fn, 'r') print 'Loading parameters from', param_fn params = json.load(f) else: print '\n NOT successfull\nLoading the parameters currently in\n' import simulation_parameters network_params = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() # network_params class containing the simulation parameters params = network_params.load_params() # params stores cell numbers, etc as a dictionary # E -> E tmp_fn = 'delme_tmp_%d' % (np.random.randint(0, 1e8)) cat_cmd = 'cat %s* > %s' % (params['conn_list_ee_fn_base'], tmp_fn) sort_cmd = 'sort -gk 1 -gk 2 %s > %s' % (tmp_fn, params['merged_conn_list_ee']) rm_cmd = 'rm %s' % (tmp_fn) print cat_cmd os.system(cat_cmd) print sort_cmd os.system(sort_cmd) print rm_cmd os.system(rm_cmd)
times = [] times.append(time.time()) full_system = False if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'full': full_system = True tau_dict = {'tau_zi' : 50., 'tau_zj' : 5., 'tau_ei' : 50., 'tau_ej' : 50., 'tau_eij' : 50., 'tau_pi' : 500., 'tau_pj' : 500., 'tau_pij' : 500., } PS = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage() params = PS.params PS.create_folders() PS.write_parameters_to_file() n_cells = params['n_exc'] my_units = utils.distribute_n(n_cells, n_proc, pc_id) mp = params['motion_params'] # P R E P A R E T U N I N G P R O P E R T I E S tuning_prop = utils.set_tuning_prop(params, mode='hexgrid', v_max=params['v_max']) np.savetxt(params['tuning_prop_means_fn'],tuning_prop) #exit(1) # load
import pylab import numpy as np import simulation_parameters as sp import matplotlib from matplotlib import cm import time PS = sp.parameter_storage() params = PS.load_params() tp = np.loadtxt(params['tuning_prop_means_fn']) input_params = np.loadtxt(params['parameters_folder'] + 'input_params.txt') #network_activity_fn = 'AndersWij/activity_test.dat' #output_folder_fig = 'AndersWij/test_activity/' #network_activity_fn = 'Abstract/ANNActivity/ann_activity_40iterations_no_rec.dat' network_activity_fn = 'Abstract/ANNActivity/ann_activity_40iterations.dat' output_folder_fig = params['figures_folder'] print 'Loading ', network_activity_fn network_activity = np.loadtxt(network_activity_fn) network_activity = np.exp(network_activity) scale = 3 #n_time_steps = d[:, 0].size n_time_steps_per_iteration = 300 n_cells = params['n_exc'] n_iteration = 40