Example #1
def increase_particle_array_size(pos, vel, idx, Ie, W_elec, Ib, W_mag, Ep, Bp,
                                 v_prime, S, T, temp_N, old_particles):
    Allocates more memory in case spare particles run out. Super inefficient way of doing it, so 
    when this function is called, it'll probably double the size of the program in memory. Maybe
    numba/numpy has a native function that will let us do this?
    old_N = pos.shape[0]
    inc_size = 5 * nsp_ppc.sum()

    # Initialize 'increased' arrays
    ipos = np.zeros((old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)
    ivel = np.zeros((3, old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)
    iidx = np.zeros((old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.uint16)
    iIe = np.zeros((old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.uint16)
    iIb = np.zeros((old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.uint16)
    iW_elec = np.zeros((3, old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)
    iW_mag = np.zeros((3, old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)

    iEp = np.zeros((3, old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)
    iBp = np.zeros((3, old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)
    iv_prime = np.zeros((3, old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)
    iS = np.zeros((3, old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)
    iT = np.zeros((3, old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)
    itemp_N = np.zeros((old_N + inc_size), dtype=nb.float64)

    iold_particles = np.zeros((old_particles.shape[0], old_N + inc_size),

    # Fill new arrays with existing values except W_mag, Ib, Ep, Bp, S, T, v_prime, temp_N and old_particles
    # Since these will either be zeroed or overwritten
    ipos[:old_N] = pos[:]
    ivel[:, :old_N] = vel[:, :]
    iidx[:old_N] = idx[:]
    iIe[:old_N] = Ie[:]
    iW_elec[:, :old_N] = W_elec[:, :]
    return ipos, ivel, iidx, iIe, iIb, iW_elec, iW_mag, iEp, iBp, iv_prime, iS, iT, itemp_N, iold_particles
Example #2
def main_loop(pos, vel, idx, Ie, W_elec, Ib, W_mag, Ep, Bp, v_prime, S, T,temp_N,                      \
              B, E_int, E_half, q_dens, q_dens_adv, Ji, ni, nu, mp_flux,       \
              Ve, Te, Te0, temp3De, temp3Db, temp1D, old_particles, old_fields,\
              B_damping_array, E_damping_array, qq, DT, max_inc, part_save_iter, field_save_iter):
    Main loop separated from __main__ function, since this is the actual computation bit.
    Could probably be optimized further, but I wanted to njit() it.
    The only reason everything's not njit() is because of the output functions.
    Future: Come up with some way to loop until next save point
    Thoughts: declare a variable steps_to_go. Output all time variables at return
    to resync everything, and calculate steps to next stop.
    If no saves, steps_to_go = max_inc
    # Check timestep
    if qq % 20 == 0:
        #print('Checking timestep')
        qq, DT, max_inc, part_save_iter, field_save_iter, damping_array \
        = check_timestep(pos, vel, B, E_int, q_dens, Ie, W_elec, Ib, W_mag, temp3De, Ep, Bp, v_prime, S, T,temp_N,\
                         qq, DT, max_inc, part_save_iter, field_save_iter, idx, B_damping_array)

    # Check number of spare particles every 25 steps
    if qq % 50 == 0 and particle_open == 1:
        #print('Checking number of spare particles')
        num_spare = (idx < 0).sum()
        if num_spare < nsp_ppc.sum():
                'WARNING :: Less than one cell of spare particles remaining.')
            if num_spare < inject_rate.sum() * DT * 5.0:
                # Change this to dynamically expand particle arrays later on (adding more particles)
                # Can do it by cell lots (i.e. add a cell's worth each time)
                    'WARNING :: No space particles remaining. Exiting simulation.'
                raise IndexError

    # Move particles, collect moments
    particles.advance_particles_and_moments(pos, vel, Ie, W_elec, Ib, W_mag, idx, Ep, Bp, v_prime, S, T,temp_N,\
                                            B, E_int, DT, q_dens_adv, Ji, ni, nu, mp_flux)

    # Average N, N + 1 densities (q_dens at N + 1/2)
    q_dens *= 0.5
    q_dens += 0.5 * q_dens_adv

    # Compute fields at N + 1/2
    fields.push_B(B, E_int, temp3Db, DT, qq, B_damping_array, half_flag=1)
    fields.calculate_E(B, Ji, q_dens, E_half, Ve, Te, Te0, temp3De, temp3Db,
                       temp1D, E_damping_array, qq, DT, 0)


    # Store old values
    mp_flux_old = mp_flux.copy()
    old_particles[0, :] = pos
    old_particles[1:4, :] = vel
    old_particles[4, :] = Ie
    old_particles[5:8, :] = W_elec
    old_particles[8, :] = idx

    old_fields[:, 0:3] = B
    old_fields[:NC, 3:6] = Ji
    old_fields[:NC, 6:9] = Ve
    old_fields[:NC, 9] = Te

    # Predict fields
    E_int *= -1.0
    E_int += 2.0 * E_half

    fields.push_B(B, E_int, temp3Db, DT, qq, B_damping_array, half_flag=0)

    # Advance particles to obtain source terms at N + 3/2
    particles.advance_particles_and_moments(pos, vel, Ie, W_elec, Ib, W_mag, idx, Ep, Bp, v_prime, S, T,temp_N,\
                                            B, E_int, DT, q_dens, Ji, ni, nu, mp_flux, pc=1)

    q_dens *= 0.5
    q_dens += 0.5 * q_dens_adv

    # Compute predicted fields at N + 3/2
    fields.push_B(B, E_int, temp3Db, DT, qq + 1, B_damping_array, half_flag=1)
    fields.calculate_E(B, Ji, q_dens, E_int, Ve, Te, Te0, temp3De, temp3Db,
                       temp1D, E_damping_array, qq, DT, 1)

    # Determine corrected fields at N + 1
    E_int *= 0.5
    E_int += 0.5 * E_half

    # Restore old values: [:] allows reference to same memory (instead of creating new, local instance)
    pos[:] = old_particles[0, :]
    vel[:] = old_particles[1:4, :]
    Ie[:] = old_particles[4, :]
    W_elec[:] = old_particles[5:8, :]
    idx[:] = old_particles[8, :]

    B[:] = old_fields[:, 0:3]
    Ji[:] = old_fields[:NC, 3:6]
    Ve[:] = old_fields[:NC, 6:9]
    Te[:] = old_fields[:NC, 9]

    fields.push_B(B, E_int, temp3Db, DT, qq, B_damping_array,
                  half_flag=0)  # Advance the original B

    q_dens[:] = q_dens_adv
    mp_flux = mp_flux_old.copy()

    return qq, DT, max_inc, part_save_iter, field_save_iter
Example #3
def inject_particles(pos, vel, idx, flux, dt, pc):
    Basic injection routine. Flux is set by either:
        -- Measuring outgoing
        -- Set as initial condition by Maxwellian
    This code injects particles to equal that outgoing flux. Not sure
    how this is going to go with conserving moments, but we'll see.
    If this works, might be able to use Daughton conditions later. But should
    at least keep constant under static conditions.
    NOTE: Finding a random particle like that, do I have to change the timestep?
    What if the particle is just a little too fast? Check later. Or put in cap
    N_retries = 10  # Set number of times to try and reinitialize a particle
    # This is so when the flux is low (but non-zero) the code
    # doesn't start getting exponentially longer at the tail
    # looking for a particle with almost zero velocity.

    # Check number of spare particles
    num_spare = (idx < 0).sum()
    if num_spare < 2 * nsp_ppc.sum():
            'WARNING :: Less than two cells worth of spare particles remaining.'
        if num_spare == 0:
                'WARNING :: No space particles remaining. Exiting simulation.')
            raise IndexError

    # Create particles one at a time until flux drops below a certain limit
    # or number of retries is reached
    acc = 0
    n_created = np.zeros((2, Nj), dtype=np.float64)
    for ii in range(2):
        for jj in range(Nj):
            while flux[ii, jj] > 0:
                # Loop until not-too-energetic particle found
                vx = 3e8
                new_particle = 0

                # Find a vx that'll fit in remaining flux
                for n_tried in range(N_retries):
                    vx = np.random.normal(0.0, vth_par[jj])
                    if vx <= flux[ii, jj]:
                        new_particle = 1

                # If successful, load particle
                if new_particle == 1:
                    # Successful particle found, set parameters and subtract flux
                    # Find first negative idx to initialize as new particle
                    for kk in nb.prange(acc, pos.shape[1]):
                        if idx[kk] < 0:
                            acc = kk + 1

                    # Decide direction of vx, and placement of particle
                    # This could probably be way optimized later.
                    if ii == 0:
                        vel[0, kk] = np.abs(vx)
                        max_pos = vel[0, kk] * dt

                        if abs(max_pos) < 0.5 * dx:
                                kk] = xmin + np.random.uniform(0, 1) * max_pos
                            pos[0, kk] = xmin + max_pos

                        vel[0, kk] = -np.abs(vx)
                        max_pos = vel[0, kk] * dt

                        if abs(max_pos) < 0.5 * dx:
                                kk] = xmax + np.random.uniform(0, 1) * max_pos
                            pos[0, kk] = xmax + max_pos

                    vel[1, kk] = np.random.normal(0.0, vth_perp[jj])
                    vel[2, kk] = np.random.normal(0.0, vth_perp[jj])

                    gyangle = init.get_gyroangle_single(vel[:, kk])
                    rL = np.sqrt(vel[1, kk]**2 +
                                 vel[2, kk]**2) / (qm_ratios[idx[kk]] * B_xmax)
                    pos[1, kk] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
                    pos[2, kk] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)

                    idx[kk] = jj
                    flux[ii, jj] -= abs(vx)
                    n_created[ii, jj] += 1
                    #print('Number of retries reached, stopping injection...')

    #print('Particles created:\n', n_created)

# Reflect/reinject script
# =============================================================================
#         for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):
#             sp = idx[ii]
#             reflag = 0
#             # Reflect cold
#             if temp_type[sp] == 0:
#                 if pos[0, ii] > xmax:
#                     pos[0, ii] = 2*xmax - pos[0, ii]; reflag=1
#                 elif pos[0, ii] < xmin:
#                     pos[0, ii] = 2*xmin - pos[0, ii]; reflag=1
#                 if reflag==1:
#                     vel[0, ii] *= -1.0
#             # Reinitialize hot
#             else:
#                 if pos[0, ii] > xmax or  pos[0, ii] < xmin:
#                     vel[0, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_par[sp]) * (-np.sign(pos[0, ii]))
#                     vel[1, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_perp[sp])
#                     vel[2, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_perp[sp])
#                     max_pos    = abs(vel[0, ii])*DT
#                     pos[0, ii] = np.sign(pos[0, ii]) * (xmax - max_pos)
# =============================================================================
Example #4
def position_update(pos, vel, idx, pos_old, DT, Ie, W_elec):
    Updates the position of the particles using x = x0 + vt. 
    Also updates particle nearest node and weighting.

        pos    -- Particle position array (Also output) 
        vel    -- Particle velocity array (Also output for reflection)
        idx    -- Particle index    array (Also output for reflection)
        DT     -- Simulation time step
        Ie     -- Particle leftmost to nearest node array (Also output)
        W_elec -- Particle weighting array (Also output)
    Note: This function also controls what happens when a particle leaves the 
    simulation boundary.
    acc is an array accumulator that should prevent starting the search from the 
    beginning of the array each time a particle needs to be reinitialized
    Is it super inefficient to do two loops for the disable/enable bit? Or worse
    to have arrays all jumbled and array access all horrible? Is there a more
    efficient way to code it?
    To Do: Code with one loop, same acc, etc. Assume that there is enough 
    disabled particles to fulfill the needs for a single timestep (especially
    since all the 'spare' particles are at the end. Spare particles should only
    then be accessed when there was not sufficient numbers of 'normal' particles
    in domain, or they were accessed out of order. Might save a bit of time. But
    also need to check it against the 2-loop version.
    To do: Increase the size of particle arrays rather than Exception if particles
    run out. Maybe have this check outside in main() so all particle-related arrays 
    can be copied and extended dynamically if required. Just need to check that 
    nothing relies purely on N.
    # L/R boundary, species
    n_flux = np.zeros(2)
    pos_old[:, :] = pos
    pos[0, :] += vel[0, :] * DT
    pos[1, :] += vel[1, :] * DT
    pos[2, :] += vel[2, :] * DT
    if particle_periodic == 1:
        for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):           
            if pos[0, ii] > xmax:
                pos[0, ii] += xmin - xmax
                n_flux[1] += 1
            elif pos[0, ii] < xmin:
                pos[0, ii] += xmax - xmin  
                n_flux[0] += 1
        # Disable loop: Remove particles that leave the simulation space
        n_deleted = 0
        for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):
            if (pos[0, ii] < xmin or pos[0, ii] > xmax):
                pos[:, ii] *= 0.0
                vel[:, ii] *= 0.0
                idx[ii]     = -1
                n_deleted  += 1
        # Check number of spare particles
        num_spare = (idx < 0).sum()
        if num_spare < 2 * nsp_ppc.sum():
            print('WARNING :: Less than two cells worth of spare particles remaining.')
            if num_spare == 0:
                print('WARNING :: No space particles remaining. Exiting simulation.')
                raise IndexError
        acc = 0; n_created = 0
        for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):
            # If particle goes from cell 1 to cell 2
            if (pos_old[0, ii] < xmin + dx):
                if (pos[0, ii] >= xmin + dx) and (pos[0, ii] <= xmin + 2*dx):
                    # Find first negative idx to initialize as new particle
                    for kk in nb.prange(acc, pos.shape[1]):
                        if idx[kk] < 0:
                            acc = kk + 1
                    # Create new particle with pos_old, vel of this particle
                    pos[0, kk] = pos[0, ii] - dx
                    pos[1, kk] = pos[1, ii]
                    pos[2, kk] = pos[2, ii]
                    vel[:, kk] = vel[:, ii]
                    idx[kk]    = idx[ii]
                    n_created += 1
            # If particle goes from cell NX to cell NX - 1
            elif (pos_old[0, ii] > xmax - dx):
                if (pos[0, ii] <= xmax - dx) and (pos[0, ii] > xmax - 2*dx):
                    # Find first negative idx to initialize as new particle
                    for kk in nb.prange(acc, pos.shape[1]):
                        if idx[kk] < 0:
                            acc = kk + 1
                    # Create new particle with pos_old, vel of this particle
                    pos[0, kk] = pos[0, ii] + dx
                    pos[1, kk] = pos[1, ii]
                    pos[2, kk] = pos[2, ii]
                    vel[:, kk] = vel[:, ii]
                    idx[kk]    = idx[ii]
                    n_created += 1
    #print(n_created, 'created  ;  ', n_deleted, 'deleted')
    assign_weighting_TSC(pos, idx, Ie, W_elec)
Example #5
def position_update(pos, vel, idx, pos_old, DT, Ie, W_elec):
    Updates the position of the particles using x = x0 + vt. 
    Also updates particle nearest node and weighting.

        pos    -- Particle position array (Also output) 
        vel    -- Particle velocity array (Also output for reflection)
        idx    -- Particle index    array (Also output for reflection)
        DT     -- Simulation time step
        Ie     -- Particle leftmost to nearest node array (Also output)
        W_elec -- Particle weighting array (Also output)
    Note: This function also controls what happens when a particle leaves the 
    simulation boundary.
    NOTE :: Check the > < and >= <= equal positions when more awake, just make sure
            they're right (not under or over triggering the condition)
    acc is an array accumulator that should prevent starting the search from the 
    beginning of the array each time a particle needs to be reinitialized
    Is it super inefficient to do two loops for the disable/enable bit? Or worse
    to have arrays all jumbled and array access all horrible? Is there a more
    efficient way to code it?
    To Do: Code with one loop, same acc, etc. Assume that there is enough 
    disabled particles to fulfill the needs for a single timestep (especially
    since all the 'spare' particles are at the end. Spare particles should only
    then be accessed when there was not sufficient numbers of 'normal' particles
    in domain, or they were accessed out of order. Might save a bit of time. But
    also need to check it against the 2-loop version.
    IDEA: Instead of searching for negative indices, assume all negatives are at 
    end of array. Sort arrays every X timesteps so 'disabled' particles are always
    at end.
    OR: Generate array of disabled indices at each timestep and call that instead of
    searching each time.
    pos_old[:, :] = pos

    pos[0, :] += vel[0, :] * DT
    pos[1, :] += vel[1, :] * DT
    pos[2, :] += vel[2, :] * DT

    if particle_periodic == 1:
        for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):
            if pos[0, ii] > xmax:
                pos[0, ii] += xmin - xmax
            elif pos[0, ii] < xmin:
                pos[0, ii] += xmax - xmin
        # Disable loop: Remove particles that leave the simulation space
        n_deleted = 0
        for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):
            if (pos[0, ii] < xmin or pos[0, ii] > xmax):
                pos[:, ii] *= 0.0
                vel[:, ii] *= 0.0
                idx[ii] = -1
                n_deleted += 1

        # Check number of spare particles
        num_spare = (idx < 0).sum()
        if num_spare < 2 * nsp_ppc.sum():
                'WARNING :: Less than two cells worth of spare particles remaining.'
            if num_spare == 0:
                    'WARNING :: No space particles remaining. Exiting simulation.'
                raise IndexError

        acc = 0
        n_created = 0
        for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):
            # If particle goes from cell 1 to cell 2
            if (pos_old[0, ii] < xmin + dx):
                if (pos[0, ii] >= xmin + dx) and (pos[0, ii] <= xmin + 2 * dx):

                    # Find first negative idx to initialize as new particle
                    for kk in nb.prange(acc, pos.shape[1]):
                        if idx[kk] < 0:
                            acc = kk + 1

                    # Create new particle with pos_old, vel of this particle
                    pos[0, kk] = pos[0, ii] - dx
                    pos[1, kk] = pos[1, ii]
                    pos[2, kk] = pos[2, ii]
                    vel[:, kk] = vel[:, ii]
                    idx[kk] = idx[ii]
                    n_created += 1

            # If particle goes from cell NX to cell NX - 1
            elif (pos_old[0, ii] > xmax - dx):
                if (pos[0, ii] <= xmax - dx) and (pos[0, ii] > xmax - 2 * dx):

                    # Find first negative idx to initialize as new particle
                    for kk in nb.prange(acc, pos.shape[1]):
                        if idx[kk] < 0:
                            acc = kk + 1

                    # Create new particle with pos_old, vel of this particle
                    pos[0, kk] = pos[0, ii] + dx
                    pos[1, kk] = pos[1, ii]
                    pos[2, kk] = pos[2, ii]
                    vel[:, kk] = vel[:, ii]
                    idx[kk] = idx[ii]
                    n_created += 1

    #print(n_created, 'created  ;  ', n_deleted, 'deleted')
    assign_weighting_TSC(pos, idx, Ie, W_elec)