Example #1
    def _define_fixed_operators(self):
        N1 = self.N1
        N2 = self.N2

        self.I = tensor([ops.identity(N1), ops.identity(N2)])
        self.a1 = tensor([ops.destroy(N1), ops.identity(N2)])
        self.a1_dag = tensor([ops.create(N1), ops.identity(N2)])
        self.a2 = tensor([ops.identity(N1), ops.destroy(N2)])
        self.a2_dag = tensor([ops.identity(N1), ops.create(N2)])
        self.q1 = tensor([ops.position(N1), ops.identity(N2)])
        self.p1 = tensor([ops.momentum(N1), ops.identity(N2)])
        self.n1 = tensor([ops.num(N1), ops.identity(N2)])
        self.q2 = tensor([ops.identity(N1), ops.position(N2)])
        self.p2 = tensor([ops.identity(N1), ops.momentum(N2)])
        self.n2 = tensor([ops.identity(N1), ops.num(N2)])
        self.parity1 = tensor([ops.parity(N1), ops.identity(N2)])
        self.parity2 = tensor([ops.identity(N1), ops.parity(N2)])

        tensor_with = [None, ops.identity(N2)]
        self.translate1 = ops.TranslationOperator(N1, tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.displace1 = lambda a: self.translate1(sqrt(2) * a)
        self.rotate1 = ops.RotationOperator(N1, tensor_with=tensor_with)

        tensor_with = [ops.identity(N1), None]
        self.translate2 = ops.TranslationOperator(N2, tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.displace2 = lambda a: self.translate2(sqrt(2) * a)
        self.rotate2 = ops.RotationOperator(N2, tensor_with=tensor_with)
Example #2
def create_displaced_parity_tf(alphas, N_large=100, N=7):
    from simulator import operators as ops

    D = ops.DisplacementOperator(N_large)
    P = ops.parity(N_large)

    displaced_parity = matmul(matmul(D(alphas), P), D(-alphas))
    # Convert to lower-dimentional Hilbert space; shape=[N_alpha,N,N]
    displaced_parity = displaced_parity[:, :N, :N]

    displaced_parity_re = real(displaced_parity)
    displaced_parity_im = imag(displaced_parity)
    return (displaced_parity_re, displaced_parity_im)
Example #3
def create_displaced_parity_tf():
    from simulator import operators as ops
    N_large = 100 # dimension used to compute the tomography matrix
    D = ops.DisplacementOperator(N_large)
    P = ops.parity(N_large)

    displaced_parity = matmul(matmul(D(grid_flat), P), D(-grid_flat))
    # Convert to lower-dimentional Hilbert space; shape=[N_alpha,N,N]
    displaced_parity = displaced_parity[:,:N,:N] 
    displaced_parity_re = real(displaced_parity)
    displaced_parity_im = imag(displaced_parity)
    return (displaced_parity_re, displaced_parity_im)
Example #4
    def _define_fixed_operators(self):
        N = self.N
        self.I = ops.identity(N)
        self.a = ops.destroy(N)
        self.a_dag = ops.create(N)
        self.q = ops.position(N)
        self.p = ops.momentum(N)
        self.n = ops.num(N)
        self.parity = ops.parity(N)
        self.phase = ops.Phase()

        self.rotate = ops.RotationOperator(N)
        self.translate = ops.TranslationOperator(N)
        self.displace = lambda a: self.translate(sqrt(2) * a)
        self.SNAP = ops.SNAP(N)
Example #5
    def _define_fixed_operators(self):
        N = self.N
        N_large = self._N_large
        self.I = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.identity(N)])
        self.a = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.destroy(N)])
        self.a_dag = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.create(N)])
        self.q = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.position(N)])
        self.p = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.momentum(N)])
        self.n = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.num(N)])
        self.parity = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.parity(N)])

        self.sx = tensor([ops.sigma_x(), ops.identity(N)])
        self.sy = tensor([ops.sigma_y(), ops.identity(N)])
        self.sz = tensor([ops.sigma_z(), ops.identity(N)])
        self.sm = tensor([ops.sigma_m(), ops.identity(N)])

        tensor_with = [ops.identity(2), None]
        self.phase = ops.Phase()
        self.translate = ops.TranslationOperator(N, tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.displace = lambda a: self.translate(sqrt(2) * a)
        self.rotate = ops.RotationOperator(N, tensor_with=tensor_with)

        # displacement operators with larger intermediate hilbert space used for tomography
        self.translate_large = lambda a: tensor(
            [ops.identity(2), ops.TranslationOperator(N_large)(a)[:, :N, :N]]
        self.displace_large = lambda a: self.translate_large(sqrt(2) * a)
        self.displaced_parity_large = lambda a: tf.linalg.matmul(
            tf.linalg.matmul(self.displace_large(a), self.parity),

        tensor_with = [None, ops.identity(N)]
        self.rotate_qb_xy = ops.QubitRotationXY(tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.rotate_qb_z = ops.QubitRotationZ(tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.rxp = self.rotate_qb_xy(tf.constant(pi / 2), tf.constant(0))
        self.rxm = self.rotate_qb_xy(tf.constant(-pi / 2), tf.constant(0))

        # qubit sigma_z measurement projector
        self.P = {i: tensor([ops.projector(i, 2), ops.identity(N)]) for i in [0, 1]}

        self.sx_selective = tensor([ops.sigma_x(), ops.projector(0, N)]) + tensor(
            [ops.identity(2), ops.identity(N) - ops.projector(0, N)]
Example #6
    def _define_fixed_operators(self):
        N = self.N
        self.I = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.identity(N)])
        self.a = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.destroy(N)])
        self.a_dag = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.create(N)])
        self.q = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.position(N)])
        self.p = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.momentum(N)])
        self.n = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.num(N)])
        self.parity = tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.parity(N)])

        self.sx = tensor([ops.sigma_x(), ops.identity(N)])
        self.sy = tensor([ops.sigma_y(), ops.identity(N)])
        self.sz = tensor([ops.sigma_z(), ops.identity(N)])
        self.sm = tensor([ops.sigma_m(), ops.identity(N)])
        self.hadamard = tensor([ops.hadamard(), ops.identity(N)])

        tensor_with = [ops.identity(2), None]
        self.phase = ops.Phase()
        self.translate = ops.TranslationOperator(N, tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.displace = lambda a: self.translate(sqrt(2) * a)
        self.rotate = ops.RotationOperator(N, tensor_with=tensor_with)

        self.SNAP = ops.SNAP(N, tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.SNAP_miscalibrated = ops.SNAPv3(N, chi=1e6, pulse_len=3.4e-6)

        tensor_with = [None, ops.identity(N)]
        self.rotate_qb_xy = ops.QubitRotationXY(tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.rotate_qb_z = ops.QubitRotationZ(tensor_with=tensor_with)
        self.rxp = self.rotate_qb_xy(tf.constant(pi / 2), tf.constant(0))
        self.rxm = self.rotate_qb_xy(tf.constant(-pi / 2), tf.constant(0))

        # qubit sigma_z measurement projector
        self.P = {
            i: tensor([ops.projector(i, 2),
            for i in [0, 1]

        self.sx_selective = tensor([ops.sigma_x(), ops.projector(0, N)]) + \
            tensor([ops.identity(2), ops.identity(N)-ops.projector(0, N)])
Example #7

background, norm, wigner_corrected, max_val = {}, {}, {}, {}
for s in ['g', 'e', 'avg']:
    # the integral in phase space is supposed to be 1
    background[s] = background_diff(wigner[s])
    norm[s] = np.sum(wigner[s] - background[s]) * A
    wigner_corrected[s] = (wigner[s] - background[s]) / norm[s]
    max_val[s] = np.max(np.abs(wigner_corrected[s]) / scale)

# Now find target Wigner
N = 100
fock = 4
state = utils.basis(fock, N)
D = operators.DisplacementOperator(N)
P = operators.parity(N)

x = tf.constant(xs, dtype=c64)
y = tf.constant(ys, dtype=c64)
one = tf.constant([1] * len(y), dtype=c64)
onej = tf.constant([1j] * len(x), dtype=c64)
grid = tf.tensordot(x, one, axes=0) + tf.tensordot(onej, y, axes=0)
grid_flat = tf.reshape(grid, [-1])

state = tf.broadcast_to(state, [grid_flat.shape[0], state.shape[1]])
state_translated = tf.linalg.matvec(D(-grid_flat), state)
W = scale * utils.expectation(state_translated, P, reduce_batch=False)
W_grid = tf.reshape(W, grid.shape)
wigner_target = W_grid.numpy().real

# Fidelity and purity
Example #8

N = 40  # Hilbert space truncation

state = basis(2, N)
target_state = normalize(basis(2, N) + 1 / 4 * basis(1, N))[0]

window_size = 12
alpha_samples = 100
msmt_samples = 1


T = ops.TranslationOperator(N)
parity = ops.parity(N)

F_true = float(tf.math.real(batch_dot(state, target_state))**2)
print('True overlap fidelity: %.5f' % F_true)

def phase_estimation(psi, U, angle, sample=False):
    I = ops.identity(N)
    angle = tf.cast(tf.reshape(angle, angle.shape + [1, 1]), c64)
    phase = tf.math.exp(1j * angle)
    Kraus = {}
    Kraus[0] = 1 / 2 * (I + phase * U)
    Kraus[1] = 1 / 2 * (I - phase * U)
    return measurement(psi, Kraus, sample)