Example #1
class Scoreboard(object):
    """ Fixed-length sequence of high scores in nondecreasing order."""
    def __init__(self, capacity=10):
        """ Initialize scoreboard with given maximum capacity."""
        self._board = SinglyLinkedList()
        self._cap = capacity

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._board)

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        """ Return entry index k."""
        if k == 0:
            return self._board.head()
        if k == len(self) - 1:
            return self._board.tail()
        if k > len(self) - 1 or k < 0:
            raise IndexError('Index is out of range')
            walk = self._board._head
            for _ in range(k):
                walk = walk._next
            return walk._element

    def add(self, entry):
        """ Consider adding entry to high scores."""
        score = entry.get_score()
        # insert first element
        if len(self) == 0:
        good = score > self._board.head().get_score() or len(self) < self._cap
        if good:
            # insert an element to self._board
            prev = walk = self._board._head
            while walk is not None:
                if walk._element.get_score() > score:
                    prev = walk
                    walk = walk._next
            prev._next = self._board._Node(entry, walk)
            self._board._size += 1
            if walk is None:
                self._board._tail = prev._next
            # make the lenght of self._board to capacity
            if len(self) > self._cap:

    def __repr__(self):
        """ String representation of the scoreboard."""
        s = ''
        walk = self._board._head
        while walk is not None:
            s += str(walk._element.get_score()) + ','
            walk = walk._next
        return s[:-1]
def merge(left, right):
    Merges two linked lists, sorting by data in nodes
    Returns a new, merged list
    Runs in O(n) time

    # Create a new linked list that contains nodes from
    # merging left and right
    merged = SinglyLinkedList()

    # Add a fake head that is discarded later

    # Set current to the head of the linked list
    current = merged.head

    # Obtain head nodes for left and right linked lists
    left_head = left.head
    right_head = right.head

    # Iterate over left and right until we reach the tail node
    # of either
    while left_head or right_head:
        # If the head node of left is None, we're past the tail
        # Add the node from right to merged linked list
        if left_head is None:
            current.next_node = right_head
            # Call next on right to set loop condition to False
            right_head = right_head.next_node
        # If the head node of right is None, we're past the tail
        # Add the tail node from left to merged linked list
        elif right_head is None:
            current.next_node = left_head
            # Call next on left to set loop condition to False
            left_head = left_head.next_node
            # Not at either tail node
            # Obtain node data to perform comparison operations
            left_data = left_head.data
            right_data = right_head.data
            # If data on left is less than right, set current to left node
            if left_data < right_data:
                current.next_node = left_head
                # Move left head to next node
                left_head = left_head.next_node
            # If data on left is greater than right, set current to right node
                current.next_node = right_head
                # Move right head to next node
                right_head = right_head.next_node
        # Move current to next node
        current = current.next_node

    # Discard fake head and set first merged node as head
    head = merged.head.next_node
    merged.head = head

    return merged
Example #3
class LeakyStack(object):
    """ Implementation of a leaky stack based on singly linked list.

    When push is invoked with the stack at full capacity, accept the pushed
    element at the top while “leaking” the oldest element from the bottom of
    the stack to make room.
    def __init__(self, maxlen):
        super(LeakyStack, self).__init__()
        self._maxlen = maxlen
        self._data = SinglyLinkedList()
        self._size = 0

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of elements in the stack."""
        return self._size

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if the stack is empty."""
        return self._size == 0

    def push(self, e):
        """Add element e to the top of the stack.

        When stack is full, drop the bottom element to make room for new
        if self._size < self._maxlen:
            self._size += 1
        elif self._size <= len(self._data) // 2:

    def _resize(self):
        """ Delete the elements that not in the stack."""

    def pop(self):
        """Remove and return the element from the top of the stack (i.e.,
        Raise Empty exception if the stack is empty.
        if self.is_empty():
            raise Empty('Leaky stack is empty!')
        rlt = self._data.remove_first()
        self._size -= 1
        return rlt

    def top(self):
        """ Return (but do not remove) the element at the top of the stack.
        Raise Empty exception if the stack is empty.
        if self.is_empty():
            raise Empty('Leaky stack is empty!')
        return self._data.head()
def split(linked_list):
    Divide the unsorted list at midpoint into sublists
    Takes O(k log n) time

    if linked_list == None or linked_list.head == None:
        left_half = linked_list
        right_half = None

        return left_half, right_half
        size = linked_list.size()
        mid = size // 2

        mid_node = linked_list.node_at_index(mid - 1)

        left_half = linked_list
        right_half = SinglyLinkedList()
        right_half.head = mid_node.next_node
        mid_node.next_node = None

        return left_half, right_half
Example #5
        current.next = previous
        previous = current
        current = next

    return previous

def reverse_linked_list_recursive(head):

    if head.next is None:
        return head

    temp = reverse_linked_list_recursive(head.next)
    head.next.next = head
    head.next = None

    return temp

if __name__ == '__main__':

    lst = SinglyLinkedList()
    lst.head = reverse_linked_list(lst.head)
    lst.head = reverse_linked_list_recursive(lst.head)
