def pytest_configure(config): webengine_arg = config.getoption('--qute-bdd-webengine') webengine_env = os.environ.get('QUTE_BDD_WEBENGINE', '') config.webengine = bool(webengine_arg or webengine_env) # Fail early if QtWebEngine is not available # pylint: disable=unused-variable if config.webengine: import PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets try: # Added in sip 4.19.4 sip.enableoverflowchecking(True) except AttributeError: pass
def configure_pyqt(): """Remove the PyQt input hook and enable overflow checking. Doing this means we can't use the interactive shell anymore (which we don't anyways), but we can use pdb instead. """ from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtRemoveInputHook pyqtRemoveInputHook() import sip try: # Added in sip 4.19.4 sip.enableoverflowchecking(True) except AttributeError: pass