class cmd_copy_password_clipboard(Command): """Copy a devices password to the clipboard.""" connected = True aliases = ['cc'] arguments = [ Argument( 'device', help= 'The device to search for, can include an optional [username@].'), ] options = [ Option( 'search-all', 'a', take_argument=False, help= 'Search all attributes and networks (default is to only search devices names).' ), Option('regexp', 'r', take_argument=False, help='Use regexp search, slower (automatically used with -a).'), ] def run(self, device, search_all=False, regexp=False): if search_all: regexp = True cmdconnect.cmd_copy_password_clipboard(self.object_store, device, search_all, not regexp, return 0
class cmd_connect(Command): """SSH/RDP connection to a device.""" connected = True arguments = [ Argument( 'device', help= 'The device to connect to, can include an optional [username@].'), ] options = [ Option( 'search-all', 'a', take_argument=False, help= 'Search all attributes and networks (default is to only search devices names).' ), Option('console', '0', take_argument=False, help='Attach to console for rdp connections.'), Option('regexp', 'r', take_argument=False, help='Use regexp search, slower (automatically used with -a).'), ] def run(self, device, search_all=False, console=False, regexp=False): if search_all: regexp = True cmdconnect.cmd_connect(self.object_store, device, search_all, not regexp, console, return 0
class cmd_list(Command): """List devices.""" aliases = [] arguments = [ Argument('searchstring', help='Searchstring.'), ] options = [ Option( 'search-all', 'a', take_argument=False, help= 'Search all attributes and networks (default is to only search devices names).' ), Option('regexp', 'r', take_argument=False, help='Use regexp search, slower (automatically used with -a).'), Option('max-results', 'm', take_argument=True, help='Max returned results, default 500.'), ] def run(self, searchstring, **kw): search_all = kw.get('search_all', False) regexp = kw.get('regexp', False) max_results = kw.get('max_results', 500) attr_limit = [] if not search_all: attr_limit = ['name'] else: regexp = True devices = utils.search_device(self.object_store, searchstring, attr_limit, regexp, max_results) for device in devices: print('{device_name}'.format( device_name=device.attributes.get('name', '[UNNAMED]')))
class cmd_show_config_var(Command): """Display a siptrack config variable.""" connected = False hidden = True options = [ Option('section', 's', take_argument=True, help='Config section (default: DEFAULT).') ] arguments = [ Argument('variable', help='Config variable.'), ] def run(self, variable, section='DEFAULT'): print(, sections=[section])) return 0
class cmd_get_device_config(Command): """Get a device configuration.""" connected = True aliases = [] arguments = [ Argument('device_name', help='The device.'), Argument('config_name', help='Configuration name.'), ] options = [ Option( 'timestamp', 't', take_argument=True, help= 'Fetch config for a specific timestamp, otherwise fetches latest'), ] def run(self, device_name, config_name, timestamp=None): devices =, include=['device'], attr_limit=['name']) if len(devices) == 0: raise errors.SiptrackError('no devices matched') if len(devices) > 1: raise errors.SiptrackError('matched to many devices') device = devices[0] match = None for config in device.listChildren(include=['device config']): if == config_name: match = config break if not match: raise errors.SiptrackError( 'matched device but no config with that name found') if timestamp: res = config.getTimestampConfig(int(timestamp)) else: res = config.getLatestConfig() if res: res, _ = res if not res: raise errors.SiptrackError('no config data submitted') print(res) return 0
class cmd_list_tree(Command): """Show the whole object tree.""" options = [ Option('display-attributes', 'a', take_argument=False, help='Display attributes.') ] def run(self, display_attributes=False): self.view_tree.fetch(max_depth=-1) exclude = ['attribute'] if display_attributes: exclude = [] for depth, node in self.view_tree.traverse(exclude=exclude, include_depth=True): cprint('%s%s' % (depth * ' ', node.describe())) return 0
class cmd_gtkconnect(Command): """GTK SSH/RDP connection to a device.""" connected = False options = [ Option('daemonize', 'd', take_argument=False, help='Run this siptrack/gtkconnect instance in the background.') ] def run(self, daemonize=False): try: import pygtk except ImportError: raise errors.SiptrackError('pygtk >= 2.0 required') try: pygtk.require('2.0') except AssertionError: raise errors.SiptrackError('pygtk >= 2.0 required') import cmdgtkconnect cmdgtkconnect.cmd_gtkconnect(, daemonize) return 0
class cmd_grep(Command): """Find devices.""" aliases = ['rgrep', 'search'] arguments = [ Argument('searchstring', help='Searchstring.'), ] options = [ Option( 'password', 'p', take_argument=False, help= 'Display only first matched password.\n Enables using <user@>searchstring.' ), Option('show-hidden', 'H', take_argument=False, help='Show hidden settings.'), Option( 'search-all', 'a', take_argument=False, help= 'Search all attributes and networks (default is to only search devices names).' ), Option('regexp', 'r', take_argument=False, help='Use regexp search, slower (automatically used with -a).'), Option('max-results', 'm', take_argument=True, help='Max returned results, default 500.'), ] def _displayAttributes(self, device, show_hidden): if len(device.attributes) > 0: for attr in device.attributes: if not show_hidden and attr.attributes.get('hidden', False) is True: continue if attr.atype == 'text' and len(attr.value.strip()) == 0: continue cprint('%-20s %s' % ( + ':', attr.value)) print def _displayNetworks(self, device): networks = [ str(network) for network in device.listNetworks(include_ranges=False, include_interfaces=True) ] if len(networks) > 0: cprint('IP-addresses:') cprint(' %s' % (' '.join(networks))) print def _calcPasswordColumnWidths(self, passwords): l_username = 20 l_description = 20 l_password = 30 for password in passwords: if len(password.attributes.get('username', '')) > l_username: l_username = len(password.attributes.get('username')) if len(password.attributes.get('description', '')) > l_description: l_description = len(password.attributes.get('description')) if len(password.password) > l_password: l_password = len(password.password) return l_username, l_description, l_password def _displayPasswords(self, device): passwords = list(device.listChildren(include=['password'])) if len(passwords) > 0: l_username, l_description, l_password = self._calcPasswordColumnWidths( passwords) sep_str = ' +%s+%s+%s+' % ('-' * l_username, '-' * l_description, '-' * l_password) out_str_fmt = ' |%%-%ds|%%-%ds|%%-%ds|' % ( l_username, l_description, l_password) print('Passwords:') print(sep_str) print(out_str_fmt % ('username', 'description', 'password')) print(sep_str) for password in passwords: print(out_str_fmt % (password.attributes.get( 'username', ''), password.attributes.get( 'description', ''), password.password)) print(sep_str) print() def _displayUserPassword(self, username, device): passwords = list(device.listChildren(include=['password'])) if not username and len(passwords) > 1: raise errors.SiptrackError('matched to many passwords') for password in passwords: if password.attributes.get('username') == username: print(password.password) break def _displayAssociatedDevices(self, device): assoc_devices = device.listAssociations(include=['device']) assoc_devices += device.listReferences(include=['device']) if len(assoc_devices) > 0: cprint('Associated devices:') for node in assoc_devices: node_path = [] cur = node while cur.class_name == 'device': node_path.insert(0, cur) cur = cur.parent names = [ n.attributes.get('name', 'UNKNOWN') for n in node_path ] cprint( ' %15s: %s' % (node.attributes.get('class', ' - '), ' / '.join(names))) print() def _displayDisabled(self, device): if device.attributes.get('disabled', False) is True: cprint('THIS DEVICE IS CURRENTLY DISABLED') def run(self, searchstring, password=False, show_hidden=False, search_all=False, regexp=False, max_results=500): self.transport.cmd.setSessionTimeout(60 * 60) # One hour. if search_all: regexp = True attr_limit = [] if not search_all: attr_limit = ['name'] username = None if password: if '@' in searchstring: username, searchstring = searchstring.split('@', 1) devices = utils.search_device(self.object_store, searchstring, attr_limit, not regexp, max_results) if password: if len(devices) == 0: raise errors.SiptrackError('no devices matched') if len(devices) > 1: raise errors.SiptrackError('matched to many devices') device = devices[0] self._displayUserPassword(username, device) else: device = utils.select_device_from_list(devices) self._displayDisabled(device) self._displayAttributes(device, show_hidden) self._displayNetworks(device) self._displayAssociatedDevices(device) self._displayPasswords(device)