Example #1
def test_solve1():
    a = np.random.rand(10, 10)
    b = np.random.rand(10, 10)
    xs = sl.solve(a, b)
    x = solve(a, b)
    assert np.allclose(xs, x)
Example #2
                def _calc_green(k, no, tile, idx0):
                    Gf, A2 = SE(E, k, dtype=dtype, bulk=True) # A1 == Gf, because of memory usage
                    tY = M1Sk(k, dtype=dtype, format='array') # S
                    tX = M1Pk(k, dtype=dtype, format='array') # H
                    B = tY * E - tX
                    # C = _conj(tY.T) * E - _conj(tX.T)

                    tY = solve(Gf, conjugate(tY.T) * E - conjugate(tX.T), True, True)
                    Gf = inv(A2 - dot(B, tY), True)
                    tX = solve(A2, B, True, True)

                    G = empty([tile, no, tile, no], dtype=dtype)
                    G[idx0, :, idx0, :] = Gf.reshape(1, no, no)
                    for i in range(1, tile):
                        G[idx0[i:], :, idx0[:-i], :] = - dot(tX, G[i-1, :, 0, :]).reshape(1, no, no)
                        G[idx0[:-i], :, idx0[i:], :] = - dot(tY, G[0, :, i-1, :]).reshape(1, no, no)
                    return G.reshape(tile * no, -1)
Example #3
                def _calc_green(k, no, tile, idx0):
                    # Calculate left/right self-energies
                    Gf, A2 = SE(E, k, dtype=dtype, bulk=True) # A1 == Gf, because of memory usage
                    B = - M1Pk(k, dtype=dtype, format='array')
                    # C = conjugate(B.T)

                    tY = solve(Gf, conjugate(B.T), True, True)
                    Gf = inv(A2 - dot(B, tY), True)
                    tX = solve(A2, B, True, True)

                    # Since this is the pristine case, we know that
                    # G11 and G22 are the same:
                    #  G = [A1 - C.tX]^-1 == [A2 - B.tY]^-1

                    G = empty([tile, no, tile, no], dtype=dtype)
                    G[idx0, :, idx0, :] = Gf.reshape(1, no, no)
                    for i in range(1, tile):
                        G[idx0[i:], :, idx0[:-i], :] = - dot(tX, G[i-1, :, 0, :]).reshape(1, no, no)
                        G[idx0[:-i], :, idx0[i:], :] = - dot(tY, G[0, :, i-1, :]).reshape(1, no, no)
                    return G.reshape(tile * no, -1)
Example #4
def test_solve2():
    a = np.random.rand(10, 10)
    ac = a.copy()
    b = np.random.rand(10)
    bc = b.copy()
    xs = sl.solve(a, b)
    x = solve(a, b)
    assert np.allclose(xs, x)
    assert x.shape == (10, )
    assert np.allclose(a, ac)
    assert np.allclose(b, bc)
Example #5
    def solve_lagrange(self):
        r""" Calculate the coefficients according to Pulay's method, return everything + Lagrange multiplier """
        hist = self.history
        n_h = len(hist)
        metric = self._metric

        if n_h == 0:
            # Externally the coefficients should reflect the weight per previous iteration.
            # The mixing weight is an additional parameter
            return _a.arrayd([1.]), 100.
        elif n_h == 1:
            return _a.arrayd([1.]), metric(hist[0][-1], hist[0][-1])

        # Initialize the matrix to be solved against
        B = _a.emptyd([n_h + 1, n_h + 1])

        # Fill matrix B
        for i in range(n_h):
            ei = hist[i][-1]
            B[i, i] = metric(ei, ei)
            for j in range(i + 1, n_h):
                ej = hist[j][-1]

                B[i, j] = metric(ei, ej)
                B[j, i] = B[i, j]
        B[:, n_h] = 1.
        B[n_h, :] = 1.
        B[n_h, n_h] = 0.

        # Although B contains 1 and a number on the order of
        # number of elements (self._hist.size), it seems very
        # numerically stable.

        # Create RHS
        RHS = _a.zerosd(n_h + 1)
        RHS[-1] = 1

            # Apparently we cannot use assume_a='sym'
            # Is this because sym also implies positive definitiness?
            # However, these are matrices of order ~30, so we don't care
            c = solve(B, RHS)
            return c[:-1], -c[-1]
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
            # We have a LinalgError
            return _a.arrayd([1.]), metric(hist[-1][-1], hist[-1][-1])
Example #6
    def self_energy_lr(self, E, k=None, dtype=None, eps=1e-14, bulk=False):
        r""" Return two dense matrices with the left/right self-energy at energy `E` and k-point `k` (default Gamma).

        Note calculating the LR self-energies simultaneously requires that their chemical potentials are the same.
        I.e. only when the reference energy is equivalent in the left/right schemes does this make sense.

        E : float/complex
          energy at which the calculation will take place, if complex, the hosting ``eta`` won't be used.
        k : array_like, optional
          k-point at which the self-energy should be evaluated.
          the k-point should be in units of the reciprocal lattice vectors, and
          the semi-infinite component will be automatically set to zero.
        dtype : numpy.dtype, optional
          the resulting data type, default to ``np.complex128``
        eps : float, optional
          convergence criteria for the recursion
        bulk : bool, optional
          if true, :math:`E\cdot \mathbf S - \mathbf H -\boldsymbol\Sigma` is returned, else
          :math:`\boldsymbol\Sigma` is returned (default).

        left : the left self-energy
        right : the right self-energy
        if E.imag == 0.:
            E = E.real + 1j * self.eta

        # Get k-point
        k = self._correct_k(k)

        if dtype is None:
            dtype = complex128

        sp0 = self.spgeom0
        sp1 = self.spgeom1

        # As the SparseGeometry inherently works for
        # orthogonal and non-orthogonal basis, there is no
        # need to have two algorithms.
        SmH0 = sp0.Sk(k, dtype=dtype, format='array') * E - sp0.Pk(k, dtype=dtype, format='array')
        GB = SmH0.copy()
        n = GB.shape[0]

        ab = empty([n, 2, n], dtype=dtype)
        shape = ab.shape

        # Get direct arrays
        alpha = ab[:, 0, :].view()
        beta = ab[:, 1, :].view()

        # Get solve step arary
        ab2 = ab.view()
        ab2.shape = (n, 2 * n)

        if sp1.orthogonal:
            alpha[:, :] = sp1.Pk(k, dtype=dtype, format='array')
            beta[:, :] = conjugate(alpha.T)
            P = sp1.Pk(k, dtype=dtype, format='array')
            S = sp1.Sk(k, dtype=dtype, format='array')
            alpha[:, :] = P - S * E
            beta[:, :] = conjugate(P.T) - conjugate(S.T) * E
            del P, S

        # Surface Green function (self-energy)
        if bulk:
            GS = GB.copy()
            GS = zeros_like(GB)

        # Specifying dot with 'out' argument should be faster
        tmp = empty_like(GS)
        while True:
            tab = solve(GB, ab2).reshape(shape)

            dot(alpha, tab[:, 1, :], tmp)
            # Update bulk Green function
            subtract(GB, tmp, out=GB)
            subtract(GB, dot(beta, tab[:, 0, :]), out=GB)
            # Update surface self-energy
            GS -= tmp

            # Update forward/backward
            alpha[:, :] = dot(alpha, tab[:, 0, :])
            beta[:, :] = dot(beta, tab[:, 1, :])

            # Convergence criteria, it could be stricter
            if _abs(alpha).max() < eps:
                # Return the pristine Green function
                del ab, alpha, beta, ab2, tab
                if self.semi_inf_dir == 1:
                    # GS is the "right" self-energy
                    if bulk:
                        return GB - GS + SmH0, GS
                    return GS - GB + SmH0, - GS
                # GS is the "left" self-energy
                if bulk:
                    return GS, GB - GS + SmH0
                return - GS, GS - GB + SmH0

        raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__+': could not converge self-energy (LR) calculation')
Example #7
def test_solve1():
    a = np.random.rand(10, 10)
    b = np.random.rand(10, 10)
    xs = sl.solve(a, b)
    x = solve(a, b)
    assert np.allclose(xs, x)
Example #8
def test_solve3():
    a = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    b = np.random.rand(10)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        solve(a, b)
Example #9
def test_solve3():
    a = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    b = np.random.rand(10)
    solve(a, b)
Example #10
def test_solve3():
    a = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    b = np.random.rand(10)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        solve(a, b)