Example #1
    def read_grid(self, name='gridfunc', idx=0, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Reads a grid in the current SIESTA.grid.nc file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by SIESTA
        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        sc = self.read_sc().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(self._dimension('n1'))
        ny = len(self._dimension('n2'))
        nz = len(self._dimension('n3'))

        if name is None:
            v = self._variable('gridfunc')
            v = self._variable(name)

        # Create the grid, SIESTA uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.Periodic, sc=sc,

        if len(v[:].shape) == 3:
            grid.grid = v[:, :, :]
            grid.grid = v[idx, :, :, :]

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        return grid.swapaxes(0, 2)
Example #2
    def read_grid(self, name='gridfunc', idx=0, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Reads a grid in the current SIESTA.grid.nc file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by SIESTA
        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        sc = self.read_supercell().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(self._dimension('n1'))
        ny = len(self._dimension('n2'))
        nz = len(self._dimension('n3'))

        if name is None:
            v = self._variable('gridfunc')
            v = self._variable(name)

        # Create the grid, SIESTA uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.Periodic, sc=sc,

        if len(v.shape) == 3:
            grid.grid[:, :, :] = v[:, :, :]
            grid.grid[:, :, :] = v[idx, :, :, :]

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        return grid.swapaxes(0, 2)
Example #3
    def read_grid(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Reads the TranSiesta potential input grid """
        # Create the grid
        na = len(self._dimension('a'))
        nb = len(self._dimension('b'))
        nc = len(self._dimension('c'))

        v = self._variable('V')

        # Create the grid, Siesta uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nc, nb, na], bc=Grid.PERIODIC, dtype=v.dtype)

        grid.grid[:, :, :] = v[:, :, :] / eV2Ry

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        return grid.swapaxes(0, 2)
Example #4
    def read_grid(self, name, idx=0):
        """ Reads a grid in the current SIESTA.nc file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by SIESTA
        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        geom = self.read_geom().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Shorthand
        g = self.groups['GRID']

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(g.dimensions['nx'])
        ny = len(g.dimensions['ny'])
        nz = len(g.dimensions['nz'])

        # Shorthand variable name
        v = g.variables[name]

        # Create the grid, SIESTA uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.Periodic, dtype=v.dtype)

        if len(v[:].shape) == 3:
            grid.grid = v[:, :, :]
            grid.grid = v[idx, :, :, :]

            u = v.unit
            if u == 'Ry':
                # Convert to ev
                grid *= Ry2eV
            # Simply, we have no units

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        grid = grid.swapaxes(0, 2)

        return grid
Example #5
    def read_grid(self, name, idx=0):
        """ Reads a grid in the current SIESTA.nc file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by SIESTA
        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        geom = self.read_geom().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Shorthand
        g = self.groups['GRID']

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(g.dimensions['nx'])
        ny = len(g.dimensions['ny'])
        nz = len(g.dimensions['nz'])

        # Shorthand variable name
        v = g.variables[name]

        # Create the grid, SIESTA uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.Periodic, dtype=v.dtype)

        if len(v[:].shape) == 3:
            grid.grid = v[:, :, :]
            grid.grid = v[idx, :, :, :]

            u = v.unit
            if u == 'Ry':
                # Convert to ev
                grid *= Ry2eV
            # Simply, we have no units

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        grid = grid.swapaxes(0, 2)

        return grid
Example #6
    def read_grid(self, name, spin=0):
        """ Reads a grid in the current Siesta.nc file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by Siesta

        name : str
           name of the grid variable to read
        spin : int or array_like, optional
           the spin-index for retrieving one of the components. If a vector
           is passed it refers to the fraction per indexed component. I.e.
           ``[0.5, 0.5]`` will return sum of half the first two components.
           Default to the first component.
        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        geom = self.read_geometry().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Shorthand
        g = self.groups['GRID']

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(g.dimensions['nx'])
        ny = len(g.dimensions['ny'])
        nz = len(g.dimensions['nz'])

        # Shorthand variable name
        v = g.variables[name]

        # Create the grid, Siesta uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.PERIODIC, dtype=v.dtype)

        # Unit-conversion
        BohrC2AngC = Bohr2Ang**3

        unit = {
            'Rho': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoInit': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoTot': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoDelta': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoXC': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoBader': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'Chlocal': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
        }.get(name, 1.)

        if len(v[:].shape) == 3:
            grid.grid = v[:, :, :] * unit
        elif isinstance(spin, Integral):
            grid.grid = v[spin, :, :, :] * unit
            if len(spin) > v.shape[0]:
                raise SileError(
                    self.__class__.__name__ +
                    '.read_grid requires spin to be an integer or '
                    'an array of length equal to the number of spin components.'
            grid.grid[:, :, :] = v[0, :, :, :] * (spin[0] * unit)
            for i, scale in enumerate(spin[1:]):
                grid.grid[:, :, :] += v[1 + i, :, :, :] * (scale * unit)

            if v.unit == 'Ry':
                # Convert to ev
                grid *= Ry2eV
            # Allowed pass due to pythonic reading

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        grid = grid.swapaxes(0, 2)

        return grid
Example #7
    def read_grid(self, spin=0, name='gridfunc', *args, **kwargs):
        """ Reads a grid in the current Siesta.grid.nc file

        Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by Siesta

        spin : int or array_like, optional
            specify the retrieved values
        name : str, optional
            the name for the grid-function (do not supply for standard Siesta output)
        geometry: Geometry, optional
            add the Geometry to the Grid
        # Default to *index* variable
        spin = kwargs.get('index', spin)
        # Determine the name of this file
        f = osp.basename(self.file)

        # File names are made up of
        #  ElectrostaticPotential.grid.nc
        # So the first one should be ElectrostaticPotential
            # <>.grid.nc
            base = f.split('.')[-3]
            base = 'None'

        # Unit-conversion
        BohrC2AngC = Bohr2Ang**3

        unit = {
            'Rho': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'DeltaRho': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoXC': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'RhoInit': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'Chlocal': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'TotalCharge': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'BaderCharge': 1. / BohrC2AngC,
            'ElectrostaticPotential': Ry2eV,
            'TotalPotential': Ry2eV,
            'Vna': Ry2eV,
        }.get(base, None)

        # Fall-back
        if unit is None:
            unit = 1.
            show_info = True
            show_info = False

        # Swap as we swap back in the end
        sc = self.read_supercell().swapaxes(0, 2)

        # Create the grid
        nx = len(self._dimension('n1'))
        ny = len(self._dimension('n2'))
        nz = len(self._dimension('n3'))

        if name is None:
            v = self._variable('gridfunc')
            v = self._variable(name)

        # Create the grid, Siesta uses periodic, always
        grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx],
                    geometry=kwargs.get("geometry", None))

        if v.ndim == 3:
            grid.grid[:, :, :] = v[:, :, :] * unit
        elif isinstance(spin, Integral):
            grid.grid[:, :, :] = v[spin, :, :, :] * unit
            if len(spin) > v.shape[0]:
                raise SileError(
                    f"{self.__class__.__name__}.read_grid requires spin to be an integer or "
                    "an array of length equal to the number of spin components."
            grid.grid[:, :, :] = v[0, :, :, :] * spin[0] * unit
            for i, scale in enumerate(spin[1:]):
                grid.grid[:, :, :] += v[1 + i, :, :, :] * scale * unit
        if show_info:
                f"{self.__class__.__name__}.read_grid cannot determine the units of the grid. "
                "The units may not be in sisl units.")

        # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest
        # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2
        return grid.swapaxes(0, 2)
Example #8
class TestGrid(object):
    def setUp(self):
        alat = 1.42
        sq3h = 3.**.5 * 0.5
        self.sc = SuperCell(np.array(
            [[1.5, sq3h, 0.], [1.5, -sq3h, 0.], [0., 0., 10.]], np.float64) *
                            nsc=[3, 3, 1])
        self.g = Grid([10, 10, 100], sc=self.sc)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.sc
        del self.g

    def test_append(self):
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 0)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [20, 10, 100]))
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 1)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [10, 20, 100]))
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 2)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [10, 10, 200]))

    def test_size(self):
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.grid.shape, [10, 10, 100]))

    def test_item(self):
            np.allclose(self.g[1:2, 1:2, 2:3], self.g.grid[1:2, 1:2, 2:3]))

    def test_dcell(self):
        assert_true(np.all(self.g.dcell * self.g.cell >= 0))

    def test_dvol(self):
        assert_true(self.g.dvol > 0)

    def test_shape(self):
        assert_true(np.all(self.g.shape == self.g.grid.shape))

    def test_dtype(self):
        assert_true(self.g.dtype == self.g.grid.dtype)

    def test_copy(self):
        assert_true(self.g.copy() == self.g)

    def test_swapaxes(self):
        g = self.g.swapaxes(0, 1)
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.cell[0, :], g.cell[1, :]))
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.cell[1, :], g.cell[0, :]))

    def test_interp(self):
        shape = np.array(self.g.shape, np.int32)
        g = self.g.interp(shape * 2)
        g1 = g.interp(shape)
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.grid, g1.grid))

    def test_index1(self):
        mid = np.array(self.g.shape, np.int32) // 2
        idx = self.g.index(self.sc.center())
        print(mid, idx)
        assert_true(np.all(mid == idx))

    def test_sum(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sum(i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_mean(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.mean(i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_cross_section(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.cross_section(1, i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_remove_part(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.remove_part(1, i, above=True).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_sub_part(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub_part(1, i, above=False).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_sub(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub(1, i).shape[i] == 1)
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub([1, 2], i).shape[i] == 2)

    def test_remove(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.remove(1, i).shape[i] == self.g.shape[i] - 1)
        for i in range(3):
                self.g.remove([1, 2], i).shape[i] == self.g.shape[i] - 2)

    def test_argumentparser(self):
Example #9
class TestGrid(object):

    def setUp(self):
        alat = 1.42
        sq3h = 3.**.5 * 0.5
        self.sc = SuperCell(np.array([[1.5, sq3h, 0.],
                                      [1.5, -sq3h, 0.],
                                      [0., 0., 10.]], np.float64) * alat, nsc=[3, 3, 1])
        self.g = Grid([10, 10, 100], sc=self.sc)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.sc
        del self.g

    def test_append(self):
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 0)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [20, 10, 100]))
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 1)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [10, 20, 100]))
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 2)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [10, 10, 200]))

    def test_size(self):
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.grid.shape, [10, 10, 100]))
    def test_item(self):
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g[1:2, 1:2, 2:3], self.g.grid[1:2, 1:2, 2:3]))

    def test_dcell(self):
        assert_true(np.all(self.g.dcell*self.g.cell >= 0))

    def test_dvol(self):
        assert_true(self.g.dvol > 0)

    def test_shape(self):
        assert_true(np.all(self.g.shape == self.g.grid.shape))

    def test_dtype(self):
        assert_true(self.g.dtype == self.g.grid.dtype)

    def test_copy(self):
        assert_true(self.g.copy() == self.g)

    def test_swapaxes(self):
        g = self.g.swapaxes(0, 1)
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.cell[0,:], g.cell[1,:]))
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.cell[1,:], g.cell[0,:]))

    def test_interp(self):
        shape = np.array(self.g.shape, np.int32)
        g = self.g.interp(shape * 2)
        g1 = g.interp(shape)
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.grid, g1.grid))

    def test_index1(self):
        mid = np.array(self.g.shape, np.int32) // 2
        idx = self.g.index(self.sc.center())
        print(mid, idx)
        assert_true(np.all(mid == idx))

    def test_sum(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sum(i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_mean(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.mean(i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_cross_section(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.cross_section(1, i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_remove_part(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.remove_part(1, i, above=True).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_sub_part(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub_part(1, i, above=False).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_sub(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub(1, i).shape[i] == 1)
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub([1,2], i).shape[i] == 2)

    def test_remove(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.remove(1, i).shape[i] == self.g.shape[i]-1)
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.remove([1,2], i).shape[i] == self.g.shape[i]-2)

    def test_argumentparser(self):
Example #10
class TestGrid(object):
    def setUp(self):
        alat = 1.42
        sq3h = 3.**.5 * 0.5
        self.sc = SuperCell(np.array(
            [[1.5, sq3h, 0.], [1.5, -sq3h, 0.], [0., 0., 10.]], np.float64) *
                            nsc=[3, 3, 1])
        self.g = Grid([10, 10, 100], sc=self.sc)
        self.g[:, :, :] = 2.
        g = Grid(sc=self.sc)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.sc
        del self.g

    def test_append(self):
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 0)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [20, 10, 100]))
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 1)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [10, 20, 100]))
        g = self.g.append(self.g, 2)
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid.shape, [10, 10, 200]))

    def test_set(self):
        v = self.g[0, 0, 0]
        self.g[0, 0, 0] = 3
        assert_true(self.g.grid[0, 0, 0] == 3)
        assert_true(self.g[0, 0, 0] == 3)
        self.g[0, 0, 0] = v
        assert_true(self.g[0, 0, 0] == v)

    def test_size(self):
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.grid.shape, [10, 10, 100]))

    def test_item(self):
            np.allclose(self.g[1:2, 1:2, 2:3], self.g.grid[1:2, 1:2, 2:3]))

    def test_dcell(self):
        assert_true(np.all(self.g.dcell * self.g.cell >= 0))

    def test_dvol(self):
        assert_true(self.g.dvol > 0)

    def test_shape(self):
        assert_true(np.all(self.g.shape == self.g.grid.shape))

    def test_dtype(self):
        assert_true(self.g.dtype == self.g.grid.dtype)

    def test_copy(self):
        assert_true(self.g.copy() == self.g)
        assert_false(self.g.copy() != self.g)

    def test_add(self):
        g = self.g + self.g
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid, (self.g * 2).grid))
        g = self.g.copy()
        g *= 2
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid, (self.g * 2).grid))
        g = self.g.copy()
        g /= 2
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.grid, (self.g / 2).grid))

    def test_swapaxes(self):
        g = self.g.swapaxes(0, 1)
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.cell[0, :], g.cell[1, :]))
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.cell[1, :], g.cell[0, :]))

    def test_interp(self):
        shape = np.array(self.g.shape, np.int32)
        g = self.g.interp(shape * 2)
        g1 = g.interp(shape)
        # Sadly the interpolation does not work as it really
        # should...
        # One cannot interp down/up and retrieve the same
        # grid... Perhaps this is ok, but not good... :(
        assert_true(np.allclose(self.g.grid, g1.grid))

    def test_index1(self):
        mid = np.array(self.g.shape, np.int32) // 2
        idx = self.g.index(self.sc.center())
        assert_true(np.all(mid == idx))

    def test_sum(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sum(i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_mean(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.mean(i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_cross_section(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.cross_section(1, i).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_remove_part(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.remove_part(1, i, above=True).shape[i] == 1)

    def test_sub_part(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub_part(1, i, above=False).shape[i] == 1)
                self.g.sub_part(1, i, above=True).shape[i] == self.g.shape[i] -

    def test_sub(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub(1, i).shape[i] == 1)
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.sub([1, 2], i).shape[i] == 2)

    def test_remove(self):
        for i in range(3):
            assert_true(self.g.remove(1, i).shape[i] == self.g.shape[i] - 1)
        for i in range(3):
                self.g.remove([1, 2], i).shape[i] == self.g.shape[i] - 2)

    def test_argumentparser(self):