Example #1
def _call_strip_ascending(f):
    if isinstance(f, Symbolic):
        f = strip_symbolic(f)

    if isinstance(f, Call) and f.func == "__neg__":
        return f.args[0], False

    return f, True
Example #2
def test_slice_call_returns(_, expr, target):
    data = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

    sym = eval(expr, {"_": _})
    index_op, slice_call = strip_symbolic(sym).args

    res = slice_call(data)
    assert res == target
Example #3
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        strip_args = map(strip_symbolic, args)
        strip_kwargs = {k: strip_symbolic(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}

        if not args:
            return dispatch_func(NoArgs(), **strip_kwargs)

        return dispatch_func(*strip_args, **strip_kwargs)
Example #4
    def __rrshift__(self, x):
        """Handle >> syntax when pipe is on the right (eager piping)."""
        if isinstance(x, (Symbolic, Call)):
            call = strip_symbolic(x)
            return Pipeable(calls = [call] + self.calls)
        elif callable(x):
            return Pipeable(calls = [x] + self.calls)

        return self(x)
Example #5
def test_lazy_tbl_shape_call_error(db):
    tbl = LazyTbl(db, 'addresses')

    call = strip_symbolic(_.id.asdkfjsdf())
    with pytest.raises(SqlFunctionLookupError) as err:

        # suppresses context for shorter stack trace
        assert err.__suppress_context__ == True
def test_pandas_grouped_frame_fast_not_implemented(notimpl_entry):
    from siuba.experimental.pd_groups.dialect import fast_mutate
    gdf = data[notimpl_entry['accessor']].groupby('g')

    # TODO: once reading from yaml, no need to repr
    str_expr = str(notimpl_entry['expr_frame'])
    call_expr = strip_symbolic(eval(str_expr, {'_': _}))

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        res = fast_mutate(gdf, result=call_expr)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, f = None, calls = None):
        # symbolics like _.some_attr need to be stripped down to a call, because
        # calling _.some_attr() returns another symbolic.
        f = strip_symbolic(f)

        if f is not None:
            if calls is not None: raise Exception()
            self.calls = [f]
            self.calls = calls
Example #8
    def __rshift__(self, x):
        """Handle >> syntax when pipe is on the left (lazy piping)."""
        if isinstance(x, Pipeable):
            return Pipeable(calls = self.calls + x.calls)
        elif isinstance(x, (Symbolic, Call)):
            call = strip_symbolic(x)
            return Pipeable(calls = self.calls + [call])
        elif callable(x):
            return Pipeable(calls = self.calls + [x])

        raise Exception()
def test_frame_expr(entry):
    # TODO: remove this test, not checking anything new
    df = data[entry['accessor']]
    # TODO: once reading from yaml, no need to repr
    str_expr = str(entry['expr_frame'])

    call_expr = strip_symbolic(eval(str_expr, {'_': _}))
    res = call_expr(df)

    dst = eval(str_expr, {'_': df})

    assert res.__class__ is dst.__class__
    assert_src_array_equal(res, dst)
Example #10
def case_when(__data, cases):
    if isinstance(cases, Call):
        cases = cases(__data)
    # TODO: handle when receive list of (k,v) pairs for py < 3.5 compat?

    stripped_cases = {strip_symbolic(k): strip_symbolic(v) for k,v in cases.items()}
    n = len(__data)
    out = np.repeat(None, n)
    for k, v in reversed(list(stripped_cases.items())):
        if callable(k):
            result = _val_call(k, __data, n)
            indx = np.where(result)[0]

            val_res = _val_call(v, __data, n, indx)
            out[indx] = val_res
        elif k:
            # e.g. k is just True, etc..
            val_res = _val_call(v, __data, n)
            out[:] = val_res

    # by recreating an array, attempts to cast as best dtype
    return np.array(list(out))
Example #11
def test_vector_unary_and_dispatch(x, v_func, res):
    target = Series(res) if not isinstance(res, Series) else res

    assert_series_equal(v_func(x), target)

    # symbolic call argument
    sym_call = v_func(_)
    assert isinstance(sym_call, Symbolic)
    assert_series_equal(sym_call(x), target)

    # call argument
    call = v_func(strip_symbolic(_))
    assert isinstance(call, Call)
    assert_series_equal(call(x), target)
Example #12
def test_sym_slice():
    from siuba.siu import _SliceOpIndex

    _ = Symbolic()

    sym = _[_ < 1]
    meta, slice_ops = strip_symbolic(sym).args
    assert isinstance(meta, MetaArg)
    assert isinstance(slice_ops, Call)
    assert isinstance(slice_ops, SliceOp)  # abc metaclass
    assert slice_ops.__class__ is _SliceOpIndex

    indexer = slice_ops(1)
    assert indexer is False
def test_series_against_call(entry):
    if entry['action']['kind'] == "window":

    df = data[entry['accessor']]
    # TODO: once reading from yaml, no need to repr
    str_expr = str(entry['expr_series'])

    call_expr = strip_symbolic(eval(str_expr, {'_': _}))
    res = call_expr(df.x)

    dst = eval(str_expr, {'_': df.x})

    assert res.__class__ is dst.__class__
    assert_src_array_equal(res, dst)
def test_pandas_grouped_frame_fast_not_implemented(notimpl_entry):
    from siuba.experimental.pd_groups.dialect import fast_mutate
    gdf = data[notimpl_entry['accessor']].groupby('g')

    # TODO: once reading from yaml, no need to repr
    str_expr = str(notimpl_entry['expr_frame'])
    call_expr = strip_symbolic(eval(str_expr, {'_': _}))

    if notimpl_entry['action']['status'] in [
            "todo", "maydo", "wontdo"
    ] and notimpl_entry["is_property"]:

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        res = fast_mutate(gdf, result=call_expr)
Example #15
def test_sym_slice_multiple():
    from siuba.siu import _SliceOpExt

    _ = Symbolic()

    sym = _[_ < 1, :, :]

    meta, slice_ops = strip_symbolic(sym).args
    assert isinstance(meta, MetaArg)
    assert len(slice_ops.args) == 3
    assert isinstance(slice_ops.args[0], Call)
    assert isinstance(slice_ops, SliceOp)  # abc metaclass
    assert slice_ops.__class__ is _SliceOpExt

    indexer = slice_ops(1)
    assert indexer[0] is False
    assert indexer[1] == slice(None)
Example #16
def test_symbolic_dispatch():
    def f(x, y=2):
        return x + y

    # w/ simple Call
    call1 = f(strip_symbolic(_), 3)
    assert isinstance(call1, Call)
    assert call1(2) == 5

    # w/ simple Symbol
    sym2 = f(_, 3)
    assert isinstance(sym2, Symbolic)
    assert sym2(2) == 5

    # w/ complex Call
    sym3 = f(_['a'], 3)
    assert sym3({'a': 2}) == 5
Example #17
def enrich_spec_entry(entry):
    accessors = ['str', 'dt', 'cat', 'sparse']
    expr = strip_symbolic(eval(entry["example"], {"_": _}))

    accessor = [ameth for ameth in accessors if ameth in expr.op_vars()] + [None]

    tmp = {
            'is_property': expr.func == "__getattr__",
            'expr_frame': replace_meta_args(expr, _.x, _.y, _.z),
            'expr_series': expr,
            'accessor': accessor[0],
    tmp['action'] = {
            'data_arity': count_call_type(expr, MetaArg),

    return tmp
Example #18
def test_pandas_grouped_frame_fast_not_implemented(notimpl_entry):
    from siuba.experimental.pd_groups.dialect import fast_mutate
    gdf = data[notimpl_entry['accessor']].groupby('g')

    # TODO: once reading from yaml, no need to repr
    str_expr = str(notimpl_entry['expr_frame'])
    call_expr = strip_symbolic(eval(str_expr, {'_': _}))

    if notimpl_entry['action']['status'] in [
            "todo", "maydo", "wontdo"
    ] and notimpl_entry["is_property"]:

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            # not implemented functions are punted to apply, and
            # not guaranteed to work (e.g. many lengthen arrays, etc..)
            res = fast_mutate(gdf, result=call_expr)
Example #19
def get_type_info(call):
    call = strip_symbolic(call)
    func = call.func
    if isinstance(func, str) and func != "__rshift__":
        raise ValueError("Expected first expressions was >>")
    out = {}
    expr, result = call.args
    accessors = ['str', 'dt', 'cat', 'sparse']
    accessor = [ameth for ameth in accessors if ameth in expr.op_vars()] + [None]
    return dict(
        expr_series = expr,
        expr_frame = replace_meta_args(expr, _.x, _.y, _.z),
        accessor = accessor[0],
        result = result.to_dict(),
        is_property = expr.func == "__getattr__",
        data_arity = count_call_type(expr, MetaArg)
Example #20
def test_call_tree_local_sub_attr_property_missing(ctl):
    # subattr raises lookup errors (property)
    with pytest.raises(FunctionLookupError):
Example #21
def test_call_tree_local_sub_attr_alone(ctl):
    # attr alone is treated like a normal getattr
    call = ctl.enter(strip_symbolic(_.str))
    assert call.func == "__getattr__"
    assert call.args[1] == "str"
Example #22
def test_call_tree_local_sub_attr_property(ctl):
    # sub attr gets stripped w/ property access
    call = ctl.enter(strip_symbolic(_.str.f_a))
    assert call('x') == 'x'
Example #23
def test_call_tree_local_sub_attr_method(ctl):
    # sub attr gets stripped w/ method call
    call = ctl.enter(strip_symbolic(_.str.f_a()))
    assert call('x') == 'x'
Example #24
def test_op_vars_slice():
    assert strip_symbolic(_.a[_.b:_.c]).op_vars() == {'a', 'b', 'c'}
Example #25
def test_call_tree_local_sub_attr_method_missing(_, ctl):
    # subattr raises lookup errors (method)
    with pytest.raises(FunctionLookupError):
Example #26
    # to_xarray
    # to_hdf
    # to_sql
    # to_msgpack
    # to_json
    # to_dense
    # to_string
    # to_clipboard
    # to_latex

from siuba.spec.utils import get_type_info
import itertools

funcs_stripped = {
    section_name: {k: strip_symbolic(v)
                   for k, v in section.items()}
    for section_name, section in funcs.items()

all_funcs = dict(itertools.chain(*[x.items()
                                   for x in funcs_stripped.values()]))

# Get spec =====
nested_spec = {}
for category, call_dict in funcs_stripped.items():
    nested_spec[category] = d = {}
    for name, call in call_dict.items():
        d[name] = get_type_info(call)
        d[name]['category'] = category
Example #27
def _case_when(__data, cases):
    if not isinstance(cases, dict):
        raise Exception("Cases must be a dictionary")
    dict_entries = dict((strip_symbolic(k), strip_symbolic(v)) for k,v in cases.items())
    cases_arg = Lazy(DictCall("__call__", dict, dict_entries))
    return create_sym_call(case_when, __data, cases_arg)
def get_df_expr(entry):
    str_expr = str(entry['expr_frame'])
    call_expr = strip_symbolic(eval(str_expr, {'_': _}))

    return str_expr, call_expr