def TaylorTwographSRG(q): r""" constructing a strongly regular graph from the Taylor's two-graph for `U_3(q)`, `q` odd This is a strongly regular graph with parameters `(v,k,\lambda,\mu)=(q^3+1, q(q^2+1)/2, (q^2+3)(q-1)/4, (q^2+1)(q+1)/4)` in the Seidel switching class of :func:`Taylor two-graph <sage.combinat.designs.twographs.taylor_twograph>`. Details are in ยง7E of [BvL84]_. INPUT: - ``q`` -- a power of an odd prime number .. SEEALSO:: * :meth:`~sage.graphs.graph_generators.GraphGenerators.TaylorTwographDescendantSRG` EXAMPLES:: sage: t=graphs.TaylorTwographSRG(3); t Taylor two-graph SRG: Graph on 28 vertices sage: t.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True) (28, 15, 6, 10) """ G, l, v0 = TaylorTwographDescendantSRG(q, clique_partition=True) G.add_vertex(v0) G.seidel_switching(sum(l[:(q**2+1)/2],[]))"Taylor two-graph SRG") return G
def sum(xs, y_from_x=lambda x: x): ''' >>> range(10) | sum() 45 >>> range(10) | sum(lambda x: -x) -45 ''' return __builtins__.sum(y_from_x(x) for x in xs)
def count(xs, predicate=lambda x: True): ''' >>> [1, 2, 3] | count() 3 >>> range(10) | where(lambda x: x % 2 == 0) | count() 5 >>> [] | count() 0 ''' return __builtins__.sum(1 for x in xs | where(predicate))
def is_twograph(T): r""" Checks that the incidence system `T` is a two-graph INPUT: - ``T`` -- an :class:`incidence structure <sage.combinat.designs.IncidenceStructure>` EXAMPLES: a two-graph from a graph:: sage: from sage.combinat.designs.twographs import (is_twograph, TwoGraph) sage: p=graphs.PetersenGraph().twograph() sage: is_twograph(p) True a non-regular 2-uniform hypergraph which is a two-graph:: sage: is_twograph(TwoGraph([[1,2,3],[1,2,4]])) True TESTS: wrong size of blocks:: sage: is_twograph(designs.projective_plane(3)) False a triple system which is not a two-graph:: sage: is_twograph(designs.projective_plane(2)) False """ if not T.is_uniform(3): return False # A structure for a fast triple existence check v_to_blocks = {v:set() for v in range(T.num_points())} for B in T._blocks: B = frozenset(B) for x in B: v_to_blocks[x].add(B) def has_triple(x_y_z): x, y, z = x_y_z return bool(v_to_blocks[x] & v_to_blocks[y] & v_to_blocks[z]) # Check that every quadruple contains an even number of triples from six.moves.builtins import sum for quad in combinations(range(T.num_points()),4): if sum(map(has_triple,combinations(quad,3))) % 2 == 1: return False return True
def S(x, y): return sum(x[j] * y[2 - j] ** q for j in range(3))
def P(x, y): return sum(x[j] * y[m - 1 - j] ** q for j in range(m)) == 0