def get_twitter_share_url(context, chapter): try: anchor = get_chapter_anchor(context, chapter) except ArticlePage.DoesNotExist: twitter_share_url = '' else: stream_field_value = chapter.value tweet_text = stream_field_value['tweet_text'] twitter_share_params = [] text = [] _hashtags = set([]) tweet_text_parts = tweet_text.split(' ') for word in tweet_text_parts: if len(word) > 0 and word[0] == '#': _hashtags.add(word[1:]) text.append(word) if len(text) > 0: text = ' '.join(text) twitter_share_params.append('text={0}'.format(quote_plus(text))) if len(_hashtags) > 0: # You can collect hashtags and pass them along as a separate param... # However, doing so in this manner appends the hashtags to the end of the tweet, which we don't need to do # as the hashtags we want will already be in the tweet_text _hashtags = ','.join(_hashtags) twitter_share_params.append('hashtags={0}'.format(quote_plus(_hashtags))) twitter_share_params.append('url={0}'.format(quote_plus(anchor))) twitter_share_params = '&'.join(twitter_share_params) twitter_share_url = '{0}'.format(twitter_share_params) return twitter_share_url
def get_results(self, query="", selected_facets=None, sortby="", repo_slug=None): """Helper method to get search results.""" if repo_slug is None: repo_slug = self.repo.slug if selected_facets is None: selected_facets = [] selected_facets_arg = "" for facet in selected_facets: selected_facets_arg += "&selected_facets={facet}".format( facet=urllib_parse.quote_plus(facet) ) resp = self.client.get( "{repo_base}{repo_slug}/search/?q={query}{facets}" "&sortby={sortby}".format( repo_base=REPO_BASE, repo_slug=repo_slug, query=urllib_parse.quote_plus(query), facets=selected_facets_arg, sortby=sortby ) ) self.assertEqual(HTTP_200_OK, resp.status_code) return as_json(resp)
def test_md_query_single(self): q = quote_plus('') r = requests.get("" % (self.port, q)) assert (r.status_code == 200) assert ('application/xml' in r.headers['Content-Type']) t = parse_xml(six.BytesIO(r.content)) assert (t is not None) e = root(t) assert (e.get('entityID') == '')
def download_invoice(self, request, pk=None): """ Download Invoice Endpoint --- omit_serializer: True omit_parameters: - query """ current_url = '{}?{}'.format( reverse(request.resolver_match.url_name, kwargs={'pk': pk}), urlencode(request.query_params) ) login_url = '/signin?next=%s' % quote_plus(current_url) if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return redirect(login_url) invoice = get_object_or_404(self.get_queryset(), pk=pk) if invoice: try: self.check_object_permissions(request, invoice) except NotAuthenticated: return redirect(login_url) except PermissionDenied: return HttpResponse("You do not have permission to access this invoice") if not ( invoice.is_due or request.user.is_admin or request.user.is_project_manager or request.user.is_developer): return HttpResponse("You do not have permission to access this invoice") if request.accepted_renderer.format == 'html': if invoice.type == INVOICE_TYPE_CREDIT_NOTA: return HttpResponse(invoice.credit_note_html) return HttpResponse(invoice.html) else: if invoice.type == INVOICE_TYPE_CREDIT_NOTA: http_response = HttpResponse(invoice.credit_note_pdf, content_type='application/pdf') http_response['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename="Invoice_{}_{}_{}.pdf"'.format( invoice and invoice.number or pk, invoice and invoice.project and invoice.project.title or pk, invoice and invoice.title or pk ) return http_response else: http_response = HttpResponse(invoice.pdf, content_type='application/pdf') http_response['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename="Invoice_{}_{}_{}.pdf"'.format( invoice and invoice.number or pk, invoice and invoice.project and invoice.project.title or pk, invoice and invoice.title or pk ) return http_response
def openaddresses_download_configured_files(out_dir): for path in openaddresses_config.sources: source = six.b('/').join([safe_encode(p) for p in path]) filename = safe_encode(path[-1]) + six.b('.zip') zip_path = filename + '.zip' zip_url_path = six.b('/').join([safe_encode(p) for p in path[:-1]] + [quote_plus(filename)]) url = urljoin(OPENADDRESSES_LATEST_DIR, zip_url_path) download_pre_release_downloads(out_dir) print(six.u('doing {}').format(safe_decode(source))) success = download_and_unzip_file(url, out_dir) if not success: print(six.u('ERR: could not download {}').format(source))
def test_login(self): # Test redirect resp = self.client.get(url_for("oauthclient.login", remote_app='test')) self.assertStatus(resp, 302) self.assertEqual( resp.location, "" "client_id=testid&redirect_uri=%s" % quote_plus(url_for( "oauthclient.authorized", remote_app='test', _external=True )) ) # Invalid remote resp = self.client.get( url_for("oauthclient.login", remote_app='invalid') ) self.assertStatus(resp, 404)
def test_s3_event_simple(self, mock_stdout): self.patch(s3, 'S3_AUGMENT_TABLE', []) session_factory = self.replay_flight_data('test_s3_encrypt') client = session_factory().client('s3') self.patch(s3crypt, 's3', client) event = {'Records': [{ 's3': { 'bucket': { 'name': 'test-bucket' }, 'object': { 'key': quote_plus('test-key'), 'size': 42 } } }]} s3crypt.process_event(event, {})
def test_s3_event_unsafe_key(self, mock_stdout): self.patch(s3, 'S3_AUGMENT_TABLE', []) session_factory = self.replay_flight_data('test_s3_encrypt') client = session_factory().client('s3') self.patch(s3crypt, 's3', client) event = {'Records': [{ 's3': { 'bucket': { 'name': 'test-bucket' }, 'object': { 'key': quote_plus('/test000/!-_.*\'()/&@:,$=+%2b?;/ /whatever'), 'size': 42 } } }]} s3crypt.process_event(event, {})
def _extract_asset_urls(self, asset_ids): """ Extract asset URLs along with asset ids. @param asset_ids: List of ids to get URLs for. @type assertn: [str] @return: List of dictionaries with asset URLs and ids. @rtype: [{ 'id': '<id>', 'url': '<url>' }] """ dom = get_page_json(self._session, OPENCOURSE_ASSET_URL, ids=quote_plus(','.join(asset_ids))) return [{'id': element['id'], 'url': element['url'].strip()} for element in dom['elements']]
def download_profile(self, request, user_id=None): """ Download User Profile Endpoint --- omit_serializer: True omit_parameters: - query """ current_url = '%s?%s' % ( reverse(request.resolver_match.url_name, kwargs={'user_id': user_id}), urlencode(request.query_params) ) login_url = '/signin?next=%s' % quote_plus(current_url) if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return redirect(login_url) user = get_object_or_404(self.get_queryset(), pk=user_id) try: self.check_object_permissions(request, user) except NotAuthenticated: return redirect(login_url) except PermissionDenied: return HttpResponse("You do not have permission to access this estimate") ctx = { 'user': user, 'profile': user.profile, 'work': user.work_set.all(), 'education': user.education_set.all() } rendered_html = render_to_string("tunga/pdf/profile.html", context=ctx).encode(encoding="UTF-8") if request.accepted_renderer.format == 'html': return HttpResponse(rendered_html) pdf_file = HTML(string=rendered_html, encoding='utf-8').write_pdf() http_response = HttpResponse(pdf_file, content_type='application/pdf') http_response['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename="developer_profile.pdf"' return http_response
def _extract_asset_urls(self, asset_ids): """ Extract asset URLs along with asset ids. @param asset_ids: List of ids to get URLs for. @type assertn: [str] @return: List of dictionaries with asset URLs and ids. @rtype: [{ 'id': '<id>', 'url': '<url>' }] """ ids = quote_plus(','.join(asset_ids)) url = OPENCOURSE_ASSET_URL.format(ids=ids) page = get_page(self._session, url) dom = json.loads(page) return [{'id': element['id'], 'url': element['url']} for element in dom['elements']]
def __init__(self, method_name, **kwargs): self.scrubber = GeneralNameReplacer() super(VirtualMachineExampleTest, self).__init__( method_name, config_file=TEST_CONFIG, recording_processors=[ self.scrubber, SubscriptionRecordingProcessor(DUMMY_UUID), AccessTokenReplacer(), ], replay_patches=[ patch_long_run_operation_delay, ] ) if self.in_recording: constants_to_scrub = [ (os.environ['AZURE_CLIENT_ID'], DUMMY_UUID), (os.environ['AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET'], DUMMY_SECRET), (os.environ['AZURE_TENANT_ID'], DUMMY_UUID), (STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME, DUMMY_STORAGE_NAME) ] for key, replacement in constants_to_scrub: self.scrubber.register_name_pair(key, replacement) self.scrubber.register_name_pair(quote_plus(key), replacement)
def __check_cache(self, media_id): url = '{0}/magnet/instant?agent={1}&apikey={2}&magnets[]={3}'.format(api_url, urllib_parse.quote_plus(AGENT), self.get_setting('token'), media_id.lower()) result =, headers=self.headers).content result = json.loads(result) if result.get('status', False) == "success": magnets = result.get('data').get('magnets') for magnet in magnets: if media_id == magnet.get('magnet') or media_id == magnet.get('hash'): response = magnet.get('instant', False) return response return False
def addDownLink(name, url, mode, iconimage, desc='', stream=None, fav='add', noDownload=False, contextm=None, fanart=None, duration=None, quality=None): contextMenuItems = [] favtext = "Remove from" if fav == 'del' else "Add to" # fav == 'add' or 'del' u = (sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) + "&mode=" + str(mode) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name)) dwnld = (sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) + "&mode=" + str(mode) + "&download=" + str(1) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name)) favorite = (sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) + "&fav=" + fav + "&favmode=" + str(mode) + "&mode=" + str('favorites.Favorites') + "&img=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(iconimage) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name)) ok = True if not iconimage: iconimage = cuminationicon if duration: if addon.getSetting('duration_in_name') == 'true': duration = " [COLOR deeppink]" + duration + "[/COLOR]" name = name + duration if six.PY3 else (name.decode('utf-8') + duration).encode('utf-8') else: secs = None try: duration = duration.upper().replace('H', ':').replace('M', ':').replace('S', '').replace(' ', '').replace('IN', '0').replace('::', ':').strip() if ':' in duration: if duration.endswith(':'): duration += '0' secs = sum(int(x) * 60 ** i for i, x in enumerate(reversed(duration.split(':')))) elif duration.isdigit(): secs = int(duration) if secs is None and len(duration) > 0: xbmc.log("@@@@Cumination: Duration format error: " + str(duration), xbmc.LOGERROR) except: xbmc.log("@@@@Cumination: Duration format error: " + str(duration), xbmc.LOGERROR) width = None if quality: if addon.getSetting('quality_in_name') == 'true': quality = " [COLOR orange]" + quality + "[/COLOR]" name = name + quality if six.PY3 else (name.decode('utf-8') + quality).encode('utf-8') else: width, height = resolution(quality) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) if duration and addon.getSetting('duration_in_name') != 'true': liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Duration": secs}) liz.setArt({'thumb': iconimage, 'icon': "DefaultVideo.png", 'poster': iconimage}) if not fanart: fanart = os.path.join(rootDir, 'fanart.jpg') if addon.getSetting('posterfanart') == 'true': fanart = iconimage liz.setArt({'fanart': fanart}) if stream: liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') if desc: liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": name, "plot": desc, "plotoutline": desc}) else: liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": name}) if width: video_streaminfo = {'codec': 'h264', 'width': width, 'height': height} else: video_streaminfo = {'codec': 'h264'} liz.addStreamInfo('video', video_streaminfo) if contextm: if isinstance(contextm, list): for i in contextm: if isinstance(i, tuple): contextMenuItems.append(i) else: if isinstance(contextm, tuple): contextMenuItems.append(contextm) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]' + favtext + ' favorites[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + favorite + ')')) if fav == 'del': favorite_move_to_end = (sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) + "&fav=" + 'move_to_end' + "&favmode=" + str(mode) + "&mode=" + str('favorites.Favorites') + "&img=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(iconimage) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Move favorite to Top[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + favorite_move_to_end + ')')) favorite_move_up = (sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) + "&fav=" + 'move_up' + "&favmode=" + str(mode) + "&mode=" + str('favorites.Favorites') + "&img=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(iconimage) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Move favorite Up[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + favorite_move_up + ')')) favorite_move_down = (sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) + "&fav=" + 'move_down' + "&favmode=" + str(mode) + "&mode=" + str('favorites.Favorites') + "&img=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(iconimage) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Move favorite Down[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + favorite_move_down + ')')) if not noDownload: contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Download Video[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + dwnld + ')')) settings_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('utils.openSettings')) contextMenuItems.append( ('[COLOR hotpink]Addon settings[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + settings_url + ')')) setview = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('utils.setview')) contextMenuItems.append( ('[COLOR hotpink]Set this view as default[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + setview + ')')) liz.addContextMenuItems(contextMenuItems, replaceItems=False) ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=addon_handle, url=u, listitem=liz, isFolder=False) return ok
def addDir(name, url, mode, iconimage=None, page=None, channel=None, section=None, keyword='', Folder=True, about=None, custom=False, list_avail=True, listitem_id=None, custom_list=False, contextm=None): u = (sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) + "&mode=" + str(mode) + "&page=" + str(page) + "&channel=" + str(channel) + "§ion=" + str(section) + "&keyword=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(keyword) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name)) ok = True if not iconimage: iconimage = cuminationicon liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) fanart = os.path.join(rootDir, 'fanart.jpg') art = {'thumb': iconimage, 'icon': "DefaultFolder.png", 'fanart': fanart} if addon.getSetting('posterfanart') == 'true': fanart = iconimage art.update({'poster': iconimage}) liz.setArt(art) liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": name}) contextMenuItems = [] if contextm: if isinstance(contextm, list): for i in contextm: if isinstance(i, tuple): contextMenuItems.append(i) else: if isinstance(contextm, tuple): contextMenuItems.append(contextm) if about: about_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('main.about_site') + "&img=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(iconimage) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name) + "&about=" + str(about) + "&custom=" + str(custom)) contextMenuItems.append( ('[COLOR hotpink]About site[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + about_url + ')')) if len(keyword) >= 1: keyw = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('utils.delKeyword') + "&keyword=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(keyword)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Remove keyword[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + keyw + ')')) if list_avail: list_item_name = 'Add item to ...' list_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) + "&favmode=" + str(mode) + "&mode=" + str('favorites.add_listitem') + "&img=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(iconimage) + "&name=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(name)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]%s[/COLOR]' % list_item_name, 'RunPlugin(' + list_url + ')')) if listitem_id: move_listitem_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('favorites.move_listitem') + "&listitem_id=" + str(listitem_id)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Move item to ...[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + move_listitem_url + ')')) listitem_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('favorites.remove_listitem') + "&listitem_id=" + str(listitem_id)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Remove from list[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + listitem_url + ')')) moveupitem_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('favorites.moveup_listitem') + "&listitem_id=" + str(listitem_id)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Move item Up[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + moveupitem_url + ')')) movedownitem_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('favorites.movedown_listitem') + "&listitem_id=" + str(listitem_id)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Move item Down[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + movedownitem_url + ')')) if custom_list: editlist_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('favorites.edit_list') + "&rowid=" + str(url)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Edit name[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + editlist_url + ')')) dellist_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('favorites.remove_list') + "&rowid=" + str(url)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Remove list[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + dellist_url + ')')) moveuplist_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('favorites.moveup_list') + "&rowid=" + str(url)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Move list Up[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + moveuplist_url + ')')) movedownlist_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('favorites.movedown_list') + "&rowid=" + str(url)) contextMenuItems.append(('[COLOR hotpink]Move list Down[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + movedownlist_url + ')')) settings_url = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('utils.openSettings')) contextMenuItems.append( ('[COLOR hotpink]Addon settings[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + settings_url + ')')) setview = (sys.argv[0] + "?mode=" + str('utils.setview')) contextMenuItems.append( ('[COLOR hotpink]Set this view as default[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + setview + ')')) liz.addContextMenuItems(contextMenuItems, replaceItems=False) ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=addon_handle, url=u, listitem=liz, isFolder=Folder) return ok
def resolve(regex): try: vanilla = re.compile('(<regex>.+)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(regex)[0] cddata = re.compile('<\!\[CDATA\[(.+?)\]\]>', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(regex) for i in cddata: regex = regex.replace('<![CDATA[' + i + ']]>', urllib_parse.quote_plus(i)) regexs = re.compile('(<regex>.+)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(regex)[0] regexs = re.compile('<regex>(.+?)</regex>', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(regexs) regexs = [ re.compile('<(.+?)>(.*?)</.+?>', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(i) for i in regexs ] regexs = [ dict([(client.replaceHTMLCodes(x[0]), client.replaceHTMLCodes(urllib_parse.unquote_plus(x[1]))) for x in i]) for i in regexs ] regexs = [(i['name'], i) for i in regexs] regexs = dict(regexs) url = regex.split('<regex>', 1)[0].strip() url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) url = control.six_encode(url) r = getRegexParsed(regexs, url) try: ln = '' ret = r[1] listrepeat = r[2]['listrepeat'] regexname = r[2]['name'] for obj in ret: try: item = listrepeat for i in list(range(len(obj) + 1)): item = item.replace( '[%s.param%s]' % (regexname, str(i)), obj[i - 1]) item2 = vanilla for i in list(range(len(obj) + 1)): item2 = item2.replace( '[%s.param%s]' % (regexname, str(i)), obj[i - 1]) item2 = re.compile('(<regex>.+?</regex>)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(item2) item2 = [ x for x in item2 if not '<name>%s</name>' % regexname in x ] item2 = ''.join(item2) ln += '\n<item>%s\n%s</item>\n' % (item, item2) except: pass return ln except: pass if r[1] == True: return r[0] except: return
def getRegexParsed(regexs, url,cookieJar=None,forCookieJarOnly=False,recursiveCall=False,cachedPages={}, rawPost=False, cookie_jar_file=None):#0,1,2 = URL, regexOnly, CookieJarOnly #cachedPages = {} #print 'url',url doRegexs = re.compile('\$doregex\[([^\]]*)\]').findall(url) # print 'doRegexs',doRegexs,regexs setresolved=True for k in doRegexs: if k in regexs: #print 'processing ' ,k m = regexs[k] #print m cookieJarParam=False if 'cookiejar' in m: # so either create or reuse existing jar #print 'cookiejar exists',m['cookiejar'] cookieJarParam=m['cookiejar'] if '$doregex' in cookieJarParam: cookieJar=getRegexParsed(regexs, m['cookiejar'],cookieJar,True, True,cachedPages) cookieJarParam=True else: cookieJarParam=True #print 'm[cookiejar]',m['cookiejar'],cookieJar if cookieJarParam: if cookieJar==None: #print 'create cookie jar' cookie_jar_file=None if 'open[' in m['cookiejar']: cookie_jar_file=m['cookiejar'].split('open[')[1].split(']')[0] # print 'cookieJar from file name',cookie_jar_file cookieJar=getCookieJar(cookie_jar_file) # print 'cookieJar from file',cookieJar if cookie_jar_file: saveCookieJar(cookieJar,cookie_jar_file) #cookieJar = http_cookiejar.LWPCookieJar() #print 'cookieJar new',cookieJar elif 'save[' in m['cookiejar']: cookie_jar_file=m['cookiejar'].split('save[')[1].split(']')[0] complete_path=os.path.join(profile,cookie_jar_file) # print 'complete_path',complete_path saveCookieJar(cookieJar,cookie_jar_file) if m['page'] and '$doregex' in m['page']: pg=getRegexParsed(regexs, m['page'],cookieJar,recursiveCall=True,cachedPages=cachedPages) if len(pg)==0: pg='http://regexfailed' m['page']=pg if 'setcookie' in m and m['setcookie'] and '$doregex' in m['setcookie']: m['setcookie']=getRegexParsed(regexs, m['setcookie'],cookieJar,recursiveCall=True,cachedPages=cachedPages) if 'appendcookie' in m and m['appendcookie'] and '$doregex' in m['appendcookie']: m['appendcookie']=getRegexParsed(regexs, m['appendcookie'],cookieJar,recursiveCall=True,cachedPages=cachedPages) if 'post' in m and '$doregex' in m['post']: m['post']=getRegexParsed(regexs, m['post'],cookieJar,recursiveCall=True,cachedPages=cachedPages) # print 'post is now',m['post'] if 'rawpost' in m and '$doregex' in m['rawpost']: m['rawpost']=getRegexParsed(regexs, m['rawpost'],cookieJar,recursiveCall=True,cachedPages=cachedPages,rawPost=True) #print 'rawpost is now',m['rawpost'] if 'rawpost' in m and '$epoctime$' in m['rawpost']: m['rawpost']=m['rawpost'].replace('$epoctime$',getEpocTime()) if 'rawpost' in m and '$epoctime2$' in m['rawpost']: m['rawpost']=m['rawpost'].replace('$epoctime2$',getEpocTime2()) link='' if m['page'] and m['page'] in cachedPages and not 'ignorecache' in m and forCookieJarOnly==False : #print 'using cache page',m['page'] link = cachedPages[m['page']] else: if m['page'] and not m['page']=='' and m['page'].startswith('http'): if '$epoctime$' in m['page']: m['page']=m['page'].replace('$epoctime$',getEpocTime()) if '$epoctime2$' in m['page']: m['page']=m['page'].replace('$epoctime2$',getEpocTime2()) #print 'Ingoring Cache',m['page'] page_split=m['page'].split('|') pageUrl=page_split[0] header_in_page=None if len(page_split)>1: header_in_page=page_split[1] # if # proxy = urllib_request.ProxyHandler({ ('https' ? proxytouse[:5]=="https":"http") : proxytouse}) # opener = urllib_request.build_opener(proxy) # urllib_request.install_opener(opener) # print 'urllib_request.getproxies',urllib_request.getproxies() current_proxies=urllib_request.ProxyHandler(urllib_request.getproxies()) #print 'getting pageUrl',pageUrl req = urllib_request.Request(pageUrl) if 'proxy' in m: proxytouse= m['proxy'] # print 'proxytouse',proxytouse # urllib_request.getproxies= lambda: {} if pageUrl[:5]=="https": proxy = urllib_request.ProxyHandler({ 'https' : proxytouse}) #req.set_proxy(proxytouse, 'https') else: proxy = urllib_request.ProxyHandler({ 'http' : proxytouse}) #req.set_proxy(proxytouse, 'http') opener = urllib_request.build_opener(proxy) urllib_request.install_opener(opener) req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1') proxytouse=None if 'referer' in m: req.add_header('Referer', m['referer']) if 'accept' in m: req.add_header('Accept', m['accept']) if 'agent' in m: req.add_header('User-agent', m['agent']) if 'x-req' in m: req.add_header('X-Requested-With', m['x-req']) if 'x-addr' in m: req.add_header('x-addr', m['x-addr']) if 'x-forward' in m: req.add_header('X-Forwarded-For', m['x-forward']) if 'setcookie' in m: # print 'adding cookie',m['setcookie'] req.add_header('Cookie', m['setcookie']) if 'appendcookie' in m: # print 'appending cookie to cookiejar',m['appendcookie'] cookiestoApend=m['appendcookie'] cookiestoApend=cookiestoApend.split(';') for h in cookiestoApend: n,v=h.split('=') w,n= n.split(':') ck = http_cookiejar.Cookie(version=0, name=n, value=v, port=None, port_specified=False, domain=w, domain_specified=False, domain_initial_dot=False, path='/', path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=True, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest={'HttpOnly': None}, rfc2109=False) cookieJar.set_cookie(ck) if 'origin' in m: req.add_header('Origin', m['origin']) if header_in_page: header_in_page=header_in_page.split('&') for h in header_in_page: n,v=h.split('=') req.add_header(n,v) if not cookieJar==None: # print 'cookieJarVal',cookieJar cookie_handler = urllib_request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookieJar) opener = urllib_request.build_opener(cookie_handler, urllib_request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(), urllib_request.HTTPHandler()) opener = urllib_request.install_opener(opener) # print 'noredirect','noredirect' in m if 'noredirect' in m: opener = urllib_request.build_opener(cookie_handler,NoRedirection, urllib_request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(), urllib_request.HTTPHandler()) opener = urllib_request.install_opener(opener) elif 'noredirect' in m: opener = urllib_request.build_opener(NoRedirection, urllib_request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(), urllib_request.HTTPHandler()) opener = urllib_request.install_opener(opener) if 'connection' in m: # print '..........................connection//////.',m['connection'] from keepalive import HTTPHandler keepalive_handler = HTTPHandler() opener = urllib_request.build_opener(keepalive_handler) urllib_request.install_opener(opener) #print 'after cookie jar' post=None if 'post' in m: postData=m['post'] #if '$LiveStreamRecaptcha' in postData: # (captcha_challenge,catpcha_word,idfield)=processRecaptcha(m['page'],cookieJar) # if captcha_challenge: # postData=postData.replace('$LiveStreamRecaptcha','manual_recaptcha_challenge_field:'+captcha_challenge+',recaptcha_response_field:'+catpcha_word+',id:'+idfield) splitpost=postData.split(','); post={} for p in splitpost: n=p.split(':')[0]; v=p.split(':')[1]; post[n]=v post = urllib_parse.urlencode(post) if 'rawpost' in m: post=m['rawpost'] #if '$LiveStreamRecaptcha' in post: # (captcha_challenge,catpcha_word,idfield)=processRecaptcha(m['page'],cookieJar) # if captcha_challenge: # post=post.replace('$LiveStreamRecaptcha','&manual_recaptcha_challenge_field='+captcha_challenge+'&recaptcha_response_field='+catpcha_word+'&id='+idfield) link='' try: if post: response = urllib_request.urlopen(req,post) else: response = urllib_request.urlopen(req) if'Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': import gzip buf = six.BytesIO( f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) link = else: link = control.six_decode(link) if 'proxy' in m and not current_proxies is None: urllib_request.install_opener(urllib_request.build_opener(current_proxies)) link=javascriptUnEscape(link) #print repr(link) #print link This just print whole webpage in LOG if 'includeheaders' in m: #link+=str(response.headers.get('Set-Cookie')) link+='$$HEADERS_START$$:' for b in response.headers: link+= b+':'+response.headers.get(b)+'\n' link+='$$HEADERS_END$$:' # print link response.close() except: pass cachedPages[m['page']] = link #print link #print 'store link for',m['page'],forCookieJarOnly if forCookieJarOnly: return cookieJar# do nothing elif m['page'] and not m['page'].startswith('http'): if m['page'].startswith('$pyFunction:'): val=doEval(m['page'].split('$pyFunction:')[1],'',cookieJar,m ) if forCookieJarOnly: return cookieJar# do nothing link=val link=javascriptUnEscape(link) else: link=m['page'] if '$doregex' in m['expres']: m['expres']=getRegexParsed(regexs, m['expres'],cookieJar,recursiveCall=True,cachedPages=cachedPages) if not m['expres']=='': #print 'doing it ',m['expres'] if '$LiveStreamCaptcha' in m['expres']: val=askCaptcha(m,link,cookieJar) #print 'url and val',url,val url = url.replace("$doregex[" + k + "]", val) elif m['expres'].startswith('$pyFunction:') or '#$pyFunction' in m['expres']: #print 'expeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee',m['expres'] val='' if m['expres'].startswith('$pyFunction:'): val=doEval(m['expres'].split('$pyFunction:')[1],link,cookieJar,m) else: val=doEvalFunction(m['expres'],link,cookieJar,m) if 'ActivateWindow' in m['expres']: return if forCookieJarOnly: return cookieJar# do nothing if 'listrepeat' in m: listrepeat=m['listrepeat'] return listrepeat,eval(val), m,regexs,cookieJar try: url = url.replace(u"$doregex[" + k + "]", val) except: url = url.replace("$doregex[" + k + "]", control.six_decode(val)) else: if 'listrepeat' in m: listrepeat=m['listrepeat'] ret=re.findall(m['expres'],link) return listrepeat,ret, m,regexs val='' if not link=='': #print 'link',link reg = re.compile(m['expres']).search(link) try: except: traceback.print_exc() elif m['page']=='' or m['page']==None: val=m['expres'] if rawPost: # print 'rawpost' val=urllib_parse.quote_plus(val) if 'htmlunescape' in m: #val=urllib_parse.unquote_plus(val) val=html_parser.HTMLParser().unescape(val) try: url = url.replace("$doregex[" + k + "]", val) except: url = url.replace("$doregex[" + k + "]", control.six_decode(val)) #print 'ur',url #return val else: url = url.replace("$doregex[" + k + "]",'') if '$epoctime$' in url: url=url.replace('$epoctime$',getEpocTime()) if '$epoctime2$' in url: url=url.replace('$epoctime2$',getEpocTime2()) if '$GUID$' in url: import uuid url=url.replace('$GUID$',str(uuid.uuid1()).upper()) if '$get_cookies$' in url: url=url.replace('$get_cookies$',getCookiesString(cookieJar)) if recursiveCall: return url #print 'final url',repr(url) if url=="": return else: return url,setresolved
def channelDirectory(self, items): if items == None or len(items) == 0: return #control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonPoster, addonBanner = control.addonPoster(), control.addonBanner() addonFanart = control.addonFanart() traktCredentials = trakt.getTraktCredentialsInfo() kodiVersion = control.getKodiVersion() isPlayable = True if not 'plugin' in control.infoLabel('Container.PluginName') else False indicators = playcount.getMovieIndicators(refresh=True) if action == 'movies' else playcount.getMovieIndicators() if self.trailer_source == '0': trailerAction = 'tmdb_trailer' elif self.trailer_source == '1': trailerAction = 'yt_trailer' else: trailerAction = 'imdb_trailer' playbackMenu = control.lang(32063) if control.setting('hosts.mode') == '2' else control.lang(32064) watchedMenu = control.lang(32068) if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32066) unwatchedMenu = control.lang(32069) if trakt.getTraktIndicatorsInfo() == True else control.lang(32067) queueMenu = control.lang(32065) traktManagerMenu = control.lang(32070) nextMenu = control.lang(32053) addToLibrary = control.lang(32551) clearProviders = control.lang(32081) findSimilar = control.lang(32100) infoMenu = control.lang(32101) for i in items: try: imdb, tmdb, title, year = i['imdb'], i['tmdb'], i['originaltitle'], i['year'] label = i['label'] if 'label' in i and not i['label'] == '0' else title label = '%s (%s)' % (label, year) if 'channel' in i: label = '[B]%s[/B] : %s' % (i['channel'].upper(), label) status = i['status'] if 'status' in i else '0' sysname = urllib_parse.quote_plus('%s (%s)' % (title, year)) systitle = urllib_parse.quote_plus(title) meta = dict((k,v) for k, v in six.iteritems(i) if not v == '0') meta.update({'imdbnumber': imdb, 'code': tmdb}) meta.update({'mediatype': 'movie'}) meta.update({'trailer': '%s?action=%s&name=%s&tmdb=%s&imdb=%s' % (sysaddon, trailerAction, systitle, tmdb, imdb)}) if not 'duration' in i: meta.update({'duration': '120'}) elif i['duration'] == '0': meta.update({'duration': '120'}) try: meta.update({'duration': str(int(meta['duration']) * 60)}) except: pass try: meta.update({'genre': cleangenre.lang(meta['genre'], self.lang)}) except: pass if 'castwiththumb' in i and not i['castwiththumb'] == '0': meta.pop('cast', '0') poster = i['poster'] if 'poster' in i and not i['poster'] == '0' else addonPoster meta.update({'poster': poster}) sysmeta = urllib_parse.quote_plus(json.dumps(meta)) url = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&meta=%s&t=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, sysmeta, self.systime) sysurl = urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) #path = '%s?action=play&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb) cm = [] cm.append((findSimilar, 'Container.Update(%s?action=movies&url=%s)' % (sysaddon, urllib_parse.quote_plus(self.related_link % tmdb)))) cm.append(('[I]Cast[/I]', 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviecredits&tmdb=%s&status=%s)' % (sysaddon, tmdb, status))) cm.append((queueMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=queueItem)' % sysaddon)) try: overlay = int(playcount.getMovieOverlay(indicators, imdb)) if overlay == 7: cm.append((unwatchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviePlaycount&imdb=%s&query=6)' % (sysaddon, imdb))) meta.update({'playcount': 1, 'overlay': 7}) else: cm.append((watchedMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=moviePlaycount&imdb=%s&query=7)' % (sysaddon, imdb))) meta.update({'playcount': 0, 'overlay': 6}) except: pass if traktCredentials == True: cm.append((traktManagerMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=traktManager&name=%s&imdb=%s&content=movie)' % (sysaddon, sysname, imdb))) cm.append((playbackMenu, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=alterSources&url=%s&meta=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysurl, sysmeta))) if kodiVersion < 17: cm.append((infoMenu, 'Action(Info)')) cm.append((addToLibrary, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=movieToLibrary&name=%s&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&tmdb=%s)' % (sysaddon, sysname, systitle, year, imdb, tmdb))) cm.append(('[I]Scrape Filterless[/I]', 'RunPlugin(%s?action=playUnfiltered&title=%s&year=%s&imdb=%s&meta=%s&t=%s)' % (sysaddon, systitle, year, imdb, sysmeta, self.systime))) cm.append((clearProviders, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=clearCacheProviders)' % sysaddon)) try: item = control.item(label=label, offscreen=True) except: item = control.item(label=label) art = {} art.update({'icon': poster, 'thumb': poster, 'poster': poster}) fanart = i['fanart'] if 'fanart' in i and not i['fanart'] == '0' else addonFanart if self.settingFanart == 'true': art.update({'fanart': fanart}) else: art.update({'fanart': addonFanart}) if 'banner' in i and not i['banner'] == '0': art.update({'banner': i['banner']}) else: art.update({'banner': addonBanner}) if 'clearlogo' in i and not i['clearlogo'] == '0': art.update({'clearlogo': i['clearlogo']}) if 'clearart' in i and not i['clearart'] == '0': art.update({'clearart': i['clearart']}) if 'landscape' in i and not i['landscape'] == '0': landscape = i['landscape'] else: landscape = fanart art.update({'landscape': landscape}) if 'discart' in i and not i['discart'] == '0': art.update({'discart': i['discart']}) item.setArt(art) item.addContextMenuItems(cm) if isPlayable: item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') castwiththumb = i.get('castwiththumb') if castwiththumb and not castwiththumb == '0': if kodiVersion >= 18: item.setCast(castwiththumb) else: cast = [(p['name'], p['role']) for p in castwiththumb] meta.update({'cast': cast}) offset = bookmarks.get('movie', imdb, '', '', True) if float(offset) > 120: percentPlayed = int(float(offset) / float(meta['duration']) * 100) item.setProperty('resumetime', str(offset)) item.setProperty('percentplayed', str(percentPlayed)) item.setProperty('imdb_id', imdb) item.setProperty('tmdb_id', tmdb) try: item.setUniqueIDs({'imdb': imdb, 'tmdb': tmdb}) except: pass item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels = control.metadataClean(meta)) video_streaminfo = {'codec': 'h264'} item.addStreamInfo('video', video_streaminfo) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=False) except: log_utils.log('channels_dir', 1) pass control.content(syshandle, 'files'), cacheToDisc=True)
def List(url): url = update_url(url) hdr = dict(utils.base_hdrs) hdr['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0' try: listhtml = utils.getHtml(url, headers=hdr) except: return None cm_sortby = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('xvideos.ContextSortbyFilter')) cm_date = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('xvideos.ContextDateFilter')) cm_length = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('xvideos.ContextLengthFilter')) cm_quality = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('xvideos.ContextQualityFilter')) cm_filter = [ ('[COLOR violet]SortBy[/COLOR] [COLOR orange]{}[/COLOR]'.format( get_setting('sortby')), 'RunPlugin(' + cm_sortby + ')'), ('[COLOR violet]Date[/COLOR] [COLOR orange]{}[/COLOR]'.format( get_setting('date')), 'RunPlugin(' + cm_date + ')'), ('[COLOR violet]Length[/COLOR] [COLOR orange]{}[/COLOR]'.format( get_setting('length')), 'RunPlugin(' + cm_length + ')'), ('[COLOR violet]Quality[/COLOR] [COLOR orange]{}[/COLOR]'.format( get_setting('quality')), 'RunPlugin(' + cm_quality + ')') ] match = re.compile( r'div id="video.+?href="([^"]+)".+?data-src="([^"]+)"(.+?)title="([^"]+)">.+?duration">([^<]+)<', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(listhtml) for videopage, img, res, name, duration in match: match ='mark">(.+?)<', res) res = if match else '' name = utils.cleantext(name) img = img.replace('THUMBNUM', '5') cm_related = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('xvideos.ContextRelated') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(videopage)) cm = [('[COLOR violet]Related videos[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + cm_related + ')')] if 'k=' in url or '/tags/' in url or '/c/' in url: cm += cm_filter site.add_download_link(name, site.url[:-1] + videopage, 'Playvid', img, name, contextm=cm, duration=duration, quality=res) npage = re.compile(r'href="([^"]+)" class="no-page next-page', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(listhtml) if npage: npage = npage[0].replace('&', '&') np = re.findall(r'\d+', npage)[-1] if url.split(site.url)[-1] in ('', 'gay/', 'shemale/'): npage = npage.replace('/2', '/1') else: np = str(int(np) + 1) if npage == '#1': npage = url + '/1' elif npage.startswith('#'): new = npage.split('#')[-1] old = str(int(new) - 1) npage = url.replace('/{}'.format(old), '/{}'.format(new)) if not npage.startswith('http'): npage = site.url[:-1] + npage lp = re.compile(r'>(\d+)<', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall( listhtml.split('next-page')[0]) if lp: lp = '/' + lp[-1] else: '' site.add_dir('Next Page ({}{})'.format(np, lp), npage, 'List', site.img_next) if 'No video match with this search.' in listhtml: site.add_dir( 'No videos found. [COLOR hotpink]Clear all filters.[/COLOR]', '', 'ResetFilters', Folder=False, contextm=cm_filter) utils.eod()
def quote_plus(self): """Return the object's URL quote_plus representation.""" return urllib.quote_plus(self.context)
def __direct_dl(self, media_id, torrent=False): try: if torrent: response =, headers=self.headers).content else: response = urllib_parse.quote_plus('{"link":"%s"}' % media_id)), headers=self.headers).content result = json.loads(response) if torrent: if result.get('status') == 'OK': _videos = [] def _search_tree(d): for v in list(d.items()): if isinstance(v, dict) and v.get('isVideo') != 'y': _search_tree(v) else: if isinstance(v, dict): _videos.append(v) _search_tree(result) try: link = max(_videos, key=lambda x: int(x.get('size'))).get( 'downloadLink', None) stream = link, headers=self.headers).get_url() return stream except Exception: raise ResolverError( 'Failed to locate largest video file') else: raise ResolverError('Unexpected Response Received') else: stream = result.get('links')[0] if stream['status'] != 'OK': raise ResolverError('Link Not Found: {0}'.format( stream.get('error'))) elif stream['type'] != 'video': raise ResolverError( 'Generated link "{0}" does not contain a playable file' .format(stream.get('generated'))) elif any(item in media_id for item in self.get_hosts()[1]): transfer_info = self.__check_dl_status(stream.get('hash')) if transfer_info.get('percent') != 100: line1 = stream.get('filename') line2 = stream.get('filehost') with common.kodi.ProgressDialog( 'ResolveURL Linksnappy transfer', line1, line2) as pd: while self.__check_dl_status( stream.get('hash')).get('percent') != 100: common.kodi.sleep(2000) transfer_info = self.__check_dl_status( stream.get('hash')) try: logger.log_debug( 'Transfer with id "{0}" is still in progress, caching... active connections {1}, download speed {2}' .format( stream.get('hash'), transfer_info.get('connections'), transfer_info.get( 'downloadSpeed'))) except ValueError: pass try: line1 = stream.get('filename') line2 = stream.get('filehost') try: line3 = ''.join([ i18n('download_rate'), ' ', transfer_info.get('downloadSpeed') ]) pd.update(int( transfer_info.get('percent')), line1=line1, line2=line2, line3=line3) except ValueError: pd.update(int( transfer_info.get('percent')), line1=line1, line2=line2) except ValueError: pass if pd.is_canceled(): raise ResolverError( 'Transfer ID "{0}" canceled by user'. format(stream.get('hash'))) else: logger.log_debug( 'Transfer with id "{0}" completed'.format( stream.get('hash'))) pd.update(percent=100) return stream.get('generated') else: stream.get('generated') return stream.get('generated') except Exception as e: # _, __, tb = sys.exc_info() # # print traceback.print_tb(tb) logger.log_debug( 'Linksnappy, error at __direct_dl function: {0}'.format(e)) return None
def BGList(url, page=1): listjson = utils.getHtml(url, site.url) jdata = json.loads(listjson) for video in jdata: tag = '' slug = '' fc_facts = video["fc_facts"] for t in video["tags"]: if t["is_owner"]: tag = t["tg_name"] slug = t["tg_slug"] tag = tag if utils.PY3 else tag.encode('utf8') name = video["file"]["stuff"]["sf_name"] if "sf_name" in video["file"][ "stuff"] else tag name = name if utils.PY3 else name.encode('utf8') name = '{} - {}'.format(tag, name) story = video["file"]["stuff"]["sf_story"] if "sf_story" in video[ "file"]["stuff"] else '' story = story if utils.PY3 else story.encode('utf8') if "fl_duration" in video["file"]: m, s = divmod(video["file"]["fl_duration"], 60) duration = '{:d}:{:02d}'.format(m, s) else: duration = '' h = video["file"]["fl_height"] w = video["file"]["fl_width"] quality = str(h) + 'p' if "fl_height" in video["file"] else '' th_size = '480x' + str((480 * h) // w) plot = tag + ' - ' + name + '[CR]' + story thumb = str(random.choice(fc_facts[0]["fc_thumbs"])) videodump = json.dumps(video) videopage = base64.b64encode(videodump.encode()) # videopage = '' + str(video["fc_file_id"]) if "set_id" in video["file"]: img = '{0}/thumbs/{0}-{1}.jpg?size={2}'.format( str(video["file"]["set_id"]).zfill(5), thumb.zfill(4), th_size) else: img = '{0}/{1}.jpg?size={2}'.format( str(video["fc_file_id"]), thumb, th_size) parts = '' if len(fc_facts) > 1: parts = '[COLOR blue] ({} parts)[/COLOR]'.format(len(fc_facts)) for fc_fact in fc_facts: if "fc_start" not in fc_fact: parts = '' if len(fc_facts) == 1 and "fc_start" in fc_facts[ 0] and "fc_end" in fc_facts[0]: min_start, sec_start = divmod(fc_facts[0]["fc_start"], 60) min_end, sec_end = divmod(fc_facts[0]["fc_end"], 60) parts = '[COLOR blue] ({:d}:{:02d} - {:d}:{:02d})[/COLOR]'.format( min_start, sec_start, min_end, sec_end) name += parts cm_related = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('beeg.ContextRelated') + "&slug=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(slug)) if tag: cm = [('[COLOR violet]Tag [COLOR orange][{}][/COLOR]'.format(tag), 'RunPlugin(' + cm_related + ')')] else: cm = '' site.add_download_link(name, videopage, 'BGPlayvid', img, plot, contextm=cm, duration=duration, quality=quality) if len(jdata) == 48: if not page: page = 1 npage = url.split('offset=')[0] + 'offset=' + str(page * 48) cm_page = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=beeg.GotoPage" + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(npage) + "&np=" + str(page)) cm = [('[COLOR violet]Goto Page #[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + cm_page + ')')] site.add_dir('Next Page ({})'.format(str(page + 1)), npage, 'BGList', site.img_next, page=page + 1, contextm=cm) utils.eod()
def webfinger(self, resource=None, rel=None): """An implementation the webfinger protocol ( in order to provide information about up and downstream metadata available at this pyFF instance. Example: .. code-block:: bash # curl http://localhost:8080/.well-known/webfinger?resource=http://localhost:8080 This should result in a JSON structure that looks something like this: .. code-block:: json {"expires": "2013-04-13T17:40:42.188549", "links": [ {"href": "", "rel": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"}, {"href": "", "rel": "disco-json"}], "subject": ""} Depending on which version of pyFF your're running and the configuration you may also see downstream metadata listed using the 'role' attribute to the link elements. """ if resource is None: resource = cherrypy.request.base jrd = dict() dt = + duration2timedelta("PT1H") jrd['expires'] = dt.isoformat() jrd['subject'] = cherrypy.request.base links = list() jrd['links'] = links _dflt_rels = { 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata': '.xml', 'disco-json': '.json' } if rel is None: rel = list(_dflt_rels.keys()) else: rel = [rel] def _links(url): if url.startswith('/'): url = url.lstrip('/') for r in rel: suffix = "" if not url.endswith('/'): suffix = _dflt_rels[r] links.append(dict(rel=r, href='%s/%s%s' % (cherrypy.request.base, url, suffix))) _links('/entities/') for a in if a is not None and '://' not in a: _links(a) for entity_id in _links("/metadata/%s" % hash_id(entity_id)) for a in list(self.server.aliases.keys()): for v in[a]): _links('%s/%s' % (a, quote_plus(v))) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' cherrypy.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return dumps(jrd)
def ContextRelated(slug): url = '{}&get_original=true&limit=48&offset=0'.format( slug) contexturl = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('beeg.BGList') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url)) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update(' + contexturl + ')')
def filter_url(attrs, new=False): if not attrs.get((None, 'href'), '').startswith('http://bouncer'): quoted = quote_plus(attrs[(None, 'href')]) attrs[(None, 'href')] = 'http://bouncer/?u={0!s}'.format(quoted) return attrs
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.keyword = quote_plus(kwargs.get("k", "投票")) super(WechatVoteSpider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def PTList(url, page=1): hdr = dict(utils.base_hdrs) hdr['Cookie'] = get_cookies() listhtml = utils.getHtml(url, site.url, headers=hdr) if ptlogged and ('>Log in<' in listhtml): if PTLogin(False): hdr['Cookie'] = get_cookies() listhtml = utils.getHtml(url, site.url, headers=hdr) else: return None match = re.compile( r'class="video-.+?data-src="([^"]+)".+?/ul>(.+?)title.+?class="quality">([^<]+).+?clock-o"></i>\s*([^<]+).+?href="([^"]+).+?>([^<]+)', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(listhtml) for img, private, hd, duration, videopage, name in match: name = utils.cleantext(name) if 'private' in private.lower(): if not ptlogged: continue private = "[COLOR blue][PV][/COLOR] " else: private = "" if any(x in hd for x in ['720', '1080']): hd = "[COLOR orange]HD[/COLOR] " elif any(x in hd for x in ['1440', '2160']): hd = "[COLOR yellow]4K[/COLOR] " else: hd = "" name = "{0}{1}".format(private, name) # , hd, duration) if img.startswith('//'): img = 'https:' + img elif img.startswith('/'): img = site.url[:-1] + img img = re.sub(r"http:", "https:", img) imgint = randint(1, 10) newimg = str(imgint) + '.jpg' img = img.replace('1.jpg', newimg) img = img.replace(' ', '%20') img = img + '|Referer=' + url contextmenu = [] if ptlogged: contexturl = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('porntrex.PTCheck_pornstars') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(videopage)) contextmenu.append( ('[COLOR deeppink]Add pornstar to subscriptions[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + contexturl + ')')) if 'my_favourite_videos' in url: contextdel = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('porntrex.ContextMenu') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(videopage) + "&fav=del") contextmenu.append( ('[COLOR violet]Delete from PT favorites[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + contextdel + ')')) else: contextadd = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('porntrex.ContextMenu') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(videopage) + "&fav=add") contextmenu.append( ('[COLOR violet]Add to PT favorites[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + contextadd + ')')) contexturl = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('porntrex.PTCheck_tags') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(videopage)) contextmenu.append(('[COLOR deeppink]Lookup tags[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + contexturl + ')')) site.add_download_link(name, videopage, 'PTPlayvid', img, name, contextm=contextmenu, duration=duration, quality=hd) if'<li class="next">', listhtml, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE): search = False if not page: page = 1 npage = page + 1 if url.endswith('/latest-updates/'): url += '{}/'.format(str(npage)) search = True elif url.endswith('/{}/'.format(str(page))): url = url.replace('/{}/'.format(str(page)), '/{}/'.format(str(npage))) search = True elif 'list_videos_latest_videos_list' in url: url = url.replace('from=' + str(page), 'from=' + str(npage)) search = True elif '/categories/' in url: url = url.replace('from=' + str(page), 'from=' + str(npage)) search = True elif 'list_videos_common_videos_list_norm' in url: if len(match) == 120: url = url.replace('from4=' + str(page), 'from4=' + str(npage)) search = True elif '/search/' in url: url = url.replace('from_videos=' + str(page), 'from_videos=' + str(npage)).replace( 'from_albums=' + str(page), 'from_albums=' + str(npage)) search = True elif 'from_my_subscriptions_videos' in url: if len(match) == 10: url = url.replace('from_my_subscriptions_videos=' + str(page), 'from_my_subscriptions_videos=' + str(npage)) search = True elif '/favourites/' in url: if 'from_my_fav_videos={0:02d}'.format(page) in url: url = url.replace('from_my_fav_videos={0:02d}'.format(page), 'from_my_fav_videos={0:02d}'.format(npage)) search = True else: utils.kodilog(' favorites pagination error') else: url = url.replace('/' + str(page) + '/', '/' + str(npage) + '/') search = True lastp = re.compile(r'class="pagination".+data-max="(\d+)"', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(listhtml) if lastp: lastp = '/{}'.format(lastp[0]) if npage > int(lastp[1:]): search = False else: lastp = '' if search: site.add_dir('Next Page (' + str(npage) + lastp + ')', url, 'PTList', site.img_next, npage) utils.eod() return True
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id, cached_only=False): try: if media_id.lower().startswith('magnet:'): r = '''magnet:.+?urn:([a-zA-Z0-9]+):([a-zA-Z0-9]+)''', media_id, re.I) if r: _hash = if self.__check_cache(_hash): logger.log_debug( 'AllDebrid: BTIH {0} is readily available to stream' .format(_hash)) transfer_id = self.__create_transfer(_hash) else: if self.get_setting( 'cached_only') == 'true' or cached_only: raise ResolverError( 'AllDebrid: Cached torrents only allowed to be initiated' ) else: transfer_id = self.__create_transfer(_hash) self.__initiate_transfer(transfer_id) transfer_info = self.__list_transfer(transfer_id) sources = [(link.get('size'), link.get('link')) for link in transfer_info.get('links') if any( link.get('filename').lower().endswith(x) for x in FORMATS)] media_id = max(sources)[1] self.__delete_transfer(transfer_id) url = '{0}/link/unlock?agent={1}&apikey={2}&link={3}'.format( api_url, urllib_parse.quote_plus(AGENT), self.get_setting('token'), urllib_parse.quote_plus(media_id)) result =, headers=self.headers).content except urllib_error.HTTPError as e: try: js_result = json.loads( if 'error' in js_result: msg = '{0} ({1})'.format(js_result.get('error'), js_result.get('errorCode')) else: msg = 'Unknown Error (1)' except: msg = 'Unknown Error (2)' raise ResolverError('AllDebrid Error: {0} ({1})'.format( msg, e.code)) else: js_result = json.loads(result) logger.log_debug('AllDebrid resolve: [{0}]'.format(js_result)) if 'error' in js_result: e = js_result.get('error') raise ResolverError('AllDebrid Error: {0} ({1})'.format( e.get('message'), e.get('code'))) elif js_result.get('status', False) == "success": if js_result.get('data').get('link'): return js_result.get('data').get('link') elif js_result.get('data').get('host') == "stream": sources = js_result.get('data').get('streams') fid = js_result.get('data').get('id') sources = [(str(source.get("quality")), source.get("id")) for source in sources if '+' not in source.get("id")] sid = helpers.pick_source( helpers.sort_sources_list(sources)) url = '{0}/link/streaming?agent={1}&apikey={2}&id={3}&stream={4}' \ .format(api_url, urllib_parse.quote_plus(AGENT), self.get_setting('token'), fid, sid) result =, headers=self.headers).content js_data = json.loads(result) if js_data.get('data').get('link'): return js_data.get('data').get('link') raise ResolverError('AllDebrid: no stream returned')
def __create_transfer(self, media_id): try: if media_id.startswith('magnet:'): response = urllib_parse.quote_plus(media_id)), headers=self.headers).content else: response = urllib_parse.quote_plus(media_id)), headers=self.headers).content result = json.loads(response) if media_id.startswith('magnet:'): if result.get( 'status') == 'OK' and result.get('error') is False: torrent = result.get('return')[0] error = torrent.get('error') torrent_id = torrent.get('torrentid') if error: logger.log_debug('Linksnappy error at line 332: ' + error) else: raise ResolverError( 'Unexpected response received when attempting to add a torrent' ) else: if list(result.keys())[0].endswith('.torrent'): torrent_id = list(result.values())[0].get('torrentid') error = list(result.values())[0].get('error') if error: logger.log_debug('Linksnappy error at line 348:' + error) else: raise ResolverError( 'Unexpected response received when attempting to add a torrent' ) if torrent_id: logger.log_debug( ' Added the following url for transfer {0}'. format(media_id)) folder_id = self.__create_folder() result = self.__start_transfer(torrent_id, folder_id) if result.get('error') is False: logger.log_debug( 'Linksnappy transfer with torrent id: "{0}" successfully started' .format(torrent_id)) else: logger.log_debug( 'Linksnappy transfer with torrent id "{0}" has the following error: {1}' .format(torrent_id, result.get('error'))) if result.get( 'error' ) == 'Magnet URI processing in progress. Please wait.': count = 1 while self.__start_transfer( torrent_id, folder_id).get('error') is not False: logger.log_debug( 'Waiting for Linksnappy transfer due to the following status: "{0}"' .format(result.get('error'))) common.kodi.sleep(3000) count += 1 if count == 8: raise ResolverError( 'Linksnappy torrens: Waited too long for transfer to start' ) return str(torrent_id) except Exception as e: logger.log_debug( 'Linksnappy error at __create_transfer: {0}'.format(e)) return ''
def Tags(url): url = site.url + 'php/model_tags.php?get_tags=1&tag_sort=&word_source=tags&display_style=list&member_mode=0' page = utils._getHtml(url) res = re.compile(r"g_oTags.SelectTag\('selected_field','(.+?)'.+?10px.+?>(.+?)<", re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).findall(page) for item, models in res: url = site.url + 'php/model_tags.php?get_users=1&selected_field={0}&display_style=list'.format(urllib_parse.quote_plus(item)) \ + '&word_source=tags&member_mode=0&page=1&stand_alone=true' site.add_dir('{0} [COLOR hotpink]{1}[/COLOR]'.format(item, models), url, 'TagsList', '', '') utils.eod()
def addDirectory(self, items, content): if items == None or len(items) == 0: return #control.idle() ; sys.exit() sysaddon = sys.argv[0] syshandle = int(sys.argv[1]) addonFanart, addonThumb, artPath = control.addonFanart( ), control.addonThumb(), control.artPath() playRandom = control.lang(32535) nextMenu = control.lang(32053) for i in items: try: name = i['name'] plot = i['plot'] or '[CR]' if i['image'].startswith('http'): thumb = i['image'] elif not artPath == None: thumb = os.path.join(artPath, i['image']) else: thumb = addonThumb try: item = control.item(label=name, offscreen=True) except: item = control.item(label=name) item.setArt({ 'icon': thumb, 'thumb': thumb, 'poster': thumb, 'fanart': addonFanart }) item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={'plot': plot}) cm = [] if content == 'movies': link = urllib_parse.quote_plus(self.person_movie_link % i['id']) cm.append( (playRandom, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=random&rtype=movie&url=%s)' % (sysaddon, link))) url = '%s?action=movies&url=%s' % (sysaddon, link) elif content == 'tvshows': link = urllib_parse.quote_plus(self.person_tv_link % i['id']) cm.append( (playRandom, 'RunPlugin(%s?action=random&rtype=show&url=%s)' % (sysaddon, link))) url = '%s?action=tvshows&url=%s' % (sysaddon, link) else: url = '%s?action=personsSelect&name=%s&url=%s' % ( sysaddon, urllib_parse.quote_plus(name), urllib_parse.quote_plus(i['id'])) if cm: item.addContextMenuItems(cm) control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: log_utils.log('people_dir', 1) pass try: next = items[0]['next'] if next == '': raise Exception() icon = control.addonNext() url = '%s?action=persons&url=%s&content=%s' % ( sysaddon, urllib_parse.quote_plus(next), content) try: item = control.item(label=nextMenu, offscreen=True) except: item = control.item(label=nextMenu) item.setArt({ 'icon': icon, 'thumb': icon, 'poster': icon, 'banner': icon, 'fanart': addonFanart }) item.setProperty('SpecialSort', 'bottom') control.addItem(handle=syshandle, url=url, listitem=item, isFolder=True) except: pass control.content(syshandle, ''), cacheToDisc=True)
def download(name, image, url): if url == None: return from resources.lib.modules import control try: headers = dict(urllib_parse.parse_qsl(url.rsplit('|', 1)[1])) except: headers = dict('') url = url.split('|')[0] content = re.compile('(.+?)\sS(\d*)E\d*$').findall(name) try: transname = name.translate(None, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') except: transname = name.translate(str.maketrans('', '', '\/:*?"<>|')).strip('.') levels = ['../../../..', '../../..', '../..', '..'] if len(content) == 0: dest = control.setting('') dest = control.transPath(dest) for level in levels: try: control.makeFile(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dest, level))) except: pass control.makeFile(dest) dest = os.path.join(dest, transname) control.makeFile(dest) else: dest = control.setting('') dest = control.transPath(dest) for level in levels: try: control.makeFile(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dest, level))) except: pass control.makeFile(dest) try: transtvshowtitle = content[0][0].translate(None, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') except: transtvshowtitle = content[0][0].translate( str.maketrans('', '', '\/:*?"<>|')).strip('.') dest = os.path.join(dest, transtvshowtitle) control.makeFile(dest) dest = os.path.join(dest, 'Season %01d' % int(content[0][1])) control.makeFile(dest) ext = os.path.splitext(urllib_parse.urlparse(url).path)[1][1:] if not ext in ['mp4', 'mkv', 'flv', 'avi', 'mpg']: ext = 'mp4' dest = os.path.join(dest, transname + '.' + ext) sysheaders = urllib_parse.quote_plus(json.dumps(headers)) sysurl = urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) systitle = urllib_parse.quote_plus(name) sysimage = urllib_parse.quote_plus(image) sysdest = urllib_parse.quote_plus(dest) script = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()) cmd = 'RunScript(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % ( script, sysurl, sysdest, systitle, sysimage, sysheaders) xbmc.executebuiltin(cmd)
def ContextRelated(url): contexturl = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('xvideos.ListRelated') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(url)) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update(' + contexturl + ')')
def after_request(self, response): """ The heavy lifter. This method collects the majority of data and passes it off for storage. :Parameters: - `response`: The response on it's way to the client. """ ctx = view_func = if self._type == 'exclude': if view_func in self._exclude_views: return response elif self._type == 'include': if view_func not in self._include_views: return response else: raise NotImplementedError('You must set include or exclude type.') now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() speed = None try: speed = (now - g.start_time).total_seconds() except: # Older python versions don't have total_seconds() speed_result = (now - g.start_time) speed = float("%s.%s" % (speed_result.seconds, speed_result.microseconds)) if self._fake_time: current_time = self._fake_time else: current_time = now data = { 'url': ctx.request.url, 'user_agent': ctx.request.user_agent, 'server_name':, 'blueprint': ctx.request.blueprint, 'view_args': ctx.request.view_args, 'status': response.status_code, 'remote_addr': ctx.request.remote_addr, 'xforwardedfor': ctx.request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For', None), 'authorization': bool(ctx.request.authorization), 'ip_info': None, 'path': ctx.request.path, 'speed': float(speed), 'date': int(time.mktime(current_time.timetuple())), 'content_length': response.content_length, 'request': "{} {} {}".format(ctx.request.method, ctx.request.url, ctx.request.environ.get('SERVER_PROTOCOL')), 'url_args': dict([(k, ctx.request.args[k]) for k in ctx.request.args]), 'username': None, 'track_var': g.track_var } if ctx.request.authorization: data['username'] = str(ctx.request.authorization.username) if self._use_freegeoip: clean_ip = quote_plus(str(ctx.request.remote_addr)) if '{ip}' in self._freegeoip_endpoint: url = self._freegeoip_endpoint.format(ip=clean_ip) else: url = self._freegeoip_endpoint + clean_ip # seperate capture and conversion to aid in debugging text = urlopen(url).read() ip_info = json.loads(text) if url.startswith(""): del ip_info["businessWebsite"] del ip_info["status"] data['ip_info'] = ip_info for storage in self._storages: try: storage(data) except: pass return response
def append_headers(headers): return '|%s' % '&'.join([ '%s=%s' % (key, urllib_parse.quote_plus(headers[key])) for key in headers ])
def download(name, iconimage, url): from resources.lib.modules import control control.busy() import json if url is None: control.idle() return try: url = evaluate(url) # xbmc.log('URL-EVALUATE: %s' % url) except Exception: control.idle() xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(NAME, 'Download failed', 'Your service can\'t resolve this hoster', 'or Link is down') return try: headers = dict(parse_qsl(url.rsplit('|', 1)[1])) except BaseException: headers = dict('') control.idle() title = re.sub('\[.+?\]', '', name) content = re.compile('(.+?)\s+[\.|\(|\[]S(\d+)E\d+[\.|\)|\]]', re.I).findall(title) transname = title.translate(None, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') transname = re.sub('\[.+?\]', '', transname) levels = ['../../../..', '../../..', '../..', '..'] if len(content) == 0: dest = control.setting('') dest = control.transPath(dest) for level in levels: try: control.makeFile(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dest, level))) except: pass control.makeFile(dest) dest = os.path.join(dest, transname) control.makeFile(dest) else: dest = control.setting('') dest = control.transPath(dest) for level in levels: try: control.makeFile(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dest, level))) except: pass control.makeFile(dest) tvtitle = re.sub('\[.+?\]', '', content[0]) transtvshowtitle = tvtitle.translate(None, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') dest = os.path.join(dest, transtvshowtitle) control.makeFile(dest) dest = os.path.join(dest, 'Season %01d' % int(content[0][1])) control.makeFile(dest) control.idle() # ext = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1] ext = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1][1:] # xbmc.log('URL-EXT: %s' % ext) if not ext in ['mp4', 'mkv', 'flv', 'avi', 'mpg']: ext = 'mp4' dest = os.path.join(dest, transname + '.' + ext) headers = quote_plus(json.dumps(headers)) # xbmc.log('URL-HEADERS: %s' % headers) from resources.lib.modules import downloader control.idle() downloader.doDownload(url, dest, name, iconimage, headers)
def webfinger_handler(request): """An implementation the webfinger protocol ( in order to provide information about up and downstream metadata available at this pyFF instance. Example: .. code-block:: bash # curl This should result in a JSON structure that looks something like this: .. code-block:: json { "expires": "2013-04-13T17:40:42.188549", "links": [ { "href": "", "rel": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" }, { "href": "", "rel": "disco-json" } ], "subject": "" } Depending on which version of pyFF your're running and the configuration you may also see downstream metadata listed using the 'role' attribute to the link elements. """ resource = request.params.get('resource', None) rel = request.params.get('rel', None) if resource is None: resource = request.host_url jrd = dict() dt = + duration2timedelta("PT1H") jrd['expires'] = dt.isoformat() jrd['subject'] = request.host_url links = list() jrd['links'] = links _dflt_rels = { 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata': ['.xml', 'application/xml'], 'disco-json': ['.json', 'application/json'] } if rel is None or len(rel) == 0: rel = _dflt_rels.keys() else: rel = [rel] def _links(url, title=None): if url.startswith('/'): url = url.lstrip('/') for r in rel: suffix = "" if not url.endswith('/'): suffix = _dflt_rels[r][0] links.append( dict(rel=r, type=_dflt_rels[r][1], href='%s/%s%s' % (request.host_url, url, suffix))) _links('/entities/') for a in if a is not None and '://' not in a: _links(a) for entity in'entities'): entity_display = entity_display_name(entity) _links("/entities/%s" % hash_id(entity.get('entityID')), title=entity_display) aliases = request.registry.aliases for a in aliases.keys(): for v in[a]): _links('%s/%s' % (a, quote_plus(v))) response = Response(dumps(jrd, default=json_serializer)) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return response
def request(url, check, close=True, redirect=True, error=False, proxy=None, post=None, headers=None, mobile=False, XHR=False, limit=None, referer=None, cookie=None, compression=True, output='', timeout='30'): try: r = client.request(url, close=close, redirect=redirect, proxy=proxy, post=post, headers=headers, mobile=mobile, XHR=XHR, limit=limit, referer=referer, cookie=cookie, compression=compression, output=output, timeout=timeout) if r is not None and error is not False: return r if check in str(r) or str(r) == '': return r proxies = sorted(get(), key=lambda x: random.random()) proxies = sorted(proxies, key=lambda x: random.random()) proxies = proxies[:3] for p in proxies: p += urllib_parse.quote_plus(url) if post is not None: if isinstance(post, dict): post = utils.byteify(post) post = urllib_parse.urlencode(post) p += urllib_parse.quote_plus('?%s' % post) r = client.request(p, close=close, redirect=redirect, proxy=proxy, headers=headers, mobile=mobile, XHR=XHR, limit=limit, referer=referer, cookie=cookie, compression=compression, output=output, timeout='20') if check in str(r) or str(r) == '': return r except: pass
def run(self, title, year, season, episode, imdb, tmdb, url, meta): try: control.sleep(200) self.totalTime = 0 self.currentTime = 0 self.content = 'movie' if season == None or episode == None else 'episode' self.title = title self.year = year = urllib_parse.quote_plus( title) + urllib_parse.quote_plus( ' (%s)' % year ) if self.content == 'movie' else urllib_parse.quote_plus( title) + urllib_parse.quote_plus( ' S%01dE%01d' % (int(season), int(episode))) = urllib_parse.unquote_plus( self.season = '%01d' % int( season) if self.content == 'episode' else None self.episode = '%01d' % int( episode) if self.content == 'episode' else None self.DBID = None = imdb if not imdb == None else '0' self.tmdb = tmdb if not tmdb == None else '0' self.ids = {'imdb':, 'tmdb': self.tmdb} self.ids = dict( (k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(self.ids) if not v == '0') self.offset = bookmarks.get(self.content, imdb, season, episode) poster, thumb, fanart, clearlogo, clearart, discart, meta = self.getMeta( meta) item = control.item(path=url) if self.content == 'movie': item.setArt({ 'icon': thumb, 'thumb': thumb, 'poster': poster, 'fanart': fanart, 'clearlogo': clearlogo, 'clearart': clearart, 'discart': discart }) else: item.setArt({ 'icon': thumb, 'thumb': thumb, 'tvshow.poster': poster, 'season.poster': poster, 'fanart': fanart, 'clearlogo': clearlogo, 'clearart': clearart }) item.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels=control.metadataClean(meta)) if 'plugin' in control.infoLabel('Container.PluginName'):, item) control.resolve(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) control.window.setProperty('script.trakt.ids', json.dumps(self.ids)) self.keepPlaybackAlive() control.window.clearProperty('script.trakt.ids') except: log_utils.log('player_fail', 1) return
if mode is None: Main_addDir() ###############GAMATOKIDS################# elif mode == 3: get_gam_genres(url) elif mode == 4: gamato_kids(url) elif mode == 12: get_links(name, url, iconimage, description) # gamato_links(url, name, iconimage) elif mode == 18: keyb = xbmc.Keyboard('', Lang(32002)) keyb.doModal() if keyb.isConfirmed(): search = quote_plus(keyb.getText()) url = GAMATO + "?s={}".format(search) Search_gamato(url) else: pass elif mode == 20: gamatokids() elif mode == 21: gamatokids_top(url) ########################################## ###############METAGLOTISMENO################# elif mode == 30: from resources.lib.indexers import teniesonline
def webfinger(self, resource=None, rel=None): """An implementation the webfinger protocol ( in order to provide information about up and downstream metadata available at this pyFF instance. Example: .. code-block:: bash # curl http://localhost:8080/.well-known/webfinger?resource=http://localhost:8080 This should result in a JSON structure that looks something like this: .. code-block:: json {"expires": "2013-04-13T17:40:42.188549", "links": [ {"href": "", "rel": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"}, {"href": "", "rel": "disco-json"}], "subject": ""} Depending on which version of pyFF your're running and the configuration you may also see downstream metadata listed using the 'role' attribute to the link elements. """ if resource is None: resource = cherrypy.request.base jrd = dict() dt = + duration2timedelta("PT1H") jrd['expires'] = dt.isoformat() jrd['subject'] = cherrypy.request.base links = list() jrd['links'] = links _dflt_rels = { 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata': '.xml', 'disco-json': '.json' } if rel is None: rel = list(_dflt_rels.keys()) else: rel = [rel] def _links(url): if url.startswith('/'): url = url.lstrip('/') for r in rel: suffix = "" if not url.endswith('/'): suffix = _dflt_rels[r] links.append( dict(rel=r, href='%s/%s%s' % (cherrypy.request.base, url, suffix))) _links('/entities/') for a in if a is not None and '://' not in a: _links(a) for entity_id in _links("/metadata/%s" % hash_id(entity_id)) for a in list(self.server.aliases.keys()): for v in[a]): _links('%s/%s' % (a, quote_plus(v))) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' cherrypy.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return dumps(jrd)
def urlencode_filter(s): if type(s) == 'Markup': s = s.unescape() s = s.encode('utf8') s = quote_plus(s) return Markup(s)
def hanime_list(url='', search='', page=0): tag = [] if url: if '|' in url: tag = url.split('|') else: tag.append(url) mode = 'OR' if len(tag) == 1 else 'AND' siteurl = '' data = { "search_text": search, "tags": tag, "tags_mode": mode, "brands": [], "blacklist": [], "order_by": "created_at_unix", "ordering": "desc", "page": page } _user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.1 ' + \ '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.99 Safari/535.1' try: listhtml = utils.postHtml(siteurl, json_data=data, headers={'User-Agent': _user_agent}) except Exception as e: utils.notify('Notify', e) return None hits = json.loads(listhtml) videos = json.loads(hits['hits']) for video in videos: name = video['name'] if video['is_censored'] is False: name = name + " [COLOR hotpink][I]Uncensored[/I][/COLOR]" videoid = video['slug'] img = video['cover_url'].replace('', '') fanart = video['poster_url'].replace('', '') plot = video['description'].replace('<p>', '').replace('</p>', '') if utils.PY2: plot = plot.encode('ascii', 'ignore') tags = ', '.join(sorted(video['tags'])) plot = '[COLOR hotpink][I]Tags: {1}[/I][/COLOR]\n\n{0}'.format( plot, tags) contexturl = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('hanime.hanime_eps') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(videoid)) contextmenu = ('[COLOR deeppink]Check other episodes[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + contexturl + ')') site.add_download_link(name, videoid, 'hanime_play', img, plot, noDownload=True, contextm=contextmenu, fanart=fanart) if 'nbPages' in hits: totalp = hits['nbPages'] npage = page + 1 if npage < totalp: site.add_dir('Next Page', url, 'hanime_list', site.img_next, npage) utils.eod()
def List(url, page=1): hdr = dict(utils.base_hdrs) hdr['Cookie'] = get_cookies() listhtml = utils.getHtml(url, site.url, headers=hdr) if jblogged and ('>Log in<' in listhtml): if JBLogin(False): hdr['Cookie'] = get_cookies() listhtml = utils.getHtml(url, site.url, headers=hdr) else: return None match = re.compile( r'class="video-item([^"]+)".+?href="([^"]+)".+?title="([^"]+).+?(?:original|"cover"\s*src)="([^"]+)(.+?)clock\D+([\d:]+)', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(listhtml) for private, videopage, name, img, hd, name2 in match: if '>HD<' in hd: hd = ' [COLOR orange]HD[/COLOR]' else: hd = '' name = utils.cleantext(name) + '{0} [COLOR cyan]({1})[/COLOR]'.format( hd, name2) if 'private' in private.lower(): if not jblogged: continue private = "[COLOR blue] [PV][/COLOR] " else: private = "" name = private + name contextmenu = None if jblogged: contextadd = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('javbangers.ContextMenu') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(videopage) + "&fav=add") contextdel = (utils.addon_sys + "?mode=" + str('javbangers.ContextMenu') + "&url=" + urllib_parse.quote_plus(videopage) + "&fav=del") contextmenu = [('[COLOR violet]Add to JB favorites[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + contextadd + ')'), ('[COLOR violet]Delete from JB favorites[/COLOR]', 'RunPlugin(' + contextdel + ')')] site.add_download_link(name, videopage, 'Playvid', img, '', contextm=contextmenu) if'<li\s*class="next"><a', listhtml, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE): lastp = re.compile(r':(\d+)">Last', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(listhtml) lastp = '/{}'.format(lastp[0]) if lastp else '' if not page: page = 1 npage = page + 1 if '/categories/' in url: if '/{}/'.format(page) in url: nurl = url.replace(str(page), str(npage)) else: nurl = url + '{}/'.format(npage) elif '/search/' in url: if 'from_videos={0:02d}'.format(page) in url: nurl = url.replace('from_videos={0:02d}'.format(page), 'from_videos={0:02d}'.format(npage)) else: searchphrase = url.split('/')[-2] nurl = url + '?mode=async&function=get_block&block_id=list_videos_videos_list_search_result&q={0}&category_ids=&sort_by=&from_videos={1:02d}'.format( searchphrase, npage) elif '/favourites/' in url: if 'from_my_fav_videos={0:02d}'.format(page) in url: nurl = url.replace('from_my_fav_videos={0:02d}'.format(page), 'from_my_fav_videos={0:02d}'.format(npage)) else: utils.kodilog(' favorites pagination error') nurl = url elif '/playlists/' in url: if '?mode' not in url: url += '?mode=async&function=get_block&block_id=playlist_view_playlist_view&sort_by=added2fav_date&from=1' if 'from={}'.format(page) in url: nurl = url.replace('from={}'.format(page), 'from={}'.format(npage)) else: utils.kodilog(' playlist pagination error') nurl = url else: nurl = site.url[:-1] + re.compile( r'next"><a\s*href="(/[^"]+)"', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).findall(listhtml)[0] site.add_dir( '[COLOR hotpink]Next Page...[/COLOR] (' + str(npage) + lastp + ')', nurl, 'List', site.img_next, npage) utils.eod()
def resolve(name, url, iconimage, description): liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) host = url if '/links/' in host: try: frame = client.request(host) host = client.parseDOM(frame, 'a', {'id': 'link'}, ret='href')[0] except BaseException: host = requests.get(host, allow_redirects=False).headers['Location'] else: host = host if host.split('|')[0].endswith('.mp4') and 'clou' in host: stream_url = host + '|User-Agent=%s&Referer=%s' % (quote_plus( client.agent(), ':/'), GAMATO) name = name elif host.endswith('.mp4') and '' in host: stream_url = host + '|User-Agent={}'.format(quote_plus(client.agent())) elif host.endswith('.mp4'): stream_url = host + '|User-Agent=%s&Referer=%s' % (quote_plus( client.agent(), ':/'), GAMATO) # stream_url = requests.get(host, headers=hdr).url elif '/aparat.' in host: try: from resources.lib.resolvers import aparat stream_url = aparat.get_video(host) stream_url, sub = stream_url.split('|') liz.setSubtitles([sub]) except BaseException: stream_url = evaluate(host) # elif '/clipwatching.' in host: # xbmc.log('HOST: {}'.format(host)) # # try: # data = requests.get(host).text # xbmc.log('DATA: {}'.format(data)) # try: # sub = client.parseDOM(data, 'track', ret='src', attrs={'label': 'Greek'})[0] # xbmc.log('SUBS: {}'.format(sub)) # liz.setSubtitles([sub]) # except IndexError: # pass # # stream_url = re.findall(r'''sources:\s*\[\{src:\s*['"](.+?)['"]\,''', data, re.DOTALL)[0] # xbmc.log('HOST111: {}'.format(stream_url)) # # # # except BaseException: # # stream_url = evaluate(stream_url) else: stream_url = evaluate(host) name = name.split(' [B]|')[0] try: liz.setArt({'icon': iconimage, 'fanart': FANART}) liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": name, "Plot": description }) liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") liz.setPath(str(stream_url)) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz) except BaseException: control.infoDialog(Lang(32012), NAME)