Example #1
 def readConfig(self, filename):
     Skeletor.readConfig(self, self.configPath)
     self.traces_after_pp_path = self.config.get('Postprocessing', 'traces_after_pp_path')
     if self.base_path in self.simPath:
         quit("I can't not run with this population folder. Please first copy the individuals to simulate into a new directory.")
     self.pool_path = self.simPath + self.pool_path
     self.pool_file_path = self.pool_path + self.pool_filename
     self.pop_path = self.simPath + self.pop_path
     self.logs_path = self.simPath + self.logs_path
     self.traces_after_vox_path = self.simPath + self.traces_after_vox_path
Example #2
 def __init__(self):
     Skeletor.__init__(self, False)
     self.individual = "0"
     self.simPath = ""
     self.traces_after_vox_path = "traces_afterVox/"
     self.traces_after_pp_path = "traces_afterPP/"
     self.pop_path = "population/"
     self.pool_path = "pool/"
     self.pool_filename = 'vox.{0}.pool'
     self.logs_path = "logs/"
     self.lastPoolFile = 0
     self.voxelyze_path = "~/EC14-voxelyze/voxelyzeMain"
     self.voxelyze_stepping = 100
     self.voxelyze_cmd = "{id}"
     self.voxelyze_walltime = 1000
     self.submit_script = "scripts/submit.sh"