Example #1
mapping = MappingMortar.init_2D(m, M, m.boundaries['contact'],
                                M.facets_satisfying(lambda x: x[0] == 1.0),
                                np.array([0.0, 1.0]))

mb = [
    FacetBasis(m, e, mapping=mapping, intorder=4, side=0),
    FacetBasis(M, E, mapping=mapping, intorder=4, side=1),

# define bilinear forms
E = 1000.0
nu = 0.3
Lambda, Mu = lame_parameters(E, nu)

weakform1 = linear_elasticity(Lambda, Mu)
weakform2 = linear_elasticity(Lambda, Mu)
C = linear_stress(Lambda, Mu)

alpha = 1000
limit = 0.3

# assemble the stiffness matrices
K1 = asm(weakform1, ib)
K2 = asm(weakform2, Ib)
K = [[K1, 0.], [0., K2]]
f = [None] * 2

def gap(x):
    """Initial gap between the bodies."""
Example #2
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
import numpy as np

m1 = MeshLine(np.linspace(0, 5, 50))
m2 = MeshLine(np.linspace(0, 1, 10))
m = m1 * m2

e1 = ElementQuad1()

mapping = MappingIsoparametric(m, e1)

e = ElementVectorH1(e1)

gb = InteriorBasis(m, e, mapping, 2)

K = asm(linear_elasticity(1.0, 1.0), gb)

def mass(u, du, v, dv, w):
    return u[0] * v[0] + u[1] * v[1]

M = asm(mass, gb)

D = gb.get_dofs(lambda x: x[0] == 0.0).all()
y = np.zeros(gb.N)

I = gb.complement_dofs(D)

L, x = eigsh(K[I].T[I].T, k=6, M=M[I].T[I].T, which='SM')
Example #3
from skfem import *
from skfem.models.elasticity import linear_elasticity,\
import numpy as np

from pathlib import Path

m = MeshTet.load(Path(__file__).parent / 'meshes' / 'beams.msh')
e1 = ElementTetP2()
e = ElementVectorH1(e1)

ib = Basis(m, e)

K = asm(linear_elasticity(*lame_parameters(200.0e9, 0.3)), ib)

rho = 8050.0

def mass(u, v, w):
    from skfem.helpers import dot
    return dot(rho * u, v)

M = asm(mass, ib)

L, x = solve(
    *condense(K, M, D=ib.find_dofs()["fixed"]), solver=solver_eigen_scipy_sym()
Example #4
weak form of the linear elasticity problem is defined in


import numpy as np
from skfem import *
from skfem.models.elasticity import linear_elasticity, lame_parameters

m = MeshHex()
e1 = ElementHex1()
e = ElementVectorH1(e1)
ib = InteriorBasis(m, e, MappingIsoparametric(m, e1), 3)

K = asm(linear_elasticity(*lame_parameters(1e3, 0.3)), ib)

dofs = {
    'left' : ib.get_dofs(lambda x: x[0] == 0.0),
    'right': ib.get_dofs(lambda x: x[0] == 1.0),

u = np.zeros(K.shape[0])
u[dofs['right'].nodal['u^1']] = 0.3

I = ib.complement_dofs(dofs)

u = solve(*condense(K, 0*u, I=I, x=u))

sf = 1.0
m.p += sf * u[ib.nodal_dofs]
Example #5
mapping = MappingMortar.init_2D(m, M,
                                M.facets_satisfying(lambda x: x[0] == 1.0),
                                np.array([0.0, 1.0]))

mb = [
    MortarFacetBasis(m, e, mapping=mapping, intorder=4, side=0, dofs=dofs1),
    MortarFacetBasis(M, E, mapping=mapping, intorder=4, side=1, dofs=dofs2),

# define bilinear forms
youngs_modulus = 1000.0
poisson_ratio = 0.3
Lambda, Mu = lame_parameters(youngs_modulus, poisson_ratio)

weakform = linear_elasticity(Lambda, Mu)
C = linear_stress(Lambda, Mu)

alpha = 1000
limit = 0.3

# mortar forms
def bilin_mortar(u, v, w):
    # jumps
    ju = (-1.) ** w.idx[0] * dot(u, w.n)
    jv = (-1.) ** w.idx[1] * dot(v, w.n)
    nxn = prod(w.n, w.n)
    mu = .5 * ddot(nxn, C(sym_grad(u)))
    mv = .5 * ddot(nxn, C(sym_grad(v)))
    return ((1. / (alpha * w.h) * ju * jv - mu * jv - mv * ju)
Example #6
m1 = MeshLine(np.linspace(0, 5, 50))
m2 = MeshLine(np.linspace(0, 1, 10))
m = m1 * m2

e1 = ElementQuad1()

mapping = MappingIsoparametric(m, e1)

e = ElementVector(e1)

gb = Basis(m, e, mapping, 2)

lam = 1.
mu = 1.
K = asm(linear_elasticity(lam, mu), gb)

def mass(u, v, w):
    return dot(u, v)

M = asm(mass, gb)

D = gb.find_dofs({'left': m.facets_satisfying(lambda x: x[0] == 0.)})
y = gb.zeros()

I = gb.complement_dofs(D)

L, x = solve(*condense(K, M, I=I),
             solver=solver_eigen_scipy_sym(k=6, sigma=0.0))
Example #7
E1 = 1000.0
E2 = 1000.0

nu1 = 0.3
nu2 = 0.3

Mu1 = E1 / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu1))
Mu2 = E2 / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu2))

Lambda1 = E1 * nu1 / ((1.0 + nu1) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu1))
Lambda2 = E2 * nu2 / ((1.0 + nu2) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu2))

Mu = Mu1
Lambda = Lambda1

weakform1 = linear_elasticity(Lambda=Lambda1, Mu=Mu1)
weakform2 = linear_elasticity(Lambda=Lambda2, Mu=Mu2)

alpha = 1
K1 = asm(weakform1, ib)
K2 = asm(weakform2, Ib)
L = 0
for i in range(2):
    for j in range(2):

        def bilin_penalty(u, du, v, dv, w):
            n = w.n
            ju = (-1.0)**i * (u[0] * n[0] + u[1] * n[1])
            jv = (-1.0)**j * (v[0] * n[0] + v[1] * n[1])
rho = 1.0
delta = W / L
gamma = 0.4 * delta**2
beta = 1.25
lambda_ = beta
g = gamma

mesh = MeshTet.init_tensor(np.linspace(0, L, 10 + 1), np.linspace(0, W, 3 + 1),
                           np.linspace(0, W, 3 + 1))

basis = InteriorBasis(mesh, ElementVectorH1(ElementTetP1()))

clamped = basis.get_dofs(lambda x: x[0] == 0.0).all()
free = basis.complement_dofs(clamped)

K = asm(linear_elasticity(lambda_, mu), basis)

def load(v, w):
    return -rho * g * v.value[2]

f = asm(load, basis)

u = solve(*condense(K, f, I=free))

deformed = MeshTet(mesh.p + u[basis.nodal_dofs], mesh.t)

u_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(u.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=1)