Example #1
 def _antecedent_and(self):
         condition_and ::= clause {('COMMA' | 'AND') clause}
         Assuming 'COMMA' is just another way of saying 'AND'
     left = self.clause(parent_rule=self.antecedent)
     while self.lex.peek_some(['COMMA', 'AND']):
         self.lex.recognise_some(['COMMA', 'AND'])
         right = self.clause(parent_rule=self.antecedent)
         left = fuzzterm.TermAggregate(left, right, 'and')
     return left
Example #2
 def antecedent(self, input_string=None):
         condition ::= clause {('AND' | 'OR') clause}
         I need to do enforce precedence, so this is actually:
         condition ::= _condition_and {'OR' _condition_and}
     left = self._antecedent_and()
     while self.lex.recognise_if_there('OR'):
         right = self._antecedent_and()
         left = fuzzterm.TermAggregate(left, right, 'or')
     return left
Example #3
 def clause(self, input_string=None, parent_rule=None):
         clause ::=
             | 'NOT' condition()
             | '(' condition() ')'   # Allow extra parentheses
             | atomic_clause
         The syntax has been loosened to permit more flexible expressions;
         These are the same: 'NOT v IS t', 'v IS NOT t', 'NOT(v IS t')
     # Note that the parent (caller) might be antecedent or consequent
     # We pass it as a parameter so we can call it for sub-clauses.
     if self.lex.recognise_if_there('NOT'):
         subclause = self.clause(parent_rule=parent_rule)
         return fuzzterm.TermAggregate(subclause, None, 'not')
     elif self.lex.recognise_if_there('LPAREN'):
         subclause = parent_rule() if parent_rule else self.clause()
         return subclause
         in_consequent = (parent_rule == self.consequent)
         return self.atomic_clause(in_consequent=in_consequent)
Example #4
 def atomic_clause(self, input_string=None, in_consequent=False):
         atomic_clause ::=
             | variable_name   # Not doing this!
             | variable_name 'IS' {hedge} term_name
         The optional hedges are: any identifier or 'NOT'.
     varname = self.lex.recognise('IDENTIFIER')
     hedges = []
     while self.lex.peek_some(['IDENTIFIER', 'NOT']):
         hedges.append(self.lex.recognise_some(['IDENTIFIER', 'NOT']))
     # Actually, the last one was the member function name:
     membfun = hedges.pop()
     fvar = self.get_var_defn(varname)
     this_clause = fvar[membfun]
     # Special case when the only hedge is 'not':
     if len(hedges) == 1 and hedges[0] == 'NOT':
         this_clause = fuzzterm.TermAggregate(this_clause, None, 'not')
     # Otherwise apply the hedge functions, if there are any:
     elif len(hedges) > 0:
         this_clause = self._add_hedges(fvar, hedges, membfun)
     return this_clause