Example #1
def make_ring(inner_radius: int,
              outer_radius: int,
              dtype: str = 'uint8') -> np.ndarray:
    Make a circle with a given radius.

        inner_radius: the inner radius of the circle to draw
        outer_radius: the outer radius of the circle to draw

        a NumPy matrix of size 2 * radius + 1 with a circle in it.

    # if the radius is even, make it odd
    length = 2 * outer_radius + 1
    # create an RGBA box to house the circle in
    box = np.zeros((length, length), dtype=dtype)
    # get the coordinates for the outer circle
    x_pixels, y_pixels = draw_circle(outer_radius, outer_radius, outer_radius)
    # set the coordinates of the circle in the box
    box[x_pixels, y_pixels] = 1
    # get the coordinates for the inner circle
    x_pixels, y_pixels = draw_circle(outer_radius, outer_radius, inner_radius)
    # set the coordinates of the circle in the box
    box[x_pixels, y_pixels] = 0

    return box
 def get_label_map(self, parameters, height, width):
     label_map = np.zeros((height, width, 1))
     dia = np.sqrt(height**2 + width**2)
     rr, cc = draw_circle(int(parameters[0] * height),
                          int(parameters[1] * width),
                          int(parameters[2] * dia),
                          shape=(height, width))
     label_map[rr, cc, 0] = 1
     return label_map
Example #3
    def _drawCircle(self, centro, raggio, image):
            centro = coordinates of the center
            raggio = radius of the parabola circumference
            image = masked array

            circle = circle of one to display
        circle = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
        rr, cc = draw_circle(centro[1], centro[0],
                             raggio / self._rFiducialPoint)
        circle[rr, cc] = 1
        return circle
Example #4
def _generate_circle_mask(point, image, shape, random, angle=0):
    if shape[0] == 1 or shape[1] == 1:
        raise ValueError('size must be > 1 for circles')
    min_radius = shape[0] / 2.0
    max_radius = shape[1] / 2.0
    left = point[1]
    right = image[1] - point[1]
    top = point[0]
    bottom = image[0] - point[0]
    available_radius = min(left, right, top, bottom, max_radius)
    if available_radius < min_radius:
        raise ArithmeticError('cannot fit shape to image')
    radius = random.randint(min_radius, available_radius + 1)
    circle = draw_circle(point[0], point[1], radius)
    label = ('circle', ((point[0] - radius + 1, point[0] + radius),
                        (point[1] - radius + 1, point[1] + radius)))

    return circle, label
Example #5
def _generate_circle_mask_new(point, image, shape, random):
    """Generate a mask for a filled circle shape.
    The radius of the circle is generated randomly.
    point : tuple
        The row and column of the top left corner of the rectangle.
    image : tuple
        The height, width and depth of the image into which the shape is placed.
    shape : tuple
        The minimum and maximum size and color of the shape to fit.
    random : np.random.RandomState
        The random state to use for random sampling.
        When a shape cannot be fit into the image with the given starting
        coordinates. This usually means the image dimensions are too small or
        shape dimensions too large.
    label : tuple
        A (category, ((r0, r1), (c0, c1))) tuple specifying the category and
        bounding box coordinates of the shape.
    indices : 2-D array
        A mask of indices that the shape fills.
    if shape[0] == 1 or shape[1] == 1:
        raise ValueError('size must be > 1 for circles')
    min_radius = shape[0] / 2.0
    max_radius = shape[1] / 2.0
    left = point[1]
    right = image[1] - point[1]
    top = point[0]
    bottom = image[0] - point[0]
    available_radius = min(left, right, top, bottom, max_radius)
    if available_radius < min_radius:
        raise ArithmeticError('cannot fit shape to image')
    radius = random.randint(min_radius, available_radius + 1)
    circle = draw_circle(point[0], point[1], radius)

    label = ('circle', (point[0], point[1], radius))

    return circle, label
Example #6
def _circleImage(image, x, y, raggio_px):
    ''' Function to create circular cuts of the image.
    The function excludes cuts that come out of the edges of the image
    and check the threshold for valid point
    NOTE: if image is out of conditions return None type

        image: masked array
            image for the analysis
        x: int
            coordinate x
        y: int
            coordinate y
        radius_px: int
            radius of circular patch in pixels

        ima: numpy masked array
            cut image
    th_validPoint = np.pi * raggio_px**2 * 30 / 100
    if image is not None:
        circle = np.ones((image.shape[0], image.shape[1])).astype(int)
        rr, cc = draw_circle(x, y, raggio_px)
        test_r = (len(list(filter(lambda x: x >= image.shape[0], rr))) > 0)
        test_r2 = (len(list(filter(lambda x: x <= 0, rr))) > 0)
        test_c = (len(list(filter(lambda x: x >= image.shape[0], cc))) > 0)
        if test_r == True:
        elif test_r2 == True:
        elif test_c == True:
            circle[rr, cc] = 0
            mask_prod = np.ma.mask_or(circle.astype(bool), image.mask)
            ima = np.ma.masked_array(image, mask=mask_prod)
            valid_point = ima.compressed().shape[0]
            if valid_point >= th_validPoint:
                return ima
Example #7
def _generate_circle_mask(point, image, size, p, random, OorA, lean, angle):

    if size == 1:
        raise ValueError('size must be > 1 for circles')

    left = point[1]
    right = image[1] - point[1]
    top = point[0]
    bottom = image[0] - point[0]
    available_radius = min(left, right, top, bottom)

    radius = int(math.sqrt(size / math.pi))

    if radius > available_radius:
        raise ArithmeticError('cannot fit shape to image')

    circle = draw_circle(point[0], point[1], radius)
    label = ('circle', ((point[0] - radius + 1, point[0] + radius),
                        (point[1] - radius + 1, point[1] + radius)))

    return circle, label