def get_images(phrases, whitelist=None, withParts=False): # TODO: # get list of filenames that match # iterate over filenames, import images, construct ADESubset object # REMEMBER TO USE ADEImage classmethod to construct objects from filepaths # ^^ NO don't do that because imread_collection handles caching across many images better if whitelist is None: img_paths, segmap_paths, folder_paths = get_filepaths( phrases, whitelist, withParts) imgs = imread_collection(img_paths) # This could be a problem: segmaps has sublists for images with _parts_* maps # --> MAKE SURE TO TEST FOR THIS segmaps = imread_collection(segmap_paths) return ADESubset(imgs, img_paths, segmaps, segmap_paths, folder_paths) else: whitelisted_folder_paths = [] for i, folder in enumerate(folder_paths): new_segmap_path, whitelisted_folder_path = _knockout_segmap( segmaps[i], folder, whitelist) segmaps[i] = imread(new_segmap_path) segmap_paths[i] = new_segmap_path whitelisted_folder_paths.append(whitelisted_folder_path) return ADESubset(imgs, img_paths, segmaps, segmap_paths, folder_paths, whitelisted_folder_paths)
def escolhe_base(base_escolhida): if base_escolhida == 0: # ph2 imagens = imread_collection('IMAGENS/PH2PROPORCIONAL128/imagens/*') mascaras_medico = imread_collection('IMAGENS/PH2PROPORCIONAL128/mascaras/*') elif base_escolhida == 1: melanoma_imagens = imread_collection('IMAGENS/DERMIS128/melanoma/*orig*') melanoma_mascaras_medico = imread_collection('IMAGENS/DERMIS128/melanoma/*contour*') notmelanoma_imagens = imread_collection('IMAGENS/DERMIS128/notmelanoma/*orig*') notmelanoma_mascaras_medico = imread_collection('IMAGENS/DERMIS128/notmelanoma/*contour*') imagens = np.concatenate((melanoma_imagens, notmelanoma_imagens), axis=0) mascaras_medico = np.concatenate((melanoma_mascaras_medico, notmelanoma_mascaras_medico), axis=0) elif base_escolhida == 2: melanoma_imagens = imread_collection('IMAGENS/ISIC2018-128/MELANOMA/*') melanoma_mascaras_medico = imread_collection('IMAGENS/ISIC2018-128/MASKMELANOMA/*') notmelanoma_imagens = imread_collection('IMAGENS/ISIC2018-128/NMELANOMA/*') notmelanoma_mascaras_medico = imread_collection('IMAGENS/ISIC2018-128/MASKNMELANOMA/*') imagens = np.concatenate((melanoma_imagens, notmelanoma_imagens), axis=0) mascaras_medico = np.concatenate((melanoma_mascaras_medico, notmelanoma_mascaras_medico), axis=0) else: print(" Escolha uma base de imagens") return np.array(imagens), np.array(mascaras_medico)
def load_set(self, repim, repmask): """load images and get the train set width and height are required for the image to support the successives convolutions """ self.images = io.imread_collection(repim, plugin='tifffile') self.masks = io.imread_collection(repmask, plugin='tifffile')
def load_modified_cifar10(): class_regex = re.compile(r'.*\\(\d)\\.*') train_data = io.imread_collection('CIFAR10\\Train\\*\\*.png') test_data = io.imread_collection('CIFAR10\\Test\\*\\*.png') train_labels = np.array([ int(class_regex.match(path).group(1)) for path in train_data.files ])[:, None] test_labels = np.array([ int(class_regex.match(path).group(1)) for path in test_data.files ])[:, None] # To verify that the dataset looks correct # class_names = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck'] # plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) # for i,j in product(range(10), range(1)): # plt.subplot(2, 5, i+j + 1) # plt.xticks([]) # plt.yticks([]) # plt.grid(False) # plt.imshow(train_data[i*1000+j],cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255) # plt.xlabel(class_names[train_labels[i*1000+j][0]]) # train_data_processed = np.stack(train_data).astype(float) / 255 train_data_processed = train_data_processed.reshape((-1, 28, 28, 1)) test_data_processed = np.stack(test_data).astype(float) / 255 test_data_processed = test_data_processed.reshape((-1, 28, 28, 1)) return train_data_processed, train_labels, test_data_processed, test_labels
def load_data(): """ Loads data from the directory path_hr and path_lr :return: x, y """ temp_x = io.imread_collection(path_lr) print("loaded_x") temp_y = io.imread_collection(path_hr) print("loaded_y") xx = [images for i, images in enumerate(temp_x)] yy = [images for i, images in enumerate(temp_y)] # Take only the first 3 channels, i.e. RGB xx = xx[0::3] yy = yy[0::3] x = np.array(xx) print("shape of x data", x.shape) y = np.array(yy) print("shape of y data", x.shape) print("data loaded") return x, y
def load_images(): ''' input: None output: all_classes (image collection), mergers (image collection) ''' # gets list of files for one example image for each class, and more merger examples new_names = [name.lower().replace(' ', '_') for name in names] all_class_files = [path_to_project_presentation+'{}0.jpg'.format(name) for name in new_names] merger_files = [path_to_project_presentation+'merger{}.jpg'.format(i+1) for i in xrange(6)] # loads image collections all_classes = io.imread_collection(all_class_files) mergers = io.imread_collection(merger_files) return all_classes, mergers
def pose_category(dataset, dataset_csv): pose = info_angle(dataset_csv) pose_classes = {"Half Left" : list(imread_collection(itemgetter(*pose["Half Left"])(dataset)).files), "Straight" : list(imread_collection(itemgetter(*pose["Straight"])(dataset)).files), "Half Right" : list(imread_collection(itemgetter(*pose["Half Right"])(dataset)).files), "Right" : list(imread_collection(itemgetter(*pose["Right"])(dataset)).files), "Left" : list(imread_collection(itemgetter(*pose["Left"])(dataset)).files)} y_pose = {"Half Left" : dataset_csv.loc[dataset_csv.index.isin(pose["Half Left"])].Encoding_expression, "Straight" : dataset_csv.loc[dataset_csv.index.isin(pose['Straight'])].Encoding_expression, "Half Right" : dataset_csv.loc[dataset_csv.index.isin(pose["Half Right"])].Encoding_expression, "Right" : dataset_csv.loc[dataset_csv.index.isin(pose["Right"])].Encoding_expression, "Left" : dataset_csv.loc[dataset_csv.index.isin(pose["Left"])].Encoding_expression} return pose_classes, y_pose
def displayGabors(): collection1 = io.imread_collection("images/exercise3/base/*.jpg") collection2 = io.imread_collection("images/exercise3/query/*.jpg") images1 = [collection1[i] for i in range(0, len(collection1))] images2 = [collection2[i] for i in range(0, len(collection2))] images = images1 + images2 for image in images: figure(figsize=(10.0 * scale, 5.0 * scale), dpi=80) gabor_image = applyGaborsFilters(image) subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(image) subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(gabor_image, cmap='jet', vmin=0.0, vmax=0.5)
def contact_sheet(filename, df, sample_size=-1): size = len(df) if sample_size > 0: rnd_idx = np.random.permutation(size) size = sample_size if sample_size < size else size df = df.iloc[rnd_idx, :] df = df.reset_index() x1 = np.array(io.imread_collection(df.loc[:size, "X1"])) x2 = np.array(io.imread_collection(df.loc[:size, "X2"])) x1_frame = "frame : " + df.X1.str.split("/").str[-1].str.split( "--").str[1].str.split(".").str[0] x1_id = "id : " + df.X1.str.split("/").str[-1].str.split( "--").str[0].str.split("bee").str[1] x2_frame = "frame : " + df.X2.str.split("/").str[-1].str.split( "--").str[1].str.split(".").str[0] x2_id = "id : " + df.X2.str.split("/").str[-1].str.split( "--").str[0].str.split("bee").str[1] y = df.y_pred.round(2) columns = 20 rows = int(size / 10.0) + 1 j = 0 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(40, 4 * rows)) for x in range(size): fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, j + 1) plt.imshow(x1[x, :, :, :]) plt.xlabel(x1_id[x] + " | SC: " + str(y[x])) plt.title(x1_frame[x]) plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, j + 2) plt.imshow(x2[x, :, :, :]) plt.xlabel(x2_id[x] + " | SC: " + str(y[x])) plt.title(x2_frame[x]) plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) j += 2 fig.savefig(filename)
def batch_mil_sampling(imagelist, region_result_npy, mil_data_save_dir, class_name, class_dict, model_ft): images = io.imread_collection(imagelist) images = np.stack(images) # images_torch = Variable(torch.from_numpy(images.copy().transpose((0,3, 1, 2))).float().div(255).cuda()) model_ft.eval() with torch.no_grad(): test_epoch = test.Test_epoch_from_array(model_ft, images, 256) output_predict = test_epoch.predict() output_order = np.argsort(output_predict[:, class_dict[class_name]])[::-1] if class_dict[class_name] == 0: #weight = 0.5 output_slect = output_order[:int(0.5 * len(output_order))] else: #weight = 0.2 output_slect = output_order[int(0.3 * len(output_order) ):int(0.5 * len(output_order))] for i in range(len(output_slect)): os.system('cp ' + imagelist[output_slect[i]] + ' ' + os.path.join(mil_data_save_dir, class_name)) file_name = os.path.basename(imagelist[output_slect[i]]).split('.')[0] # e.g. TCGA-5M-AAT6-01Z-00-DX1-98_6_3_0_M_norm.png to TCGA-5M-AAT6-01Z-00-DX1-98_6_3_0_M_norm x = int(file_name.split('-')[-1].split('_')[0]) # e.g. TCGA-5M-AAT6-01Z-00-DX1-98_6_3_0_M_norm to 98 y = int(file_name.split('-')[-1].split('_')[1]) # e.g. TCGA-5M-AAT6-01Z-00-DX1-98_6_3_0_M_norm to 6 y_nd = int(file_name.split('-')[-1].split('_')[2]) # e.g. TCGA-5M-AAT6-01Z-00-DX1-98_6_3_0_M_norm to 3 y_nd_i = int(file_name.split('-')[-1].split('_')[3]) region_result_npy[y * y_nd + y_nd_i, x] = int(class_dict[class_name]) + 1 return region_result_npy
def __getitem__(self, vid_idx): """ Arguments: vid_idx(int): Video Index to be fetched form the video list """ vid_name_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.vot_list.iloc[vid_idx, 0], '*.jpg') gt = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.vot_list.iloc[vid_idx, 0], 'groundtruth.txt'), header=None) im_seq = imread_collection(vid_name_path) # Image collection to np.array images = concatenate_images(im_seq) # Shape(Nr. of images, h, w, RGB) # Also convert the gt to np.array gt = gt.values sample = {'Video': images, 'gt': gt} # Cant tell yet what this is for if self.transform: sample = self.transform(sample) return sample
def transform_database(parameters): path_output = parameters.PATH_OUTPUT + '/label_images.bin' collection = io.imread_collection(parameters.NAME_IMAGES) res = parallel.apply_parallel( collection, collection.files, parameters.LABELS, transform_database_parallel, { 'preprocessing': parameters.PREPROCESSING, 'im_size1': parameters.NEW_IMAGE_SIZE1, 'im_size2': parameters.NEW_IMAGE_SIZE2, 'num_channels': parameters.NUM_CHANNELS }) vector_images = [] files = [] for cont, e in enumerate(res): vector_images.append(e[0]) files.append(e[1]) parameters.LABELS[cont] = e[2] parameters.NAME_IMAGES = files parameters.IMAGE_SIZE1 = res[0][3][0] parameters.IMAGE_SIZE2 = res[0][3][1] vector_images = np.asarray(vector_images) vector_images.tofile(path_output)
def generate_centers_image(): if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) # get image info image = imread_collection(image_sample, plugin='tifffile') im_size = image[0].shape[::-1] # read bbxs file assert os.path.isfile(feature_table), '{} not found!'.format(feature_table) # if file exist -> load table = pd.read_csv(feature_table, sep=',') centers = table[['centroid_x', 'centroid_y']].values # ICE file requires different format, restore to original format centers[:, 1] = im_size[1] - centers[:, 1] # generate image for all the cells center_image(os.path.join(save_dir, 'all.tif'), centers, im_size, r=center_size) for name, thresh in biomarker_dict.items(): bioM = table[table[name] >= thresh] centers = bioM[['centroid_x', 'centroid_y']].values # ICE file requires different format, restore to original format centers[:, 1] = im_size[1] - centers[:, 1] center_image(os.path.join(save_dir, name + '.tif'), centers, im_size, r=center_size)
def load_images_data(data_path, rescale_ratio=1): ic = imread_collection(data_path) imgs = [] for f in ic.files: image = imread(f, as_gray=True) if rescale_ratio != 1: image = rescale(image, rescale_ratio, anti_aliasing=False, preserve_range=True) imgs.append(image) sample_img = imgs[0] img_height, img_width = imgs[0].shape pxl_num = img_height * img_width channel_len = len(imgs) # prepare dataset channel = [] location = [] y_true = [-1] * pxl_num for h in range(img_height): for w in range(img_width): data = [] for i in range(channel_len): data.append(imgs[i][h][w]) channel.append(data) location.append((w + 1, h + 1)) test_dataset = FolioDataset(location, channel, y_true) return test_dataset, sample_img
def masks_merge(masks_files, label = False, flag_resize = False, new_shape = 0): """ Descripition: Merge all mask images into one. Args ---- masks_files: Path to masks files. label: bool. Returns ------- image: A matrix of image. """ masks = imread_collection(masks_files) # check resize option. if flag_resize and new_shape != 0: masks = list(map(lambda x:resize(x, new_shape, mode='constant', preserve_range=True), masks)) # print(masks[0].shape) if masks: shape = masks[0].shape else: print("Masks io error!") exit(False) image = np.zeros(shape, np.int8 if label else np.bool) sign = 0 if label else 1 for mask in masks: sign = sign+1 if label else sign image[mask > 0] = sign return image
def test_null_imread_collection(): # Note that the null plugin doesn't define an `imread_collection` plugin # but this function is dynamically added by the plugin manager. path = os.path.join(data_dir, '*.png') with warnings_as_errors(): collection = io.imread_collection(path, plugin='null') collection[0]
def load(self): images = io.imread_collection(self.root+'*.jpg') for (image, fn) in zip(images, images.files): name = self.getFileName(fn) print(name) self.resize1(image, name)
def convert_to_3D_png(self, in_path, out_path): print("reading.") imgs = io.imread_collection(in_path) print("concatenating") imgs = collection.concatenate_images(imgs) print("writing"), imgs)
def __getitem__(self, vid_idx, T = 10): """ Arguments: vid_idx(int): Video Index to be fetched form the video list T(int): Nr of Images in sequence - default == 10 """ gt = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.vot_list.iloc[vid_idx,0], 'groundtruth.txt'), header = None) vid_name_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.vot_list.iloc[vid_idx,0], '*.jpg') file_names = glob.glob(vid_name_path) rand_start = np.random.randint(0, len(file_names)-T+1) file_names = file_names[rand_start:(rand_start+T-1)] im_seq = imread_collection(file_names) # Image collection to np.array images = concatenate_images(im_seq) # Shape(Nr. of images, h, w, RGB) # Also convert the gt to np.array gt = gt.values gt = gt[rand_start:(rand_start+T-1),:] sample = {'Video': images, 'gt': gt} # Cant tell yet what this is for if self.transform: sample = self.transform(sample) return sample
def __init__(self, filename, transform): # read images to memory as np arrays file_spec = '*.jpg' file_path = os.path.join(filename, file_spec) self.images = io.imread_collection(file_path) self.transform = transform self.bw_transform = transforms.Grayscale(num_output_channels=1)
def test_imread_collection_single_MEF(): io.use_plugin('fits') testfile = os.path.join(data_dir, 'multi.fits') ic1 = io.imread_collection(testfile) ic2 = io.ImageCollection([(testfile, 1), (testfile, 2), (testfile, 3)], load_func=fplug.FITSFactory) assert _same_ImageCollection(ic1, ic2)
def readOneRing(ringindex, FILEPATH, FILENAME, TRANSPOSE): # Read in all images corresponding to a particular chemostat ring # Inputs are tiff images whose filenames are of the form '...ringindex_*_imagenumber.tiff' # where 'ringindex' and 'imagenumber' identify the ring and sequence number # Output is an image collection, max and min values, and the number of files # Output image collection shape is (sequence, x ,y) listfiles = glob.glob(FILEPATH + FILENAME + '_' + str(int(ringindex)) + '_*.tiff') numberoffiles = len(listfiles) # Sort filenames by sequence number of images listfiles = sorted(listfiles, key=lambda x: float(re.findall(r'\d\d\d\d\d\.', x)[0])) # Transposed for new Hama camera the images must be transposed 90 degrees ic = np.transpose(skio.imread_collection(listfiles), axes=TRANSPOSE) max_ind = np.zeros(numberoffiles) # Report max value min_ind = np.zeros(numberoffiles) # Report min value for i in range(numberoffiles): max_ind[i] = np.max(ic[i, :, :]) min_ind[i] = np.min(ic[i, :, :]) return ic, max_ind, min_ind, numberoffiles, listfiles
def load_images(self, filenames): ''' Loads microscope images of the sample as numpy arrays and saves the image metadata. Make sure to have filenames and image_pathes set so load the images. ''' # Setting up variables self.image_pathes = filenames self.image_count = len(self.image_pathes) self.image_names = [None] * self.image_count self.image_extensions = [None] * self.image_count self.images = [None] * self.image_count # Determining names for i, img in enumerate(self.image_pathes): _, name = img.rsplit('/') name, extension = name.split('.') self.image_names[i] = name self.image_extensions[i] = extension # Loading the images if self.image_count > 1: self.images = io.imread_collection(self.image_pathes) else: self.images = io.imread(str(self.image_pathes))
def prepare_images(filename_list, original_path, preprocessed_path): # filter the images that is already preprocessed need_preprocessing_list = [os.path.join(original_path, filename) for filename in filename_list if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(preprocessed_path, filename))] image_dict = PreprocessingManager.pre_process(io.imread_collection(need_preprocessing_list, conserve_memory=True)) # save the preprocessed images for name, img in image_dict.items(): io.imsave(os.path.join(preprocessed_path, name), img) # load the preprocessed images has_preprocessed_list = [os.path.join(original_path, filename) for filename in filename_list if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(preprocessed_path, filename))] image_dict.update(load_images(io.imread_collection(has_preprocessed_list, conserve_memory=True))) return image_dict
def load_WISH_images(self, images_dir, annotation_type="symbol"): """Load image files of WISH pattern Parameters ---------- images_dir : str PNG files are included in this directory. the file name should be gene symbol + .png. annotation_type : str Type of gene annotation. Examples: symbol, uid (Unigene ID) Return ------ self : object Returns the instance itself. """ png_path = os.path.join(images_dir, "*.png") self.wish_images_ = io.imread_collection(png_path) self.genes_ = [ os.path.splitext(strings)[0].split("/")[-1] for strings in self.wish_images_.files ] self.annotation_type_ = annotation_type return self
def load_modified_cifar10(): class_regex = re.compile(r'.*/(\d)/.*') train_data = io.imread_collection('CIFAR10/Train/*/*.png') test_data = io.imread_collection('CIFAR10/Test/*/*.png') class_encoder = OneHotEncoder(10) train_classes = class_encoder.fit_transform( np.array([ int(class_regex.match(path).group(1)) for path in train_data.files ])[:, None]).toarray() test_classes = class_encoder.transform( np.array([ int(class_regex.match(path).group(1)) for path in test_data.files ])[:, None]).toarray() train_data_processed = np.stack(train_data).astype(float) / 255 test_data_processed = np.stack(test_data).astype(float) / 255 return train_data_processed, train_classes, test_data_processed, test_classes
def read_dataset(data_txt_file, image_data_path): """Read data into a Python dictionary. Args: data_txt_file(str): path to the data txt file. image_data_path(str): path to the image directory. Returns: data(dict): A Python dictionary with keys 'image' and 'label'. The value of dict['image'] is a numpy array of dimension (N,28,28) containing the loaded images. The value of dict['label'] is a numpy array of dimension (N,) containing the loaded label. N is the number of examples in the data split, the exampels should be stored in the same order as in the txt file. """ f = open(data_txt_file, 'r') image = [] label = [] for line in f: line.strip('\n') items = line.split('\t') image.append(image_data_path + '/' + items[0]) label.append(int(items[1])) ic = io.imread_collection(image, True) images = io.concatenate_images(ic) data = {'image': images, 'label': np.asarray(label)} return data
def normalize_convert_mu_sd(path, image_channel_path, scale_path, target_std, target_mean, max_num, min_num): #legacy renaming dir = path # joining joined_list = [] for i in np.ndarray.tolist(image_channel_path): joined = os.path.join(dir, i) joined_list.append(joined) #I collapse the list into the standard input format for image collections collapsed_list = ':'.join(joined_list) #I load data image_coll = io.imread_collection(collapsed_list) #I scale and save data image_scaled = [] for i in range(len(image_coll)): #image_scaled.append(StandardScaler().fit_transform(image_coll[i])) tmp = image_coll[i] #tmp = tmp.astype(np.uint16) #I rescale mat_ms = target_mean + (tmp - tmp.mean()) * (target_std / tmp.std()) #I trim mat_ms[mat_ms > max_num] = max_num mat_ms[mat_ms < min_num] = min_num #mat_ms = mat_ms.astype(np.int16) mat_ms = mat_ms * 65535 mat_ms = mat_ms.astype(np.uint16) #I store imageio.imwrite(uri=scale_path[i], im=mat_ms) #imageio.imwrite(uri = collapsed_list, im = mat_ms) print("normalized files by mean and std in: {0}".format(scale_path[i]))
def read_mul_img(): ic = io.imread_collection('../source/*.jpg') f, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=len(ic), figsize=(15, 10)) for i, image in enumerate(ic): axes[i].imshow(image) axes[i].axis('off')
def imdict_fromdir(data_dir): """ Load images from multiple subdirs in data_dir to dictionary Arguments --------- data_dir: string root directory containing subirectories with images Returns --------- im_collection: dictionary dict containing sample:(dic, gfp, zoom) """ data_dirs = glob.glob(data_dir + '*') im_collection = {} for d in data_dirs: strain = d.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0] im_dirs = glob.glob(d + '/*' + '.tif') ims = [] for im_dir in im_dirs: im_name = im_dir.split('/')[-1] im_stack = io.imread_collection(im_dir) # Get channels, DIC is always first array dic = im_stack[0] gfp = im_stack[1] # Get zoom if 'x' in im_name: zoom = int(im_name.split('_')[-1].split('x')[0]) else: zoom = 40 ims.append((dic, gfp, zoom)) im_collection[strain] = ims return im_collection
def generate_data(dir): file_dir = os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, dir) cases = os.listdir(file_dir) images = np.zeros((len(cases), HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), dtype=np.uint8) labels = np.zeros((len(cases), HEIGHT, WIDTH, 1), dtype=np.bool) print('Getting and resizing TRAIN images and masks ... ') for i, case in tqdm(enumerate(cases), total=len(cases)): # get and resize image img_path = file_dir+"\\{}\\images\\{}.png".format(case, case) # only need RGB, discard A channel img_array = imread(img_path)[:, :, :3] img_array = resize(img_array, (HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), mode='constant', preserve_range=True) images[i] = img_array # get and resize mask mask_path = file_dir + "\\{}\\masks\\*".format(case) mask_arrays = imread_collection(mask_path).concatenate() mask_arrays = np.expand_dims(mask_arrays, -1) label_array = np.zeros((HEIGHT, WIDTH, 1), dtype=np.bool) for j, mask_array in enumerate(mask_arrays): mask_array = resize( mask_array, (HEIGHT, WIDTH, 1), mode='constant') label_array = np.maximum(label_array, mask_array) labels[i] = label_array return images, labels print('Done!')
def load_image(files, collection=False): ''' input: files (str), collection (Bool, optional, default=False) if collection = True, files is a list of filenames to be read in as a collection) output: image (np array with dimensions (60,60,3) if collection=False, or dimensions (n_files, 60, 60, 3) ''' if collection: images = io.imread_collection(files)
def load_data(self, dir_path): raw_image_collection = imread_collection(dir_path + '/*.jpg') for index, img in enumerate(raw_image_collection): image_case = ImageCases(raw_image_collection.files[index], img_as_float(img), self.feature_machines, ) self.image_collection.append(image_case)
def ensemble_average_images(dirin,pattern,filout): """A function to do an ensemble average of images and a spatial average of this ensemble average Parameters ---------- dirin: str . Input directory pattern: str Input Pattern images to average filout: str Output filename """ #to be able to read high precision images (e.g. 16bits) io.use_plugin('freeimage') #im=io.imread("B00001_0.tif",as_grey=True) #plt.imshow(im) #pattern="B0*_0.tif" #dirin='/media/HDImage/SMARTEOLE/PIV-Nov2015-TIF/PIV_10ms_000lmin_05deg_z539mm_dt35us_1000im/' # list automatically the file names list_image=sorted( glob.glob( os.path.join( os.path.abspath(dirin), pattern ) ) ) # Read this list imlist=io.imread_collection(list_image) #not possible to do the average like this: meanimg=sum(imlist)/len(imlist) #plt.imshow(imlist[0],clim=(0,1000),cmap=cm.gray) # Accumulation of pixel value in float type (to avoid saturation) fimlist=imlist[0].astype(float) for i in range(len(imlist)-1): fimlist += imlist[i+1].astype(float) #plt.hist(fimlist[0].ravel(),bins=10000,range=(30,5500)) #mean value with float rounded with np.rint() meanimg_ens=np.rint(fimlist/len(imlist)) #convert to integer meanimg_int=meanimg_ens.astype(np.uint16) #mean spatial value rounded with np.rint() meanimg_space=np.rint(np.mean(meanimg_ens)) #convert to integer meanimg_space=meanimg_space.astype(np.uint16) # Dimensionless mean value mean_out=(np.rint(meanimg_ens/np.mean(meanimg_ens))).astype(np.uint16) #plt.imshow(meanimg,clim=(0,100),cmap=cm.gray) #io.imsave(filout,meanimg_int) # save in a file io.imsave(filout,mean_out) return mean_out;
def test_imread_collection_MEF_and_simple(): io.use_plugin('fits') testfile1 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'multi.fits') testfile2 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'simple.fits') ic1 = io.imread_collection([testfile1, testfile2]) ic2 = io.ImageCollection([(testfile1, 1), (testfile1, 2), (testfile1, 3), (testfile2, 0)], load_func=fplug.FITSFactory) assert _same_ImageCollection(ic1, ic2)
def load_images(df, typ): ''' input: df (pd DataFrame), typ(str) (galaxy type) output: list of n_images, each with dimensions (n_rows, n_cols, n_channels), filelist ''' if typ == 'edge_on_disk' or typ == 'face_on_spiral': filelist = [path_to_project_data+'spiral_images/{}_{}.jpg'.format(ra, dec) for ra, dec in df[['RA', 'DEC']].itertuples(index=False)] else: filelist = [path_to_project_data+'{}_images/{}_{}.jpg'.format(typ, ra, dec) for ra, dec in df[['RA', 'DEC']].itertuples(index=False)] return io.imread_collection(filelist), filelist
def main(argv): print('reading images') images = io.imread_collection(argv[1:], conserve_memory=False, plugin='tifffile') images = normalize_images(images) print('extracting data') table, df, weights = extract_properties_multi_image(images) print('preparing plots') bokeh_plot(df)
def _main(argv=sys.argv): """Run trace on each of the given input files, save to profile.npz Parameters ---------- argv : list of string, optional The argument vector. argv[1:] will be considered input filenames. Used mainly for testing. """ from skimage import io images = io.imread_collection(sys.argv[1:]) profiles = map(trace_profile, images) np.savez_compressed('profiles.npz', profiles)
def ab_load_im_fold(fold_name): """Load all images from a folder""" file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(fold_name, '*.tif')) im_coll = imread_collection(file_list) dataset = np.ndarray(shape = (len(im_coll),img_size,img_size), dtype = np.float32) for im_idx,im in enumerate(im_coll): dataset[im_idx, :, :] = skimage.img_as_float(im) print('Full dataset tensor:', dataset.shape) print('Mean:', np.mean(dataset)) print('Standard deviation:', np.std(dataset)) return dataset
def prepare_labeled(root='training', parallel=False): root = {'training': training_data_dir, 'testing': testing_data_dir}[root] # Create all destination directories. labels = product('ABC', '0123456789') for group, label in labels: path = root/group/label if not path.exists(): path.mkdir(parents=True) ic = imread_collection('%s/*/*/*.jpg' % labeled_data_dir) images = ((ic[n], name, root) for n, name in enumerate(ic.files)) if parallel: pool = mp.Pool(7), images) else: for img in images: prepare_labeled_inner(img)
def generate_template(path): path += '/*' files = glob.glob(path) images = io.imread_collection(files) width = 0 height = 0 for img in images: width += img.shape[0] height += img.shape[1] width = int(round(width/len(images))) height = int(round(height/len(images))) template = zeros((width, height), dtype='float64') for i in range(0, len(images)): img = transform.resize(images[i], (width, height)) template += img template /= len(images) thresh = threshold_otsu(template, 4) template = template > thresh+thresh*0.11 return template
def test_collection(self): io.imread_collection('*.png', conserve_memory=False, plugin='test')
>>> image = np.vstack([edges, middle, edges]) >>> trace_profile(image, sigma=0) array([ 18., 0., 18.]) """ if image.ndim > 2: image = image.sum(axis=0) if check_vertical: top_bottom_mean = np.mean(image[[0, image.shape[0] - 1], :]) left_right_mean = np.mean(image[:, [0, image.shape[1] - 1]]) if top_bottom_mean < left_right_mean: image = image.T top_distribution = nd.gaussian_filter1d(image[0], sigma) bottom_distribution = nd.gaussian_filter1d(image[-1], sigma) top_loc, top_whm = estimate_mode_width(top_distribution) bottom_loc, bottom_whm = estimate_mode_width(bottom_distribution) angle = np.arctan(np.abs(float(bottom_loc - top_loc)) / image.shape[0]) width =, bottom_whm) * np.cos(angle))) profile = profile_line(image, (0, top_loc), (image.shape[0] - 1, bottom_loc), linewidth=width, mode='nearest') return profile if __name__ == '__main__': import sys from skimage import io images = io.imread_collection(sys.argv[1:]) profiles = map(trace_profile, images) np.savez_compressed('profiles.npz', profiles)
import pandas as pd from skimage import io import trf1 as tr import matplotlib as mpl direct = "/Volumes/BLACK HOLE/201507 aukbgfp files/" dnkd_ims = io.imread_collection(direct + "*huAUKBDNKD*.tif") pegfp_ims = io.imread_collection(direct + "*pegfp*.tif") wt_ims = io.imread_collection(direct + "*huAUKBDWT*.tif")"ggplot") colnames = [ "filename", "file-number", "aukb-kd", "size(pixels)", "raw-mean", "raw-total", "raw-max", "pre-mean", "pre-total", "pre-max", "post-mean", "post-total", "post-max", "eccentricity", ] kds = map(tr.trf_quantify, dnkd_ims) cos = map(tr.trf_quantify, pegfp_ims) wts = map(tr.trf_quantify, wt_ims) result = [] for i, (kd_fn, kd) in enumerate(zip(dnkd_ims.files, kds)):
""" import os import sys import numpy as np from skimage import io from skimage import transform from tflearn.data_utils import shuffle from model import setup_model SIZE = (32, 32) image_dir = os.path.abspath("images") cat = io.imread_collection(os.path.join(image_dir, "cat/*")) not_cat = io.imread_collection(os.path.join(image_dir, "not_cat/*")) X_cat = np.asarray([transform.resize(im, SIZE) for im in cat]) X_not_cat = np.asarray([transform.resize(im, SIZE) for im in not_cat]) X = np.concatenate((X_cat, X_not_cat), axis=0) Y = np.concatenate((np.ones(X_cat.shape[0]), np.zeros(X_not_cat.shape[0]))) Y = np.zeros((X.shape[0], 2)) Y[:X_cat.shape[0], 1] = np.ones(X_cat.shape[0]) Y[-X_not_cat.shape[0]:, 0] = np.ones(X_not_cat.shape[0])
import skimage.color as skcr import skimage.transform as sktf import numpy as np import random as rd data_npy = "../data/data_128_%d.npy" label_npy = "../data/label_128_%d.npy" cats_files = "../data/train/cat.*.jpg" dogs_files = "../data/train/dog.*.jpg" size = 128 shape = (size, size) cats_all = skio.imread_collection(cats_files) dogs_all = skio.imread_collection(dogs_files) print "loaded all data" def rgb2grey_reshape(img): img_resize = sktf.resize(img, shape) return skcr.rgb2grey(img_resize) def rotate(img, angle): img_rotate = sktf.rotate(img, angle) return rgb2grey_reshape(img_rotate)
def test_collection(self): io.imread_collection("*.png", conserve_memory=False, plugin="test")
import pandas as pd from skimage import io import trf1 as tr import matplotlib as mpl kd_ims = io.imread_collection("20150417-aukb-kd/*.tif") con_ims = io.imread_collection("20150417-control/*.tif")"ggplot") colnames = [ "filename", "file-number", "aukb-kd", "size(pixels)", "raw-mean", "raw-total", "raw-max", "pre-mean", "pre-total", "pre-max", "post-mean", "post-total", "post-max", "eccentricity", ] kds = map(tr.trf_quantify, kd_ims) cos = map(tr.trf_quantify, con_ims) result = [] for i, (kd_fn, kd) in enumerate(zip(kd_ims.files, kds)): for blob_data in kd: result.append([kd_fn, i, "kd"] + list(blob_data)) for j, (con_fn, co) in enumerate(zip(con_ims.files, cos), start=len(kd_ims)):
def test_collection(): ic = io.imread_collection('*.png', conserve_memory=False, plugin='test') io.imshow_collection(ic)
from import imread_collection from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu from skimage.transform import resize from skimage.util import pad import os import numpy as np import h5py from tqdm import tqdm folder = "{}/iam/**/**/*.png".format(os.getenv("DATA_PATH")) collection = imread_collection(folder) collection = list(collection) w_crop = 64 h_crop = 64 c, w, h = 1, 64, 64 def gen(nb): X_out = np.empty((nb, c, w, h)) for i in range(nb): while True: img = np.random.choice(collection) ch = min(img.shape[0], h_crop) cw = min(img.shape[1], w_crop) crop_pos_y = np.random.randint(0, img.shape[0] - ch + 1) crop_pos_x = np.random.randint(0, img.shape[1] - cw + 1) x = crop_pos_x y = crop_pos_y im = img[y:y+ch, x:x+cw] im = im / 255. im = 1 - im
folders = os.listdir('data/train') train = np.empty((0, 2)) for folder in folders: examples = [[folder, os.path.join('data/train', folder, example)] for example in os.listdir(os.path.join('data/train', folder))] train = np.concatenate((train, examples), axis=0) np.random.seed(0) np.random.shuffle(train) train_y = train[:, 0] train_x = train[:, 1] classes = list(set(train_y)) classes.sort() print("Reading train images...") train_x = np.array(imread_collection(train_x, conserve_memory=False)) kf = StratifiedKFold(train_y, n_folds=3, shuffle=True) pipeline = Pipeline([ ('normalize_imgs', NormalizeImages(capture_percentage=.8)), ('resized_imgs', ResampleImages(32)), ('features', FeatureUnion([ ('image', IdentityTransformer()), ('fft', FftTransformer()) ])), ('classifier', SVC(probability=True, verbose=True)) ]) print("Cross validating...") scores = []
import pandas as pd from skimage import io import trf1 as tr import matplotlib as mpl kd_ims = io.imread_collection('../0.2uM APH N5/*.tif') con_ims = io.imread_collection('../control N5/*.tif')'ggplot') colnames = ['filename', 'file-number', 'aukb-kd', 'size(pixels)', 'raw-mean', 'raw-total', 'raw-max', 'pre-mean', 'pre-total', 'pre-max', 'post-mean', 'post-total', 'post-max', 'eccentricity'] kds = map(tr.trf_quantify, kd_ims) cos = map(tr.trf_quantify, con_ims) result = [] for i, (kd_fn, kd) in enumerate(zip(kd_ims.files, kds)): for blob_data in kd: result.append([kd_fn, i, 'kd'] + list(blob_data)) for j, (con_fn, co) in enumerate(zip(con_ims.files, cos), start=len(kd_ims)): for blob_data in co: result.append([con_fn, j, 'con'] + list(blob_data)) df = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=colnames) df.to_csv('full-dataset-aph vs control trf1 N5.csv')
# Author : fcbruce <*****@*****.**> # # Time : Thu 15 Dec 2016 18:07:36 # # import numpy as np import as skio import skimage.color as skcr import skimage.transform as sktf size = 128 shape = (size, size) all_img = skio.imread_collection('../data/test/*.jpg') print 'all test image load' def rgb2grey_reshape(img): img_resize = sktf.resize(img, shape) return skcr.rgb2grey(img_resize) imgs = [rgb2grey_reshape(img).reshape(-1) for img in all_img] data = np.array(imgs, dtype=np.float32) print data.shape'../data/test_data.npy', data)
# sorted like 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg and so on. current_category_filenames.sort() # Take the images from the beginning or from the end. if fetch_from_beginnig: images_filenames_to_add = current_category_filenames[:amount_of_images_to_take] else: images_filenames_to_add = current_category_filenames[-amount_of_images_to_take:] images_filenames_to_add = map(lambda x: os.path.join(current_category_folder_full_path, x), images_filenames_to_add) images_filenames_list.extend(images_filenames_to_add) return images_filenames_list images_folder = 'images' # image_categories_folders = ['buildings', 'cars', 'faces', 'food', 'people', 'trees'] # amount_of_first_images_to_take = 9 image_categories_folders = ['buildings', 'cars'] amount_of_first_images_to_take = 1 images_filenames = get_images_filenames(images_folder, image_categories_folders, amount_of_first_images_to_take) print images_filenames images = io.imread_collection(images_filenames) centers, image_descriptors = train_classifier(images)