def test_binary_output_3d():
    image = np.zeros((9, 9, 9), np.uint16)
    image[2:-2, 2:-2, 2:-2] = 2**14
    image[3:-3, 3:-3, 3:-3] = 2**15
    image[4, 4, 4] = 2**16-1

    bin_opened = binary.binary_opening(image)
    bin_closed = binary.binary_closing(image)

    int_opened = np.empty_like(image, dtype=np.uint8)
    int_closed = np.empty_like(image, dtype=np.uint8)
    binary.binary_opening(image, out=int_opened)
    binary.binary_closing(image, out=int_closed)

    testing.assert_equal(bin_opened.dtype, bool)
    testing.assert_equal(bin_closed.dtype, bool)

    testing.assert_equal(int_opened.dtype, np.uint8)
    testing.assert_equal(int_closed.dtype, np.uint8)
Example #2
def test_binary_output_3d():
    image = np.zeros((9, 9, 9), np.uint16)
    image[2:-2, 2:-2, 2:-2] = 2**14
    image[3:-3, 3:-3, 3:-3] = 2**15
    image[4, 4, 4] = 2**16-1

    bin_opened = binary.binary_opening(image)
    bin_closed = binary.binary_closing(image)

    int_opened = np.empty_like(image, dtype=np.uint8)
    int_closed = np.empty_like(image, dtype=np.uint8)
    binary.binary_opening(image, out=int_opened)
    binary.binary_closing(image, out=int_closed)

    testing.assert_equal(bin_opened.dtype, np.bool)
    testing.assert_equal(bin_closed.dtype, np.bool)

    testing.assert_equal(int_opened.dtype, np.uint8)
    testing.assert_equal(int_closed.dtype, np.uint8)
Example #3
def test_3d_fallback_default_selem():
    # 3x3x3 cube inside a 7x7x7 image:
    image = np.zeros((7, 7, 7), np.bool)
    image[2:-2, 2:-2, 2:-2] = 1

    opened = binary.binary_opening(image)

    # expect a "hyper-cross" centered in the 5x5x5:
    image_expected = np.zeros((7, 7, 7), dtype=bool)
    image_expected[2:5, 2:5, 2:5] = ndi.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
    testing.assert_array_equal(opened, image_expected)
def test_3d_fallback_default_selem():
    # 3x3x3 cube inside a 7x7x7 image:
    image = np.zeros((7, 7, 7), bool)
    image[2:-2, 2:-2, 2:-2] = 1

    opened = binary.binary_opening(image)

    # expect a "hyper-cross" centered in the 5x5x5:
    image_expected = np.zeros((7, 7, 7), dtype=bool)
    image_expected[2:5, 2:5, 2:5] = ndi.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
    testing.assert_array_equal(opened, image_expected)
Example #5
def test_2d_ndimage_equivalence():
    image = np.zeros((9, 9), np.uint16)
    image[2:-2, 2:-2] = 2**14
    image[3:-3, 3:-3] = 2**15
    image[4, 4] = 2**16-1

    bin_opened = binary.binary_opening(image)
    bin_closed = binary.binary_closing(image)

    selem = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
    ndimage_opened = ndi.binary_opening(image, structure=selem)
    ndimage_closed = ndi.binary_closing(image, structure=selem)

    testing.assert_array_equal(bin_opened, ndimage_opened)
    testing.assert_array_equal(bin_closed, ndimage_closed)
def test_2d_ndimage_equivalence():
    image = np.zeros((9, 9), np.uint16)
    image[2:-2, 2:-2] = 2**14
    image[3:-3, 3:-3] = 2**15
    image[4, 4] = 2**16-1

    bin_opened = binary.binary_opening(image)
    bin_closed = binary.binary_closing(image)

    selem = ndi.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
    ndimage_opened = ndi.binary_opening(image, structure=selem)
    ndimage_closed = ndi.binary_closing(image, structure=selem)

    testing.assert_array_equal(bin_opened, ndimage_opened)
    testing.assert_array_equal(bin_closed, ndimage_closed)
Example #7
def test_binary_opening():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_opening(bw_img, strel)
    grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.opening(bw_img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
def test_binary_opening():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_opening(bw_img, strel)
    gray_res = img_as_bool(gray.opening(bw_img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, gray_res)
Example #9
    def threshold_channels(channels: List[np.ndarray], main_channel: int = 2,
                           iterations: int = 5, mask_size: int = 7,
                           percent_hmax: float = 0.05, local_threshold_multiplier: int = 8,
                           maximum_size_multiplier: int = 2,
                           size_factor: float = 1.0,
                           analysis_settings: Dict = None) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        Method to threshold the channels to prepare for nuclei and foci detection

        :param channels: The channels of the image as list
        :param main_channel: Index of the channel associated with nuclei (usually blue -> 2)
        :param iterations: Number of maximum filtering to perform in a row
        :param mask_size: The diameter of the circular mask for the filtering
        :param percent_hmax: The percentage of the histogram maximum to add to the histogram minimum. Used to form
        the detection threshold
        :param local_threshold_multiplier: Multiplier used to increase mask_size for local thresholding
        :param maximum_size_multiplier: Multiplier used to increase mask_size for noise removal
        :param size_factor: Factor to accommodate for different image resolutions
        :param analysis_settings: Settings to use for thresholding
        :return: The thresholded channels
        if analysis_settings:
            main_channel = analysis_settings.get("main_channel", main_channel)
            iterations = analysis_settings.get("thresh_iterations", iterations)
            mask_size = analysis_settings.get("thresh_mask_size", mask_size)
            percent_hmax = analysis_settings.get("thresh_percent_hmax", percent_hmax)
            local_threshold_multiplier = analysis_settings.get("thresh_local_thresh_mult", local_threshold_multiplier)
            maximum_size_multiplier = analysis_settings.get("thresh_max_mult", maximum_size_multiplier)
            size_factor = analysis_settings.get("size_factor", size_factor)
        thresh: List[Union[None, np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(channels)
        # Calculate the circular mask to use for morphological operators
        selem = create_circular_mask(mask_size * size_factor, mask_size * size_factor)
        # Load image
        orig = channels[main_channel]
        # Get maximum value of main channel
        hmax = np.amax(orig)
        # Get minimum value of main channel
        hmin = np.amin(orig)
        # Calculate the used threshold
        threshold = hmin + round(percent_hmax * hmax)
        # Threshold channel globally and fill holes
        ch_main_bin = ndi.binary_fill_holes(orig > threshold)
        # Calculate the euclidean distance map
        edm = ndi.distance_transform_edt(ch_main_bin)
        # Normalize edm
        xmax, xmin = edm.max(), edm.min()
        x = img_as_ubyte((edm - xmin) / (xmax - xmin))
        # Determine maxima of EDM
        maxi = maximum(x, selem=selem)
        # Iteratively determine maximum
        for _ in range(iterations):
            maxi = maximum(maxi, selem=selem)
        # Perform local thresholding
        thresh_ = threshold_local(maxi, block_size=(mask_size * local_threshold_multiplier + 1) * size_factor)
        # Threshold maximum EDM
        maxi = ndi.binary_fill_holes(maxi > thresh_)
        # Perform logical AND to remove areas that were not detected in ch_main_bin
        maxi = np.logical_and(maxi, ch_main_bin)
        # Open maxi to remove noise
        maxi = binary_opening(maxi, selem=create_circular_mask(mask_size * maximum_size_multiplier * size_factor,
                                                               mask_size * maximum_size_multiplier * size_factor))
        # Extract nuclei from map
        area, labels = ndi.label(maxi)
        nucs: List[List, List] = [None] * (labels + 1)
        for y in range(len(area)):
            for x in range(len(area[0])):
                pix = area[y][x]
                if nucs[pix] is None:
                    nucs[pix] = [[], []]
        # Remove background
        del nucs[0]
        # Get nuclei centers
        centers = [(np.average(x[0]), np.average(x[1])) for x in nucs]
        # Create mask with marked nuclei centers -> Used as seed points for watershed
        cmask = np.zeros(shape=orig.shape)
        ind = 1
        for c in centers:
            cmask[int(c[0])][int(c[1])] = ind
            ind += 1
        # Create watershed segmentation based on centers
        ws = watershed(-edm, cmask, mask=ch_main_bin, watershed_line=True)
        # Check number of unique watershed labels
        unique = list(np.unique(ws))
        thresh[main_channel] = ws
        # Extract nuclei from watershed
        det: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [None] * len(unique)
        detpix = []
        for y in range(len(ws)):
            for x in range(len(ws[0])):
                pix = ws[y][x]
                if pix not in detpix:
                if det[pix] is None:
                    det[pix] = []
                det[pix].append((y, x))
        # Delete background
        del det[0]
        # Extract foci from channels
        for ind in range(len(channels)):
            if ind != main_channel:
                thresh[ind] = Detector.calculate_local_region_threshold(det,
        return thresh
Example #10
def test_binary_opening():
    footprint = morphology.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_opening(bw_img, footprint)
    gray_res = img_as_bool(gray.opening(bw_img, footprint))
    assert_array_equal(binary_res, gray_res)
Example #11

crop = binary_img[125:340, :]
plt.imshow(crop, cmap='gray')

sum_by_cols = np.sum(crop, axis=0)

crop_in_crop1 = crop[:, 200:300]
plt.imshow(crop_in_crop1, cmap='gray')

crop_in_crop2 = crop[:, 400:500]
crop_in_crop2 = binary.binary_opening(crop_in_crop2)
plt.imshow(crop_in_crop2, cmap='gray')

graph = []
rows, columns = crop_in_crop2.shape
for row in range(rows):
    for column in range(columns):
        if crop_in_crop2[row, column] == 1:

for row in range(rows):
    for column in range(columns - 1, 0, -1):
        if crop_in_crop2[row, column] == 1:
Example #12
def test_binary_opening():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_opening(bw_img, strel)
    with expected_warnings(['precision loss']):
        grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.opening(bw_img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Example #13
def test_binary_opening():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_opening(bw_lena, strel)
    grey_res = grey.opening(bw_lena, strel)
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)