Example #1
def get_priorities(balance_weight: float = 1, latency_weight: float = 1, locality_weight: float = 1,
                   data_weight: float = 1, cap_weight: float = 1):
    return [
        (balance_weight, BalancedResourcePriority()),
        (latency_weight, DataLocalityPriority()),
        (data_weight, LatencyAwareImageLocalityPriority()),
        (locality_weight, LocalityTypePriority()),
        (cap_weight, CapabilityPriority())
Example #2
import time

import srds.srds as stats
from skippy.core.model import Node
from skippy.core.priorities import BalancedResourcePriority, \
    LatencyAwareImageLocalityPriority, CapabilityPriority, DataLocalityPriority, LocalityTypePriority, \

from faassim.faas import BadPlacementException
from faassim.faassim import Simulation
from faassim.scenarios import UrbanSensingScenario, IndustrialIoTScenario, CloudRegionScenario

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

skippy_params = {
    'priorities': [(1, BalancedResourcePriority()),
                   (1, LatencyAwareImageLocalityPriority()),
                   (1, LocalityTypePriority()), (1, DataLocalityPriority()),
                   (1, CapabilityPriority())],

# urban sensing scenario weights
weights = [6.66109, 2.77657, 6.69114, 8.47306, 1.06714]

# iiot scenario weights
# weights = [8.29646, 1.54538, 0.62121, 9.67983, 6.96152]

# cloud region scenario weights
# weights = [0.65992, 6.92733, 0.73502, 5.81942, 0.6711]
Example #3
def get_priorities():
    return [
        (1, BalancedResourcePriority()),
        (1, ImageLocalityPriority()),
Example #4
def main():
    # Parse the arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Skippy - Navigating functions to the edge of the world (i.e. K8s)')
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--scheduler-name', action='store', dest='scheduler_name',
                        help='Change the name of the scheduler. New pods which should be placed by this scheduler need '
                             'to define this name. Set \'None\' to disable the name check (if this scheduler is '
                             'completely replacing the kube-scheduler).', default='skippy-scheduler')
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--namespace', action='store', dest='namespace',
                        help='Only watch pods of a specific namespace.')
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--weights', action='store', dest='weights',
                        help='An array of floats defining the weights of the different priority functions',
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--use-default', action='store_true', dest='default',
                        help='Use the predicate and priority functions of the default scheduler.', default=False)
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--kube-config', action='store_true', dest='kube_config',
                        help='Load kube-config from home dir instead of in-cluster-config from envs.', default=False)
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug',
                        help='Enable debug logs.', default=False)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO
    scheduler_name = None if args.scheduler_name == 'None' else args.scheduler_name
    namespace = None if args.namespace == 'None' else args.namespace
    weights = None if args.weights is None else [float(x) for x in ast.literal_eval(args.weights)]

    # Set the log level

    # Load the kubernetes API config
    if args.kube_config:
        # Load the configuration from ~/.kube
        logging.debug('Loading kube config...')
        # Load the configuration when running inside the cluster (by reading envs set by k8s)
        logging.debug('Loading in-cluster config...')

    if weights:
        logging.info('Using custom weights: %s', weights)

    # Initialize the API, context and scheduler
    cluster_context = KubeClusterContext()
    api = client.CoreV1Api()
    if args.default:
        logging.debug('Using default scheduler priority functions')
        priorities = [(1.0, BalancedResourcePriority()),
                      (1.0, ImageLocalityPriority())] if weights is None \
            else [(weights[0], BalancedResourcePriority()),
                  (weights[1], ImageLocalityPriority())]
        priorities = None if weights is None \
            else [(weights[0], BalancedResourcePriority()),
                  (weights[1], LatencyAwareImageLocalityPriority()),
                  (weights[2], LocalityTypePriority()),
                  (weights[3], DataLocalityPriority()),
                  (weights[4], CapabilityPriority())]
    scheduler = Scheduler(cluster_context, priorities=priorities)

    # Either watch all namespaces or only the one set as argument
    w = watch.Watch()
    if namespace is not None:
        logging.debug('Watching for new pod events in namespace %s...', args.namespace)
        stream = w.stream(api.list_namespaced_pod, args.namespace)
        logging.debug('Watching for new pod events across all namespaces...')
        stream = w.stream(api.list_pod_for_all_namespaces)

    if scheduler_name:
        logging.debug('Watching for new pods with defined scheduler-name \'%s\'...', scheduler_name)
        logging.debug('Watching for pods without caring about defined scheduler-name...')

    # Start the liveness probe (used by kubernetes to restart the service if it's not responding anymore)
    logging.debug('Starting liveness / readiness probe...')

    # Main event loop watching for new pods
    logging.info('Everything is in place for new pods to be scheduled. Waiting for new events...')
        for event in stream:
            # noinspection PyBroadException
                if event['object'].status.phase == 'Pending' and \
                        (scheduler_name is None or event['object'].spec.scheduler_name == scheduler_name) and \
                        event['type'] == 'ADDED':
                    pod = create_pod(event['object'])
                    logging.debug('There\'s a new pod to schedule: ' + pod.name)
                    result = scheduler.schedule(pod)
                    logging.debug('Pod yielded %s', result)
            except ApiException as e:
                # Parse the JSON message body of the exception
                logging.exception('ApiExceptionMessage: %s', json.loads(e.body)['message'])
            except Exception:
                # We really don't want the scheduler to die, therefore we catch Exception here
                logging.exception('Exception in outer event loop caught. '
                                  'It will be ignored to make sure the scheduler continues to run.')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logging.info('Shutting down after receiving a keyboard interrupt.')
Example #5

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--scenario', help='The scenario to execute (1 = UrbanSensing, 2 = IIoT, 3 = CloudRegions)',
                        type=int, required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--results', help='directory to store results into (defaults to /tmp/schedsim)', type=str,
    parser.add_argument('--logging', help='set log level (DEBUG|INFO|WARN|...) to activate logging', required=False)

    return parser.parse_args()

scheduler_params = {
    'priorities': [
        (1, BalancedResourcePriority()),
        (1, LatencyAwareImageLocalityPriority()),
        (1, LocalityTypePriority()),
        (1, DataLocalityPriority()),
        (1, CapabilityPriority())
    'percentage_of_nodes_to_score': 100

scenarios = [
    (UrbanSensingScenario, (4,), {}),
    (IndustrialIoTScenario, (5,), {}),
    (CloudRegionScenario, (50,), {})