os.path.isfile('{}/{}.{}'.format(trg_dir, trainingset_sample_indices_file, trainingset_suffix)):
		if override:
			print 'WARNING: The target directory {}/ already contains at least on of the files to create. Replacing.'.format(trg_dir)
			print 'WARNING: The target directory {}/ already contains at least on of the files to create. Skipping.'.format(trg_dir)

	# initializing collections
	training_set_selections = dict.fromkeys(training_set_cases)

	# iterate over cases, load their respective samples and perform a sampling for each

	# draw random stratified sample and extract training set indices
	sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(classes, n_iter=1, train_size=n_samples)
	sample_indices, _ = sss.next()

	# save

def load_feature_struct(f):
	"Load the feature struct from a feature config file."
	d, m = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(f)[0])
	f, filename, desc = imp.find_module(m, [d])
	return imp.load_module(m, f, filename, desc).features_to_extract

def load_feature_names(f):
	"Load the feature names from a feature config file."
	fs = load_feature_struct(f)
	return [feature_struct_entry_to_name(e) for e in fs]

if __name__ == "__main__":