Example #1
def classify_using_lda(feat1, feat2, num_comp=2):

    n_plus = len(feat1)
    n_minus = len(feat2)

    X = np.concatenate((feat1, feat2), axis=0)
    y = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n_plus), np.ones(n_minus)), axis=0)
    y += 1

    print(X.shape, y.shape, n_plus, n_minus, feat1.shape, feat2.shape)

    lda = LDA(n_components=num_comp)
    lda.fit(X, y)

    # TODO FIXME Why is this returning n_samples x 1, and not n_samples x 2?
    # Is it able to to differentiate using just 1 component? Crazy!!
    X_tr = lda.transform(X)

    print(X_tr.shape, lda.score(X, y))

    # CRAZY, we don't actually have the 2nd component from LDA
    X1 = np.concatenate((X_tr[0:n_plus], np.zeros((n_plus, 1))), axis=1)
    X2 = np.concatenate((X_tr[-n_minus:], np.ones((n_minus, 1))), axis=1)

    plt.plot(X1[:, 0], X1[:, 1], 'ro')
    plt.plot(X2[:, 0], X2[:, 1], 'g+')

    plt.ylim(-1, 3)
Example #2
def run_ldatest(features, assignment):

    # determine which one has more spikes
    _, n_spikes = np.unique(assignment, return_counts=True)
    id_big = np.argmax(n_spikes)
    id_small = np.argmin(n_spikes)
    n_diff = n_spikes[id_big] - n_spikes[id_small]

    if n_diff > 0:
        n_repeat = int(np.ceil(np.max(n_spikes) / np.min(n_spikes)))
        idx_big = np.where(assignment == id_big)[0]

        lda_probs = np.zeros(n_repeat)
        for j in range(n_repeat):
            idx_remove = np.random.choice(idx_big, n_diff, replace=False)
            idx_in = np.ones(len(assignment), 'bool')
            idx_in[idx_remove] = False

            # fit lda
            lda = LDA(n_components=1)
            lda.fit(features[idx_in], assignment[idx_in])

            # check tp of lda
            lda_probs[j] = lda.score(features[idx_in], assignment[idx_in])
        lda_prob = np.median(lda_probs)
        lda = LDA(n_components=1)
        lda.fit(features, assignment)
        lda_prob = lda.score(features, assignment)

    return lda_prob
	def test_LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(self):
		helper = Helper()
		# Test with dataset type: sklearn DataBunch
		# Load up data
		iris = load_iris()
		X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = iris.data[:120], iris.target[:120], iris.data[120:], iris.target[120:]

		# Bring in the default LinearDiscriminantAnalysis model
		model_name = 'lda'
		actual_model = helper.getBuiltModel(model_name)

		# Explicity create the model we expect to get from getBuiltModel call
		expected_model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()

		# Make sure the models are the same type before continuing
		self.assertEqual( type(actual_model), type(expected_model) )

		# Train this default model on the iris dataset
		actual_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
		# Get default model accuracy on testing set
		actual_accuracy = actual_model.score(X_test, y_test)

		# Complete the same process, however we make the model explicitly
		expected_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
		expected_accuracy = expected_model.score(X_test, y_test)

		# Make sure that the accuracy reported from both models is the same
		self.assertEqual( actual_accuracy, expected_accuracy )

		# Test with dataset type: pandas DataFrame
		# Load up data
		iris_df = load_iris(as_frame=True).frame
		X = iris_df.loc[:, iris_df.columns != 'target']
		y = iris_df['target']
		X_train, y_train = X.iloc[:120], y.iloc[:120]
		X_test, y_test =   X.iloc[120:], y.iloc[120:]

		# Bring in the default LinearDiscriminantAnalysis model
		model_name = 'lda'
		actual_model = helper.getBuiltModel(model_name)

		# Explicity create the model we expect to get from getBuiltModel call
		expected_model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()

		# Make sure the models are the same type before continuing
		self.assertEqual( type(actual_model), type(expected_model) )

		# Train this default model on the iris dataset
		actual_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
		# Get default model accuracy on testing set
		actual_accuracy = actual_model.score(X_test, y_test)

		# Complete the same process, however we make the model explicitly
		expected_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
		expected_accuracy = expected_model.score(X_test, y_test)

		# Make sure that the accuracy reported from both models is the same
		self.assertEqual( actual_accuracy, expected_accuracy )
Example #4
def run_lda_2(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, dataset):

    # model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='eigen',n_components=y_train.groupby(y_train.columns[0]).count().shape[0])
    model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(
        n_components=y_train.groupby(y_train.columns[0]).count().shape[0] - 1)

    score_df = pd.DataFrame()

    # k_max = X_train.shape[1]-1
    # if k_max > 120: k_max = 120

    k_max = y_train.groupby(y_train.columns[0]).count().shape[0]

    for i in range(1, k_max):
        LOGGER.info('lda: k={}'.format(i))
        # model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=i)
        # lda_X = model.fit_transform(X_train,y_train[y_train.columns[0]])
        model.fit(X_train, y_train[y_train.columns[0]])

        # lda_test_X = model.transform(X_test)
        # y_pred = model.predict(lda_test_X)
        # print(y_pred)

        score_df.loc[i, 'test_score'] = model.score(X_test,
                     'train_score'] = model.score(X_train,


    model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(
        n_components=y_train.groupby(y_train.columns[0]).count().shape[0] - 1)

    model.fit(X_train, y_train[y_train.columns[0]])

    result_df = pd.DataFrame(data=model.explained_variance_ratio_,

    title = 'lda_explained_variance'
    x = 'components'
    y = 'variance contributed'
    LOGGER.info('plotting {}'.format(title))

    # sig_vec = [np.abs(i)/np.sum(result_df['ex_variance']) for i in result_df['ex_variance']]
    plt.step(range(0, result_df.shape[0]),
             label='cumulative explained variance')

    plt.bar(range(0, result_df.shape[0]),
            label='explained variance')
Example #5
    def train(self, save_path, name, cross_validation=True, reshape=None):
        history = History(save_path, name)

        fold_index = 0

        for train_dataset, test_dataset in self.feed.take(
                self.n_splits if cross_validation else 1):
            # train_dataset是训练集,test_dataset是测试集。train_dataset[0]和test_dataset[0]是data,四维数组;train[1]和test[1]是label,二维数组。
            fold_index += 1
            pca_model = PCA(n_components=self.pca_components)
            lda_model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()

            train_data = numpy.array(train_dataset[0])
            train_label = numpy.array(train_dataset[1])
            test_data = numpy.array(test_dataset[0])
            test_label = numpy.array(test_dataset[1])

            pca_model.fit(train_data.reshape((train_data.shape[0], -1)))
            train_pc = pca_model.transform(
                train_data.reshape((train_data.shape[0], -1)))
            lda_model.fit(train_pc, train_label)

            # model.load_weights(os.path.join(save_path, 'test_weights.h5'))
            r = {}
            r['acc'] = lda_model.score(train_pc, train_label)
            print('acc = ' + str(r['acc']))
            test_pc = pca_model.transform(
                test_data.reshape((test_data.shape[0], -1)))
            r['val_acc'] = lda_model.score(test_pc, test_label)
            print('val_acc = ' + str(r['val_acc']))
            history.add(str(fold_index), r)

            # Save weights to a HDF5 file
            # self.model.save(self.save_path)
Example #6
def problem2():
    data =  readFileFunction()
    features = []
    labels = []
    for row in data:

    training_set1 = np.array(features[0:40]+features[50:90]+features[100:140])
    testing_set1 = np.array(features[40:50]+features[90:100]+features[140:150])
    labels_1 = np.array(labels[0:40]+labels[50:90]+labels[100:140])
    correct_labs_1 = np.array(labels[40:50]+labels[90:100]+labels[140:150])


    lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver="svd", store_covariance=True)
    lda.fit(training_set1, labels_1)
    score1_1 = lda.score(training_set1, correct_labs_1)
    score1_2 = lda.score(testing_set1, correct_labs_1)
Example #7
class LDA_Agent(AgentMET4FOF):
    def init_parameters(self, incremental = True):
        self.ml_model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=3,priors=None, shrinkage=None, solver='eigen')
        self.incremental = incremental

    def reformat_target(self, target_vector):
        for i in class_target_vector.index:
            if class_target_vector[i]==0:
                class_target_vector[i]=1                   #Fixing the zero element.
        return np.array(class_target_vector)

    def on_received_message(self, message):
        self.log_info("MODE : "+ message['channel'])
        if message['channel'] == 'train':
            if self.incremental:
                #message['data']['target'] = message['data']['target'][0]
                message['data']['target'] = self.reformat_target(message['data']['target'])
                self.buffer_store(agent_from=message['from'], data=message['data'])
                y_true = self.buffer[list(self.buffer.keys())[0]]['target']
                x = np.array(self.buffer[list(self.buffer.keys())[0]]['quantities'])
                y_true = self.reformat_target(message['data']['target'])
                x = message['data']['quantities']
            self.ml_model = self.ml_model.fit(x, y_true)
            self.log_info("Overall Train Score: " + str(self.ml_model.score(x, y_true)))

        elif message['channel'] == 'test':
            y_true = self.reformat_target(message['data']['target'])
            y_pred = self.ml_model.predict(message['data']['quantities'])
            self.send_output({'y_pred':y_pred, 'y_true': y_true})
            self.log_info("Overall Test Score: " + str(self.ml_model.score(message['data']['quantities'], y_true)))
            self.lda_test_score = self.ml_model.score(message['data']['quantities'], y_true)
Example #8
def batch():
  x, y = CSP.load_data()
  kv = BCI.gen_kv_idx(y, 10)
  for train_idx, test_idx in kv:
    x_train, y_train = x[train_idx], y[train_idx]
    x_test, y_test = x[test_idx], y[test_idx]

    fb_mi = fb_mibif(x_train, y_train)
    #ts_mi = ts_mibif(x_train, y_train)

    fb_idx = np.argmax(fb_mi)
    #ts_idx = np.argmax(ts_mi)

    fb_csp = CSP.filterbank_CSP(x_train)
    #ts_csp = CSP.temporal_spectral_CSP(x_train)

    fb_x = mi_selector(fb_csp, fb_idx)
    ts_x = mi_selector(ts_csp, fb_idx)
    from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
    fb_lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto')
    ts_lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto')

    fb_lda.fit(fb_x, y_train)
    ts_lad.fit(ts_x, y_train)
    fb_x_t = mi_selector(CSP.filterbank_CSP(x_test), fb_x)
    #ts_x_t = mi_selector(CSP.temporal_spectral_CSP(x_test), ts_mi)

    fb_score = fb_lda.score(fb_x_t, y_test)
    ts_score = ts_lda.score(ts_x_t, y_test)

Example #9
def plot_lda():
    n_train = 20  # samples for training
    n_test = 200  # samples for testing
    n_averages = 50  # how often to repeat classification
    n_features_max = 75  # maximum number of features
    step = 4  # step size for the calculation

    acc_clf1, acc_clf2, acc_clf3 = [], [], []
    n_features_range = range(1, n_features_max + 1, step)
    for n_features in n_features_range:
        score_clf1, score_clf2, score_clf3 = 0, 0, 0
        for _ in range(n_averages):
            X, y = generate_data(n_train, n_features)

            clf1 = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr',
                                              shrinkage='auto').fit(X, y)
            clf2 = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr',
                                              shrinkage=None).fit(X, y)
            oa = OAS(store_precision=False, assume_centered=False)
            clf3 = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr',
                                                  X, y)

            X, y = generate_data(n_test, n_features)
            score_clf1 += clf1.score(X, y)
            score_clf2 += clf2.score(X, y)
            score_clf3 += clf3.score(X, y)

        acc_clf1.append(score_clf1 / n_averages)
        acc_clf2.append(score_clf2 / n_averages)
        acc_clf3.append(score_clf3 / n_averages)

    features_samples_ratio = np.array(n_features_range) / n_train

             label="Linear Discriminant Analysis with Ledoit Wolf",
             label="Linear Discriminant Analysis",
             label="Linear Discriminant Analysis with OAS",

    plt.xlabel('n_features / n_samples')
    plt.ylabel('Classification accuracy')

    plt.legend(loc=3, prop={'size': 12})
    plt.suptitle('Linear Discriminant Analysis vs. ' + '\n' +
                 'Shrinkage Linear Discriminant Analysis vs. ' + '\n' +
                 'OAS Linear Discriminant Analysis (1 discriminative feature)')
Example #10
def linear_discriminant(train_set, test_set):
    train_feature, train_label, test_feature, test_label = feature_selection(
        train_set, test_set)
    lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
    #     lda.fit(train_feature, train_label)
    y_pred = lda.fit(train_feature, train_label).predict(test_feature)
    training_score = lda.score(train_feature, train_label)
    accuracy = lda.score(test_feature, test_label)
    return accuracy, training_score, y_pred, test_label
Example #11
    def Lineal(self):
        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        model = lda.fit(self.x_train, self.y_train.ravel())

        pred_lda = model.predict(self.x_eval)
        acc_trining_LDA = lda.score(self.x_train, self.y_train)
        acc_test_LDA = lda.score(self.x_eval, self.y_eval)

        #print("Matriz de confusion de LDA ", confusion_matrix(pred_lda, Y_test))

        return classification_report(self.y_eval, pred_lda,
                                     digits=3), acc_trining_LDA, acc_test_LDA
Example #12
 def lda_analysis(self, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, data_set_name):
     scl = RobustScaler()
     X_train_scl = scl.fit_transform(X_train)
     X_test_scl = scl.transform(X_test)
     ## Plots
     ph = plot_helper()
     scores = []
     train_scores = []
     rng = range(1, X_train_scl.shape[1]+1)
     for i in rng:
         lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=i)
         cv = KFold(X_train_scl.shape[0], 3, shuffle=True)
         # cross validation
         cv_scores = []
         for (train, test) in cv:
             lda.fit(X_train_scl[train], y_train[train])
             score = lda.score(X_train_scl[test], y_train[test])
         mean_score = np.mean(cv_scores)
         # train score
         lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=i)
         lda.fit(X_train_scl, y_train)
         train_score = lda.score(X_train_scl, y_train)
         print(i, mean_score)
     ## Score Plot
     title = 'Score Summary Plot (LDA) for ' + data_set_name
     name = data_set_name.lower() + '_lda_score'
     filename = './' + self.out_dir + '/' + name + '.png'
                    [scores, train_scores],
                    [None, None],
                    ['cross validation score', 'training score'],
                    cm.viridis(np.linspace(0, 1, 2)),
                    ['o', '*'],
Example #13
def load_csp(count):

    with open('csp_data/A0' + str(count) + 'T.npz.pic', 'rb') as f:
        res = pickle.load(f)
    for i in range(5):
        x_train = res[i]['train']['x']
        y_train = res[i]['train']['y']
        y_test = res[i]['test']['y']
        fb_csp = res[i]['train']['fbcsp']
        fb_mi = MIBIF.fb_mibif_with_csp(x_train, y_train, fb_csp)
        fb_idx = np.argmin(fb_mi)
        fb_x = MIBIF.mi_selector(fb_csp, fb_idx)
        fb_x_t = MIBIF.mi_selector(res[i]['test']['fbcsp'], fb_idx)

        from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
        fb_lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto')
        fb_lda.fit(fb_x, y_train.argmax(axis=1))
        fb_score = fb_lda.score(fb_x_t, y_test.argmax(axis=1))

        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto')
        lda.fit(res[i]['train']['csp'], y_train.argmax(axis=1))
        score = fb_lda.score(res[i]['test']['csp'], y_test.argmax(axis=1))

        ts_csp = res[i]['train']['tscsp']
        st_csp = res[i]['train']['stcsp']

        ts_mi = MIBIF.fb_mibif_with_csp(x_train, y_train, ts_csp)
        st_mi = MIBIF.fb_mibif_with_csp(x_train, y_train, st_csp)

        ts_idx = np.argmin(ts_mi)
        st_idx = np.argmin(st_mi)

        ts_x = MIBIF.mi_selector(ts_csp, ts_idx)
        st_x = MIBIF.mi_selector(st_csp, st_idx)

        ts_x_t = MIBIF.mi_selector(res[i]['test']['tscsp'], ts_idx)
        st_x_t = MIBIF.mi_selector(res[i]['test']['stcsp'], st_idx)

        ts_lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto')
        ts_lda.fit(ts_x, y_train.argmax(axis=1))
        ts_score = ts_lda.score(ts_x_t, y_test.argmax(axis=1))

        st_lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto')
        st_lda.fit(fb_x, y_train.argmax(axis=1))
        st_score = fb_lda.score(fb_x_t, y_test.argmax(axis=1))

        pen = open('csp_res_' + str(count) + '.csv', 'a')
            str(i) + ',' + str(score) + ',' + str(fb_score) + ',' +
            str(ts_score) + ',' + str(st_score) + '\n')
class LinearDiscriminantAnalysiscls(object):
    """docstring for ClassName"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.lda_cls = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        self.prediction = None
        self.train_x = None
        self.train_y = None

    def train_model(self, train_x, train_y):
            self.train_x = train_x
            self.train_y = train_y
            self.lda_cls.fit(train_x, train_y)

    def predict(self, test_x):
            self.test_x = test_x
            self.prediction = self.lda_cls.predict(test_x)
            return self.prediction

    def accuracy_score(self, test_y):
            # return r2_score(test_y, self.prediction)
            return self.lda_cls.score(self.test_x, test_y)
Example #15
def intersubjective_shallow(data, model_name):

    x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, o_t_test, o_tr_test = data

    x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = resample_transform(
        (x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test), resample=False)

    global t_test
    t_test = o_t_test
    global tr_test
    tr_test = o_tr_test
    x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], -1)
    x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], -1)
    m = [
        'acc', 'val_acc', 'val_precisions', 'val_recalls', 'val_f1s',
        'val_aucs', 'val_balanced_acc', 'val_recognition_acc', 'val_bpm'
    metrics = {key: [] for key in m}
    history = False
    if 'svm' in model_name:
        clf = svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0)
    elif 'lda' in model_name:
        if 'shrinkage' in model_name:
            clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto')
            clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage=None)
    clf.fit(x_train, y_train)
    y_predict = clf.predict(x_test)
    probs = clf.decision_function(x_test)
    metrics['acc'].append(clf.score(x_train, y_train))
    metrics = compute_metrics(metrics, probs, y_predict, y_test)
    cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predict)

    return metrics, history, cnf_matrix, clf
Example #16
def LDA(X, y, r):
	tri = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
	sc = cross_val_score(tri , X, y, cv=5)
	tri.fit(X, y)
	print('CV', np.mean(sc),tri.score(X,y))
	# G=tri.feature_importances_
	return np.mean(sc), tri
Example #17
def discriminant_analysis_models(x_train, y_train):
    from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
    classifier1 = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
    classifier1.fit(x_train, y_train)
    print('LinearDiscriminantAnalysis training accuracy: ',
          classifier1.score(x_train, y_train))
    return classifier1
Example #18
def SDE(filePath, nfold, numLearn, numWave):

    variableName = "afterSGSmooth"
    mat = sio.loadmat(filePath)
    data = mat[variableName]
    newData = data[:256, :].T
    label = data[256, :].T
    matrix = []
    acc = 0

    kf = KFold(n_splits=nfold, shuffle=True)
    for trainIdx, testIdx in kf.split(label):
        for i in np.arange(0, numLearn, 1):  #多少个弱分类器
            list = np.arange(0, 256, 1).tolist()
            ramList = random.sample(list, numWave)  #选多少个波段
            newData = newData[:, ramList]
            newLabel = label
            X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \
                newData[trainIdx, :], newData[testIdx, :], newLabel[trainIdx], newLabel[testIdx]
            lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
            lda.fit(X_train, y_train)
            matrix.append(confusion_matrix(y_test, lda.predict(X_test)))
            acc += lda.score(X_test, y_test, sample_weight=None)

    return acc / (nfold * numLearn), matrix
Example #19
def get_LDA(Xtrain, Ytrain, Xtest = None , Ytest = None, verbose = 0):
        lda = LDA()
        scores = np.empty((4))

        if (verbose == 1):
            scores = np.empty((2))
            scores[0] = lda.score(Xtrain,Ytrain)
            print('LDA, train: {0:.02f}% '.format(scores[0]*100))
            if (type(Xtest) != type(None)):
                scores[1] = lda.score(Xtest,Ytest)
                print('LDA, test: {0:.02f}% '.format(scores[1]*100))
        return lda
Example #20
def lda_classifier(data):
    data.loc[data['student'] == 'Yes', ['student']] = 1
    data.loc[data['student'] == 'No', ['student']] = 0

    data.loc[data['default'] == 'Yes', ['default']] = 1
    data.loc[data['default'] == 'No', ['default']] = 0
    # print(data[['Rating', 'Income']])
    data = data.values
    x_train = data[:-30, [1, 2, 3]]
    x_test = data[-30:, [1, 2, 3]]
    y_train = data[:-30, 0].astype('int')
    y_test = data[-30:, 0].astype('int')
    sc = StandardScaler()
    x_train = sc.fit_transform(x_train)
    x_test = sc.transform(x_test)
    # x_train = data[:, [1, 2, 3]]
    # y_train = data[:, 0].astype('int')
    lda = LDA(n_components=1)
    x_train_lda = lda.fit_transform(x_train, y_train)
    x_test_lda = lda.transform(x_test)
    lda.fit(x_train_lda, y_train)
    # x_train_lda = lda.fit_transform(x_train, y_train)
    # return x_train_lda, y_train
    y_pre = lda.predict(x_test_lda)
    score = lda.score(x_test_lda, y_test)
    return x_test_lda, y_pre, y_test
def LDA(targetData, featureData):
    from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA

    #Definir y hacer fit la data estandarizada (estandarizar data previo a la ejecucion de la funcion)
    lda = LDA()
    ld = lda.fit_transform(featureData, targetData)
    lda_df = pd.DataFrame(data=ld, columns=['LDA1', 'LDA2'])
    lda_df['Cluster'] = targetData

    #Imprimir los resultados de la clasificacion del Training Data
    print('Accuracy of LDA classifier on training set: {:.2f}'.format(
        lda.score(featureData, targetData)))


    # Scatter plot del primer y segundo LDA
        hue='Cluster',  # color por cluster
        scatter_kws={"s": 80})  # especificar el tamaño del punto
Example #22
def run_thingy(X, y, name):
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = pre.train_test_split(X, y, stratify=y)
    accuracy_arr = []
    for i in range(1):
        ica = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=i + 1)
        X_transformed = ica.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)
        print(ica.score(X_test, y_test))
Example #23
    def discriminator(self, IQ_012_data):
        # IQベクトルを作成します(実部と虚部で構成されています)
        zero_data_reshaped = self.reshape_complex_vec(IQ_012_data[0])
        one_data_reshaped = self.reshape_complex_vec(IQ_012_data[1])
        two_data_reshaped = self.reshape_complex_vec(IQ_012_data[2])

        IQ_012_data_copy = np.concatenate(
            (zero_data_reshaped, one_data_reshaped, two_data_reshaped))

        # (テスト用に)0と1と2の値が含まれたベクトルを構築します
        state_012 = np.zeros(self.shots)  # 実験のショット数
        state_012 = np.concatenate((state_012, np.ones(self.shots)))
        state_012 = np.concatenate((state_012, 2 * np.ones(self.shots)))

        # データをシャッフルして学習用セットとテスト用セットに分割します
        IQ_012_train, IQ_012_test, state_012_train, state_012_test = train_test_split(
            IQ_012_data_copy, state_012, test_size=0.5)

        # LDAを設定します
        LDA_012 = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        LDA_012.fit(IQ_012_train, state_012_train)

        # 精度を計算します
        score_012 = LDA_012.score(IQ_012_test, state_012_test)

        return LDA_012
Example #24
def lda(encoder, x_train, y_train, train_label):
    ''' total LDA analysis, outputs plots and can return a variable too if needed
    lda(encoder, x_train, y_train, train_label) '''
    from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
    z_mean_pred, z_sig, z_label_pred, z_pred = encoder.predict(
        [x_train, y_train], batch_size=16)
    sklearn_lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
    y = np.array(train_label)
    z_pred = pd.DataFrame(z_pred)
    sklearn_lda = sklearn_lda.fit(z_pred, y)
    X_lda = sklearn_lda.transform(z_pred)
    score = sklearn_lda.score(z_pred, y)
    print('accruacy', score)
    label_dict = {1: 'Healthy', 2: 'At risk of SCZ', 3: 'Depression', 4: 'SCZ'}

    from CVAE_3Dplots import lda_densityplot
    lda_densityplot(X_lda, y, 'STUDYGROUP', sklearn_lda)

    from CVAE_3Dplots import plot_lda_cluster
    plot_lda_cluster(X_lda, y, '', label_dict, sklearn_lda)

    importance = pd.DataFrame(sklearn_lda.scalings_)
    exp_var = sklearn_lda.explained_variance_ratio_.tolist()
    importance.loc[len(importance)] = exp_var
    importance = importance.abs()  # removing all negative numbers
    importance['totals'] = (importance[0] * importance.iloc[50, 0]) + (
        importance[1] * importance.iloc[50, 1]) + (importance[2] *
                                                   importance.iloc[50, 2])
    importance = importance.sort_values(by=['totals'], ascending=False)
    return importance
Example #25
def lda(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
    lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
    lda.fit(X_train, y_train)
    lda_score = lda.score(X_test, y_test)
    print('LDA: ' + str(lda_score))

    return lda_score
Example #26
def main():
    dataset = pd.read_csv("shuttle.csv", header=None).values.astype(np.int32,
    data_train = dataset[0:int(len(dataset) * 0.6)]
    data_test = dataset[int(len(dataset) * 0.6) + 1:]
    x, y = np.array([]), np.array([])
    for row in dataset:
        if (row[-1] == 4 or row[-1] == 5):
            x = np.vstack(
                (x, [row[3], row[6]])) if len(x) != 0 else [row[3], row[6]]
            y = np.append(y, row[-1] - 4)

#<class 'list'>: [11478, 13, 39, 2155, 809, 4, 2] =>  4, 5

    lda = LDA(solver="svd", store_covariance=True)
    splot = visualization(dataset[:, 3], dataset[:, 6], dataset[:, -1])
    splot = plot_data(lda, x, y, lda.fit(x, y).predict(x))

    lda = lda.fit(data_train[:, :-1], data_train[:, -1])
    lda = lda.score(data_test[:, :-1], data_test[:, -1])
    qda = QDA(store_covariances=True)
    qda = qda.fit(data_train[:, :-1], data_train[:, -1])
    qda = qda.score(data_test[:, :-1], data_test[:, -1])

    print("Linear Discriminant Analysis: ", lda)
    print("Quadratic Discriminant Analysis: ", qda)
Example #27
def linearDiscriminantAnalysis_model(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test):
    t0 = time()

    # Create classifier
    model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()

    # Fit the classifier on the training features and labels.
    t0 = time()
    model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    print('\nPerfomance Report:\n')
    print("Training time:", round(time() - t0, 3), "s")

    # Predicting using X_test_norm
    t1 = time()
    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
    print("Prediction time:", round(time() - t1, 3), "s\n")

    # Computing for the accuracy, precision, & recall
    result = model.score(X_test, y_test)
    print("Accuracy: {:.2%}".format(result), '\n')

    # Diplay performance metrics
    model_evaluation(y_test, y_pred)
    print("\nNumber of mislabeled points out of a total %d points : %d" %
          (X_test.shape[0], (y_test != y_pred).sum()))
    return y_pred
Example #28
def main():
    # load the data from external load_mnist.py script
    train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y = mnist(noTrSamples=400,
                                             digit_range=[5, 8],
    # get pca data
    pca_train_X, e_pca_train_X = pca(train_X, dim=10)
    pca_test_X, e_pca_test_X = pca(test_X, dim=10)

    # apply Fishers Linear Discriminant to project PCA trained data
    pca_mnist_fld = FLD(pca_train_X, train_y, dim=1)
    # fit the FLD process
    # compute training accuracy
    train_acc = pca_mnist_fld.train_accuracy()
    # compute test accuracy
    test_acc = pca_mnist_fld.test_accuracy(pca_test_X, test_y)
    # Display training and test accuracy
    print(f'Training accuracy : {train_acc}')
    print(f'Test accuracy : {test_acc}')

    clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
    # print(pca_train_X.T.shape, train_y.T.flatten().shape)  # (400, 10) (400,)
    clf.fit(pca_train_X.T, train_y.T.flatten())

    print('From sklearn')
        'Training accuracy : ',
                train_y.T.flatten()).score(pca_train_X.T, train_y.T.flatten()))
    print('Test accuracy : ', clf.score(pca_test_X.T, test_y.T.flatten()))
Example #29
def classifiers(trainingRatingmatrix, testingRatingMatrix, trainLabel,
    ### logistic regression
    clf = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs',
                                 trainingRatingmatrix, trainLabel)
    acc = clf.score(testingRatingMatrix, testLabel)
    prediction = clf.predict(testingRatingMatrix)
    print("LOgictic Regression Accuracy", acc, "RMSE",
          sklearnRMSE(prediction, testLabel), "NMAE:",
          NMAE(prediction, testLabel))
    ## LDA---------------------------------------------------------------
    from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
    clf2 = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='svd')
    clf2.fit(trainingRatingmatrix, trainLabel)
    acc = clf2.score(testingRatingMatrix, testLabel)
    LDA_prediction = clf2.predict(testingRatingMatrix)
    print("LDA::Accuracy", acc, "RMSE", sklearnRMSE(LDA_prediction, testLabel),
          "NMAE:", NMAE(LDA_prediction, testLabel))
    pca = PCA(n_components=1000)
    PCA_train = pca.transform(trainingRatingmatrix)
    PCA_test = pca.transform(testingRatingMatrix)
    clf = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', multi_class='multinomial')
    clf.fit(PCA_train, trainLabel)
    acc = clf.score(PCA_test, testLabel)
    prediction = clf.predict(PCA_test)
    print("PCA: Accuracy", acc, "RMSE", sklearnRMSE(prediction, testLabel),
          "NMAE:", NMAE(prediction, testLabel))

    ## MLP classifier---------------------------------------------------------------
    clf_mlp = MLPClassifier(solver='lbfgs',
                            hidden_layer_sizes=(1000, 100),
    clf_mlp.fit(trainingRatingmatrix, trainLabel)
    acc = clf_mlp.score(testingRatingMatrix, testLabel)
    prediction = clf_mlp.predict(testingRatingMatrix)
    print("MLP: Accuracy", acc, "RMSE", sklearnRMSE(prediction, testLabel),
          "NMAE:", NMAE(prediction, testLabel))

    ## ELM---------------------------------------------------------------
    nh = 100
    srhl_rbf = RBFRandomLayer(n_hidden=nh * 2, rbf_width=0.1, random_state=0)
    name = ["rbf(0.1))"]
    classifiers = [GenELMClassifier(hidden_layer=srhl_rbf)]
    for classifier, clf in zip(name, classifiers):
        clf.fit(trainingRatingmatrix, trainLabel)
        prediction = clf.predict(testingRatingMatrix)
        score = clf.score(testingRatingMatrix, testLabel)

        print('ELM Model %s Accuracy: %s' % (classifier, score), "RMSE",
              sklearnRMSE(prediction, testLabel), "NMAE",
              NMAE(prediction, testLabel))
Example #30
def classification_temporal(sub):
    import RCNN, CNN
    for i in range(1, 6):
        train_data = scipy.io.loadmat('RCNN2/twist_rev_mv/' + sub + '_' +
                                      str(i) + '_train.mat')
        test_data = scipy.io.loadmat('RCNN2/twist_rev_mv/' + sub + '_' +
                                     str(i) + '_test.mat')
        train_x = x_translator2(train_data['train'][0][0][0])
        train_y = np.transpose(train_data['train'][0][0][1])

        test_x = x_translator2(test_data['test'][0][0][0])
        test_y = np.transpose(test_data['test'][0][0][1])
        show_pca(train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y, sub + '_' + str(i))
        train_x = tans(train_x)
        test_x = tans(test_x)
        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=2)
        lda.fit(train_x, train_y.argmax(axis=1))
        train_x = lda.transform(train_x)
        test_x = lda.transform(test_x)
        model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto')
        #model = CNN.create_3d_model((9, 18, 5, 1))
        model.fit(train_x, train_y.argmax(axis=1), shuffle=True)
        score = model.score(test_x, test_y.argmax(axis=1))
        pen = open('LDA_seg_mv_res_L.csv', 'a')
        pen.write('LDA,' + sub + ',' + str(i) + ',' + str(score) + '\n')
def getBoardAccuracySetting2(Bn, step):
    RList = ['R1', 'R2', 'R3', 'R4']
    acc = []
    if Bn in ['B4', 'B5']:
        loop_Rn = ['R1']
        loop_Rn = ['R1', 'R2', 'R3']
    for i, Rn in enumerate(loop_Rn):
        print("{} Repeat:".format(Bn) + Rn)
        train_data = []
        train_label = []
        for j, item in enumerate(dic[Bn][Rn]):
            # print('\r{}:{}/{}'.format(Bn, j + 1, len(dic[Bn]['R1'])), end=" ")
            x, y = getDataFromFile(item, 400, step)
        clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        clf.fit(train_data, train_label)
        test_data = []
        test_label = []
        for j, item in enumerate(dic[Bn][RList[i + 1]]):
            # print('\r{}:{}/{}'.format(Bn, j + 1, len(dic[Bn]['R1'])), end=" ")
            x, y = getDataFromFile(item, 400, step)
        acc_tmp = clf.score(test_data, test_label)
    if Bn in ['B4', 'B5']:
        acc = acc + [0, 0]
    return acc
Example #32
def linear_discriminant_analysis_none(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test):
    import operator
    from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
    linear = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage=None)
    linear.fit(x_train, y_train)
    value = linear.score(x_test, y_test)
    return "{0:.2f}".format(value)   
Example #33
def lda_performance(train,
    '''Note that train and test are lists of Creatures because we need to 
    choose whether or not to standardize their position and orientation

    if standardize:
        for c in train:
        for c in test:

    trainb = make_vectors.make_bunch(train)
    testb = make_vectors.make_bunch(test)
    (x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test) = (trainb.data, testb.data,
                                          trainb.target, testb.target)

    pol1 = PolynomialFeatures(interact_terms)
    pol2 = PolynomialFeatures(interact_terms)
    x_train_poly = pol1.fit_transform(x_train)
    x_test_poly = pol2.fit_transform(x_test)

    shrinkage = 'auto' if shrinkage else False
    lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage=shrinkage)
    lda.fit(x_train_poly, y_train)
    return lda.score(x_test_poly, y_test)
Example #34
def get_LDA(Xtrain, Ytrain, Xtest = None , Ytest = None, verbose = 0):
        lda = LDA()
        scores = np.empty((4))

        if (verbose == 1):
            scores = np.empty((2))
            scores[0] = lda.score(Xtrain,Ytrain)
            print('LDA, train: {0:.02f}% '.format(scores[0]*100))
            if (type(Xtest) != type(None)):
                scores[1] = lda.score(Xtest,Ytest)
                print('LDA, test: {0:.02f}% '.format(scores[1]*100))
        return lda
Example #35
def assess_embedding(to_vec):
	Returns LDA classification score and projected data
	(x_data, y_data) = get_x_y_matrices(to_vec)

	lda = LDA(n_components=2)
	x_prime = lda.fit_transform(x_data, y_data)
	score = lda.score(x_data, y_data)

	return (x_prime.reshape(26, ), y_data, score)
scores_windows = []

for train_idx, test_idx in cv_split:
    y_train, y_test = labels[train_idx], labels[test_idx]

    X_train = csp.fit_transform(epochs_data_train[train_idx], y_train)
    X_test = csp.transform(epochs_data_train[test_idx])

    # fit classifier
    lda.fit(X_train, y_train)

    # running classifier: test classifier on sliding window
    score_this_window = []
    for n in w_start:
        X_test = csp.transform(epochs_data[test_idx][:, :, n:(n + w_length)])
        score_this_window.append(lda.score(X_test, y_test))

# Plot scores over time
w_times = (w_start + w_length / 2.) / sfreq + epochs.tmin

plt.plot(w_times, np.mean(scores_windows, 0), label='Score')
plt.axvline(0, linestyle='--', color='k', label='Onset')
plt.axhline(0.5, linestyle='-', color='k', label='Chance')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.ylabel('classification accuracy')
plt.title('Classification score over time')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
Example #37
#models.append(('SVC', SVC(probability=True)))

# Evaluate each model in turn
results = []
names = []

for name, model in models:
    cv_results = cross_val_score(model, X, Y, cv=kfold, n_jobs=processors)
    print("{0}: ({1:.3f}) +/- ({2:.3f})".format(name, cv_results.mean(), cv_results.std()))

clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()

# In[58]:

# clf = LogisticRegression()
# clf.fit(X,Y)
# clf.score(X,Y)

# In[73]:

get_ipython().magic('pinfo cross_val_score')

# In[ ]:
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

knn = KNeighborsClassifier()
knn.fit(X_train, y_train)
print('Accuracy of K-NN classifier on training set: {:.2f}'
      .format(knn.score(X_train, y_train)))
print('Accuracy of K-NN classifier on test set: {:.2f}'
      .format(knn.score(X_test, y_test)))

# Linear Discriminant Analysis
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis

lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
lda.fit(X_train, y_train)
print('Accuracy of LDA classifier on training set: {:.2f}'
      .format(lda.score(X_train, y_train)))
print('Accuracy of LDA classifier on test set: {:.2f}'
      .format(lda.score(X_test, y_test)))

# Gaussian Naive Bayes
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB

gnb = GaussianNB()
gnb.fit(X_train, y_train)
print('Accuracy of GNB classifier on training set: {:.2f}'
      .format(gnb.score(X_train, y_train)))
print('Accuracy of GNB classifier on test set: {:.2f}'
      .format(gnb.score(X_test, y_test)))

# Support Vector Machine
from sklearn.svm import SVC
	def fit(self, X, y):
		# validate
		X, y = check_X_y(X, y, allow_nd=True)
		X = sklearn.utils.validation.check_array(X, allow_nd=True)

		# set internal vars
		self.classes_ = unique_labels(y)
		self.X_ = X
		self.y_ = y

		# split X into train and test sets, so that
		# grid search can be performed on train set only
		seed = 7
		#X_TRAIN, X_TEST, y_TRAIN, y_TEST = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=seed)

		for epoch_trim in self.epoch_bounds:
			for bandpass in self.bandpass_filters:

				X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=seed)

				# X_train = np.copy(X_TRAIN)
				# X_test = np.copy(X_TEST)
				# y_train = np.copy(y_TRAIN)
				# y_test = np.copy(y_TEST)

				# separate out inputs that are tuples
				bandpass_start,bandpass_end = bandpass
				epoch_trim_start,epoch_trim_end = epoch_trim

				# bandpass filter coefficients
				b, a = butter(5, np.array([bandpass_start, bandpass_end])/(self.sfreq*0.5), 'bandpass')

				# filter and crop TRAINING SET
				X_train = self.preprocess_X(X_train, b, a, epoch_trim_start, epoch_trim_end)
				# validate
				X_train, y_train = check_X_y(X_train, y_train, allow_nd=True)
				X_train = sklearn.utils.validation.check_array(X_train, allow_nd=True)

				# filter and crop TEST SET
				X_test = self.preprocess_X(X_test, b, a, epoch_trim_start, epoch_trim_end)
				# validate
				X_test, y_test = check_X_y(X_test, y_test, allow_nd=True)
				X_test = sklearn.utils.validation.check_array(X_test, allow_nd=True)

				# self-tune CSP to find optimal number of filters to use at these settings
				[best_num_filters, best_num_filters_score] = self.self_tune(X_train, y_train)

				# as an option, we could tune optimal CSP filter num against complete train set
				#X_tune = self.preprocess_X(X, b, a, epoch_trim_start, epoch_trim_end)
				#[best_num_filters, best_num_filters_score] = self.self_tune(X_tune, y)

				# now use this insight to really fit with optimal CSP spatial filters
				reg : float | str | None (default None)
			        if not None, allow regularization for covariance estimation
			        if float, shrinkage covariance is used (0 <= shrinkage <= 1).
			        if str, optimal shrinkage using Ledoit-Wolf Shrinkage ('ledoit_wolf')
			        or Oracle Approximating Shrinkage ('oas').
				transformer = CSP(n_components=best_num_filters, reg='ledoit_wolf')
				transformer.fit(X_train, y_train)

				# use these CSP spatial filters to transform train and test
				spatial_filters_train = transformer.transform(X_train)
				spatial_filters_test = transformer.transform(X_test)

				# put this back in as failsafe if NaN or inf starts cropping up
				# spatial_filters_train = np.nan_to_num(spatial_filters_train)
				# check_X_y(spatial_filters_train, y_train)
				# spatial_filters_test = np.nan_to_num(spatial_filters_test)
				# check_X_y(spatial_filters_test, y_test)

				# train LDA
				classifier = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
				classifier.fit(spatial_filters_train, y_train)
				score = classifier.score(spatial_filters_test, y_test)

				print "current score",score
				print "bandpass:"******"epoch window:",epoch_trim_start,epoch_trim_end
				print best_num_filters,"filters chosen"

				# put in ranked order Top 10 list
				idx = bisect(self.ranked_scores, score)
				self.ranked_scores.insert(idx, score)
				self.ranked_scores_opts.insert(idx, dict(bandpass=bandpass,epoch_trim=epoch_trim,filters=best_num_filters))

				if len(self.ranked_scores) > self.num_votes:
				if len(self.ranked_scores_opts) > self.num_votes:
				if len(self.ranked_classifiers) > self.num_votes:
				if len(self.ranked_transformers) > self.num_votes:

				print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
				print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
				print "    T O P  ", self.num_votes, "  C L A S S I F I E R S"
				for i in xrange(len(self.ranked_scores)):
					print i,",",round(self.ranked_scores[i],4),",",
					print self.ranked_scores_opts[i]

		# finish up, set the flag to indicate "fitted" state
		self.fit_ = True

		# Return the classifier
		return self
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

solver = 'svd'
total_score = 0
stop = 100
for x in range(stop):
    clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver=solver)
    data = win.getStudents()
    data_train, data_test = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.2)
    data_train_labels = [s.spec for s in data_train]
    data_test_labels = [s.spec for s in data_test]
    data_train = [s.grades for s in data_train]
    data_test = [s.grades for s in data_test]
    clf.fit(data_train, data_train_labels)
    total_score += clf.score(data_test, data_test_labels)
total_score = total_score / stop

specs = ['FK', 'FM', 'MN', 'OE']
for sp in specs:
    total_score = 0
    total_sensitivity = 0
    total_specificity = 0
    total_precision = 0
    total_npv = 0
    total_prevalence = 0
    for x in range(stop):
        sensitivity = 0
        specificity = 0
hf5.create_array('/ancillary_analysis', 'r_spearman', r_spearman)
hf5.create_array('/ancillary_analysis', 'p_spearman', p_spearman)
hf5.create_array('/ancillary_analysis', 'lda_palatability', lda_palatability)

# --------End palatability calculation----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#---------Isotonic (ordinal) regression of firing against palatability--------------------------------------------
r_isotonic = np.zeros((unique_lasers.shape[0], palatability.shape[0], palatability.shape[1]))

for i in range(unique_lasers.shape[0]):
	for j in range(palatability.shape[0]):
		for k in range(palatability.shape[1]):
			model = IsotonicRegression(increasing = "auto")
			model.fit(palatability[j, k, trials[i]], response[j, k, trials[i]])
			r_isotonic[i, j, k] = model.score(palatability[j, k, trials[i]], response[j, k, trials[i]])

# Save this array to file
hf5.create_array('/ancillary_analysis', 'r_isotonic', r_isotonic)

#---------End Isotonic regression of firing against palatability--------------------------------------------------

#---------Multiple regression of firing rate against palatability and identity------------------------------------
# Set up an array to store the results of multiple regression using both identity and palatability - on the last axis, first element is the identity coeff and the second is the palatability coeff
id_pal_regress = np.zeros((unique_lasers.shape[0], identity.shape[0], identity.shape[1], 2))
for i in range(unique_lasers.shape[0]):
	for j in range(identity.shape[0]):
		for k in range(identity.shape[1]):
			#model = LinearRegression()
			# Standardize the identity and palatability arrays for this time bin
Example #42
    def selfEvaluation(self):

        eval_start = time.clock()

        print colors.GOLD
        print "--------------------------"
        print "Self Evaluation"

        # extract features from collected epochs by transforming with spatial filters
        print "Training..."
        self.X = self.extractFeatures(self.epochs, self.spatial_filters)
        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        lda = lda.fit(self.X, self.y)
        cross_validation_folds = 10
        xval = cross_val_score(lda, self.X, self.y, cv=cross_validation_folds)


        # print cross validation report on training LDA
        print colors.BOLD_YELLOW
        print "cross-validation with k=",cross_validation_folds,"folds"
        print xval
        print "mean:", xval.mean()

        print colors.SILVER
        print "--------------------------"
        print "Self Evaluation"
        print "Testing..."

        start = time.clock()
        test_epochs, test_y = BCIFileToEpochs(
            max_epochs_per_class=1000, #self.calculation_threshold,
            filter_class_labels=[-1,1], #self.class_labels,
        end = time.clock()
        print "loaded test file in ", str(end - start),"seconds"

        # apply IIR filters to each channel row
        test_epochs = np.apply_along_axis( self.filterChannelData, axis=1, arr=test_epochs )

        test_X = self.extractFeatures(epochs=test_epochs, spatial_filters=self.spatial_filters)
        #chart_file_name="test_filters.pdf", y=test_y)

        print "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
        print "Metrics & Score"

        print colors.ORANGE
        predicted_y = lda.predict(test_X)
        cm = confusion_matrix(test_y, predicted_y)
        print('Confusion matrix, without normalization')
        cm_normalized = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        print('Normalized confusion matrix')

        print colors.DARK_GREEN
        print "test",self.test_file
        print "bandpass filter", self.bandpass_filter_range
        print "trained with", self.calculation_threshold, "epochs per class"
        print (self.calculation_threshold*2*self.epoch_size)/self.sampling_rate, "sec trained"
        print "epoch_size", self.epoch_size
        print "CSP filters:", self.num_spatial_filters

        print colors.BOLD_GREEN
        print "percent correct:", lda.score(test_X, test_y)
        print colors.ENDC

        end = time.clock()
        print "evaluation stage completed in ", str(end - eval_start),"seconds"

        print "########################################"
        print "########################################"
        print "########################################"
        print "########################################"

        print "EXITING NOW"

        return True
    if n_features > 1:
        X = np.hstack([X, np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features - 1)])
    return X, y

acc_clf1, acc_clf2 = [], []
n_features_range = range(1, n_features_max + 1, step)
for n_features in n_features_range:
    score_clf1, score_clf2 = 0, 0
    for _ in range(n_averages):
        X, y = generate_data(n_train, n_features)

        clf1 = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage='auto').fit(X, y)
        clf2 = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr', shrinkage=None).fit(X, y)

        X, y = generate_data(n_test, n_features)
        score_clf1 += clf1.score(X, y)
        score_clf2 += clf2.score(X, y)

    acc_clf1.append(score_clf1 / n_averages)
    acc_clf2.append(score_clf2 / n_averages)

features_samples_ratio = np.array(n_features_range) / n_train

plt.plot(features_samples_ratio, acc_clf1, linewidth=2,
         label="Linear Discriminant Analysis with shrinkage", color='r')
plt.plot(features_samples_ratio, acc_clf2, linewidth=2,
         label="Linear Discriminant Analysis", color='g')

plt.xlabel('n_features / n_samples')
plt.ylabel('Classification accuracy')
        for train_index,test_index in rs:
		X_train = data[train_index,:]
		y_train = labels[train_index]
		X_test = data[test_index,:]
		y_test = labels[test_index]
		X_train_reduced = estimator.fit_transform(X_train) 
                if shortname == 'pca':
                    print "----- noise variance : ",estimator.noise_variance_
                    print "----- percentage of explained variance for each component : ",estimator.explained_variance_ratio_
                    print "----- percentage total of explained variance : ",np.sum(estimator.explained_variance_ratio_)
                if shortname == 'nmf':
                    print "----- error reconstruction : ",estimator.reconstruction_err_
		X_test_reduced = estimator.transform(X_test) 
		clf_lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        mean_score = np.mean(np.asarray(scores))
	print "--- Cross validation scores : ",scores
	print "--- Cross validation mean score : %f" % mean_score
        if shortname == 'pca':
            scores_pca[i] = mean_score
            scores_nmf[i] = mean_score
	train_time = (time() - t0)
	print "--- done in %0.3fs" % train_time
	components_ = estimator.components_
	#plot_gallery('%s - Train time %.1fs' % (name, train_time),components_[:n_components],n_components/5,5)
	# plt.show()

Example #45
def LinearDA(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
    clf = LDA()
    clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    accuracy = clf.score(X_test, y_test)
    return accuracy
Example #46
class P300EasyClassifier(object):
    '''Easy and modular P300 classifier
    fname - classifier save filename
    epoch_buffor - current epoch buffor
    max_avr - maximum epochs to average
    decision_buffor - last decisions buffor, when full of identical
    decisions final decision is made
    clf - core classifier from sklearn
    feature_s - feature length'''
    def __init__(self, fname='./class.joblib.pkl', max_avr=10,
                    decision_stop=3, targetFs=30, clf=None,
                    feature_reduction = None):
        '''fname - classifier file to save or load classifier on disk
        while classifying produce decision after max_avr epochs averaged,
        or after decision_stop succesfull same decisions
        targetFs - on feature extraction downsample to this Hz
        clf - sklearn type classifier to use as core
        feature_reduction - 'auto', int, None. If 'auto' - features are
        reduced, features left are those which have statistically
        significant (p<0.05) difference in target and nontarget,
        if int - use feature_reduction most significant features, if 
        None don't use reduction
        self.targetFs = targetFs
        self.fname = fname
        self.epoch_buffor = []
        self.max_avr = max_avr
        self.decision_buffor = deque([], decision_stop)
        self.feature_reduction = feature_reduction
        if clf is None:
            self.clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver = 'lsqr', shrinkage='auto')
    def load_classifier(self, fname=None):
        '''loads classifier from disk, provide fname - path to joblib
        pickle with classifier, or will be used from init'''
        self.clf = joblib.load(fname)
    def calibrate(self, targets, nontargets, bas=-0.1, window=0.4, Fs=None):
        '''targets, nontargets - 3D arrays (epoch x channel x time)
        or list of OBCI smart tags
        if arrays - need to provide Fs (sampling frequency) in Hz
        bas - baseline in seconds(negative), in other words start offset'''
        if Fs is None:
            Fs = float(targets[0].get_param('sampling_frequency'))
            target_data = _tags_to_array(targets)
            nontarget_data = _tags_to_array(nontargets)
        data = np.vstack((target_data, nontarget_data))
        self.epoch_l = data.shape[2]
        labels = np.zeros(len(data))
        labels[:len(target_data)] = 1
        data, labels = _remove_artifact_epochs(data, labels)
        features = _feature_extraction(data, Fs, bas, window, self.targetFs)
        if self.feature_reduction:
            mask = _feature_reduction_mask(features, labels, self.feature_reduction)
            self.feature_reduction_mask = mask
            features = features[:, mask]
        self.feature_s = features.shape[1]
        self.bas = bas
        self.window = window

        self.clf.fit(features, labels)
        joblib.dump(self.clf, self.fname, compress=9)
        return self.clf.score(features, labels)
    def run(self, epoch, Fs=None):
        '''epoch - array (channels x time) or smarttag/readmanager object,
         bas - baseline in seconds (negative),
        Fs - sampling frequency Hz, leave None if epoch is smart tag,
        returns decision - 1 for target, 0 for nontarget, 
        None - for no decision'''
        bas = self.bas
        window = self.window
        if Fs is None:
            Fs = float(epoch.get_param('sampling_frequency'))
            epoch = epoch.get_samples()[:,:self.epoch_l]
        if len(self.epoch_buffor)< self.max_avr:
            avr_epoch = np.mean(self.epoch_buffor, axis=0)
        features = _feature_extraction_singular(avr_epoch,
                                               Fs, bas, window, self.targetFs)[None, :]
        if self.feature_reduction:
            mask = self.feature_reduction_mask 
            features = features[:, mask]
        decision = self.clf.predict(features)[0]
        if len(self.decision_buffor) == self.decision_buffor.maxlen:
            if len(set(self.decision_buffor))==1:
                self.epoch_buffor = []
                return decision
        if len(self.epoch_buffor) == self.max_avr:
            self.epoch_buffor = []
            return decision
        return None
Example #47
    # Single-trial fitting and feature extraction
    features = np.zeros((len(triggers), 32))
    for t in range(len(triggers)):
        print('Fold {:2d}/{:2d}, trial: {:d}   '.format(fold, nfolds, t),
        ws.set_data(data[t, :, :])

        con = ws.get_connectivity('ffPDC')

        alpha = np.mean(con[:, :, np.logical_and(7 < freq, freq < 13)], axis=2)
        beta = np.mean(con[:, :, np.logical_and(15 < freq, freq < 25)], axis=2)

        features[t, :] = np.array([alpha, beta]).flatten()

    lda.fit(features[train, :], classids[train])

    acc_train = lda.score(features[train, :], classids[train])
    acc_test = lda.score(features[test, :], classids[test])

    print('Fold {:2d}/{:2d}, '
          'acc train: {:.3f}, '
          'acc test: {:.3f}'.format(fold, nfolds, acc_train, acc_test))

    pred = lda.predict(features[test, :])
    cm += confusion_matrix(classids[test], pred)

print('\nConfusion Matrix:\n', cm)
print('\nTotal Accuracy: {:.3f}'.format(np.sum(np.diag(cm))/np.sum(cm)))
def classify(data=None, clf=None, repeat=10, test_size=0.2, leave=False):
    '''applies classification method based on a classification object clf
    data must be list of objects-students; repeat should be an integer and it makes the
    classification happen 'repeat' number of times and printed results are averaged over all repeats
    returns a dictionary of results(accuracy, precision etc.)'''
    if data is None:
        data = win.getStudents()
    if clf is None:
        clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='lsqr')
    clf = clf
    data = data
    total_score = 0
    stop = repeat
    results = OrderedDict()
    results['method'] = str(clf)
    if leave is False:
        for x in range(stop):
            data_train, data_test = train_test_split(data, test_size=test_size)
            data_train_labels = [s.spec for s in data_train]
            data_test_labels = [s.spec for s in data_test]
            data_train = [s.grades for s in data_train]
            data_test = [s.grades for s in data_test]
            clf.fit(data_train, data_train_labels)
            total_score += clf.score(data_test, data_test_labels)
        total_score = total_score / stop
        results['ACC for all specs'] = round(total_score, 2)
        specs = ['FK', 'FM', 'MN', 'OE']
        for sp in specs:
            total_score = 0
            total_sensitivity = 0
            total_specificity = 0
            total_precision = 0
            total_npv = 0
            total_prevalence = 0
            for x in range(stop):
                sensitivity = 0  # true positive
                specificity = 0  # true negative
                precision = 0
                npv = 0
                prevalence = 0
                data_train, data_test = train_test_split(
                    data, test_size=test_size)
                data_train_labels = [s.spec if s.spec ==
                                     sp else 'NOT ' + sp for s in data_train]
                data_test_labels = [s.spec if s.spec ==
                                    sp else 'NOT ' + sp for s in data_test]
                data_train = [s.grades for s in data_train]
                data_test = [s.grades for s in data_test]
                clf.fit(data_train, data_train_labels)
                total_score += clf.score(data_test, data_test_labels)
                prediction = clf.predict(data_test)
                for ii, d in enumerate(prediction):
                    if d == data_test_labels[ii] and d == sp:
                        sensitivity += 1
                    elif d == data_test_labels[ii] and d != sp:
                        specificity += 1
                    sensitivity = sensitivity / data_test_labels.count(sp)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    sensitivity = 0
                    specificity = specificity / \
                        data_test_labels.count('NOT ' + sp)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    specificity = 0
                    precision = sensitivity / prediction.tolist().count(sp)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    precision = 0
                    npv = specificity / prediction.tolist().count('NOT ' + sp)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    npv = 0
                prevalence = data_test_labels.count(sp) / len(data_test_labels)
                total_sensitivity += sensitivity
                total_specificity += specificity
                total_precision += precision
                total_npv += npv
                total_prevalence += prevalence
            total_score = total_score / stop
            total_sensitivity = total_sensitivity / stop
            total_specificity = total_specificity / stop
            total_precision = total_precision / stop
            total_npv = total_npv / stop
            total_prevalence = total_prevalence / stop
            # results[sp + ' accuracy: '] = total_score
            # results[sp + ' sensitivity: '] = total_sensitivity
            # results[sp + ' specificity: '] = total_specificity
            # results[sp + ' precision: '] = total_precision
            # results[sp + ' negative predictive value: '] = total_npv
            results[sp + ' acc - prevalence: '] = round(
                total_score - max(total_prevalence, 1 - total_prevalence), 2)
        for x in range(stop):
            loo = LeaveOneOut(n=len(data))
            for train_index, test_index in loo:
                data_train, data_test = [data[ii]
                                         for ii in train_index], data[test_index[0]]
                data_train_labels = [s.spec for s in data_train]
                data_test_labels = data_test.spec
                data_train = [s.grades for s in data_train]
                data_test = data_test.grades
                clf.fit(data_train, data_train_labels)
                if clf.predict(data_test)[0] == data_test_labels:
                    total_score += 1
        total_score = total_score / stop / len(loo)
        results['ACC for all specs'] = round(total_score, 2)
        specs = ['FK', 'FM', 'MN', 'OE']
        for sp in specs:
            total_score = 0
            total_prevalence = 0
            for x in range(stop):
                # prevalence = 0
                loo = LeaveOneOut(n=len(data))
                for train_index, test_index in loo:
                    data_train, data_test = [data[ii]
                                             for ii in train_index], data[test_index[0]]
                    data_train_labels = [s.spec if s.spec ==
                                         sp else 'NOT ' + sp for s in data_train]
                    data_test_labels = data_test.spec if data_test.spec == sp else 'NOT ' + sp
                    data_train = [s.grades for s in data_train]
                    data_test = data_test.grades
                    prediction = clf.predict(data_test)
                    clf.fit(data_train, data_train_labels)
                    if prediction[0] == data_test_labels:
                        total_score += 1
                    if data_test_labels == sp:
                        total_prevalence += 1
                    # total_prevalence += prevalence
            total_score = total_score / stop / len(loo)
            total_prevalence = total_prevalence / stop / len(loo)
            # results[sp + ' accuracy: '] = round(total_score, 2)
            results[sp + ' acc - prevalence: '] = round(
                total_score - max(total_prevalence, 1 - total_prevalence), 2)
    return results

import sklearn.metrics as metrics

from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis

clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
clf=clf.fit(train_data[0:,1].reshape(-1,1), train_data[0:,0])
pred = clf.predict(test_data[0:,1].reshape(-1,1))
print("lda: label ~ count   accuracy:")
clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
clf=clf.fit(train_data[0:,[1,19,20]], train_data[0:,0])
pred = clf.predict(test_data[0:,[1,19,20]])
print("lda: label ~ count + callcount + crimecount   accuracy:")

Example #50
def discriminatePlot(X, y, cVal, titleStr=''):
    # Frederic's Robust Wrapper for discriminant analysis function.  Performs lda, qda and RF afer error checking, 
    # Generates nice plots and returns cross-validated
    # performance, stderr and base line.
    # X np array n rows x p parameters
    # y group labels n rows
    # rgb color code for each data point - should be the same for each data beloging to the same group
    # titleStr title for plots
    # returns: ldaScore, ldaScoreSE, qdaScore, qdaScoreSE, rfScore, rfScoreSE, nClasses
    # Global Parameters
    CVFOLDS = 10
    MINCOUNT = 10
    # Initialize Variables and clean up data
    classes, classesCount = np.unique(y, return_counts = True)  # Classes to be discriminated should be same as ldaMod.classes_
    goodIndClasses = np.array([n >= MINCOUNT for n in classesCount])
    goodInd = np.array([b in classes[goodIndClasses] for b in y])
    yGood = y[goodInd]
    XGood = X[goodInd]
    cValGood = cVal[goodInd]

    classes, classesCount = np.unique(yGood, return_counts = True) 
    nClasses = classes.size         # Number of classes or groups  

    # Do we have enough data?  
    if (nClasses < 2):
        print 'Error in ldaPLot: Insufficient classes with minimun data (%d) for discrimination analysis' % (MINCOUNT)
        return -1, -1, -1, -1 , -1, -1, -1
    cvFolds = min(min(classesCount), CVFOLDS)
    if (cvFolds < CVFOLDS):
        print 'Warning in ldaPlot: Cross-validation performed with %d folds (instead of %d)' % (cvFolds, CVFOLDS)
    # Data size and color values   
    nD = XGood.shape[1]                 # number of features in X
    nX = XGood.shape[0]                 # number of data points in X
    cClasses = []   # Color code for each class
    for cl in classes:
        icl = (yGood == cl).nonzero()[0][0]
    cClasses = np.asarray(cClasses)
    myPrior = np.ones(nClasses)*(1.0/nClasses)  

    # Perform a PCA for dimensionality reduction so that the covariance matrix can be fitted.
    nDmax = int(np.fix(np.sqrt(nX/5)))
    if nDmax < nD:
        print 'Warning: Insufficient data for', nD, 'parameters. PCA projection to', nDmax, 'dimensions.' 
    nDmax = min(nD, nDmax)
    pca = PCA(n_components=nDmax)
    Xr = pca.fit_transform(XGood)
    print 'Variance explained is %.2f%%' % (sum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)*100.0)
    # Initialise Classifiers  
    ldaMod = LDA(n_components = min(nDmax,nClasses-1), priors = myPrior, shrinkage = None, solver = 'svd') 
    qdaMod = QDA(priors = myPrior)
    rfMod = RF()   # by default assumes equal weights

    # Perform CVFOLDS fold cross-validation to get performance of classifiers.
    ldaScores = np.zeros(cvFolds)
    qdaScores = np.zeros(cvFolds)
    rfScores = np.zeros(cvFolds)
    skf = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(yGood, cvFolds)
    iskf = 0
    for train, test in skf:
        # Enforce the MINCOUNT in each class for Training
        trainClasses, trainCount = np.unique(yGood[train], return_counts=True)
        goodIndClasses = np.array([n >= MINCOUNTTRAINING for n in trainCount])
        goodIndTrain = np.array([b in trainClasses[goodIndClasses] for b in yGood[train]])

        # Specity the training data set, the number of groups and priors
        yTrain = yGood[train[goodIndTrain]]
        XrTrain = Xr[train[goodIndTrain]]

        trainClasses, trainCount = np.unique(yTrain, return_counts=True) 
        ntrainClasses = trainClasses.size
        # Skip this cross-validation fold because of insufficient data
        if ntrainClasses < 2:
        goodInd = np.array([b in trainClasses for b in yGood[test]])    
        if (goodInd.size == 0):
        # Fit the data
        trainPriors = np.ones(ntrainClasses)*(1.0/ntrainClasses)
        ldaMod.priors = trainPriors
        qdaMod.priors = trainPriors
        ldaMod.fit(XrTrain, yTrain)
        qdaMod.fit(XrTrain, yTrain)        
        rfMod.fit(XrTrain, yTrain)

        ldaScores[iskf] = ldaMod.score(Xr[test[goodInd]], yGood[test[goodInd]])
        qdaScores[iskf] = qdaMod.score(Xr[test[goodInd]], yGood[test[goodInd]])
        rfScores[iskf] = rfMod.score(Xr[test[goodInd]], yGood[test[goodInd]])

        iskf += 1
    if (iskf !=  cvFolds):
        cvFolds = iskf
# Refit with all the data  for the plots
    ldaMod.priors = myPrior
    qdaMod.priors = myPrior
    Xrr = ldaMod.fit_transform(Xr, yGood)
    # Check labels
    for a, b in zip(classes, ldaMod.classes_):
        if a != b:
            print 'Error in ldaPlot: labels do not match'
    # Print the coefficients of first 3 DFA 
    print 'LDA Weights:'
    print 'DFA1:', ldaMod.coef_[0,:]
    if nClasses > 2:
        print 'DFA2:', ldaMod.coef_[1,:] 
    if nClasses > 3:
        print 'DFA3:', ldaMod.coef_[2,:] 
    # Obtain fits in this rotated space for display purposes   
    ldaMod.fit(Xrr, yGood)    
    qdaMod.fit(Xrr, yGood)
    rfMod.fit(Xrr, yGood)
    XrrMean = Xrr.mean(0)
    # Make a mesh for plotting
    x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-6.0, 6.0, 0.1), np.arange(-6.0, 6.0, 0.1))
    xm1 = np.reshape(x1, -1)
    xm2 = np.reshape(x2, -1)
    nxm = np.size(xm1)
    Xm = np.zeros((nxm, Xrr.shape[1]))
    Xm[:,0] = xm1
    if Xrr.shape[1] > 1 :
        Xm[:,1] = xm2
    for ix in range(2,Xrr.shape[1]):
        Xm[:,ix] = np.squeeze(np.ones((nxm,1)))*XrrMean[ix]
    XmcLDA = np.zeros((nxm, 4))  # RGBA values for color for LDA
    XmcQDA = np.zeros((nxm, 4))  # RGBA values for color for QDA
    XmcRF = np.zeros((nxm, 4))  # RGBA values for color for RF

    # Predict values on mesh for plotting based on the first two DFs     
    yPredLDA = ldaMod.predict_proba(Xm) 
    yPredQDA = qdaMod.predict_proba(Xm) 
    yPredRF = rfMod.predict_proba(Xm)

    # Transform the predictions in color codes
    maxLDA = yPredLDA.max()
    for ix in range(nxm) :
        cWeight = yPredLDA[ix,:]                               # Prob for all classes
        cWinner = ((cWeight == cWeight.max()).astype('float')) # Winner takes all 
        # XmcLDA[ix,:] = np.dot(cWeight, cClasses)/nClasses
        XmcLDA[ix,:] = np.dot(cWinner, cClasses)
        XmcLDA[ix,3] = cWeight.max()/maxLDA
    # Plot the surface of probability    
    plt.figure(facecolor='white', figsize=(10,3))
    Zplot = XmcLDA.reshape(np.shape(x1)[0], np.shape(x1)[1],4)
    plt.imshow(Zplot, zorder=0, extent=[-6, 6, -6, 6], origin='lower', interpolation='none', aspect='auto')
    if nClasses > 2:
        plt.scatter(Xrr[:,0], Xrr[:,1], c=cValGood, s=40, zorder=1)
        plt.scatter(Xrr,(np.random.rand(Xrr.size)-0.5)*12.0 , c=cValGood, s=40, zorder=1) 
    plt.title('%s: LDA pC %.0f %%' % (titleStr, (ldaScores.mean()*100.0)))
    plt.xlim((-6, 6))
    plt.ylim((-6, 6))    
    plt.xlabel('DFA 1')
    plt.ylabel('DFA 2')

    # Transform the predictions in color codes
    maxQDA = yPredQDA.max()
    for ix in range(nxm) :
        cWeight = yPredQDA[ix,:]                               # Prob for all classes
        cWinner = ((cWeight == cWeight.max()).astype('float')) # Winner takes all 
        # XmcLDA[ix,:] = np.dot(cWeight, cClasses)/nClasses
        XmcQDA[ix,:] = np.dot(cWinner, cClasses)
        XmcQDA[ix,3] = cWeight.max()/maxQDA
    # Plot the surface of probability    
    Zplot = XmcQDA.reshape(np.shape(x1)[0], np.shape(x1)[1],4)
    plt.imshow(Zplot, zorder=0, extent=[-6, 6, -6, 6], origin='lower', interpolation='none', aspect='auto')
    if nClasses > 2:
        plt.scatter(Xrr[:,0], Xrr[:,1], c=cValGood, s=40, zorder=1)
        plt.scatter(Xrr,(np.random.rand(Xrr.size)-0.5)*12.0 , c=cValGood, s=40, zorder=1) 
    plt.title('%s: QDA pC %.0f %%' % (titleStr, (qdaScores.mean()*100.0)))
    plt.xlabel('DFA 1')
    plt.ylabel('DFA 2')
    plt.xlim((-6, 6))
    plt.ylim((-6, 6))
    # Transform the predictions in color codes
    maxRF = yPredRF.max()
    for ix in range(nxm) :
        cWeight = yPredRF[ix,:]           # Prob for all classes
        cWinner = ((cWeight == cWeight.max()).astype('float')) # Winner takes all 
        # XmcLDA[ix,:] = np.dot(cWeight, cClasses)/nClasses  # Weighted colors does not work
        XmcRF[ix,:] = np.dot(cWinner, cClasses)
        XmcRF[ix,3] = cWeight.max()/maxRF
    # Plot the surface of probability    
    Zplot = XmcRF.reshape(np.shape(x1)[0], np.shape(x1)[1],4)
    plt.imshow(Zplot, zorder=0, extent=[-6, 6, -6, 6], origin='lower', interpolation='none', aspect='auto')
    if nClasses > 2:    
        plt.scatter(Xrr[:,0], Xrr[:,1], c=cValGood, s=40, zorder=1)
        plt.scatter(Xrr,(np.random.rand(Xrr.size)-0.5)*12.0 , c=cValGood, s=40, zorder=1) 
    plt.title('%s: RF pC %.0f %%' % (titleStr, (rfScores.mean()*100.0)))
    plt.xlabel('DFA 1')
    plt.ylabel('DFA 2')
    plt.xlim((-6, 6))
    plt.ylim((-6, 6))

    # Results
    ldaScore = ldaScores.mean()*100.0
    qdaScore = qdaScores.mean()*100.0
    rfScore = rfScores.mean()*100.0
    ldaScoreSE = ldaScores.std() * 100.0
    qdaScoreSE = qdaScores.std() * 100.0 
    rfScoreSE = rfScores.std() * 100.0 
    print ("Number of classes %d. Chance level %.2f %%") % (nClasses, 100.0/nClasses)
    print ("%s LDA: %.2f (+/- %0.2f) %%") % (titleStr, ldaScore, ldaScoreSE)
    print ("%s QDA: %.2f (+/- %0.2f) %%") % (titleStr, qdaScore, qdaScoreSE)
    print ("%s RF: %.2f (+/- %0.2f) %%") % (titleStr, rfScore, rfScoreSE)
    return ldaScore, ldaScoreSE, qdaScore, qdaScoreSE, rfScore, rfScoreSE, nClasses