def split_images(x, y=None, size=(128, 128), num_part=4): """ Takes two arrays of images, x,y, and splits them into num_part number of random patches. Arguments: x: Numpy ndarray with images. y: Numpy ndarray with images. size: Tuple with two integer values, (height, width) of the resulting patches. num_part: Integer value; the number of resulting patches. Returns: x_imgs, y_imgs: Numpy ndarrays with the patches of the original images. """ x_patches = image.PatchExtractor(patch_size=size, max_patches=num_part, random_state=0) x_imgs = x_patches.transform(x) # Check if number of channels is the same for grayscale if x.shape[-1] != x_imgs.shape[-1]: x_imgs = x_imgs[:, :, :, np.newaxis] if not y is None: y_patches = image.PatchExtractor(patch_size=size, max_patches=num_part, random_state=0) y_imgs = y_patches.transform(y) # Check if number of channels is the same for grayscale if y.shape[-1] != y_imgs.shape[-1]: y_imgs = y_imgs[:, :, :, np.newaxis] return x_imgs, y_imgs return x_imgs
def fast_represent(all_data,whitener,cb,W,K,spatial_pooling,random_state=666,verbose=False): """ all_dataL samokes of NxWxWxD whitener - pre-fit whitener (ZCA). cb - pre-fit codebook (kmeans) W - patch size K - #centroids in cb spatial_pooling - tuple of zone_x,zone_y : (2,2) means 4 quaters. 1x1 means the whole image. (2,1),(1,2) is also possible. returns: an array of #images x K*#zones extract dense patches from al images, apply normalize and whitening, convert each patch into a K-size vector, and then sum each set of vectors according to it's zone, for example in (2x2) spatial-pooling, there will be 4 zones. The end results of each image is a vector of size K*#zones , and the returned value is a matrix of #images x K*#zones """ ex = image.PatchExtractor((W, W),random_state=random_state) all_representation=np.empty(shape=[len(all_data),K*spatial_pooling[0]*spatial_pooling[1]],dtype=np.float32) #run with batches, due to memory constraints BATCH=500 for start_img in range(0,len(all_data),BATCH): max_curr = min(len(all_data),start_img+BATCH) data = all_data[start_img:max_curr] # all actions will be done seperatly on the different spatail zones repr_list=[] zone_size_x = int((data.shape[1]-W+1)/spatial_pooling[0]) #e.g. (32-30)/2=1 zone_size_y = int((data.shape[1]-W+1)/spatial_pooling[1]) #e.g. (32-30)/2=1 zone_counter=0 for ix,zone_x in enumerate(range(0,spatial_pooling[0]*zone_size_x,zone_size_x)): for iy,zone_y in enumerate(range(0,spatial_pooling[1]*zone_size_y,zone_size_y)): patches = ex.transform(data[:, zone_x:zone_x+zone_size_x+W-1, zone_y:zone_y+zone_size_y+W-1, :]) #example: 4, spatial=2, 3x3patches if verbose and ix==0 and iy==0 and zone_counter==0: print ('patches : ',patches.shape) patches = patches.reshape(patches.shape[0],np.product(patches.shape[-3:])) patches = sampleNormalize(patches) patches = whitener.transform(patches) representations= cb.fast_transform(patches) # representations are now #patches*K for each zone, we want to sum over all images patches_per_images=int(patches.shape[0]//data.shape[0]) sum_over_zone= representations.reshape(data.shape[0],patches_per_images,representations.shape[1]).sum(axis=1) #for example ,[2,1] means there are two zones, which should be summed for k=100 , 0:100 100:200 all_representation[start_img:max_curr,zone_counter*K:(1+zone_counter)*K]=sum_over_zone zone_counter+=1 return all_representation
def readin(self): print('Reading in image data...') with h5py.File(self.im_path, 'r') as f: images = f['van_hateren_good'][()] print('Extracting patches...') n_samples = round(self.completion * * * 10 patches = image.PatchExtractor(patch_size = self.X_shape, max_patches = n_samples // images.shape[0], random_state = self.rng).transform(images) self.X_train = patches.reshape((patches.shape[0],
def ExtractPatches_KMeans(X, patch_size, max_patches, n_clusters): ''' MiniBatchKMeansAutoConv Method Extract patches from the input X and pass the complete set of patches to MiniBatchKMeans to learn a dictionary of filters Args: X: (Number of samples, Height, Width, Number of Filters) patch_size: int size of patches to extract from X max_patches: float decimal percentage of maximum number of patches to extract from X, else 'None' to indicate no maximum n_clusters: int number of centroids (filters) to learn via MiniBatchKMeans Returns: learned centroids of shape: (Number of samples, Number of filters, Height, Width) ''' # Batch size for MiniBatchKMeans batch_size=50 # Input Shape: (Number of samples, Number of Filters, Height, Width) # Reshape into: (Number of samples, Height, Width, Number of Filters) X = np.transpose(X,(0,2,3,1)) # Dimensions of X sz = X.shape # Extract patches from each sample up to the maximum number of patches using sklearn's # PatchExtractor X = image.PatchExtractor(patch_size=patch_size,max_patches=max_patches).transform(X) # For later processing, ensure that X has 4 dimensions (add an additional last axis of # size 1 if there are fewer dimensions) if(len(X.shape)<=3): X = X[...,numpy.newaxis] # Local centering by subtracting the mean X = X-numpy.reshape(numpy.mean(X, axis=(1,2)),(-1,1,1,X.shape[-1])) # Local scaling by dividing by the standard deviation X = X/(numpy.reshape(numpy.std(X, axis=(1,2)),(-1,1,1,X.shape[-1])) + 1e-10) X = X.transpose((0,3,1,2)) # Reshape X into a 2-D array for input into MiniBatchKMeans X = numpy.asarray(X.reshape(X.shape[0],-1),dtype=numpy.float32) # Convert X into an intensity matrix with values ranging from 0 to 1 X = mat2gray(X) # Perform PCA whitening pca = PCA(whiten=True) X = pca.fit_transform(X) # Scale input samples individually to unit norm (using sklearn's "normalize") X = normalize(X) # Use "MiniBatchKMeans" on the extracted patches to find a dictionary of n_clusters # filters (centroids) km = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters = n_clusters,batch_size=batch_size,init_size=3*n_clusters).fit(X).cluster_centers_ # Reshape centroids into shape: (Number of samples, Number of filters, Height, Width) return km.reshape(-1,sz[3],patch_size[0],patch_size[1])
def MiniBatchKMeansAutoConv(X, patch_size, max_patches, n_clusters, conv_orders, batch_size=20): ''' MiniBatchKMeansAutoConv Method Extract patches from the input X, perform all specified orders of recursive autoconvolution to generate a richer set of patches, and pass the complete set of patches to MiniBatchKMeans to learn a dictionary of filters Args: X: (Number of samples, Number of filters, Height, Width) patch_size: int size of patches to extract from X max_patches: float decimal percentage of maximum number of patches to extract from X n_clusters: int number of centroids (filters) to learn via MiniBatchKMeans conv_orders: 1-D array of integers indicating which orders of recursive autoconvolution to perform, with the set of possible orders ranging from 0 to 3 inclusive batch_size: int size of batches to use in MiniBatchKMeans Returns: learned centroids of shape: (Number of samples, Number of filters, Height, Width) ''' sz = X.shape # Transpose to Shape: (Number of samples, Number of Filters, Height, Width) and extract # patches from each sample up to the maximum number of patches using sklearn's # PatchExtractor X = image.PatchExtractor(patch_size=patch_size, max_patches=max_patches).transform( X.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))) # For later processing, ensure that X has 4 dimensions (add an additional last axis of # size 1 if there are fewer dimensions) if (len(X.shape) <= 3): X = X[..., numpy.newaxis] # Local centering by subtracting the mean X = X - numpy.reshape(numpy.mean(X, axis=(1, 2)), (-1, 1, 1, X.shape[-1])) # Local scaling by dividing by the standard deviation X = X / (numpy.reshape(numpy.std(X, axis=(1, 2)), (-1, 1, 1, X.shape[-1])) + 1e-10) # Transpose to Shape: (Number of samples, Number of Filters, Height, Width) X = X.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) # Number of batches determined by number of samples in X and batch size n_batches = int(numpy.ceil(len(X) / float(batch_size))) # Array to store patches modified by recursive autoconvolution autoconv_patches = [] for batch in range(n_batches): # Obtain the samples corresponding to the current batch X_order = X[numpy.arange(batch * batch_size, min(len(X) - 1, (batch + 1) * batch_size))] # conv_orders is an array containing the desired orders of recursive autoconvolution # (with 0 corresponding to no recursive autoconvolution and 3 corresponding to # recursive autoconvolution of order 3) for conv_order in conv_orders: if conv_order > 0: # Perform recursive autoconvolution using "autoconv2d" X_order = autoconv2d(X_order) # In order to perform recursive autoconvolution, the height and width # dimensions of X were doubled. Therefore, after recursive autoconvolution is # performed, reduce the height and width dimensions of X by 2. X_sampled = resize_batch( X_order, [int(numpy.round(s / 2.)) for s in X_order.shape[2:]]) if conv_order > 1: X_order = X_sampled # Resize X_sampled to the expected shape for MiniBatchKMeans if X_sampled.shape[2] != X.shape[2]: X_sampled = resize_batch(X_sampled, X.shape[2:]) else: X_sampled = X_order # Append the output of each order of recursive autoconvolution to "autoconv_patches" # in order to provide MiniBatchKMeans with a richer set of patches autoconv_patches.append(X_sampled) print('%d/%d ' % (batch, n_batches)) X = numpy.concatenate(autoconv_patches) # Reshape X into a 2-D array for input into MiniBatchKMeans X = numpy.asarray(X.reshape(X.shape[0], -1), dtype=numpy.float32) # Convert X into an intensity matrix with values ranging from 0 to 1 X = mat2gray(X) # Use PCA to reduce dimensionality of X pca = PCA(whiten=True) X = pca.fit_transform(X) # Scale input sample vectors individually to unit norm (using sklearn's "normalize") X = normalize(X) # Use "MiniBatchKMeans" on the extracted patches to find a dictionary of n_clusters # filters (centroids) km = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, batch_size=batch_size, init_size=3 * n_clusters).fit(X).cluster_centers_ # Reshape centroids into shape: (Number of samples, Number of filters, Height, Width) return km.reshape(-1, sz[1], patch_size[0], patch_size[1])
# skip # Performing out-of-core scaling with HashingVectorizer # skip # Customizing the vectorizer classes # skip # 4.2.4. Image feature extraction # Patch extraction from sklearn.feature_extraction import image one_image = np.arange(4*4*3).reshape((4,4,3)) print(one_image[:,:,0]) patches = image.extract_patches_2d(one_image,(2,2),max_patches=2,random_state=0) print(patches.shape) print(patches[:,:,:,0]) patches = image.extract_patches_2d(one_image,(2,2)) print(patches.shape) print(patches[4,:,:,0]) reconstructed = image.reconstruct_from_patches_2d(patches, (4, 4,3)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(one_image, reconstructed) five_images = np.arange(5*4*4*3).reshape(5,4,4,3) patches = image.PatchExtractor((2,2)).transform(five_images) print(patches.shape) # Connectivity graph of an image # nothing