def test_intercept_logistic_helper():
    n_samples, n_features = 10, 5
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples,

    # Fit intercept case.
    alpha = 1.
    w = np.ones(n_features + 1)
    grad_interp, hess_interp = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha)
    loss_interp = _logistic_loss(w, X, y, alpha)

    # Do not fit intercept. This can be considered equivalent to adding
    # a feature vector of ones, i.e column of one vectors.
    X_ = np.hstack((X, np.ones(10)[:, np.newaxis]))
    grad, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X_, y, alpha)
    loss = _logistic_loss(w, X_, y, alpha)

    # In the fit_intercept=False case, the feature vector of ones is
    # penalized. This should be taken care of.
    assert_almost_equal(loss_interp + 0.5 * (w[-1]**2), loss)

    # Check gradient.
    assert_array_almost_equal(grad_interp[:n_features], grad[:n_features])
    assert_almost_equal(grad_interp[-1] + alpha * w[-1], grad[-1])

    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    grad = rng.rand(n_features + 1)
    hess_interp = hess_interp(grad)
    hess = hess(grad)
    assert_array_almost_equal(hess_interp[:n_features], hess[:n_features])
    assert_almost_equal(hess_interp[-1] + alpha * grad[-1], hess[-1])
Example #2
def test_intercept_logistic_helper():
    n_samples, n_features = 10, 5
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, n_features=n_features,

    # Fit intercept case.
    alpha = 1.
    w = np.ones(n_features + 1)
    grad_interp, hess_interp = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha)
    loss_interp = _logistic_loss(w, X, y, alpha)

    # Do not fit intercept. This can be considered equivalent to adding
    # a feature vector of ones, i.e column of one vectors.
    X_ = np.hstack((X, np.ones(10)[:, np.newaxis]))
    grad, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X_, y, alpha)
    loss = _logistic_loss(w, X_, y, alpha)

    # In the fit_intercept=False case, the feature vector of ones is
    # penalized. This should be taken care of.
    assert_almost_equal(loss_interp + 0.5 * (w[-1] ** 2), loss)

    # Check gradient.
    assert_array_almost_equal(grad_interp[:n_features], grad[:n_features])
    assert_almost_equal(grad_interp[-1] + alpha * w[-1], grad[-1])

    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    grad = rng.rand(n_features + 1)
    hess_interp = hess_interp(grad)
    hess = hess(grad)
    assert_array_almost_equal(hess_interp[:n_features], hess[:n_features])
    assert_almost_equal(hess_interp[-1] + alpha * grad[-1], hess[-1])
def test_logistic_grad_hess():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_samples, n_features = 50, 5
    X_ref = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features)
    y = np.sign( * rng.randn(n_features)))
    X_ref -= X_ref.mean()
    X_ref /= X_ref.std()
    X_sp = X_ref.copy()
    X_sp[X_sp < .1] = 0
    X_sp = sp.csr_matrix(X_sp)
    for X in (X_ref, X_sp):
        w = .1 * np.ones(n_features)

        # First check that _logistic_grad_hess is consistent
        # with _logistic_loss_and_grad
        loss, grad = _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        grad_2, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        assert_array_almost_equal(grad, grad_2)

        # Now check our hessian along the second direction of the grad
        vector = np.zeros_like(grad)
        vector[1] = 1
        hess_col = hess(vector)

        # Computation of the Hessian is particularly fragile to numerical
        # errors when doing simple finite differences. Here we compute the
        # grad along a path in the direction of the vector and then use a
        # least-square regression to estimate the slope
        e = 1e-3
        d_x = np.linspace(-e, e, 30)
        d_grad = np.array([
            _logistic_loss_and_grad(w + t * vector, X, y, alpha=1.)[1]
            for t in d_x

        d_grad -= d_grad.mean(axis=0)
        approx_hess_col = linalg.lstsq(d_x[:, np.newaxis], d_grad)[0].ravel()

        assert_array_almost_equal(approx_hess_col, hess_col, decimal=3)

        # Second check that our intercept implementation is good
        w = np.zeros(n_features + 1)
        loss_interp, grad_interp = _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        loss_interp_2 = _logistic_loss(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        grad_interp_2, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        assert_array_almost_equal(loss_interp, loss_interp_2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(grad_interp, grad_interp_2)
Example #4
def test_logistic_grad_hess():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    n_samples, n_features = 50, 5
    X_ref = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features)
    y = np.sign( * rng.randn(n_features)))
    X_ref -= X_ref.mean()
    X_ref /= X_ref.std()
    X_sp = X_ref.copy()
    X_sp[X_sp < .1] = 0
    X_sp = sp.csr_matrix(X_sp)
    for X in (X_ref, X_sp):
        w = .1 * np.ones(n_features)

        # First check that _logistic_grad_hess is consistent
        # with _logistic_loss_and_grad
        loss, grad = _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        grad_2, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        assert_array_almost_equal(grad, grad_2)

        # Now check our hessian along the second direction of the grad
        vector = np.zeros_like(grad)
        vector[1] = 1
        hess_col = hess(vector)

        # Computation of the Hessian is particularly fragile to numerical
        # errors when doing simple finite differences. Here we compute the
        # grad along a path in the direction of the vector and then use a
        # least-square regression to estimate the slope
        e = 1e-3
        d_x = np.linspace(-e, e, 30)
        d_grad = np.array([
            _logistic_loss_and_grad(w + t * vector, X, y, alpha=1.)[1]
            for t in d_x

        d_grad -= d_grad.mean(axis=0)
        approx_hess_col = linalg.lstsq(d_x[:, np.newaxis], d_grad)[0].ravel()

        assert_array_almost_equal(approx_hess_col, hess_col, decimal=3)

        # Second check that our intercept implementation is good
        w = np.zeros(n_features + 1)
        loss_interp, grad_interp = _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        loss_interp_2 = _logistic_loss(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        grad_interp_2, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha=1.)
        assert_array_almost_equal(loss_interp, loss_interp_2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(grad_interp, grad_interp_2)
Example #5
def main():

    from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    from sklearn.linear_model.logistic import _logistic_loss

    with'../data/svm_data.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f:
        train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y = pickle.load(f)

    cls = SVM(1, 600), train_y)
    y_pred_train = cls.predict(train_X)
    obj = cls.objective(train_X, train_y)
    y_pred = cls.predict(test_X)
    w_svm, b_svm = cls.get_model()
    acc_test = accuracy_score(test_y, y_pred)
    acc_train = accuracy_score(train_y, y_pred_train)
    print(f'SVC Objective= {obj:.2f}')
    print(f'SVC Test Accuracy = {acc_test*100:.2f}%')
    print(f'SVC Train Accuracy = {acc_train*100:.2f}%')

    cls_logistic = LogisticRegression(), train_y)
    y_pred = cls_logistic.predict(train_X)
    y_pred_test = cls_logistic.predict(test_X)
    acc_logistic = accuracy_score(train_y, y_pred)
    acc_logistic_test = accuracy_score(test_y, y_pred_test)
    print(f'Logistic Train Accuracy = {acc_logistic*100:.2f}%')
    print(f'Logistic Test Accuracy = {acc_logistic_test*100:.2f}%')

    w_lr = cls_logistic.coef_.reshape(w_svm.shape)
    b_lr = cls_logistic.intercept_.reshape(b_svm.shape)
    obj = _logistic_loss(w_lr, train_X, train_y, alpha=1)
    print(f'Logistic Objective = {obj:.2f}')

    cls = SVM()
    cls.set_model(w_lr, b_lr)
    obj = cls.objective(train_X, train_y)
    print(f'SVC Objective at w_lr, b_lr = {obj:.2f}')
    y_pred_train = cls.predict(train_X)
    acc_train = accuracy_score(train_y, y_pred_train)
    print(f'SVC Train Accuracy at w_lr, b_lr = {100*acc_train:.2f}%')
Example #6
 def logloss(x):
     return logistic._logistic_loss(x, X, y, alpha)
Example #7
def logistic_objective(K, y, alpha, coef, lamda, beta):
    obj = sum(
        _logistic_loss(alpha[i], np.tensordot(coef, K[i], axes=1), y[i], lamda)
        for i in range(len(K)))
    obj += beta * np.abs(coef).sum()
    return obj
Example #8
    A, b = loader()
    raise NotImplementedError

n_samples, n_features = A.shape

if not os.path.exists('data'):

alpha = 1.0 / n_samples
x0 = np.zeros(n_features)
for it in range(3):
    print('Iteration %s' % it)
    _, _, _, trace_saga_x, trace_saga_time = sag_solver(
        A, b, sample_weight=None, loss='log', alpha=1., beta=0., max_iter=50,
    trace_saga_func = [_logistic_loss(xi, A, b, 1.) for xi in trace_saga_x]'data/saga_trace_time_%s_%s.npy' % (dataset, it), trace_saga_time - trace_saga_time[0])'data/saga_trace_func_%s_%s.npy' % (dataset, it), trace_saga_func)

    x, trace_sps_x, trace_sps_time = SPSAGA(A, b, np.zeros(n_features), alpha, 0, max_iter=40, line_search=False)
    trace_sps_func = [_logistic_loss(xi, A, b, 1.) for xi in trace_sps_x]'data/sps_trace_time_%s_%s.npy' % (dataset, it), trace_sps_time)'data/sps_trace_func_%s_%s.npy' % (dataset, it), trace_sps_func)

    x, trace_sps_x, trace_sps_time = SPSAGA(A, b, np.zeros(n_features), alpha, 0, max_iter=40, line_search=True)
    trace_sps_func = [_logistic_loss(xi, A, b, 1.) for xi in trace_sps_x]'data/spsls_trace_time_%s_%s.npy' % (dataset, it), trace_sps_time)'data/spsls_trace_func_%s_%s.npy' % (dataset, it), trace_sps_func)
Example #9
def logistic_objective(K, y, alpha, coef, lamda, beta):
    X = np.tensordot(coef, K, axes=1)
    return np.array(
        _logistic_loss(alpha, X, y, lamda) + beta * np.abs(coef).sum())
Example #10
def logistic_loss(K, y, alpha, coef, lamda, beta):
    X = np.tensordot(coef, K, axes=1)
    return np.array(
        _logistic_loss(alpha, X, y, lamda) - .5 * lamda *, alpha))
Example #11
def logistic_objective(K, y, alpha, coef, lamda, beta):
    obj = sum(_logistic_loss(alpha[i], np.tensordot(coef, K[i], axes=1), y[i],
              lamda) for i in range(len(K)))
    obj += beta * np.abs(coef).sum()
    return obj
Example #12
 def logloss(x):
     return logistic._logistic_loss(x, X, y, 1.)