Example #1
class LogRegIntentClassifier(IntentClassifier):
    """Intent classifier which uses a Logistic Regression underneath"""

    config_type = LogRegIntentClassifierConfig

    def __init__(self, config=None, **shared):
        """The LogReg intent classifier can be configured by passing a
        super(LogRegIntentClassifier, self).__init__(config, **shared)
        self.classifier = None
        self.intent_list = None
        self.featurizer = None

    def fitted(self):
        """Whether or not the intent classifier has already been fitted"""
        return self.intent_list is not None

    @log_elapsed_time(logger, logging.INFO,
                      "LogRegIntentClassifier in {elapsed_time}")
    def fit(self, dataset):
        """Fits the intent classifier with a valid Snips dataset

            :class:`LogRegIntentClassifier`: The same instance, trained
        from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
        from sklearn.utils import compute_class_weight

        logger.info("Fitting LogRegIntentClassifier...")
        dataset = validate_and_format_dataset(dataset)
        language = dataset[LANGUAGE]

        data_augmentation_config = self.config.data_augmentation_config
        utterances, classes, intent_list = build_training_data(
            dataset, language, data_augmentation_config, self.resources,

        self.intent_list = intent_list
        if len(self.intent_list) <= 1:
            return self

        self.featurizer = Featurizer(
        self.featurizer.language = language

        none_class = max(classes)
            x = self.featurizer.fit_transform(
                dataset, utterances, classes, none_class)
        except _EmptyDatasetUtterancesError:
            logger.warning("No (non-empty) utterances found in dataset")
            self.featurizer = None
            return self

        alpha = get_regularization_factor(dataset)

        class_weights_arr = compute_class_weight(
            "balanced", range(none_class + 1), classes)
        # Re-weight the noise class
        class_weights_arr[-1] *= self.config.noise_reweight_factor
        class_weight = {idx: w for idx, w in enumerate(class_weights_arr)}

        self.classifier = SGDClassifier(
            random_state=self.random_state, alpha=alpha,
            class_weight=class_weight, **LOG_REG_ARGS)
        self.classifier.fit(x, classes)
        logger.debug("%s", DifferedLoggingMessage(self.log_best_features))
        return self

    def get_intent(self, text, intents_filter=None):
        """Performs intent classification on the provided *text*

            text (str): Input
            intents_filter (str or list of str): When defined, it will find
                the most likely intent among the list, otherwise it will use
                the whole list of intents defined in the dataset

            dict or None: The most likely intent along with its probability or
            *None* if no intent was found

            :class:`snips_nlu.exceptions.NotTrained`: When the intent
                classifier is not fitted

        return self._get_intents(text, intents_filter)[0]

    def get_intents(self, text):
        """Performs intent classification on the provided *text* and returns
        the list of intents ordered by decreasing probability

        The length of the returned list is exactly the number of intents in the
        dataset + 1 for the None intent

            :class:`snips_nlu.exceptions.NotTrained`: when the intent
                classifier is not fitted
        return self._get_intents(text, intents_filter=None)

    def _get_intents(self, text, intents_filter):
        if isinstance(intents_filter, str):
            intents_filter = {intents_filter}
        elif isinstance(intents_filter, list):
            intents_filter = set(intents_filter)

        if not text or not self.intent_list or not self.featurizer:
            results = [intent_classification_result(None, 1.0)]
            results += [intent_classification_result(i, 0.0)
                        for i in self.intent_list if i is not None]
            return results

        if len(self.intent_list) == 1:
            return [intent_classification_result(self.intent_list[0], 1.0)]

        # pylint: disable=C0103
        X = self.featurizer.transform([text_to_utterance(text)])
        # pylint: enable=C0103
        proba_vec = self._predict_proba(X)
            "%s", DifferedLoggingMessage(self.log_activation_weights, text, X))
        results = [
            intent_classification_result(i, proba)
            for i, proba in zip(self.intent_list, proba_vec[0])
            if intents_filter is None or i is None or i in intents_filter]

        return sorted(results, key=lambda res: -res[RES_PROBA])

    def _predict_proba(self, X):  # pylint: disable=C0103
        import numpy as np

        self.classifier._check_proba()  # pylint: disable=W0212

        prob = self.classifier.decision_function(X)
        prob *= -1
        np.exp(prob, prob)
        prob += 1
        np.reciprocal(prob, prob)
        if prob.ndim == 1:
            return np.vstack([1 - prob, prob]).T
        return prob

    def persist(self, path):
        """Persists the object at the given path"""

        featurizer = None
        if self.featurizer is not None:
            featurizer = "featurizer"
            featurizer_path = path / featurizer

        coeffs = None
        intercept = None
        t_ = None
        if self.classifier is not None:
            coeffs = self.classifier.coef_.tolist()
            intercept = self.classifier.intercept_.tolist()
            t_ = self.classifier.t_

        self_as_dict = {
            "config": self.config.to_dict(),
            "coeffs": coeffs,
            "intercept": intercept,
            "t_": t_,
            "intent_list": self.intent_list,
            "featurizer": featurizer

        classifier_json = json_string(self_as_dict)
        with (path / "intent_classifier.json").open(mode="w") as f:

    def from_path(cls, path, **shared):
        """Loads a :class:`LogRegIntentClassifier` instance from a path

        The data at the given path must have been generated using
        import numpy as np
        from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier

        path = Path(path)
        model_path = path / "intent_classifier.json"
        if not model_path.exists():
            raise LoadingError("Missing intent classifier model file: %s"
                               % model_path.name)

        with model_path.open(encoding="utf8") as f:
            model_dict = json.load(f)

        # Create the classifier
        config = LogRegIntentClassifierConfig.from_dict(model_dict["config"])
        intent_classifier = cls(config=config, **shared)
        intent_classifier.intent_list = model_dict['intent_list']

        # Create the underlying SGD classifier
        sgd_classifier = None
        coeffs = model_dict['coeffs']
        intercept = model_dict['intercept']
        t_ = model_dict["t_"]
        if coeffs is not None and intercept is not None:
            sgd_classifier = SGDClassifier(**LOG_REG_ARGS)
            sgd_classifier.coef_ = np.array(coeffs)
            sgd_classifier.intercept_ = np.array(intercept)
            sgd_classifier.t_ = t_
        intent_classifier.classifier = sgd_classifier

        # Add the featurizer
        featurizer = model_dict['featurizer']
        if featurizer is not None:
            featurizer_path = path / featurizer
            intent_classifier.featurizer = Featurizer.from_path(
                featurizer_path, **shared)

        return intent_classifier

    def log_best_features(self, top_n=50):
        import numpy as np

        if not hasattr(self.featurizer, "feature_index_to_feature_name"):
            return None

        log = "Top {} features weights by intent:".format(top_n)
        index_to_feature = self.featurizer.feature_index_to_feature_name
        for intent_ix in range(self.classifier.coef_.shape[0]):
            intent_name = self.intent_list[intent_ix]
            log += "\n\n\nFor intent {}\n".format(intent_name)
            top_features_idx = np.argsort(
            for feature_ix in top_features_idx:
                feature_name = index_to_feature[feature_ix]
                feature_weight = self.classifier.coef_[intent_ix, feature_ix]
                log += "\n{} -> {}".format(feature_name, feature_weight)
        return log

    def log_activation_weights(self, text, x, top_n=50):
        import numpy as np

        if not hasattr(self.featurizer, "feature_index_to_feature_name"):
            return None

        log = "\n\nTop {} feature activations for: \"{}\":\n".format(
            top_n, text)
        activations = np.multiply(
            self.classifier.coef_, np.asarray(x.todense()))
        abs_activation = np.absolute(activations).flatten().squeeze()

        if top_n > activations.size:
            top_n = activations.size

        top_n_activations_ix = np.argpartition(abs_activation, -top_n,
        top_n_activations_ix = np.unravel_index(
            top_n_activations_ix, activations.shape)

        index_to_feature = self.featurizer.feature_index_to_feature_name
        features_intent_and_activation = [
            (self.intent_list[i], index_to_feature[f], activations[i, f])
            for i, f in zip(*top_n_activations_ix)]

        features_intent_and_activation = sorted(
            features_intent_and_activation, key=lambda x: abs(x[2]),

        for intent, feature, activation in features_intent_and_activation:
            log += "\n\n\"{}\" -> ({}, {:.2f})".format(
                intent, feature, float(activation))
        log += "\n\n"
        return log
Example #2
class LogRegIntentClassifier(IntentClassifier):
    """Intent classifier which uses a Logistic Regression underneath"""

    unit_name = "log_reg_intent_classifier"
    config_type = LogRegIntentClassifierConfig

    # pylint:disable=line-too-long
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        """The LogReg intent classifier can be configured by passing a
        if config is None:
            config = LogRegIntentClassifierConfig()
        super(LogRegIntentClassifier, self).__init__(config)
        self.classifier = None
        self.intent_list = None
        self.featurizer = None

    # pylint:enable=line-too-long

    def fitted(self):
        """Whether or not the intent classifier has already been fitted"""
        return self.intent_list is not None

    @log_elapsed_time(logger, logging.DEBUG,
                      "LogRegIntentClassifier in {elapsed_time}")
    def fit(self, dataset):
        """Fit the intent classifier with a valid Snips dataset

            :class:`LogRegIntentClassifier`: The same instance, trained
        logger.debug("Fitting LogRegIntentClassifier...")
        dataset = validate_and_format_dataset(dataset)
        language = dataset[LANGUAGE]
        random_state = check_random_state(self.config.random_seed)

        data_augmentation_config = self.config.data_augmentation_config
        utterances, classes, intent_list = build_training_data(
            dataset, language, data_augmentation_config, random_state)

        self.intent_list = intent_list
        if len(self.intent_list) <= 1:
            return self

        self.featurizer = Featurizer(
        self.featurizer = self.featurizer.fit(dataset, utterances, classes)
        if self.featurizer is None:
            return self

        X = self.featurizer.transform(utterances)  # pylint: disable=C0103
        alpha = get_regularization_factor(dataset)
        self.classifier = SGDClassifier(random_state=random_state,
                                        alpha=alpha, **LOG_REG_ARGS)
        self.classifier.fit(X, classes)
        logger.debug("%s", DifferedLoggingMessage(self.log_best_features))
        return self

    def get_intent(self, text, intents_filter=None):
        """Performs intent classification on the provided *text*

            text (str): Input
            intents_filter (str or list of str): When defined, it will find
                the most likely intent among the list, otherwise it will use
                the whole list of intents defined in the dataset

            dict or None: The most likely intent along with its probability or
            *None* if no intent was found

            NotTrained: When the intent classifier is not fitted

        if not self.fitted:
            raise NotTrained('LogRegIntentClassifier must be fitted')

        if isinstance(intents_filter, str):
            intents_filter = [intents_filter]

        if not text or not self.intent_list \
                or self.featurizer is None or self.classifier is None:
            return None

        if len(self.intent_list) == 1:
            if self.intent_list[0] is None:
                return None
            return intent_classification_result(self.intent_list[0], 1.0)

        # pylint: disable=C0103
        X = self.featurizer.transform([text_to_utterance(text)])
        # pylint: enable=C0103
        proba_vec = self._predict_proba(X, intents_filter=intents_filter)
        intents_probas = sorted(zip(self.intent_list, proba_vec[0]),
                                key=lambda p: -p[1])
        for intent, proba in intents_probas:
            if intent is None:
                return None
            if intents_filter is None or intent in intents_filter:
                return intent_classification_result(intent, proba)
        return None

    def _predict_proba(self, X, intents_filter):  # pylint: disable=C0103
        self.classifier._check_proba()  # pylint: disable=W0212

        filtered_out_indexes = None
        if intents_filter is not None:
            filtered_out_indexes = [
                i for i, intent in enumerate(self.intent_list)
                if intent not in intents_filter and intent is not None]

        prob = self.classifier.decision_function(X)
        prob *= -1
        np.exp(prob, prob)
        prob += 1
        np.reciprocal(prob, prob)
        if prob.ndim == 1:
            return np.vstack([1 - prob, prob]).T
            if filtered_out_indexes:  # not None and not empty
                prob[:, filtered_out_indexes] = 0.
                # OvR normalization, like LibLinear's predict_probability
                prob /= prob.sum(axis=1).reshape((prob.shape[0], -1))
            # We do not normalize when there is no intents filter, to keep the
            # probabilities calibrated
            return prob

    def to_dict(self):
        """Returns a json-serializable dict"""
        featurizer_dict = None
        if self.featurizer is not None:
            featurizer_dict = self.featurizer.to_dict()
        coeffs = None
        intercept = None
        t_ = None
        if self.classifier is not None:
            coeffs = self.classifier.coef_.tolist()
            intercept = self.classifier.intercept_.tolist()
            t_ = self.classifier.t_

        return {
            "unit_name": self.unit_name,
            "config": self.config.to_dict(),
            "coeffs": coeffs,
            "intercept": intercept,
            "t_": t_,
            "intent_list": self.intent_list,
            "featurizer": featurizer_dict,

    def from_dict(cls, unit_dict):
        """Creates a :class:`LogRegIntentClassifier` instance from a dict

        The dict must have been generated with
        config = LogRegIntentClassifierConfig.from_dict(unit_dict["config"])
        intent_classifier = cls(config=config)
        sgd_classifier = None
        coeffs = unit_dict['coeffs']
        intercept = unit_dict['intercept']
        t_ = unit_dict["t_"]
        if coeffs is not None and intercept is not None:
            sgd_classifier = SGDClassifier(**LOG_REG_ARGS)
            sgd_classifier.coef_ = np.array(coeffs)
            sgd_classifier.intercept_ = np.array(intercept)
            sgd_classifier.t_ = t_
        intent_classifier.classifier = sgd_classifier
        intent_classifier.intent_list = unit_dict['intent_list']
        featurizer = unit_dict['featurizer']
        if featurizer is not None:
            intent_classifier.featurizer = Featurizer.from_dict(featurizer)
        return intent_classifier

    def log_best_features(self, top_n=20):
        log = "Top {} features weights by intent:\n".format(top_n)
        voca = {
            v: k for k, v in
        features = [voca[i] for i in self.featurizer.best_features]
        for intent_ix in range(self.classifier.coef_.shape[0]):
            intent_name = self.intent_list[intent_ix]
            log += "\n\n\nFor intent {}\n".format(intent_name)
            top_features_idx = np.argsort(
            for feature_ix in top_features_idx:
                feature_name = features[feature_ix]
                feature_weight = self.classifier.coef_[intent_ix, feature_ix]
                log += "\n{} -> {}".format(feature_name, feature_weight)
        return log