Example #1
class KNNDynamicsResidual:
    def __init__(self, args, env_params):
        # Save args
        self.args, self.env_params = args, env_params
        # Create the KNN model
        self.knn_model = RadiusNeighborsRegressor(radius=args.neighbor_radius,
        # Flag
        self.is_fit = False

    def fit(self, X, y):
        X should be the data matrix N x d, where each row is a 4D vector
        consisting of object pos and gripper pos
        y should be target matrix N x d, where each row is a 4D vector 
        consisting of next object pos and next gripper pos
        self.knn_model.fit(X, y)
        self.is_fit = True
        return self.loss(X, y)

    def predict(self, X):
        X should be the data matrix N x d, where each row is a 4D vector
        consisting of object pos and gripper pos
        ypred = np.zeros(X.shape)
        if not self.is_fit:
            # KNN model is not fit
            return ypred
        # Get neighbors of X
        neighbors = self.knn_model.radius_neighbors(X)
        # Check if any of the X doesn't have any neighbors by getting nonzero mask
        neighbor_mask = [x.shape[0] != 0 for x in neighbors[1]]
        # If none of X has any neighbors
        if X[neighbor_mask].shape[0] == 0:
            return ypred
        # Else, for the X that have neighbors use the KNN prediction
        ypred[neighbor_mask] = self.knn_model.predict(X[neighbor_mask])
        return ypred

    def get_num_neighbors(self, X):
        if not self.is_fit:
            return np.zeros(X.shape[0])
        neighbors = self.knn_model.radius_neighbors(X)
        num_neighbors = np.array([x.shape[0] for x in neighbors[1]])
        return num_neighbors

    def loss(self, X, y):
        ypred = self.predict(X)
        # Loss is just the mean distance between predictions and true targets
        loss = np.linalg.norm(ypred - y, axis=1).mean()
        return loss
Example #2
def get_author_list_with_pruning_method(feature_list, author_list, qp, radius):
        feature_list - the feature list to indicate the stylometric features
        author_list - the author list to indicate a paragraph is written by whom
        qp - the query point, mostly represents a document

        This function will return a shortened author list, which can greatly
        reduce the size of training set by removing those data points too far
        from the query point. Since it takes time to calculate the Hausdorff
        distance, reducing the size of testing set can speed up the process

        Please refer to the following link for more information
    neigh = RadiusNeighborsRegressor(radius=radius, algorithm='brute', p=2)
    neigh.fit(feature_list, author_list)
    return neigh.radius_neighbors(qp, return_distance=True)