def neuralNet():
    clf =  MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(256,128,32,16), activation='relu', 
                    alpha=0.005, batch_size=64, early_stopping=True, 
                    learning_rate_init=0.001, solver='adam', learning_rate='adaptive', nesterovs_momentum=True, 
                    max_iter=1000, tol=1e-8, verbose=False, validation_fraction=0.1)

    clf.classes_ = 10

    return clf
def deserialize_mlp(model_dict):
    model = MLPClassifier(**model_dict['params'])

    model.coefs_ = np.array(model_dict['coefs_'])
    model.loss_ = model_dict['loss_']
    model.intercepts_ = np.array(model_dict['intercepts_'])
    model.n_iter_ = model_dict['n_iter_']
    model.n_layers_ = model_dict['n_layers_']
    model.n_outputs_ = model_dict['n_outputs_']
    model.out_activation_ = model_dict['out_activation_']
    model._label_binarizer = deserialize_label_binarizer(

    model.classes_ = np.array(model_dict['classes_'])

    return model
Example #3
    def deserialize_model(path):
        """Deserialize JSON object storing the ml model.
        Model (an MLPClassifier from sklearn) is re-instantiated
        with proper values.
        --path: filepath for loading the JSON object
        --model: Returns an MLPClassifier (sklearn) object
        def deserialize_label_binarizer(label_binarizer_dict):
            label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer()
            label_binarizer.neg_label = label_binarizer_dict['neg_label']
            label_binarizer.pos_label = label_binarizer_dict['pos_label']
            label_binarizer.sparse_output = label_binarizer_dict[
            label_binarizer.y_type_ = label_binarizer_dict['y_type_']
            label_binarizer.sparse_input_ = label_binarizer_dict[
            label_binarizer.classes_ = np.array(

            return label_binarizer

        # Load (or deserialize) model from JSON
        model_dict = {}
        with open(path, 'r') as in_file:
            model_dict = json.load(in_file)

        model = MLPClassifier(**model_dict['params'])

        model.coefs_ = np.array(model_dict['coefs_'], dtype=object)
        model.loss_ = model_dict['loss_']
        model.intercepts_ = np.array(model_dict['intercepts_'], dtype=object)
        model.n_iter_ = model_dict['n_iter_']
        model.n_layers_ = model_dict['n_layers_']
        model.n_outputs_ = model_dict['n_outputs_']
        model.out_activation_ = model_dict['out_activation_']
        model._label_binarizer = deserialize_label_binarizer(
        model.features = list(model_dict['features'])

        model.classes_ = np.array(model_dict['classes_'])
        # Convert coeficients to numpy arrays to enable JSON deserialization
        # This is a hack to compensate for a bug in sklearn_json
        for i, x in enumerate(model.coefs_):
            model.coefs_[i] = np.array(x)
        return model
def test_serialize_model():
    instance = HostFootprint()
    model = MLPClassifier()
    label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer()
    label_binarizer.neg_label = 0
    label_binarizer.pos_label = 1
    label_binarizer.sparse_output = False
    label_binarizer.y_type_ = "binary"
    label_binarizer.sparse_input_ = False
    label_binarizer.classes_ = np.array([0])

    parameters = {'hidden_layer_sizes': [(64, 32)]}
    GridSearchCV(model, parameters, cv=5, n_jobs=-1, scoring='f1_weighted')

    model.coefs_ = np.array([[1], [2]])
    model.loss_ = 42
    model.intercepts_ = np.array([[3], [4]])
    model.classes_ = np.array([[5], [6]])
    model.n_iter_ = 42
    model.n_layers_ = 2
    model.n_outputs_ = 1
    model.out_activation_ = "logistic"
    model._label_binarizer = label_binarizer
    model.features = ['test_1', 'test_2', 'test_3']

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        model_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'host_footprint.json')
        instance.serialize_model(model, model_file)
        new_model = instance.deserialize_model(model_file)
        assert model.features == new_model.features
        print(f"model params: {model.get_params()}")
        print(f"new_model params: {new_model.get_params()}")
        assert len(model.get_params()['hidden_layer_sizes']) == len(
        assert model._label_binarizer.y_type_ == new_model._label_binarizer.y_type_
        assert len(model.coefs_) == len(new_model.coefs_)
        assert len(model.intercepts_) == len(new_model.intercepts_)
Example #5
def test_fit():
    # Test that the algorithm solution is equal to a worked out example."""
    X = np.array([[0.6, 0.8, 0.7]])
    y = np.array([0])
    mlp = MLPClassifier(algorithm='sgd',
    # set weights
    mlp.coefs_ = [0] * 2
    mlp.intercepts_ = [0] * 2
    mlp.classes_ = [0, 1]
    mlp.n_outputs_ = 1
    mlp.coefs_[0] = np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.1], [0.5, 0]])
    mlp.coefs_[1] = np.array([[0.1], [0.2]])
    mlp.intercepts_[0] = np.array([0.1, 0.1])
    mlp.intercepts_[1] = np.array([1.0])
    mlp._coef_grads = [] * 2
    mlp._intercept_grads = [] * 2

    mlp.label_binarizer_.y_type_ = 'binary'

    # Initialize parameters
    mlp.n_iter_ = 0
    mlp.learning_rate_ = 0.1

    # Compute the number of layers
    mlp.n_layers_ = 3

    # Pre-allocate gradient matrices
    mlp._coef_grads = [0] * (mlp.n_layers_ - 1)
    mlp._intercept_grads = [0] * (mlp.n_layers_ - 1)

    mlp.out_activation_ = 'logistic'
    mlp.t_ = 0
    mlp.best_loss_ = np.inf
    mlp.loss_curve_ = []
    mlp._no_improvement_count = 0
    mlp._intercept_velocity = [
        np.zeros_like(intercepts) for intercepts in mlp.intercepts_
    mlp._coef_velocity = [np.zeros_like(coefs) for coefs in mlp.coefs_]

    mlp.partial_fit(X, y, classes=[0, 1])
    # Manually worked out example
    # h1 = g(X1 * W_i1 + b11) = g(0.6 * 0.1 + 0.8 * 0.3 + 0.7 * 0.5 + 0.1)
    #       =  0.679178699175393
    # h2 = g(X2 * W_i2 + b12) = g(0.6 * 0.2 + 0.8 * 0.1 + 0.7 * 0 + 0.1)
    #         = 0.574442516811659
    # o1 = g(h * W2 + b21) = g(0.679 * 0.1 + 0.574 * 0.2 + 1)
    #       = 0.7654329236196236
    # d21 = -(0 - 0.765) = 0.765
    # d11 = (1 - 0.679) * 0.679 * 0.765 * 0.1 = 0.01667
    # d12 = (1 - 0.574) * 0.574 * 0.765 * 0.2 = 0.0374
    # W1grad11 = X1 * d11 + alpha * W11 = 0.6 * 0.01667 + 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.0200
    # W1grad11 = X1 * d12 + alpha * W12 = 0.6 * 0.0374 + 0.1 * 0.2 = 0.04244
    # W1grad21 = X2 * d11 + alpha * W13 = 0.8 * 0.01667 + 0.1 * 0.3 = 0.043336
    # W1grad22 = X2 * d12 + alpha * W14 = 0.8 * 0.0374 + 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.03992
    # W1grad31 = X3 * d11 + alpha * W15 = 0.6 * 0.01667 + 0.1 * 0.5 = 0.060002
    # W1grad32 = X3 * d12 + alpha * W16 = 0.6 * 0.0374 + 0.1 * 0 = 0.02244
    # W2grad1 = h1 * d21 + alpha * W21 = 0.679 * 0.765 + 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.5294
    # W2grad2 = h2 * d21 + alpha * W22 = 0.574 * 0.765 + 0.1 * 0.2 = 0.45911
    # b1grad1 = d11 = 0.01667
    # b1grad2 = d12 = 0.0374
    # b2grad = d21 = 0.765
    # W1 = W1 - eta * [W1grad11, .., W1grad32] = [[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.1],
    #          [0.5, 0]] - 0.1 * [[0.0200, 0.04244], [0.043336, 0.03992],
    #          [0.060002, 0.02244]] = [[0.098, 0.195756], [0.2956664,
    #          0.096008], [0.4939998, -0.002244]]
    # W2 = W2 - eta * [W2grad1, W2grad2] = [[0.1], [0.2]] - 0.1 *
    #        [[0.5294], [0.45911]] = [[0.04706], [0.154089]]
    # b1 = b1 - eta * [b1grad1, b1grad2] = 0.1 - 0.1 * [0.01667, 0.0374]
    #         = [0.098333, 0.09626]
    # b2 = b2 - eta * b2grad = 1.0 - 0.1 * 0.765 = 0.9235
                        np.array([[0.098, 0.195756], [0.2956664, 0.096008],
                                  [0.4939998, -0.002244]]),
                        np.array([[0.04706], [0.154089]]),
                        np.array([0.098333, 0.09626]),
    assert_almost_equal(mlp.intercepts_[1], np.array(0.9235), decimal=3)
    # Testing output
    #  h1 = g(X1 * W_i1 + b11) = g(0.6 * 0.098 + 0.8 * 0.2956664 +
    #               0.7 * 0.4939998 + 0.098333) = 0.677
    #  h2 = g(X2 * W_i2 + b12) = g(0.6 * 0.195756 + 0.8 * 0.096008 +
    #            0.7 * -0.002244 + 0.09626) = 0.572
    #  o1 = h * W2 + b21 = 0.677 * 0.04706 +
    #             0.572 * 0.154089 + 0.9235 = 1.043
    assert_almost_equal(mlp.decision_function(X), 1.043, decimal=3)
Example #6
def test_fit():
    # Test that the algorithm solution is equal to a worked out example."""
    X = np.array([[0.6, 0.8, 0.7]])
    y = np.array([0])
    mlp = MLPClassifier(algorithm='sgd', learning_rate_init=0.1, alpha=0.1,
                        activation='logistic', random_state=1, max_iter=1,
                        hidden_layer_sizes=2, momentum=0)
    # set weights
    mlp.coefs_ = [0] * 2
    mlp.intercepts_ = [0] * 2
    mlp.classes_ = [0, 1]
    mlp.n_outputs_ = 1
    mlp.coefs_[0] = np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.1], [0.5, 0]])
    mlp.coefs_[1] = np.array([[0.1], [0.2]])
    mlp.intercepts_[0] = np.array([0.1, 0.1])
    mlp.intercepts_[1] = np.array([1.0])
    mlp._coef_grads = [] * 2
    mlp._intercept_grads = [] * 2

    mlp.label_binarizer_.y_type_ = 'binary'

    # Initialize parameters
    mlp.n_iter_ = 0
    mlp.learning_rate_ = 0.1

    # Compute the number of layers
    mlp.n_layers_ = 3

    # Pre-allocate gradient matrices
    mlp._coef_grads = [0] * (mlp.n_layers_ - 1)
    mlp._intercept_grads = [0] * (mlp.n_layers_ - 1)

    mlp.out_activation_ = 'logistic'
    mlp.t_ = 0
    mlp.best_loss_ = np.inf
    mlp.loss_curve_ = []
    mlp._no_improvement_count = 0
    mlp._intercept_velocity = [np.zeros_like(intercepts) for
                               intercepts in
    mlp._coef_velocity = [np.zeros_like(coefs) for coefs in

    mlp.partial_fit(X, y, classes=[0, 1])
    # Manually worked out example
    # h1 = g(X1 * W_i1 + b11) = g(0.6 * 0.1 + 0.8 * 0.3 + 0.7 * 0.5 + 0.1)
    #       =  0.679178699175393
    # h2 = g(X2 * W_i2 + b12) = g(0.6 * 0.2 + 0.8 * 0.1 + 0.7 * 0 + 0.1)
    #         = 0.574442516811659
    # o1 = g(h * W2 + b21) = g(0.679 * 0.1 + 0.574 * 0.2 + 1)
    #       = 0.7654329236196236
    # d21 = -(0 - 0.765) = 0.765
    # d11 = (1 - 0.679) * 0.679 * 0.765 * 0.1 = 0.01667
    # d12 = (1 - 0.574) * 0.574 * 0.765 * 0.2 = 0.0374
    # W1grad11 = X1 * d11 + alpha * W11 = 0.6 * 0.01667 + 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.0200
    # W1grad11 = X1 * d12 + alpha * W12 = 0.6 * 0.0374 + 0.1 * 0.2 = 0.04244
    # W1grad21 = X2 * d11 + alpha * W13 = 0.8 * 0.01667 + 0.1 * 0.3 = 0.043336
    # W1grad22 = X2 * d12 + alpha * W14 = 0.8 * 0.0374 + 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.03992
    # W1grad31 = X3 * d11 + alpha * W15 = 0.6 * 0.01667 + 0.1 * 0.5 = 0.060002
    # W1grad32 = X3 * d12 + alpha * W16 = 0.6 * 0.0374 + 0.1 * 0 = 0.02244
    # W2grad1 = h1 * d21 + alpha * W21 = 0.679 * 0.765 + 0.1 * 0.1 = 0.5294
    # W2grad2 = h2 * d21 + alpha * W22 = 0.574 * 0.765 + 0.1 * 0.2 = 0.45911
    # b1grad1 = d11 = 0.01667
    # b1grad2 = d12 = 0.0374
    # b2grad = d21 = 0.765
    # W1 = W1 - eta * [W1grad11, .., W1grad32] = [[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.1],
    #          [0.5, 0]] - 0.1 * [[0.0200, 0.04244], [0.043336, 0.03992],
    #          [0.060002, 0.02244]] = [[0.098, 0.195756], [0.2956664,
    #          0.096008], [0.4939998, -0.002244]]
    # W2 = W2 - eta * [W2grad1, W2grad2] = [[0.1], [0.2]] - 0.1 *
    #        [[0.5294], [0.45911]] = [[0.04706], [0.154089]]
    # b1 = b1 - eta * [b1grad1, b1grad2] = 0.1 - 0.1 * [0.01667, 0.0374]
    #         = [0.098333, 0.09626]
    # b2 = b2 - eta * b2grad = 1.0 - 0.1 * 0.765 = 0.9235
    assert_almost_equal(mlp.coefs_[0], np.array([[0.098, 0.195756],
                                                 [0.2956664, 0.096008],
                                                 [0.4939998, -0.002244]]),
    assert_almost_equal(mlp.coefs_[1], np.array([[0.04706], [0.154089]]),
                        np.array([0.098333, 0.09626]), decimal=3)
    assert_almost_equal(mlp.intercepts_[1], np.array(0.9235), decimal=3)
    # Testing output
    #  h1 = g(X1 * W_i1 + b11) = g(0.6 * 0.098 + 0.8 * 0.2956664 +
    #               0.7 * 0.4939998 + 0.098333) = 0.677
    #  h2 = g(X2 * W_i2 + b12) = g(0.6 * 0.195756 + 0.8 * 0.096008 +
    #            0.7 * -0.002244 + 0.09626) = 0.572
    #  o1 = h * W2 + b21 = 0.677 * 0.04706 +
    #             0.572 * 0.154089 + 0.9235 = 1.043
    assert_almost_equal(mlp.decision_function(X), 1.043, decimal=3)
Example #7
pickleNames = os.listdir(path.join(thisPath, 'pickles'))
sortedPickles = sorted(pickleNames, reverse=True)
gameFile = 'games' + str(int(time.time())) + '.data'

itFile = ''

startAt = 0

with open(path.join(thisPath, 'stats', itFile), 'r') as f:
    startAt = int(f.readline().strip())

if len(sortedPickles) == 0:
    clf = MLPClassifier(
        hidden_layer_sizes=(15, ))  #lbfgs is for smaller dataset
    clf.classes_ = [Cathedral.lightPlayer, Cathedral.darkPlayer,
                    0]  #zero is draw

    clf = load(path.join(thisPath, 'pickles', sortedPickles[0]))
    if startAt > startNN:
        clfRef = clf

mctsIterations = 10

for g in range(startAt, numberOfGames):

    print("game # ", g)

    keepGoing = True
    game = Cathedral()
Example #8
                    hidden_layer_sizes=(100, 100),

clf.classes_ = classes
#skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=2)
parameters = {'solver':('lbfgs','sgd','adam'), 'activation':('identity','logistic','tanh','relu'), 'learning_rate':('constant','invscaling','adaptive'), 'hidden_layer_sizes':((100,),(100,100,),(100,100,100,))}
gcv = GridSearchCV(estimator=clf, param_grid=parameters, cv=10, verbose=100, n_jobs=-1),y)

best = gcv.best_estimator_
for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y):
	X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]