Example #1
def test_grid_search_score_method():
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_classes=2, flip_y=.2,
    clf = LinearSVC(random_state=0)
    grid = {'C': [.1]}

    search_no_scoring = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring=None).fit(X, y)
    search_accuracy = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring='accuracy').fit(X, y)
    search_no_score_method_auc = GridSearchCV(LinearSVCNoScore(), grid,
                                              scoring='roc_auc').fit(X, y)
    search_auc = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring='roc_auc').fit(X, y)

    # Check warning only occurs in situation where behavior changed:
    # estimator requires score method to compete with scoring parameter
    score_no_scoring = search_no_scoring.score(X, y)
    score_accuracy = search_accuracy.score(X, y)
    score_no_score_auc = search_no_score_method_auc.score(X, y)
    score_auc = search_auc.score(X, y)

    # ensure the test is sane
    assert_true(score_auc < 1.0)
    assert_true(score_accuracy < 1.0)
    assert_not_equal(score_auc, score_accuracy)

    assert_almost_equal(score_accuracy, score_no_scoring)
    assert_almost_equal(score_auc, score_no_score_auc)
Example #2
def test_kernel_clone_after_set_params(kernel):
    # This test is to verify that using set_params does not
    # break clone on kernels.
    # This used to break because in kernels such as the RBF, non-trivial
    # logic that modified the length scale used to be in the constructor
    # See https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/6961
    # for more details.
    bounds = (1e-5, 1e5)
    kernel_cloned = clone(kernel)
    params = kernel.get_params()
    # RationalQuadratic kernel is isotropic.
    isotropic_kernels = (ExpSineSquared, RationalQuadratic)
    if 'length_scale' in params and not isinstance(kernel, isotropic_kernels):
        length_scale = params['length_scale']
        if np.iterable(length_scale):
            params['length_scale'] = length_scale[0]
            params['length_scale_bounds'] = bounds
            params['length_scale'] = [length_scale] * 2
            params['length_scale_bounds'] = bounds * 2
        kernel_cloned_clone = clone(kernel_cloned)
        assert_not_equal(id(kernel_cloned_clone), id(kernel_cloned))
        check_hyperparameters_equal(kernel_cloned, kernel_cloned_clone)
Example #3
def test_base():
    # Check BaseEnsemble methods.
    ensemble = BaggingClassifier(
        base_estimator=Perceptron(tol=1e-3, random_state=None), n_estimators=3)

    iris = load_iris()
    ensemble.fit(iris.data, iris.target)
    ensemble.estimators_ = []  # empty the list and create estimators manually

    random_state = np.random.RandomState(3)

    assert_equal(3, len(ensemble))
    assert_equal(3, len(ensemble.estimators_))

    assert_true(isinstance(ensemble[0], Perceptron))
    assert_equal(ensemble[0].random_state, None)
    assert_true(isinstance(ensemble[1].random_state, int))
    assert_true(isinstance(ensemble[2].random_state, int))
    assert_not_equal(ensemble[1].random_state, ensemble[2].random_state)

    np_int_ensemble = BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=Perceptron(tol=1e-3),
    np_int_ensemble.fit(iris.data, iris.target)
def test_kernel_clone_after_set_params():
    # This test is to verify that using set_params does not
    # break clone on kernels.
    # This used to break because in kernels such as the RBF, non-trivial
    # logic that modified the length scale used to be in the constructor
    # See https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/6961
    # for more details.
    bounds = (1e-5, 1e5)
    for kernel in kernels:
        kernel_cloned = clone(kernel)
        params = kernel.get_params()
        # RationalQuadratic kernel is isotropic.
        isotropic_kernels = (ExpSineSquared, RationalQuadratic)
        if 'length_scale' in params and not isinstance(kernel,
            length_scale = params['length_scale']
            if np.iterable(length_scale):
                params['length_scale'] = length_scale[0]
                params['length_scale_bounds'] = bounds
                params['length_scale'] = [length_scale] * 2
                params['length_scale_bounds'] = bounds * 2
            kernel_cloned_clone = clone(kernel_cloned)
            assert_not_equal(id(kernel_cloned_clone), id(kernel_cloned))
            yield (check_hyperparameters_equal, kernel_cloned,
def test_grid_search_score_method():
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_classes=2, flip_y=.2,
    clf = LinearSVC(random_state=0)
    grid = {'C': [.1]}

    search_no_scoring = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring=None).fit(X, y)
    search_accuracy = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring='accuracy').fit(X, y)
    search_no_score_method_auc = GridSearchCV(LinearSVCNoScore(), grid,
                                              scoring='roc_auc').fit(X, y)
    search_auc = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring='roc_auc').fit(X, y)

    # ChangedBehaviourWarning occurred previously (prior to #9005)
    score_no_scoring = assert_no_warnings(search_no_scoring.score, X, y)
    score_accuracy = assert_no_warnings(search_accuracy.score, X, y)
    score_no_score_auc = assert_no_warnings(search_no_score_method_auc.score,
                                            X, y)
    score_auc = assert_no_warnings(search_auc.score, X, y)

    # ensure the test is sane
    assert_true(score_auc < 1.0)
    assert_true(score_accuracy < 1.0)
    assert_not_equal(score_auc, score_accuracy)

    assert_almost_equal(score_accuracy, score_no_scoring)
    assert_almost_equal(score_auc, score_no_score_auc)
Example #6
def test_kernel_pca():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    X_fit = rng.random_sample((5, 4))
    X_pred = rng.random_sample((2, 4))

    for eigen_solver in ("auto", "dense", "arpack"):
        for kernel in ("linear", "rbf", "poly"):
            # transform fit data
            kpca = KernelPCA(4, kernel=kernel, eigen_solver=eigen_solver,
            X_fit_transformed = kpca.fit_transform(X_fit)
            X_fit_transformed2 = kpca.fit(X_fit).transform(X_fit)

            # non-regression test: previously, gamma would be 0 by default,
            # forcing all eigenvalues to 0 under the poly kernel
            assert_not_equal(X_fit_transformed, [])

            # transform new data
            X_pred_transformed = kpca.transform(X_pred)

            # inverse transform
            X_pred2 = kpca.inverse_transform(X_pred_transformed)
            assert_equal(X_pred2.shape, X_pred.shape)
Example #7
def test_grid_search_score_method():
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100,
    clf = LinearSVC(random_state=0)
    grid = {'C': [.1]}

    search_no_scoring = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring=None).fit(X, y)
    search_accuracy = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring='accuracy').fit(X, y)
    search_no_score_method_auc = GridSearchCV(LinearSVCNoScore(),
                                              scoring='roc_auc').fit(X, y)
    search_auc = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring='roc_auc').fit(X, y)

    # ChangedBehaviourWarning occurred previously (prior to #9005)
    score_no_scoring = assert_no_warnings(search_no_scoring.score, X, y)
    score_accuracy = assert_no_warnings(search_accuracy.score, X, y)
    score_no_score_auc = assert_no_warnings(search_no_score_method_auc.score,
                                            X, y)
    score_auc = assert_no_warnings(search_auc.score, X, y)

    # ensure the test is sane
    assert_true(score_auc < 1.0)
    assert_true(score_accuracy < 1.0)
    assert_not_equal(score_auc, score_accuracy)

    assert_almost_equal(score_accuracy, score_no_scoring)
    assert_almost_equal(score_auc, score_no_score_auc)
def test_kernel_pca():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    X_fit = rng.random_sample((5, 4))
    X_pred = rng.random_sample((2, 4))

    for eigen_solver in ("auto", "dense", "arpack"):
        for kernel in ("linear", "rbf", "poly"):
            # transform fit data
            kpca = KernelPCA(4,
            X_fit_transformed = kpca.fit_transform(X_fit)
            X_fit_transformed2 = kpca.fit(X_fit).transform(X_fit)

            # non-regression test: previously, gamma would be 0 by default,
            # forcing all eigenvalues to 0 under the poly kernel
            assert_not_equal(X_fit_transformed, [])

            # transform new data
            X_pred_transformed = kpca.transform(X_pred)

            # inverse transform
            X_pred2 = kpca.inverse_transform(X_pred_transformed)
            assert_equal(X_pred2.shape, X_pred.shape)
def test_score_sample_weight():
    from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
    from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
    from sklearn import datasets

    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)

    # test both ClassifierMixin and RegressorMixin
    estimators = [
    sets = [datasets.load_iris(), datasets.load_boston()]

    for est, ds in zip(estimators, sets):
        est.fit(ds.data, ds.target)
        # generate random sample weights
        sample_weight = rng.randint(1, 10, size=len(ds.target))
        # check that the score with and without sample weights are different
        assert_not_equal(est.score(ds.data, ds.target),
                         msg="Unweighted and weighted scores "
                         "are unexpectedly equal")
Example #10
def test_kernel_clone():
    """ Test that sklearn's clone works correctly on kernels. """
    for kernel in kernels:
        kernel_cloned = clone(kernel)

        assert_equal(kernel, kernel_cloned)
        assert_not_equal(id(kernel), id(kernel_cloned))
        for attr in kernel.__dict__.keys():
            attr_value = getattr(kernel, attr)
            attr_value_cloned = getattr(kernel_cloned, attr)
            if attr.startswith("hyperparameter_"):
                assert_equal(attr_value.name, attr_value_cloned.name)
            elif np.iterable(attr_value):
                for i in range(len(attr_value)):
                    if np.iterable(attr_value[i]):
                        assert_equal(attr_value[i], attr_value_cloned[i])
                assert_equal(attr_value, attr_value_cloned)
            if not isinstance(attr_value, Hashable):
                # modifiable attributes must not be identical
                assert_not_equal(id(attr_value), id(attr_value_cloned))
Example #11
def test_cross_val_generator_with_indices():
    X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
    y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2])
    labels = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    # explicitly passing indices value is deprecated
    loo = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.LeaveOneOut,
                       4, indices=True)
    lpo = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.LeavePOut,
                       4, 2, indices=True)
    kf = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.KFold,
                      4, 2, indices=True)
    skf = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.StratifiedKFold,
                       y, 2, indices=True)
    lolo = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.LeaveOneLabelOut,
                        labels, indices=True)
    lopo = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.LeavePLabelOut,
                        labels, 2, indices=True)
    b = cval.Bootstrap(2)  # only in index mode
    ss = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.ShuffleSplit,
                      2, indices=True)
    for cv in [loo, lpo, kf, skf, lolo, lopo, b, ss]:
        for train, test in cv:
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, 'b')
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, 'b')
            X_train, X_test = X[train], X[test]
            y_train, y_test = y[train], y[test]
def test_discretenb_predict_proba():
    """Test discrete NB classes' probability scores"""

    # The 100s below distinguish Bernoulli from multinomial.
    X_bernoulli = [[1, 100, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 100, 1]]
    X_multinomial = [[0, 1], [1, 3], [4, 0]]

    # Confirm that the 100s above distinguish Bernoulli from multinomial
    y = [0, 0, 1]
    cls_b = BernoulliNB().fit(X_bernoulli, y)
    cls_m = MultinomialNB().fit(X_bernoulli, y)

    # test binary case (1-d output)
    y = [0, 0, 2]   # 2 is regression test for binary case, 02e673
    for cls, X in zip([BernoulliNB, MultinomialNB],
                      [X_bernoulli, X_multinomial]):
        clf = cls().fit(X, y)
        assert_equal(clf.predict(X[-1]), 2)
        assert_equal(clf.predict_proba(X[0]).shape, (1, 2))
                                  np.array([1., 1.]), 6)

    # test multiclass case (2-d output, must sum to one)
    y = [0, 1, 2]
    for cls, X in zip([BernoulliNB, MultinomialNB],
                      [X_bernoulli, X_multinomial]):
        clf = cls().fit(X, y)
        assert_equal(clf.predict_proba(X[0]).shape, (1, 3))
        assert_equal(clf.predict_proba(X[:2]).shape, (2, 3))
        assert_almost_equal(np.sum(clf.predict_proba(X[1])), 1)
        assert_almost_equal(np.sum(clf.predict_proba(X[-1])), 1)
        assert_almost_equal(np.sum(np.exp(clf.class_log_prior_)), 1)
        assert_almost_equal(np.sum(np.exp(clf.intercept_)), 1)
def test_kernel_pca():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    X_fit = rng.random_sample((5, 4))
    X_pred = rng.random_sample((2, 4))

    def histogram(x, y, **kwargs):
        # Histogram kernel implemented as a callable.
        assert_equal(kwargs, {})  # no kernel_params that we didn't ask for
        return np.minimum(x, y).sum()

    for eigen_solver in ("auto", "dense", "arpack"):
        for kernel in ("linear", "rbf", "poly", histogram):
            # histogram kernel produces singular matrix inside linalg.solve
            # XXX use a least-squares approximation?
            inv = not callable(kernel)

            # transform fit data
            kpca = KernelPCA(4, kernel=kernel, eigen_solver=eigen_solver, fit_inverse_transform=inv)
            X_fit_transformed = kpca.fit_transform(X_fit)
            X_fit_transformed2 = kpca.fit(X_fit).transform(X_fit)
            assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(X_fit_transformed), np.abs(X_fit_transformed2))

            # non-regression test: previously, gamma would be 0 by default,
            # forcing all eigenvalues to 0 under the poly kernel
            assert_not_equal(X_fit_transformed.size, 0)

            # transform new data
            X_pred_transformed = kpca.transform(X_pred)
            assert_equal(X_pred_transformed.shape[1], X_fit_transformed.shape[1])

            # inverse transform
            if inv:
                X_pred2 = kpca.inverse_transform(X_pred_transformed)
                assert_equal(X_pred2.shape, X_pred.shape)
Example #14
def test_similarity_tree():
    # Test that rules are well splitted
    rules = [
        ("a <= 2 and b > 45 and c <= 3 and a > 4", (1, 1, 0)),
        ("a <= 2 and b > 45 and c <= 3 and a > 4", (1, 1, 0)),
        ("a > 2 and b > 45", (0.5, 0.3, 0)),
        ("a > 2 and b > 40", (0.5, 0.2, 0)),
        ("a <= 2 and b <= 45", (1, 1, 0)),
        ("a > 2 and c <= 3", (1, 1, 0)),
        ("b > 45", (1, 1, 0)),

    sk = SkopeRules(max_depth_duplication=2)
    rulesets = sk._find_similar_rulesets(rules)
    # Assert some couples of rules are in the same bag
    idx_bags_rules = []
    for idx_rule, r in enumerate(rules):
        idx_bags_for_rule = []
        for idx_bag, bag in enumerate(rulesets):
            if r in bag:

    assert_equal(idx_bags_rules[0], idx_bags_rules[1])
    assert_not_equal(idx_bags_rules[0], idx_bags_rules[2])
    # Assert the best rules are kept
    final_rules = sk.deduplicate(rules)
    assert_in(rules[0], final_rules)
    assert_in(rules[2], final_rules)
    assert_not_in(rules[3], final_rules)
Example #15
def test_grid_search_score_method():
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100,
    clf = LinearSVC(random_state=0)
    grid = {'C': [.1]}

    search_no_scoring = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring=None).fit(X, y)
    search_accuracy = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring='accuracy').fit(X, y)
    search_no_score_method_auc = GridSearchCV(LinearSVCNoScore(),
                                              scoring='roc_auc').fit(X, y)
    search_auc = GridSearchCV(clf, grid, scoring='roc_auc').fit(X, y)

    # Check warning only occurs in situation where behavior changed:
    # estimator requires score method to compete with scoring parameter
    score_no_scoring = assert_no_warnings(search_no_scoring.score, X, y)
    score_accuracy = assert_warns(ChangedBehaviorWarning,
                                  search_accuracy.score, X, y)
    score_no_score_auc = assert_no_warnings(search_no_score_method_auc.score,
                                            X, y)
    score_auc = assert_warns(ChangedBehaviorWarning, search_auc.score, X, y)
    # ensure the test is sane
    assert_true(score_auc < 1.0)
    assert_true(score_accuracy < 1.0)
    assert_not_equal(score_auc, score_accuracy)

    assert_almost_equal(score_accuracy, score_no_scoring)
    assert_almost_equal(score_auc, score_no_score_auc)
Example #16
def test_hash_functions():
    # Checks randomness of hash functions.
    # Variance and mean of each hash function (projection vector)
    # should be different from flattened array of hash functions.
    # If hash functions are not randomly built (seeded with
    # same value), variances and means of all functions are equal.
    n_samples = 12
    n_features = 2
    n_estimators = 5
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features)

    lshf = ignore_warnings(LSHForest, category=DeprecationWarning)(
        random_state=rng.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max))

    hash_functions = []
    for i in range(n_estimators):

    for i in range(n_estimators):

    for i in range(n_estimators):
def test_kernel_clone():
    """ Test that sklearn's clone works correctly on kernels. """
    for kernel in kernels:
        kernel_cloned = clone(kernel)

        assert_equal(kernel, kernel_cloned)
        assert_not_equal(id(kernel), id(kernel_cloned))
        for attr in kernel.__dict__.keys():
            attr_value = getattr(kernel, attr)
            attr_value_cloned = getattr(kernel_cloned, attr)
            if attr.startswith("hyperparameter_"):
                assert_equal(attr_value.name, attr_value_cloned.name)
            elif np.iterable(attr_value):
                for i in range(len(attr_value)):
                    if np.iterable(attr_value[i]):
                        assert_equal(attr_value[i], attr_value_cloned[i])
                assert_equal(attr_value, attr_value_cloned)
            if not isinstance(attr_value, Hashable):
                # modifiable attributes must not be identical
                assert_not_equal(id(attr_value), id(attr_value_cloned))
Example #18
def test_hash_rule():
                        Rule('a <= 2 and a <= 3'),
                        Rule('a <= 2')
                      }), 1)
                        Rule('a <= 4 and a <= 3'),
                        Rule('a <= 2')
                      }), 1)
Example #19
def test_scorer_sample_weight():
    """Test that scorers support sample_weight or raise sensible errors"""

    # Unlike the metrics invariance test, in the scorer case it's harder
    # to ensure that, on the classifier output, weighted and unweighted
    # scores really should be unequal.
    X, y = make_classification(random_state=0)
    _, y_ml = make_multilabel_classification(n_samples=X.shape[0],
    split = train_test_split(X, y, y_ml, random_state=0)
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, y_ml_train, y_ml_test = split

    sample_weight = np.ones_like(y_test)
    sample_weight[:10] = 0

    # get sensible estimators for each metric
    sensible_regr = DummyRegressor(strategy='median')
    sensible_regr.fit(X_train, y_train)
    sensible_clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0)
    sensible_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    sensible_ml_clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0)
    sensible_ml_clf.fit(X_train, y_ml_train)
    estimator = dict([(name, sensible_regr) for name in REGRESSION_SCORERS] +
                     [(name, sensible_clf) for name in CLF_SCORERS] +
                     [(name, sensible_ml_clf)
                      for name in MULTILABEL_ONLY_SCORERS])

    for name, scorer in SCORERS.items():
        if name in MULTILABEL_ONLY_SCORERS:
            target = y_ml_test
            target = y_test
            weighted = scorer(estimator[name],
            ignored = scorer(estimator[name], X_test[10:], target[10:])
            unweighted = scorer(estimator[name], X_test, target)
                             msg="scorer {0} behaves identically when "
                             "called with sample weights: {1} vs "
                             "{2}".format(name, weighted, unweighted))
                                err_msg="scorer {0} behaves differently when "
                                "ignoring samples and setting sample_weight to"
                                " 0: {1} vs {2}".format(
                                    name, weighted, ignored))

        except TypeError as e:
                "sample_weight" in str(e),
                "scorer {0} raises unhelpful exception when called "
                "with sample weights: {1}".format(name, str(e)))
def test_additive_chi2_sampler():
    # test that AdditiveChi2Sampler approximates kernel on random data

    # compute exact kernel
    # appreviations for easier formular
    X_ = X[:, np.newaxis, :]
    Y_ = Y[np.newaxis, :, :]

    large_kernel = 2 * X_ * Y_ / (X_ + Y_)

    # reduce to n_samples_x x n_samples_y by summing over features
    kernel = (large_kernel.sum(axis=2))

    # approximate kernel mapping
    transform = AdditiveChi2Sampler(sample_steps=3)
    X_trans = transform.fit_transform(X)
    Y_trans = transform.transform(Y)

    kernel_approx = np.dot(X_trans, Y_trans.T)

    assert_array_almost_equal(kernel, kernel_approx, 1)

    X_sp_trans = transform.fit_transform(csr_matrix(X))
    Y_sp_trans = transform.transform(csr_matrix(Y))

    assert_array_equal(X_trans, X_sp_trans.A)
    assert_array_equal(Y_trans, Y_sp_trans.A)

    # test error is raised on negative input
    Y_neg = Y.copy()
    Y_neg[0, 0] = -1
    assert_raises(ValueError, transform.transform, Y_neg)

    # test error on invalid sample_steps
    transform = AdditiveChi2Sampler(sample_steps=4)
    assert_raises(ValueError, transform.fit, X)

    # test that the sample interval is set correctly
    sample_steps_available = [1, 2, 3]
    for sample_steps in sample_steps_available:

        # test that the sample_interval is initialized correctly
        transform = AdditiveChi2Sampler(sample_steps=sample_steps)
        assert_equal(transform.sample_interval, None)

        # test that the sample_interval is changed in the fit method
        assert_not_equal(transform.sample_interval_, None)

    # test that the sample_interval is set correctly
    sample_interval = 0.3
    transform = AdditiveChi2Sampler(sample_steps=4,
    assert_equal(transform.sample_interval, sample_interval)
    assert_equal(transform.sample_interval_, sample_interval)
Example #21
def test_additive_chi2_sampler():
    # test that AdditiveChi2Sampler approximates kernel on random data

    # compute exact kernel
    # abbreviations for easier formula
    X_ = X[:, np.newaxis, :]
    Y_ = Y[np.newaxis, :, :]

    large_kernel = 2 * X_ * Y_ / (X_ + Y_)

    # reduce to n_samples_x x n_samples_y by summing over features
    kernel = (large_kernel.sum(axis=2))

    # approximate kernel mapping
    transform = AdditiveChi2Sampler(sample_steps=3)
    X_trans = transform.fit_transform(X)
    Y_trans = transform.transform(Y)

    kernel_approx = np.dot(X_trans, Y_trans.T)

    assert_array_almost_equal(kernel, kernel_approx, 1)

    X_sp_trans = transform.fit_transform(csr_matrix(X))
    Y_sp_trans = transform.transform(csr_matrix(Y))

    assert_array_equal(X_trans, X_sp_trans.A)
    assert_array_equal(Y_trans, Y_sp_trans.A)

    # test error is raised on negative input
    Y_neg = Y.copy()
    Y_neg[0, 0] = -1
    assert_raises(ValueError, transform.transform, Y_neg)

    # test error on invalid sample_steps
    transform = AdditiveChi2Sampler(sample_steps=4)
    assert_raises(ValueError, transform.fit, X)

    # test that the sample interval is set correctly
    sample_steps_available = [1, 2, 3]
    for sample_steps in sample_steps_available:

        # test that the sample_interval is initialized correctly
        transform = AdditiveChi2Sampler(sample_steps=sample_steps)
        assert_equal(transform.sample_interval, None)

        # test that the sample_interval is changed in the fit method
        assert_not_equal(transform.sample_interval_, None)

    # test that the sample_interval is set correctly
    sample_interval = 0.3
    transform = AdditiveChi2Sampler(sample_steps=4,
    assert_equal(transform.sample_interval, sample_interval)
    assert_equal(transform.sample_interval_, sample_interval)
Example #22
def test_scorer_sample_weight():
    # Test that scorers support sample_weight or raise sensible errors

    # Unlike the metrics invariance test, in the scorer case it's harder
    # to ensure that, on the classifier output, weighted and unweighted
    # scores really should be unequal.
    X, y = make_classification(random_state=0)
    _, y_ml = make_multilabel_classification(n_samples=X.shape[0], random_state=0)
    split = train_test_split(X, y, y_ml, random_state=0)
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, y_ml_train, y_ml_test = split

    sample_weight = np.ones_like(y_test)
    sample_weight[:10] = 0

    # get sensible estimators for each metric
    sensible_regr = DummyRegressor(strategy="median")
    sensible_regr.fit(X_train, y_train)
    sensible_clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0)
    sensible_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    sensible_ml_clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0)
    sensible_ml_clf.fit(X_train, y_ml_train)
    estimator = dict(
        [(name, sensible_regr) for name in REGRESSION_SCORERS]
        + [(name, sensible_clf) for name in CLF_SCORERS]
        + [(name, sensible_ml_clf) for name in MULTILABEL_ONLY_SCORERS]

    for name, scorer in SCORERS.items():
        if name in MULTILABEL_ONLY_SCORERS:
            target = y_ml_test
            target = y_test
            weighted = scorer(estimator[name], X_test, target, sample_weight=sample_weight)
            ignored = scorer(estimator[name], X_test[10:], target[10:])
            unweighted = scorer(estimator[name], X_test, target)
                msg="scorer {0} behaves identically when "
                "called with sample weights: {1} vs "
                "{2}".format(name, weighted, unweighted),
                err_msg="scorer {0} behaves differently when "
                "ignoring samples and setting sample_weight to"
                " 0: {1} vs {2}".format(name, weighted, ignored),

        except TypeError as e:
                "sample_weight" in str(e),
                "scorer {0} raises unhelpful exception when called " "with sample weights: {1}".format(name, str(e)),
Example #23
def test_shuffle_stratifiedkfold():
    # Check that shuffling is happening when requested, and for proper
    # sample coverage
    X_40 = np.ones(40)
    y = [0] * 20 + [1] * 20
    kf0 = StratifiedKFold(5, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
    kf1 = StratifiedKFold(5, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
    for (_, test0), (_, test1) in zip(kf0.split(X_40, y), kf1.split(X_40, y)):
        assert_not_equal(set(test0), set(test1))
    check_cv_coverage(kf0, X_40, y, labels=None, expected_n_iter=5)
def test_shuffle_stratifiedkfold():
    # Check that shuffling is happening when requested, and for proper
    # sample coverage
    X_40 = np.ones(40)
    y = [0] * 20 + [1] * 20
    kf0 = StratifiedKFold(5, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
    kf1 = StratifiedKFold(5, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
    for (_, test0), (_, test1) in zip(kf0.split(X_40, y),
                                      kf1.split(X_40, y)):
        assert_not_equal(set(test0), set(test1))
    check_cv_coverage(kf0, X_40, y, labels=None, expected_n_iter=5)
Example #25
def test_average_precision_score_tied_values():
    # Here if we go from left to right in y_true, the 0 values are
    # are separated from the 1 values, so it appears that we've
    # Correctly sorted our classifications. But in fact the first two
    # values have the same score (0.5) and so the first two values
    # could be swapped around, creating an imperfect sorting. This
    # imperfection should come through in the end score, making it less
    # than one.
    y_true = [0, 1, 1]
    y_score = [.5, .5, .6]
    assert_not_equal(average_precision_score(y_true, y_score), 1.)
def test_average_precision_score_tied_values():
    # Here if we go from left to right in y_true, the 0 values are
    # are separated from the 1 values, so it appears that we've
    # Correctly sorted our classifications. But in fact the first two
    # values have the same score (0.5) and so the first two values
    # could be swapped around, creating an imperfect sorting. This
    # imperfection should come through in the end score, making it less
    # than one.
    y_true = [0, 1, 1]
    y_score = [.5, .5, .6]
    assert_not_equal(average_precision_score(y_true, y_score), 1.)
Example #27
def test_beta_dist():
    du2 = [randn(n_features, 1) for i in range(n_kernels)]
    for i in range(len(du2)):
        du2[i] /= norm(du2[i])

    assert_equal(0., beta_dist(du, du))
    assert_not_equal(0., beta_dist(du, du2))

    du2 = [randn(n_features+2, 1) for i in range(n_kernels)]
    for i in range(len(du2)):
        du2[i] /= norm(du2[i])
    assert_raises(ValueError, beta_dist, du, du2)
Example #28
def test_beta_dist():
    du2 = [randn(n_features, 1) for i in range(n_kernels)]
    for i in range(len(du2)):
        du2[i] /= norm(du2[i])

    assert_equal(0., beta_dist(du, du))
    assert_not_equal(0., beta_dist(du, du2))

    du2 = [randn(n_features + 2, 1) for i in range(n_kernels)]
    for i in range(len(du2)):
        du2[i] /= norm(du2[i])
    assert_raises(ValueError, beta_dist, du, du2)
Example #29
    def test_partial_fit_multiclass_delete_old_class(self):
        # Train with training data containing only 2 classes(d1), then deletes
        # the second class. Check that the prediction for an example for the
        # second class is now the first class.
        third = X2.shape[0] // 3
        sixth = 2 * third
        clf = self.factory(alpha=0.01)

        clf.partial_fit(X2[:sixth], Y2[:sixth])
        label1, score1 = clf.predict_and_score(X2[third])
        assert_equal(clf.delete_class(Y2[third]), True)
        label2, score2 = clf.predict_and_score(X2[third])
        assert_not_equal(label1, label2)
Example #30
def test_set_random_states():
    # Linear Discriminant Analysis doesn't have random state: smoke test
    _set_random_states(LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(), random_state=17)

    clf1 = Perceptron(tol=1e-3, random_state=None)
    assert_equal(clf1.random_state, None)
    # check random_state is None still sets
    _set_random_states(clf1, None)
    assert_true(isinstance(clf1.random_state, int))

    # check random_state fixes results in consistent initialisation
    _set_random_states(clf1, 3)
    assert_true(isinstance(clf1.random_state, int))
    clf2 = Perceptron(tol=1e-3, random_state=None)
    _set_random_states(clf2, 3)
    assert_equal(clf1.random_state, clf2.random_state)

    # nested random_state

    def make_steps():
        return [('sel', SelectFromModel(Perceptron(tol=1e-3,
                ('clf', Perceptron(tol=1e-3, random_state=None))]

    est1 = Pipeline(make_steps())
    _set_random_states(est1, 3)
    assert_true(isinstance(est1.steps[0][1].estimator.random_state, int))
    assert_true(isinstance(est1.steps[1][1].random_state, int))

    # ensure multiple random_state paramaters are invariant to get_params()
    # iteration order

    class AlphaParamPipeline(Pipeline):
        def get_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
            params = Pipeline.get_params(self, *args, **kwargs).items()
            return OrderedDict(sorted(params))

    class RevParamPipeline(Pipeline):
        def get_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
            params = Pipeline.get_params(self, *args, **kwargs).items()
            return OrderedDict(sorted(params, reverse=True))

    for cls in [AlphaParamPipeline, RevParamPipeline]:
        est2 = cls(make_steps())
        _set_random_states(est2, 3)
Example #31
def test_kernel_clone(kernel):
    # Test that sklearn's clone works correctly on kernels.
    kernel_cloned = clone(kernel)

    # XXX: Should this be fixed?
    # This differs from the sklearn's estimators equality check.
    assert_equal(kernel, kernel_cloned)
    assert_not_equal(id(kernel), id(kernel_cloned))

    # Check that all constructor parameters are equal.
    assert_equal(kernel.get_params(), kernel_cloned.get_params())

    # Check that all hyperparameters are equal.
    check_hyperparameters_equal(kernel, kernel_cloned)
def test_multi_target_sample_weight_partial_fit():
    # weighted regressor
    X = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
    y = [[3.141, 2.718], [2.718, 3.141]]
    w = [2., 1.]
    rgr_w = MultiOutputRegressor(SGDRegressor(random_state=0, max_iter=5))
    rgr_w.partial_fit(X, y, w)

    # weighted with different weights
    w = [2., 2.]
    rgr = MultiOutputRegressor(SGDRegressor(random_state=0, max_iter=5))
    rgr.partial_fit(X, y, w)

    assert_not_equal(rgr.predict(X)[0][0], rgr_w.predict(X)[0][0])
def test_multi_target_sample_weight_partial_fit():
    # weighted regressor
    X = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
    y = [[3.141, 2.718], [2.718, 3.141]]
    w = [2., 1.]
    rgr_w = MultiOutputRegressor(SGDRegressor(random_state=0))
    rgr_w.partial_fit(X, y, w)

    # weighted with different weights
    w = [2., 2.]
    rgr = MultiOutputRegressor(SGDRegressor(random_state=0))
    rgr.partial_fit(X, y, w)

    assert_not_equal(rgr.predict(X)[0][0], rgr_w.predict(X)[0][0])
Example #34
def test_kernel_clone(kernel):
    # Test that sklearn's clone works correctly on kernels.
    kernel_cloned = clone(kernel)

    # XXX: Should this be fixed?
    # This differs from the sklearn's estimators equality check.
    assert_equal(kernel, kernel_cloned)
    assert_not_equal(id(kernel), id(kernel_cloned))

    # Check that all constructor parameters are equal.
    assert_equal(kernel.get_params(), kernel_cloned.get_params())

    # Check that all hyperparameters are equal.
    check_hyperparameters_equal(kernel, kernel_cloned)
def test_verbose():
    """Test whether verbose works as intended."""
    X = Xboston
    y = yboston

    elm_fit = ELMRegressor(verbose=True)
    elm_batch_fit = ELMRegressor(verbose=True, batch_size=50)
    for elm in [elm_fit, elm_batch_fit]:
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = output = StringIO()

        elm.fit(X, y)
        sys.stdout = old_stdout

        assert_not_equal(output.getvalue(), '')
def test_constraints_rvs():
    space = Space([
        Real(1, 10),
        Real(1, 10),
        Real(1, 10),
        Integer(0, 10),
        Integer(0, 10),
        Integer(0, 10),
    cons_list = [Single(0,5.0,'real'),
            # Note that two constraints are being added to dimension 4 and 5

    # Test lenght of samples
    constraints = Constraints(cons_list,space)
    samples = constraints.rvs(n_samples = 100)
    # Test random state
    samples_a = constraints.rvs(n_samples = 100,random_state = 1)
    samples_b = constraints.rvs(n_samples = 100,random_state = 1)
    samples_c = constraints.rvs(n_samples = 100,random_state = 2)

    # Test invalid constraint combinations
    space = Space([Real(0, 1)])
    cons_list = [Exclusive(0,(0.3,0.7),'real'), Inclusive(0,(0.5,0.6),'real')]
    constraints = Constraints(cons_list,space)
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        samples = constraints.rvs(n_samples = 10)
def test_classifier_chain_crossval_fit_and_predict():
    # Fit classifier chain with cross_val_predict and verify predict
    # performance
    X, Y = generate_multilabel_dataset_with_correlations()
    classifier_chain_cv = ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression(), cv=3)
    classifier_chain_cv.fit(X, Y)

    classifier_chain = ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression())
    classifier_chain.fit(X, Y)

    Y_pred_cv = classifier_chain_cv.predict(X)
    Y_pred = classifier_chain.predict(X)

    assert_equal(Y_pred_cv.shape, Y.shape)
    assert_greater(jaccard_similarity_score(Y, Y_pred_cv), 0.4)

    assert_not_equal(jaccard_similarity_score(Y, Y_pred_cv),
                     jaccard_similarity_score(Y, Y_pred))
def test_cross_val_generator_with_default_indices():
    X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
    y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2])
    labels = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    loo = cval.LeaveOneOut(4)
    lpo = cval.LeavePOut(4, 2)
    kf = cval.KFold(4, 2)
    skf = cval.StratifiedKFold(y, 2)
    lolo = cval.LeaveOneLabelOut(labels)
    lopo = cval.LeavePLabelOut(labels, 2)
    ss = cval.ShuffleSplit(2)
    ps = cval.PredefinedSplit([1, 1, 2, 2])
    for cv in [loo, lpo, kf, skf, lolo, lopo, ss, ps]:
        for train, test in cv:
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, 'b')
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, 'b')
            X[train], X[test]
            y[train], y[test]
Example #39
def test_cross_val_generator_with_default_indices():
    X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
    y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2])
    labels = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    loo = cval.LeaveOneOut(4)
    lpo = cval.LeavePOut(4, 2)
    kf = cval.KFold(4, 2)
    skf = cval.StratifiedKFold(y, 2)
    lolo = cval.LeaveOneLabelOut(labels)
    lopo = cval.LeavePLabelOut(labels, 2)
    b = cval.Bootstrap(2)  # only in index mode
    ss = cval.ShuffleSplit(2)
    for cv in [loo, lpo, kf, skf, lolo, lopo, b, ss]:
        for train, test in cv:
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, 'b')
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, 'b')
            X_train, X_test = X[train], X[test]
            y_train, y_test = y[train], y[test]
Example #40
def test_cross_val_generator_with_default_indices():
    X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
    y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2])
    labels = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    loo = cval.LeaveOneOut(4)
    lpo = cval.LeavePOut(4, 2)
    kf = cval.KFold(4, 2)
    skf = cval.StratifiedKFold(y, 2)
    lolo = cval.LeaveOneLabelOut(labels)
    lopo = cval.LeavePLabelOut(labels, 2)
    ss = cval.ShuffleSplit(2)
    ps = cval.PredefinedSplit([1, 1, 2, 2])
    for cv in [loo, lpo, kf, skf, lolo, lopo, ss, ps]:
        for train, test in cv:
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, 'b')
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, 'b')
            X[train], X[test]
            y[train], y[test]
def test_base_chain_random_order():
    # Fit base chain with random order
    X, Y = generate_multilabel_dataset_with_correlations()
    for chain in [ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression()),
        chain_random = clone(chain).set_params(order='random', random_state=42)
        chain_random.fit(X, Y)
        chain_fixed = clone(chain).set_params(order=chain_random.order_)
        chain_fixed.fit(X, Y)
        assert_array_equal(chain_fixed.order_, chain_random.order_)
        assert_not_equal(list(chain_random.order), list(range(4)))
        assert_equal(len(chain_random.order_), 4)
        assert_equal(len(set(chain_random.order_)), 4)
        # Randomly ordered chain should behave identically to a fixed order
        # chain with the same order.
        for est1, est2 in zip(chain_random.estimators_,
            assert_array_almost_equal(est1.coef_, est2.coef_)
def test_classifier_chain_crossval_fit_and_predict():
    # Fit classifier chain with cross_val_predict and verify predict
    # performance
    X, Y = generate_multilabel_dataset_with_correlations()
    classifier_chain_cv = ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression(), cv=3)
    classifier_chain_cv.fit(X, Y)

    classifier_chain = ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression())
    classifier_chain.fit(X, Y)

    Y_pred_cv = classifier_chain_cv.predict(X)
    Y_pred = classifier_chain.predict(X)

    assert_equal(Y_pred_cv.shape, Y.shape)
    assert_greater(jaccard_similarity_score(Y, Y_pred_cv), 0.4)

    assert_not_equal(jaccard_similarity_score(Y, Y_pred_cv),
                     jaccard_similarity_score(Y, Y_pred))
def test_base_chain_random_order():
    # Fit base chain with random order
    X, Y = generate_multilabel_dataset_with_correlations()
    for chain in [ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression()),
        chain_random = clone(chain).set_params(order='random', random_state=42)
        chain_random.fit(X, Y)
        chain_fixed = clone(chain).set_params(order=chain_random.order_)
        chain_fixed.fit(X, Y)
        assert_array_equal(chain_fixed.order_, chain_random.order_)
        assert_not_equal(list(chain_random.order), list(range(4)))
        assert_equal(len(chain_random.order_), 4)
        assert_equal(len(set(chain_random.order_)), 4)
        # Randomly ordered chain should behave identically to a fixed order
        # chain with the same order.
        for est1, est2 in zip(chain_random.estimators_,
            assert_array_almost_equal(est1.coef_, est2.coef_)
Example #44
def test_correlation():
    du2 = [randn(n_features,) for i in range(n_kernels)]
    for i in range(len(du2)):
        du2[i] /= norm(du2[i])
    dm2 = [randn(n_features, n_dims) for i in range(n_kernels)]
    for i in range(len(dm2)):
        dm2[i] /= norm(dm2[i])

    assert_equal(100., detection_rate(du, du, 0.97))
    assert_not_equal(100., detection_rate(du, du2, 0.99))
    assert_equal(100., detection_rate(dm, dm, 0.97))
    assert_not_equal(100., detection_rate(dm, dm2, 0.99))
    assert_equal((100., 100.), precision_recall(du, du, 0.97))
    assert_equal((0., 0.), precision_recall(du, du2, 0.99))
    assert_true(allclose(precision_recall_points(du, du),
                            (ones(len(du)), ones(len(du)))))
    assert_true(not allclose(precision_recall_points(du, du2),
                                (ones(len(du)), ones(len(du2)))))
Example #45
    def test_kmeansplusplus_noy(self):
        X_train = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(
            x=[0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, -10, -11, -12],
            y=[0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, -10, -11, -12],
            z=[0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, -10, -11, -12]))

        # these should clearly belong to just 1 of the 3 clusters
        X_test = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(
            x=[-1, 3, 9, 13, -13, -20],
            y=[-1, 3, 9, 13, -13, -20],
            z=[-1, 3, 9, 13, -13, -20]))

        mymodel = KMeansPlusPlus(n_clusters=3).fit(
            X_train)  # does not work without y_train
        scores = mymodel.predict(X_test)

        # Evaluate the model
        # currently KMeansPlusPlus doesnt return label values but its internal
        # label enumeration
        # which could be random so accuracy cant be measure like below
        # accuracy = np.mean(y_test == [i for i in scores])
        # assert_equal(accuracy[0], 1.0, "accuracy should be %s" % 1.0)

        # we can measure instead that elements are grouped into 3 clusters
            "elements should be in the same cluster")
            "elements should be in different clusters")
            "elements should be in the same cluster")
            "elements should be in different clusters")
            "elements should be in the same cluster")
def test_median_absolute_error_weights():
    y_tr = [3, -0.5, 2, 7]
    y_pr = [2.5, 0.0, 2, 8]
    sample_weight = [2, 3, 1, 4]
    # check that unit weights gives the same score as no weight
    unweighted_score = median_absolute_error(y_tr, y_pr, sample_weight=None)
        unweighted_score, median_absolute_error(y_tr, y_pr,
        err_msg="For median_absolute_error sample_weight=None is not "
                "equivalent to sample_weight=ones" )

    # check that the weighted and unweighted scores are unequal
    weighted_score = median_absolute_error(y_tr, y_pr,
        unweighted_score, weighted_score,
        msg="Unweighted and weighted scores are unexpectedly "
            "equal (%f) for median_absolute_error" % weighted_score)
Example #47
def test_sensitivity_specificity_ignored_labels():
    """Test a subset of labels may be requested for SS"""
    y_true = [1, 1, 2, 3]
    y_pred = [1, 3, 3, 3]

    specificity_13 = partial(specificity_score, y_true, y_pred, labels=[1, 3])
    specificity_all = partial(specificity_score, y_true, y_pred, labels=None)

    assert_array_almost_equal([1., 0.33], specificity_13(average=None), 2)
    assert_almost_equal(np.mean([1., 0.33]), specificity_13(average='macro'),
    assert_almost_equal(np.average([1., .33], weights=[2., 1.]),
                        specificity_13(average='weighted'), 2)
    assert_almost_equal(3. / (3. + 2.), specificity_13(average='micro'), 2)

    # ensure the above were meaningful tests:
    for average in ['macro', 'weighted', 'micro']:
Example #48
def test_correlation():
    du2 = [randn(n_features, ) for i in range(n_kernels)]
    for i in range(len(du2)):
        du2[i] /= norm(du2[i])
    dm2 = [randn(n_features, n_dims) for i in range(n_kernels)]
    for i in range(len(dm2)):
        dm2[i] /= norm(dm2[i])

    assert_equal(100., detection_rate(du, du, 0.97))
    assert_not_equal(100., detection_rate(du, du2, 0.99))
    assert_equal(100., detection_rate(dm, dm, 0.97))
    assert_not_equal(100., detection_rate(dm, dm2, 0.99))
    assert_equal((100., 100.), precision_recall(du, du, 0.97))
    assert_equal((0., 0.), precision_recall(du, du2, 0.99))
        allclose(precision_recall_points(du, du),
                 (ones(len(du)), ones(len(du)))))
    assert_true(not allclose(precision_recall_points(du, du2),
                             (ones(len(du)), ones(len(du2)))))
def test_shuffle_kfold():
    # Check the indices are shuffled properly
    kf = KFold(3)
    kf2 = KFold(3, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
    kf3 = KFold(3, shuffle=True, random_state=1)

    X = np.ones(300)

    all_folds = np.zeros(300)
    for (tr1, te1), (tr2, te2), (tr3, te3) in zip(
            kf.split(X), kf2.split(X), kf3.split(X)):
        for tr_a, tr_b in combinations((tr1, tr2, tr3), 2):
            # Assert that there is no complete overlap
            assert_not_equal(len(np.intersect1d(tr_a, tr_b)), len(tr1))

        # Set all test indices in successive iterations of kf2 to 1
        all_folds[te2] = 1

    # Check that all indices are returned in the different test folds
    assert_equal(sum(all_folds), 300)
Example #50
def test_score_sample_weight():

    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)

    # test both ClassifierMixin and RegressorMixin
    estimators = [DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2),
    sets = [datasets.load_iris(),

    for est, ds in zip(estimators, sets):
        est.fit(ds.data, ds.target)
        # generate random sample weights
        sample_weight = rng.randint(1, 10, size=len(ds.target))
        # check that the score with and without sample weights are different
        assert_not_equal(est.score(ds.data, ds.target),
                         est.score(ds.data, ds.target,
                         msg="Unweighted and weighted scores "
                             "are unexpectedly equal")
def test_scorer_sample_weight():
    """Test that scorers support sample_weight or raise sensible errors"""

    # Unlike the metrics invariance test, in the scorer case it's harder
    # to ensure that, on the classifier output, weighted and unweighted
    # scores really should be unequal.
    X, y = make_classification(random_state=0)
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)
    sample_weight = np.ones_like(y_test)
    sample_weight[:10] = 0

    # get sensible estimators for each metric
    sensible_regr = DummyRegressor(strategy='median')
    sensible_regr.fit(X_train, y_train)
    sensible_clf = DecisionTreeClassifier()
    sensible_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    estimator = dict([(name, sensible_regr)
                      for name in REGRESSION_SCORERS] +
                     [(name, sensible_clf)
                      for name in CLF_SCORERS])

    for name, scorer in SCORERS.items():
            weighted = scorer(estimator[name], X_test, y_test,
            ignored = scorer(estimator[name], X_test[10:], y_test[10:])
            unweighted = scorer(estimator[name], X_test, y_test)
            assert_not_equal(weighted, unweighted,
                             "scorer {0} behaves identically when called with "
                             "sample weights: {1} vs {2}".format(name,
            assert_equal(weighted, ignored,
                         "scorer {0} behaves differently when ignoring "
                         "samples and setting sample_weight to 0: "
                         "{1} vs {2}".format(name, weighted, ignored))

        except TypeError as e:
            assert_true("sample_weight" in str(e),
                        "scorer {0} raises unhelpful exception when called "
                        "with sample weights: {1}".format(name, str(e)))
def test_cross_val_generator_with_indices():
    X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
    y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2])
    labels = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    # explicitly passing indices value is deprecated
    loo = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.LeaveOneOut, 4, indices=True)
    lpo = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.LeavePOut, 4, 2, indices=True)
    kf = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.KFold, 4, 2, indices=True)
    skf = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.StratifiedKFold, y, 2, indices=True)
    lolo = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.LeaveOneLabelOut, labels, indices=True)
    lopo = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.LeavePLabelOut, labels, 2, indices=True)
    ps = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.PredefinedSplit, [1, 1, 2, 2], indices=True)
    # Bootstrap as a cross-validation is deprecated
    b = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.Bootstrap, 2)
    ss = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, cval.ShuffleSplit, 2, indices=True)
    for cv in [loo, lpo, kf, skf, lolo, lopo, b, ss, ps]:
        for train, test in cv:
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, "b")
            assert_not_equal(np.asarray(train).dtype.kind, "b")
            X[train], X[test]
            y[train], y[test]
Example #53
def test_kernel_clone():
    """ Test that sklearn's clone works correctly on kernels. """
    bounds = (1e-5, 1e5)
    for kernel in kernels:
        kernel_cloned = clone(kernel)

        # XXX: Should this be fixed?
        # This differs from the sklearn's estimators equality check.
        assert_equal(kernel, kernel_cloned)
        assert_not_equal(id(kernel), id(kernel_cloned))

        # Check that all constructor parameters are equal.
        assert_equal(kernel.get_params(), kernel_cloned.get_params())

        # Check that all hyperparameters are equal.
        yield check_hyperparameters_equal, kernel, kernel_cloned

        # This test is to verify that using set_params does not
        # break clone on kernels.
        # This used to break because in kernels such as the RBF, non-trivial
        # logic that modified the length scale used to be in the constructor
        # See https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/6961
        # for more details.
        params = kernel.get_params()
        # RationalQuadratic kernel is isotropic.
        isotropic_kernels = (ExpSineSquared, RationalQuadratic)
        if 'length_scale' in params and not isinstance(kernel, isotropic_kernels):
            length_scale = params['length_scale']
            if np.iterable(length_scale):
                params['length_scale'] = length_scale[0]
                params['length_scale_bounds'] = bounds
                params['length_scale'] = [length_scale] * 2
                params['length_scale_bounds'] = bounds * 2
            kernel_cloned_clone = clone(kernel_cloned)
            assert_not_equal(id(kernel_cloned_clone), id(kernel_cloned))
            yield check_hyperparameters_equal, kernel_cloned, kernel_cloned_clone
def test_classifier_chain_random_order():
    # Fit classifier chain with random order
    X, Y = generate_multilabel_dataset_with_correlations()
    classifier_chain_random = ClassifierChain(LogisticRegression(),
    classifier_chain_random.fit(X, Y)
    Y_pred_random = classifier_chain_random.predict(X)

    assert_not_equal(list(classifier_chain_random.order), list(range(4)))
    assert_equal(len(classifier_chain_random.order_), 4)
    assert_equal(len(set(classifier_chain_random.order_)), 4)

    classifier_chain_fixed = \
    classifier_chain_fixed.fit(X, Y)
    Y_pred_fixed = classifier_chain_fixed.predict(X)

    # Randomly ordered chain should behave identically to a fixed order chain
    # with the same order.
    assert_array_equal(Y_pred_random, Y_pred_fixed)