def test_predict_with_predict_params(): # tests that Pipeline passes predict_params to the final estimator # when predict is invoked pipe = Pipeline([('transf', Transf()), ('clf', DummyEstimatorParams())]), None) pipe.predict(X=None, got_attribute=True) assert pipe.named_steps['clf'].got_attribute
def test_nbytes_in_logs_when_log_callback_is_custom(caplog, steps): pipe = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback=custom_log_callback) caplog.clear() with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):, assert caplog.text, f'Log should be none empty: {caplog.text}' assert 'nbytes=' in caplog.text, f'"nbytes=" should be in: {caplog.text}' assert caplog.text.count('nbytes=') == (len(pipe.steps) - 1), \ f'"nbytes=" should be {len(pipe.steps) - 1} times in {caplog.text}'
def test_time_in_logs_when_log_callback_is_default(caplog, steps): pipe = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback='default') caplog.clear() with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):, assert caplog.text, f'Log should be none empty: {caplog.text}' assert f'time=' in caplog.text, f'"time=" should be in: {caplog.text}' assert caplog.text.count('time') == (len(pipe.steps) - 1), \ f'"time" should be {len(pipe.steps) - 1} times in {caplog.text}'
def test_step_name_in_logs_when_log_callback_is_default(caplog, steps): pipe = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback='default') caplog.clear() with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):, assert caplog.text, f'Log should be none empty: {caplog.text}' for _, step in pipe.steps[:-1]: assert str(step) in caplog.text, f'{step} should be in: {caplog.text}' assert caplog.text.count(str(step)) == 1, \ f'{step} should be once in {caplog.text}'
def test_output_shape_in_logs_when_log_callback_is_default(caplog, steps): pipe = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback='default') caplog.clear() with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):, assert caplog.text, f'Log should be none empty: {caplog.text}' shape_str = f'shape={}' assert shape_str in caplog.text, f'"{shape_str}" should be in {caplog.text}' assert caplog.text.count(shape_str) == (len(pipe.steps) - 1), \ f'"{shape_str}" should be {len(pipe.steps) - 1} times in {caplog.text}'
def test_pipeline_methods_preprocessing_svm(): # Test the various methods of the pipeline (preprocessing + svm). iris = load_iris() X = y = n_samples = X.shape[0] n_classes = len(np.unique(y)) scaler = StandardScaler() pca = PCA(n_components=2, svd_solver='randomized', whiten=True) clf = SVC(gamma='scale', probability=True, random_state=0, decision_function_shape='ovr') for preprocessing in [scaler, pca]: pipe = Pipeline([('preprocess', preprocessing), ('svc', clf)]), y) # check shapes of various prediction functions predict = pipe.predict(X) assert_equal(predict.shape, (n_samples, )) proba = pipe.predict_proba(X) assert_equal(proba.shape, (n_samples, n_classes)) log_proba = pipe.predict_log_proba(X) assert_equal(log_proba.shape, (n_samples, n_classes)) decision_function = pipe.decision_function(X) assert_equal(decision_function.shape, (n_samples, n_classes)) pipe.score(X, y)
def test_pipeline_with_cache_attribute(): X = np.array([[1, 2]]) pipe = Pipeline([('transf', Transf()), ('clf', Mult())], memory=DummyMemory()), y=None) dummy = WrongDummyMemory() pipe = Pipeline([('transf', Transf()), ('clf', Mult())], memory=dummy) assert_raises_regex( ValueError, "'memory' should be None, a string or" " have the same interface as joblib.Memory." " Got memory='{}' instead.".format(dummy),, X)
def test_fit_predict_with_intermediate_fit_params(): # tests that Pipeline passes fit_params to intermediate steps # when fit_predict is invoked pipe = Pipeline([('transf', TransfFitParams()), ('clf', FitParamT())]) pipe.fit_predict(X=None, y=None, transf__should_get_this=True, clf__should_succeed=True) assert pipe.named_steps['transf'].fit_params['should_get_this'] assert pipe.named_steps['clf'].successful assert_false('should_succeed' in pipe.named_steps['transf'].fit_params)
def test_pipeline_fit_transform(): # Test whether pipeline works with a transformer missing fit_transform iris = load_iris() X = y = transf = Transf() pipeline = Pipeline([('mock', transf)]) # test fit_transform: X_trans = pipeline.fit_transform(X, y) X_trans2 =, y).transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_trans2)
def test_pipeline_sample_weight_unsupported(): # When sample_weight is None it shouldn't be passed X = np.array([[1, 2]]) pipe = Pipeline([('transf', Transf()), ('clf', Mult())]), y=None) assert_equal(pipe.score(X), 3) assert_equal(pipe.score(X, sample_weight=None), 3) assert_raise_message( TypeError, "score() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sample_weight'", pipe.score, X, sample_weight=np.array([2, 3]))
def test_pipeline_fit_params(): # Test that the pipeline can take fit parameters pipe = Pipeline([('transf', Transf()), ('clf', FitParamT())]), y=None, clf__should_succeed=True) # classifier should return True assert pipe.predict(None) # and transformer params should not be changed assert pipe.named_steps['transf'].a is None assert pipe.named_steps['transf'].b is None # invalid parameters should raise an error message assert_raise_message(TypeError, "fit() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bad'",, None, None, clf__bad=True)
def test_classifier_gridsearch(cls): pipe = DebugPipeline([("ovrc", cls(LinearSVC(random_state=0, tol=0.1)))]) Cs = [0.1, 0.5, 0.8] cv = GridSearchCV(pipe, {"ovrc__estimator__C": Cs}), best_C = cv.best_estimator_.get_params()["ovrc__estimator__C"] assert best_C in Cs
def test_pipeline_transform(): # Test whether pipeline works with a transformer at the end. # Also test pipeline.transform and pipeline.inverse_transform iris = load_iris() X = pca = PCA(n_components=2, svd_solver='full') pipeline = Pipeline([('pca', pca)]) # test transform and fit_transform: X_trans = X_trans2 = pipeline.fit_transform(X) X_trans3 = pca.fit_transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_trans2) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_trans3) X_back = pipeline.inverse_transform(X_trans) X_back2 = pca.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X_back, X_back2)
def test_pipeline_sample_weight_supported(): # Pipeline should pass sample_weight X = np.array([[1, 2]]) pipe = Pipeline([('transf', Transf()), ('clf', FitParamT())]), y=None) assert_equal(pipe.score(X), 3) assert_equal(pipe.score(X, y=None), 3) assert_equal(pipe.score(X, y=None, sample_weight=None), 3) assert_equal(pipe.score(X, sample_weight=np.array([2, 3])), 8)
def test_feature_union(caplog, steps): pipe_w_default_log_callback = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback='default') pipe_w_custom_log_callback = DebugPipeline( steps, log_callback=custom_log_callback) pipe_union = FeatureUnion([ ('pipe_w_default_log_callback', pipe_w_default_log_callback), ('pipe_w_custom_log_callback', pipe_w_custom_log_callback), ]) caplog.clear() with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):, assert caplog.text, f'Log should be none empty: {caplog.text}' for pipe in [pipe_w_default_log_callback, pipe_w_custom_log_callback]: for _, step in pipe.steps[:-1]: assert str(step) in caplog.text, \ f'{step} should be in: {caplog.text}' assert caplog.text.count(str(step)) == 2, \ f'{step} should be once in {caplog.text}'
def food_recognition_model(**params): pca = PCA(512, whiten=True, random_state=0) return DebugPipeline(steps=[("scale", StandardScaler()), ("pca", pca), ("print_preprocess_stats", PrintPreprocessStats(pca)), ("model", GaussianMixture(n_components=4, covariance_type='full', random_state=0, max_iter=int(1e7)))], log_callback='default').set_params(**params)
def test_fit_predict_on_pipeline(): # test that the fit_predict method is implemented on a pipeline # test that the fit_predict on pipeline yields same results as applying # transform and clustering steps separately iris = load_iris() scaler = StandardScaler() km = KMeans(random_state=0) # As pipeline doesn't clone estimators on construction, # it must have its own estimators scaler_for_pipeline = StandardScaler() km_for_pipeline = KMeans(random_state=0) # first compute the transform and clustering step separately scaled = scaler.fit_transform( separate_pred = km.fit_predict(scaled) # use a pipeline to do the transform and clustering in one step pipe = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler_for_pipeline), ('Kmeans', km_for_pipeline)]) pipeline_pred = pipe.fit_predict( assert_array_almost_equal(pipeline_pred, separate_pred)
def test_set_pipeline_steps(): transf1 = Transf() transf2 = Transf() pipeline = Pipeline([('mock', transf1)]) assert pipeline.named_steps['mock'] is transf1 # Directly setting attr pipeline.steps = [('mock2', transf2)] assert 'mock' not in pipeline.named_steps assert pipeline.named_steps['mock2'] is transf2 assert_equal([('mock2', transf2)], pipeline.steps) # Using set_params pipeline.set_params(steps=[('mock', transf1)]) assert_equal([('mock', transf1)], pipeline.steps) # Using set_params to replace single step pipeline.set_params(mock=transf2) assert_equal([('mock', transf2)], pipeline.steps) # With invalid data pipeline.set_params(steps=[('junk', ())]) assert_raises(TypeError,, [[1]], [1]) assert_raises(TypeError, pipeline.fit_transform, [[1]], [1])
def test_pipeline_init(): # Test the various init parameters of the pipeline. assert_raises(TypeError, Pipeline) # Check that we can't instantiate pipelines with objects without fit # method assert_raises_regex( TypeError, 'Last step of Pipeline should implement fit. ' '.*NoFit.*', Pipeline, [('clf', NoFit())]) # Smoke test with only an estimator clf = NoTrans() pipe = Pipeline([('svc', clf)]) assert_equal( pipe.get_params(deep=True), dict(svc__a=None, svc__b=None, svc=clf, **pipe.get_params(deep=False))) # Check that params are set pipe.set_params(svc__a=0.1) assert_equal(clf.a, 0.1) assert_equal(clf.b, None) # Smoke test the repr: repr(pipe) # Test with two objects clf = SVC() filter1 = SelectKBest(f_classif) pipe = Pipeline([('anova', filter1), ('svc', clf)]) # Check that we can't instantiate with non-transformers on the way # Note that NoTrans implements fit, but not transform assert_raises_regex( TypeError, 'All intermediate steps should be transformers' '.*\\bNoTrans\\b.*', Pipeline, [('t', NoTrans()), ('svc', clf)]) # Check that params are set pipe.set_params(svc__C=0.1) assert_equal(clf.C, 0.1) # Smoke test the repr: repr(pipe) # Check that params are not set when naming them wrong assert_raises(ValueError, pipe.set_params, anova__C=0.1) # Test clone pipe2 = assert_no_warnings(clone, pipe) assert_false(pipe.named_steps['svc'] is pipe2.named_steps['svc']) # Check that apart from estimators, the parameters are the same params = pipe.get_params(deep=True) params2 = pipe2.get_params(deep=True) for x in pipe.get_params(deep=False): params.pop(x) for x in pipe2.get_params(deep=False): params2.pop(x) # Remove estimators that where copied params.pop('svc') params.pop('anova') params2.pop('svc') params2.pop('anova') assert_equal(params, params2)
def test_no_logs_when_log_callback_is_None(caplog, steps): pipe = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback=None) caplog.clear() with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):, assert not caplog.text, f'Log should be empty: {caplog.text}'
def test_pipeline_init_tuple(): # Pipeline accepts steps as tuple X = np.array([[1, 2]]) pipe = Pipeline((('transf', Transf()), ('clf', FitParamT()))), y=None) pipe.score(X) pipe.set_params(transf=None), y=None) pipe.score(X)
def test_pipeline_methods_anova(): # Test the various methods of the pipeline (anova). iris = load_iris() X = y = # Test with Anova + LogisticRegression clf = LogisticRegression() filter1 = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=2) pipe = Pipeline([('anova', filter1), ('logistic', clf)]), y) pipe.predict(X) pipe.predict_proba(X) pipe.predict_log_proba(X) pipe.score(X, y)
def test_pipeline_memory(): iris = load_iris() X = y = cachedir = mkdtemp() try: if LooseVersion(joblib_version) < LooseVersion('0.12'): # Deal with change of API in joblib memory = Memory(cachedir=cachedir, verbose=10) else: memory = Memory(location=cachedir, verbose=10) # Test with Transformer + SVC clf = SVC(gamma='scale', probability=True, random_state=0) transf = DummyTransf() pipe = Pipeline([('transf', clone(transf)), ('svc', clf)]) cached_pipe = Pipeline([('transf', transf), ('svc', clf)], memory=memory) # Memoize the transformer at the first fit, y), y) # Get the time stamp of the transformer in the cached pipeline ts = cached_pipe.named_steps['transf'].timestamp_ # Check that cached_pipe and pipe yield identical results assert_array_equal(pipe.predict(X), cached_pipe.predict(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.predict_proba(X), cached_pipe.predict_proba(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.predict_log_proba(X), cached_pipe.predict_log_proba(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.score(X, y), cached_pipe.score(X, y)) assert_array_equal(pipe.named_steps['transf'].means_, cached_pipe.named_steps['transf'].means_) assert_false(hasattr(transf, 'means_')) # Check that we are reading the cache while fitting # a second time, y) # Check that cached_pipe and pipe yield identical results assert_array_equal(pipe.predict(X), cached_pipe.predict(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.predict_proba(X), cached_pipe.predict_proba(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.predict_log_proba(X), cached_pipe.predict_log_proba(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.score(X, y), cached_pipe.score(X, y)) assert_array_equal(pipe.named_steps['transf'].means_, cached_pipe.named_steps['transf'].means_) assert_equal(ts, cached_pipe.named_steps['transf'].timestamp_) # Create a new pipeline with cloned estimators # Check that even changing the name step does not affect the cache hit clf_2 = SVC(gamma='scale', probability=True, random_state=0) transf_2 = DummyTransf() cached_pipe_2 = Pipeline([('transf_2', transf_2), ('svc', clf_2)], memory=memory), y) # Check that cached_pipe and pipe yield identical results assert_array_equal(pipe.predict(X), cached_pipe_2.predict(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.predict_proba(X), cached_pipe_2.predict_proba(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.predict_log_proba(X), cached_pipe_2.predict_log_proba(X)) assert_array_equal(pipe.score(X, y), cached_pipe_2.score(X, y)) assert_array_equal(pipe.named_steps['transf'].means_, cached_pipe_2.named_steps['transf_2'].means_) assert_equal(ts, cached_pipe_2.named_steps['transf_2'].timestamp_) finally: shutil.rmtree(cachedir)
def test_set_params_nested_pipeline(): estimator = Pipeline([('a', Pipeline([('b', DummyRegressor())]))]) estimator.set_params(a__b__alpha=0.001, a__b=Lasso()) estimator.set_params(a__steps=[('b', LogisticRegression())], a__b__C=5)
def test_set_pipeline_step_none(): # Test setting Pipeline steps to None X = np.array([[1]]) y = np.array([1]) mult2 = Mult(mult=2) mult3 = Mult(mult=3) mult5 = Mult(mult=5) def make(): return Pipeline([('m2', mult2), ('m3', mult3), ('last', mult5)]) pipeline = make() exp = 2 * 3 * 5 assert_array_equal([[exp]], pipeline.fit_transform(X, y)) assert_array_equal([exp], assert_array_equal(X, pipeline.inverse_transform([[exp]])) pipeline.set_params(m3=None) exp = 2 * 5 assert_array_equal([[exp]], pipeline.fit_transform(X, y)) assert_array_equal([exp], assert_array_equal(X, pipeline.inverse_transform([[exp]])) assert_dict_equal( pipeline.get_params(deep=True), { 'steps': pipeline.steps, 'm2': mult2, 'm3': None, 'last': mult5, 'memory': None, 'm2__mult': 2, 'last__mult': 5, 'log_callback': None, }) pipeline.set_params(m2=None) exp = 5 assert_array_equal([[exp]], pipeline.fit_transform(X, y)) assert_array_equal([exp], assert_array_equal(X, pipeline.inverse_transform([[exp]])) # for other methods, ensure no AttributeErrors on None: other_methods = [ 'predict_proba', 'predict_log_proba', 'decision_function', 'transform', 'score' ] for method in other_methods: getattr(pipeline, method)(X) pipeline.set_params(m2=mult2) exp = 2 * 5 assert_array_equal([[exp]], pipeline.fit_transform(X, y)) assert_array_equal([exp], assert_array_equal(X, pipeline.inverse_transform([[exp]])) pipeline = make() pipeline.set_params(last=None) # mult2 and mult3 are active exp = 6 assert_array_equal([[exp]],, y).transform(X)) assert_array_equal([[exp]], pipeline.fit_transform(X, y)) assert_array_equal(X, pipeline.inverse_transform([[exp]])) assert_raise_message(AttributeError, "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'", getattr, pipeline, 'predict') # Check None step at construction time exp = 2 * 5 pipeline = Pipeline([('m2', mult2), ('m3', None), ('last', mult5)]) assert_array_equal([[exp]], pipeline.fit_transform(X, y)) assert_array_equal([exp], assert_array_equal(X, pipeline.inverse_transform([[exp]]))
def test_pipeline_methods_pca_svm(): # Test the various methods of the pipeline (pca + svm). iris = load_iris() X = y = # Test with PCA + SVC clf = SVC(gamma='scale', probability=True, random_state=0) pca = PCA(svd_solver='full', n_components='mle', whiten=True) pipe = Pipeline([('pca', pca), ('svc', clf)]), y) pipe.predict(X) pipe.predict_proba(X) pipe.predict_log_proba(X) pipe.score(X, y)