Example #1
def check_print_model_weights(task='classification'):

    # create some simple classification or regression data
    if task == 'classification':
        train_fs, _ = make_classification_data(train_test_ratio=0.8)
        train_fs, _, _ = make_regression_data(num_features=4,

    # now train the appropriate model
    if task == 'classification':
        learner = Learner('LogisticRegression')
        learner = Learner('LinearRegression')
        learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective='pearson')

    # now save the model to disk
    model_file = join(_my_dir, 'output',

    # now call print_model_weights main() and capture the output
    print_model_weights_cmd = [model_file]
    err = ''
        old_stderr = sys.stderr
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stderr = mystderr = StringIO()
        sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
        out = mystdout.getvalue()
        err = mystderr.getvalue()
        sys.stderr = old_stderr
        sys.stdout = old_stdout

    # now parse the output of the print_model_weight command
    # and get the intercept and the feature values
    if task == 'classification':
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n')[1:] if l]
        intercept = safe_float(lines_to_parse[0].split('\t')[0])
        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[2], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]
        assert_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_[0])
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_[0], feature_values)
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n') if l]
        intercept = safe_float(lines_to_parse[0].split('=')[1])
        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[1], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]
        assert_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_)
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_, feature_values)
Example #2
def compute_eval_from_predictions(examples_file, predictions_file,
    Compute evaluation metrics from prediction files after you have run an

    :param examples_file: a SKLL examples file (in .jsonlines or other format)
    :param predictions_file: a SKLL predictions output TSV file with id
                             and prediction column names
    :param metric_names: a list of SKLL metric names
                         (e.g., [pearson, unweighted_kappa])

    :returns: a dictionary from metrics names to values

    # read gold standard labels
    data = Reader.for_path(examples_file).read()
    gold = dict(zip(data.ids, data.labels))

    # read predictions
    pred = {}
    with open(predictions_file) as pred_file:
        reader = csv.reader(pred_file, dialect=csv.excel_tab)
        next(reader)  # skip header
        for row in reader:
            pred[row[0]] = safe_float(row[1])

    # make a sorted list of example ids in order to match up
    # labels and predictions
    if set(gold.keys()) != set(pred.keys()):
        raise ValueError('The example and prediction IDs do not match.')
    example_ids = sorted(gold.keys())

    res = {}
    for metric_name in metric_names:
        score = use_score_func(metric_name,
                               [gold[ex_id] for ex_id in example_ids],
                               [pred[ex_id] for ex_id in example_ids])
        res[metric_name] = score
    return res
def compute_eval_from_predictions(examples_file, predictions_file,
    Compute evaluation metrics from prediction files after you have run an

    :param examples_file: a SKLL examples file (in .jsonlines or other format)
    :param predictions_file: a SKLL predictions output TSV file with id
                             and prediction column names
    :param metric_names: a list of SKLL metric names
                         (e.g., [pearson, unweighted_kappa])

    :returns: a dictionary from metrics names to values

    # read gold standard labels
    data = load_examples(examples_file)
    gold = dict(zip(data.ids, data.classes))

    # read predictions
    pred = {}
    with open(predictions_file) as pred_file:
        reader = csv.reader(pred_file, dialect=csv.excel_tab)
        next(reader)  # skip header
        for row in reader:
            pred[row[0]] = safe_float(row[1])

    # make a sorted list of example ids in order to match up
    # labels and predictions
    if set(gold.keys()) != set(pred.keys()):
        raise ValueError('The example and prediction IDs do not match.')
    example_ids = sorted(gold.keys())

    res = {}
    for metric_name in metric_names:
        score = use_score_func(metric_name,
                               [gold[ex_id] for ex_id in example_ids],
                               [pred[ex_id] for ex_id in example_ids])
        res[metric_name] = score
    return res
Example #4
def compute_eval_from_predictions(examples_file,
    Compute evaluation metrics from prediction files after you have run an

    examples_file: str
        Path to a SKLL examples file (in .jsonlines or other format).
    predictions_file: str
        Path to a SKLL predictions output TSV file with id and prediction column names.
    metric_names: list of str
        A list of SKLL metric names (e.g., [pearson, unweighted_kappa]).
    prediction_method: str or None
        Indicates how to get a single class prediction from the probabilities. Currently
        supported options are  "highest", which selects the class with the highest
        probability, and "expected_value", which calculates an expected value over
        integer classes and rounds to the nearest int. If predictions file does not
        contain probabilities, this should be set to None.

        Maps metrics names to corresponding values.

        If the requested prediction method is 'expected_value' but the class names can't
        be converted to ints.

    # read gold standard labels
    data = Reader.for_path(examples_file).read()
    gold = dict(zip(data.ids, data.labels))

    # read predictions
    pred = {}
    with open(predictions_file) as pred_file:
        reader = csv.reader(pred_file, dialect=csv.excel_tab)
        header = next(reader)

        # If there are more than two columns, assume column 0 contains the ids, and
        # columns 1-n contain class probabilities. Convert them to a class prediction
        # using the specified `method`.
        if len(header) > 2:
            classes = [c for c in header[1:] if c]
            if prediction_method is None:
                prediction_method = "highest"
                logger.info("No prediction method specified. Using 'highest'.")
            if prediction_method == 'expected_value':
                    classes = [int(c) for c in classes]
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise e
            for row in reader:
                probabilities = [safe_float(p) for p in row[1:]]
                prediction = get_prediction_from_probabilities(
                    classes, probabilities, prediction_method)
                pred[row[0]] = safe_float(prediction)
            if prediction_method is not None:
                    "A prediction method was provided, but the predictions "
                    "file doesn't contain probabilities. Ignoring prediction "
                    "method '{}'.".format(prediction_method))

            for row in reader:
                pred[row[0]] = safe_float(row[1])

    # make a sorted list of example ids in order to match up
    # labels and predictions
    if set(gold.keys()) != set(pred.keys()):
        raise ValueError('The example and prediction IDs do not match.')
    example_ids = sorted(gold.keys())

    res = {}
    for metric_name in metric_names:
        score = use_score_func(metric_name,
                               [gold[ex_id] for ex_id in example_ids],
                               [pred[ex_id] for ex_id in example_ids])
        res[metric_name] = score
    return res
Example #5
def check_print_model_weights(task='classification'):

    # create some simple classification or regression data
    if task == 'classification' or task == 'classification_no_intercept':
        train_fs, _ = make_classification_data(train_test_ratio=0.8)
    elif task == 'multiclass_classification':
        train_fs, _ = make_classification_data(train_test_ratio=0.8, num_labels=3)
        train_fs, _, _ = make_regression_data(num_features=4,

    # now train the appropriate model
    if task == 'classification' or task == 'multiclass_classification':
        learner = Learner('LogisticRegression')
        learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective='f1_score_micro')
    elif task == 'classification_no_intercept':
        learner = Learner('LogisticRegression')
        learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective='f1_score_micro', param_grid=[{'fit_intercept':[False]}])
    elif task == 'regression':
        learner = Learner('LinearRegression')
        learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective='pearson')
        learner = Learner('LinearSVR')
        learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective='pearson')

    # now save the model to disk
    model_file = join(_my_dir, 'output',

    # now call print_model_weights main() and capture the output
    print_model_weights_cmd = [model_file]
    err = ''
        old_stderr = sys.stderr
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stderr = mystderr = StringIO()
        sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
        out = mystdout.getvalue()
        err = mystderr.getvalue()
        sys.stderr = old_stderr
        sys.stdout = old_stdout

    # now parse the output of the print_model_weight command
    # and get the intercept and the feature values
    if task == 'classification':
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n')[1:] if l]
        intercept = safe_float(lines_to_parse[0].split('\t')[0])
        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[2], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]
        assert_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_[0])
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_[0], feature_values)
    elif task == 'multiclass_classification':
        # for multiple classes we get an intercept for each class
        # as well as a list of weights for each class

        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n')[1:] if l]
        intercept = []
        for intercept_string in lines_to_parse[0:3]:

        feature_values = [[], [], []]
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[3:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values[int(fields[1])].append((fields[2], safe_float(fields[0])))

        for index, weights in enumerate(feature_values):
            feature_values[index] = [t[1] for t in sorted(weights)]

        for index, weights in enumerate(learner.model.coef_):
            assert_array_almost_equal(weights, feature_values[index])

        assert_array_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_)
    elif task == 'classification_no_intercept':
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n')[0:] if l]
        intercept = safe_float(lines_to_parse[0].split('=')[1])
        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[2], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]
        assert_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_)
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_[0], feature_values)
    elif task == 'regression':
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n') if l]
        intercept = safe_float(lines_to_parse[0].split('=')[1])
        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[1], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]
        assert_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_)
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_, feature_values)
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n') if l]

        intercept_list = ast.literal_eval(lines_to_parse[0].split('=')[1].strip())
        intercept = []
        for intercept_string in intercept_list:

        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[1], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]

        assert_array_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_)
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_, feature_values)
Example #6
def check_print_model_weights(task='classification'):

    # create some simple classification or regression data
    if task == 'classification':
        train_fs, _ = make_classification_data(train_test_ratio=0.8)
    elif task == 'multiclass_classification':
        train_fs, _ = make_classification_data(train_test_ratio=0.8, num_labels=3)
        train_fs, _, _ = make_regression_data(num_features=4,

    # now train the appropriate model
    if task == 'classification' or task == 'multiclass_classification':
        learner = Learner('LogisticRegression')
        learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective='f1_score_micro')
    elif task == 'regression':
        learner = Learner('LinearRegression')
        learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective='pearson')
        learner = Learner('LinearSVR')
        learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective='pearson')

    # now save the model to disk
    model_file = join(_my_dir, 'output',

    # now call print_model_weights main() and capture the output
    print_model_weights_cmd = [model_file]
    err = ''
        old_stderr = sys.stderr
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stderr = mystderr = StringIO()
        sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
        out = mystdout.getvalue()
        err = mystderr.getvalue()
        sys.stderr = old_stderr
        sys.stdout = old_stdout

    # now parse the output of the print_model_weight command
    # and get the intercept and the feature values
    if task == 'classification':
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n')[1:] if l]
        intercept = safe_float(lines_to_parse[0].split('\t')[0])
        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[2], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]
        assert_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_[0])
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_[0], feature_values)
    elif task == 'multiclass_classification':
        # for multiple classes we get an intercept for each class
        # as well as a list of weights for each class

        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n')[1:] if l]
        intercept = []
        for intercept_string in lines_to_parse[0:3]:

        feature_values = [[], [], []]
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[3:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values[int(fields[1])].append((fields[2], safe_float(fields[0])))

        for index, weights in enumerate(feature_values):
            feature_values[index] = [t[1] for t in sorted(weights)]

        for index, weights in enumerate(learner.model.coef_):
            assert_array_almost_equal(weights, feature_values[index])

        assert_array_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_)

    elif task == 'regression':
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n') if l]
        intercept = safe_float(lines_to_parse[0].split('=')[1])
        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[1], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]
        assert_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_)
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_, feature_values)
        lines_to_parse = [l for l in out.split('\n') if l]

        intercept_list = ast.literal_eval(lines_to_parse[0].split('=')[1].strip())
        intercept = []
        for intercept_string in intercept_list:

        feature_values = []
        for ltp in lines_to_parse[1:]:
            fields = ltp.split('\t')
            feature_values.append((fields[1], safe_float(fields[0])))
        feature_values = [t[1] for t in sorted(feature_values)]

        assert_array_almost_equal(intercept, learner.model.intercept_)
        assert_allclose(learner.model.coef_, feature_values)