def createuser(self,uid,givenname,familyname,passwd,usertype,primarygid=1000,firstyear=None): """ Add a user to the schools authentication directory service. The usertype must be one of the constants TEACHER,STUDENT,PARENT or OTHER """ # check if the group exists already if self.user_exists(uid): return -10001 title = userdef.usertype_as_text(usertype) if not title: return -10005 # invalid usertype id usertype_ou = ldapdef.ou_confkey_by_usertype(usertype) objectclass = ldapdef.objectclass_by_usertype(usertype) if not objectclass: return -10006 # Object classes have not been defined for this usertype path = "uid=%s,%s" % (uid,ldapdef.basedn_by_usertype(usertype)) # Check the group for existance import groupmanager as gman gm = gman.GroupManager() gl = gm.list_groups(None) glgid = {} for groupname in gl.keys(): glgid[int(gl[groupname]['gidNumber'])]=groupname if not glgid.has_key(primarygid): return -10004 #uidnumber = self.max(conf.get('LDAPSERVER','basedn'), # 'objectclass=posixaccount','uidNumber', # int(conf.get('DOMAIN','uid_start')))+1 uidnumber = None uidnumbers = [] for pw in pwd.getpwall(): if int(pw[2]) >= int(conf.get('DOMAIN','uid_start')): uidnumbers += [int(pw[2])] uidnumbers.sort() expect_uidnumber = int(conf.get('DOMAIN','uid_start')) for i in range(100000): if expect_uidnumber != uidnumbers[i]: uidnumber = expect_uidnumber break expect_uidnumber += 1 if uidnumber == None: return -10007 # failed to pick an uidnumber cn = '%s %s' % (givenname,familyname) user_info = {'uid':uid, 'givenname':'%s' % givenname, 'cn':cn, 'gidNumber': str(primarygid), 'uidnumber': str(uidnumber), 'homeDirectory':'%s/%s/users/%s/.linux' % (conf.get('DOMAIN','domain_root'),conf.get('DOMAIN','domain_name'),uid), 'sn':'%s' % familyname, 'objectclass':objectclass, 'mail': uid, 'title':title, 'loginShell': '/bin/zsh', 'userPassword':mkpasswd(passwd,3,'ssha')} if userdef.usertype_as_id(usertype) == userdef.usertype_as_id('student') and firstyear != None: user_info['firstSchoolYear'] = str(firstyear) self.bind(conf.get('LDAPSERVER','admin'),conf.get('LDAPSERVER','passwd')) self.touch_by_dict({path:user_info}) try: posix_uid = pwd.getpwnam(uid)[2] except Exception, e: print e return -10002
def changeuser(self,uid,givenname=None,familyname=None,passwd=None,primarygid=None,firstyear=None,mail=None): """ Add a user to the schools authentication directory service. The usertype must be one of the constants TEACHER,STUDENT,PARENT or OTHER """ # check if the group exists already change_dict = {} user_info = self.list_users(None,uid) if not user_info.has_key(uid): return -10101 # user does not exist user_info = user_info[uid] path = user_info['dn'] # Check the group for existance if primarygid: import groupmanager as gman gm = gman.GroupManager() gl = gm.list_groups(None) glgid = {} for groupname in gl.keys(): glgid[gl[groupname]['gidNumber']]=groupname if not glgid.has_key(primarygid): return -10104 change_dict['gidNumber'] = str(primarygid) cur_givenname,cur_sn = user_info['givenName'],user_info['sn'] if givenname: cur_givenname = givenname change_dict['givenname'] = givenname if familyname: cur_sn = familyname change_dict['sn'] = familyname cn = cur_givenname + " " + cur_sn change_dict['cn'] = cn change_dict['displayName'] = cn if mail: change_dict['mail'] = mail if passwd: try: user_info = pwd.getpwnam(uid) except Exception, e: print e return -10102 # user not in accessable through nsswitch change_dict['userPassword'] = mkpasswd(passwd,3,'ssha') home_path = "%s/%s/users/%s" % (conf.get('DOMAIN','domain_root'),conf.get('DOMAIN','domain_name'),uid) linux_home_path = home_path + '/.linux' if not os.path.exists(os.path.normpath('%s/.ssh/' % linux_home_path)): # Create profile directory os.makedirs('%s/.ssh/' % linux_home_path) os.system('cp /etc/skolesys/ssh/id_dsa* %s/.ssh/' % linux_home_path) os.system('ssh-keygen -p -N %s -f %s/.ssh/id_dsa' % (passwd,linux_home_path)) f=open('%s/.ssh/' % linux_home_path,'r') pubkey = f.close() f=open('%s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % linux_home_path,'w') f.write('no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,permitopen="%s:22",command="sleep 10000" %s' % (conf.get('TERMINAL_SERVICE','freenx'),pubkey)) f.close() # Generate an SSH2 DSA private/public keypair and a putty ppk version os.system('chmod 600 %s/.ssh/*' % linux_home_path) # Deliver ownership os.system('chown %d.%d %s/.ssh -R -f' % (user_info[2],user_info[3],os.path.normpath(linux_home_path)))
def init_mainserver(): import as pw import getpass,os,time,re,sys import inspect,shutil import skolesys import skolesys.cfmachine.apthelpers as apthelper import as sysinfo # Check root privilegdes if not os.getuid()==0: print "This command requires root priviledges" sys.exit(1) os.system('clear') location = os.path.split(inspect.getfile(skolesys))[0] print "SkoleSYS administrator login" print "----------------------------" in_adminpw = getpass.getpass('Enter the ldap admin passwd: ') if in_adminpw != getpass.getpass('Verify the ldap admin passwd: '): print "The passwords entered did not match" sys.exit(1) print print "The school administrator login" print "------------------------------" in_schooladminpw = getpass.getpass('Enter the ldap school admin passwd: ') if in_schooladminpw != getpass.getpass('Verify the ldap school admin passwd: '): print "The passwords entered did not match" sys.exit(1) print print "School domain setup" print "-------------------" organization_name = raw_input("What is the name of the school: ") print domain_name = raw_input("What is the school's domain name (ex. ") domain_name_prefix = domain_name.split('.')[0] print country_code = raw_input("What is the country code of servers location (ex. dk=Denmark, uk=United Kingdom): ") print province = raw_input("Province or state (free text no constraints): ") print lang = raw_input("What should be the default language (ex. da=danish, en=english): ") print package_group = None while not package_group: package_group = raw_input("Choose which package group to use for this server (testing,stable) [stable]: ") if package_group == '': package_group = 'stable' if not ['testing','stable'].count(package_group): package_group = None # Create certificate and master ssh keypair f = open('%s/seeder/cert.cnf_template' % location ) cert_cnf_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = open('cert.cnf','w') for l in cert_cnf_lines: l = l.replace('<domain_name>',domain_name) l = l.replace('<lang>',lang) l = l.replace('<country_code>',country_code) l = l.replace('<province>',province) l = l.replace('<organization_name>','skolesys') l = l.replace('<organization_unit_name>',organization_name) l = l.replace('<common_name>',organization_name) l = l.replace('<country_code>',country_code) f.write(l) f.close() res = os.system('openssl req -new -passin pass:%s -passout pass:%s -config cert.cnf > new.cert.csr' % (in_schooladminpw,in_schooladminpw)) if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while creating the SOAP certificate files" sys.exit(1) res = os.system('openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -passin pass:%s -out %s.key' % (in_schooladminpw,domain_name)) if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while creating the SOAP certificate files" sys.exit(1) res = os.system('openssl x509 -in new.cert.csr -out %s.cert -req -signkey %s.key -days 20000' % (domain_name,domain_name)) if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while creating the SOAP certificate files" sys.exit(1) # Copy certificate into place if not os.path.exists('/etc/skolesys/cert/'): os.makedirs('/etc/skolesys/cert/') res = os.system('cp %s.key %s.cert /etc/skolesys/cert/' % (domain_name,domain_name)) if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while copying certificate into place" sys.exit(1) # Create the master ssh keypair if not os.path.exists('/etc/skolesys/ssh/'): os.makedirs('/etc/skolesys/ssh/') res = os.system('ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t dsa -N "" -f /etc/skolesys/ssh/id_dsa') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while creating the master ssh keypair" sys.exit(1) # Read template files before they are removed f = open('%s/seeder/slapd.conf_template' % location) slapd_conf_lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = open('%s/seeder/skolesys.ldif_template' % location) skolesys_ldif_lines = f.readlines() f.close() # INSTALL # Wipe sources.list on mainserver install os.system('echo "" > /etc/apt/sources.list') # fetch the release codename codename = sysinfo.get_dist_codename() # ensure some entries in sources.list apt_source_entries = [ {'type':'deb','uri':'' % package_group,'distribution':codename,'components':['main']}, {'type':'deb','uri':'','distribution':codename,'components':['main','restricted','universe']}, {'type':'deb-src','uri':'','distribution':codename,'components':['main','restricted','universe']}, {'type':'deb','uri':'','distribution':'%s-backports' % codename ,'components':['main','restricted','universe','multiverse']}, {'type':'deb-src','uri':'','distribution':'%s-backports' % codename,'components':['main','restricted','universe','multiverse']}, {'type':'deb','uri':'','distribution':'%s-updates' % codename ,'components':['main','restricted','universe','multiverse']}, {'type':'deb-src','uri':'','distribution':'%s-updates' % codename,'components':['main','restricted','universe','multiverse']}, {'type':'deb','uri':'','distribution':'%s-security' % codename,'components':['main','restricted','universe']}, {'type':'deb-src','uri':'','distribution':'%s-security' % codename,'components':['main','restricted','universe']}] slist = apthelper.SourcesList() for src in apt_source_entries: slist.add_source(src['type'],src['uri'],src['distribution'],src['components']) slist.print_sources_list() if slist.dirty: slist.write_sources_list() res = os.system('apt-get update') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while updating packages" sys.exit(1) # Better read the skolesys.conf template file since the mainserver package will remove it next f = open('%s/seeder/skolesys.conf_template' % location) lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = open('/etc/skolesys/skolesys.conf','w') for l in lines: l = l.replace('<domain_name>',domain_name) l = l.replace('<domain_name_prefix>',domain_name_prefix) l = l.replace('<uc_domain_name_prefix>', domain_name_prefix.upper()) l = l.replace('<package_group>',package_group) l = l.replace('<lang>',lang) f.write(l) f.close() os.system('chmod 644 /etc/skolesys/skolesys.conf') # Replace python-skolesys-seeder with python-skolesys-mainserver os.environ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' os.environ['DEBCONF_ADMIN_EMAIL'] = '' res = os.system('apt-get install -y slapd') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while installing LDAP server" sys.exit(1) res = os.system('apt-get install -y ldap-utils') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while installing LDAP utils" sys.exit(1) shutil.copy('%s/seeder/skolesys.schema' % location,'/etc/ldap/schema/') shutil.copy('%s/seeder/samba.schema' % location,'/etc/ldap/schema/') if not os.path.exists('/skolesys/misc_backup'): os.makedirs('/skolesys/misc_backup') if not os.path.exists('/skolesys/%s/groups' % domain_name): os.makedirs('/skolesys/%s/groups' % domain_name) if not os.path.exists('/skolesys/%s/users' % domain_name): os.makedirs('/skolesys/%s/users' % domain_name) if not os.path.exists('/skolesys/%s/profiles' % domain_name): os.makedirs('/skolesys/%s/profiles' % domain_name) if not os.path.exists('/skolesys/%s/services' % domain_name): os.makedirs('/skolesys/%s/services' % domain_name) if not os.path.exists('/skolesys/%s/smbshares' % domain_name): os.makedirs('/skolesys/%s/smbshares' % domain_name) f = open('/etc/pam_ldap.secret','w') f.write('%s\n' % in_adminpw) f.close() from skolesys.lib.conf import conf res = os.system('/etc/init.d/slapd stop') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while stopping the LDAP Server" sys.exit(1) os.system('rm /var/lib/ldap/* -R -f') f = open('/etc/ldap/slapd.conf','w') for l in slapd_conf_lines: l = l.replace('<basedn>',conf.get('LDAPSERVER','basedn')) l = l.replace('<passwd>',pw.mkpasswd(in_adminpw,3,'ssha').strip()) l = l.replace('<admin>',conf.get('LDAPSERVER','admin')) f.write(l) f.close() os.system('chmod 600 /etc/ldap/slapd.conf') # ldif fore initializing ldap f = open('skolesys.ldif','w') c = re.compile('(ou=(\S+))') def fetch_conf_ou(ou,conf): try: return c.match(conf.get('LDAPSERVER','%s_ou' % ou)).groups() except: print "skolesys.conf needs the required variable '%s_ou' to be set." % ou sys.exit(1) groups_ou,groups = fetch_conf_ou('groups',conf) logins_ou,logins = fetch_conf_ou('logins',conf) teachers_ou,teachers = fetch_conf_ou('teachers',conf) students_ou,students = fetch_conf_ou('students',conf) parents_ou,parents = fetch_conf_ou('parents',conf) others_ou,others = fetch_conf_ou('others',conf) primary_ou,primary = fetch_conf_ou('primary',conf) system_ou,system = fetch_conf_ou('system',conf) service_ou,service = fetch_conf_ou('service',conf) samba_ou,samba = fetch_conf_ou('samba',conf) smb_users_ou,smb_users = fetch_conf_ou('smb_users',conf) smb_machines_ou,smb_machines = fetch_conf_ou('smb_machines',conf) smb_groups_ou,smb_groups = fetch_conf_ou('smb_groups',conf) hosts_ou,hosts = fetch_conf_ou('hosts',conf) domain_name_prefix = conf.get('DOMAIN','domain_name').split('.')[0] for l in skolesys_ldif_lines: l = l.replace('<basedn>',conf.get('LDAPSERVER','basedn')) l = l.replace('<groups_ou>',groups_ou) l = l.replace('<logins_ou>',logins_ou) l = l.replace('<teachers_ou>',teachers_ou) l = l.replace('<students_ou>',students_ou) l = l.replace('<parents_ou>',parents_ou) l = l.replace('<others_ou>',others_ou) l = l.replace('<primary_ou>',primary_ou) l = l.replace('<system_ou>',system_ou) l = l.replace('<service_ou>',service_ou) l = l.replace('<samba_ou>',samba_ou) l = l.replace('<smb_users_ou>',smb_users_ou) l = l.replace('<smb_machines_ou>',smb_machines_ou) l = l.replace('<smb_groups_ou>',smb_groups_ou) l = l.replace('<hosts_ou>',hosts_ou) l = l.replace('<groups>',groups) l = l.replace('<logins>',logins) l = l.replace('<teachers>',teachers) l = l.replace('<students>',students) l = l.replace('<parents>',parents) l = l.replace('<others>',others) l = l.replace('<primary>',primary) l = l.replace('<system>',system) l = l.replace('<service>',service) l = l.replace('<samba>',samba) l = l.replace('<smb_users>',smb_users) l = l.replace('<smb_machines>',smb_machines) l = l.replace('<smb_groups>',smb_groups) l = l.replace('<hosts>',hosts) l = l.replace('<domain_name>',conf.get('DOMAIN','domain_name')) l = l.replace('<domain_name_prefix>',domain_name_prefix) l = l.replace('<passwd>',pw.mkpasswd(in_adminpw,3,'crypt').strip()) l = l.replace('<schooladmin_passwd>',pw.mkpasswd(in_schooladminpw,3,'crypt').strip()) f.write(l) f.close() res = os.system('/etc/init.d/slapd restart') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while restarting the LDAP Server" sys.exit(1) print "Sleeping 5 seconds to ensure slapd restart..." time.sleep(5) res = os.system('ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=skolesys,dc=org" -w %s -f skolesys.ldif' % in_adminpw) if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while adding creating LDAP server structure" sys.exit(1) res = os.system('rm skolesys.ldif -f') f = open('/etc/hosts','a') f.write('\tmainserver.localnet\n') f.close() res = os.system('apt-get install -y python-skolesys-mainserver') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while installing SkoleSYS mainserver package" sys.exit(1) import skolesys.lib.hostmanager as h import skolesys.definitions.hostdef as hostdef import skolesys.soap.netinfo as netinfo hm = h.HostManager() print hm.register_host(netinfo.if2hwaddr('eth0'),'mainserver',hostdef.hosttype_as_id('mainserver'),update_hosts=False) import skolesys.cfmachine.configbuilder as confbuilder cb = confbuilder.ConfigBuilder(hostdef.hosttype_as_id('mainserver'),codename,netinfo.if2hwaddr('eth0'),'seed-mainserver') curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(cb.tempdir) res = os.system('./') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while fetching the configuration" sys.exit(1) os.chdir(curdir) del cb res = os.system('smbpasswd -w %s' % in_schooladminpw) if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while storing LDAP password for samba" sys.exit(1) res = os.system('/etc/init.d/samba restart') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - faield to restart samba" sys.exit(1) res = os.system('useradd smbadmin') if not res==0: print print "SkoleSYS Seeder - failed while adding user smbadmin" sys.exit(1) w,r = os.popen2('smbpasswd -a smbadmin -s') w.write('%s\n' % in_schooladminpw) w.write('%s\n' % in_schooladminpw) w.close() r.close() print "Done configuring the mainserver." print "Add system groups..." os.system('ss_groupmanager creategroup ssadmin -n "SkoleSYS Administrator" -t primary') os.system('ss_usermanager createuser ssadmin -g SkoleSYS -f Admin -t other -G ssadmin -p %s' % in_adminpw) os.system('ss_accessmanager grant_access ssadmin access.soap.bind')