def test_orthorombic(self):
     """Orthorombic (ORC)"""
     a = 9.0714  #1.0
     b = 8.7683  #2.0
     c = 12.8024  #3.0
     #lat = Lattice({'type': 'ORC', 'param': [a, b, c], 'path': 'Gamma-S-X-Gamma-Z'})
     lat = Lattice({
         'type': 'ORC',
         'param': [a, b, c],
         'path': 'Gamma-S-Y-Gamma-Z'
     # Default Path
     lat = Lattice({'type': 'ORC', 'param': [a, b, c]})
Example #2
 def test_get_klines(self):
     #lat = lattice.FCC(3.6955*2) 
     lat = Lattice({'type': 'FCC', 'param': 3.6955*2}) 
     refklines = [('X', 0), ('Gamma', 85), ('K', 175), ('L', 227), ('Gamma', 300)]
     refklinesdict = {'L': [227], 'K': [175], 'X': [0], 'Gamma': [85, 300]}
     klines, klinesdict = get_klines(lat, workdir='test_dftbutils/bs')
     self.assertListEqual(refklines, klines)
     self.assertDictEqual(refklinesdict, klinesdict)
 def test_tetragonal(self):
     """Tetragonal (TET)"""
     a = 8.9385  #1.0
     c = 12.9824  #2.0
     lat = Lattice({
         'type': 'TET',
         'param': [a, c],
         'path': 'Gamma-M-X-Gamma-Z'
Example #4
 def test_get_kvec_abscissa3(self):
     """Can we get the bandstructure and extract the kvector info, from vasp style kLines"""
     latticeinfo = {'type': 'FCC', 'param': 1.}
     lat = Lattice(latticeinfo)
     kLines = [('X', 0), ('Gamma', 9), ('Gamma', 10), ('K', 19), ('K', 20), ('L', 29), ('L', 30), ('Gamma', 39)]
     xx, xt, xl = get_kvec_abscissa(lat, kLines)
     refxl = ['X', 'Γ', 'K', 'L', 'Γ']
     refxt = [0, 6.28319, 12.94751, 16.79516, 22.23656]
     self.assertListEqual(xl, refxl)
     nptest.assert_almost_equal(xt, refxt, 5)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(xx[-1], xt[-1])
     self.assertEqual(len(xx), kLines[-1][-1]+1)
Example #5
 def test_get_kvec_abscissa(self):
     """Can we get the bandstructure and extract the kvector info"""
     latticeinfo = {'type': 'FCC', 'param': 1.}
     lat = Lattice(latticeinfo)
     kLines = [('L', 0), ('Gamma', 10), ('X', 20), ('U', 30), ('K', 31), ('Gamma', 41)]
     logger.debug('kLines     : {}'.format(kLines))
     xx, xt, xl = get_kvec_abscissa(lat, kLines)
     refxl = ['L', 'Γ', 'X', 'U|K', 'Γ']
     refxt = [0, 5.44140, 11.724583399882238, 13.946024868961421, 20.610349276198971]
     self.assertListEqual(xl, refxl)
     nptest.assert_almost_equal(xt, refxt, 5)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(xx[-1], xt[-1])
     self.assertEqual(len(xx), kLines[-1][-1]+1)
Example #6
 def test_get_kvec_abscissa2(self):
     """Can we get the bandstructure and extract the kvector info"""
     latticeinfo = {'type': 'FCC', 'param': 1.}
     lat = Lattice(latticeinfo)
     database = Database()
     src = 'test_dftbutils/bs'
     get_bandstructure({'workroot': '.'}, database, src, 'test', latticeinfo=latticeinfo)
     kLines = database.get_item('test', 'kLines')
     bands = database.get_item('test', 'bands')
     logger.debug('Bands.shape: {}'.format(bands.shape))
     logger.debug('kLines     : {}'.format(kLines))
     xx, xt, xl = get_kvec_abscissa(lat, kLines)
     refxl = ['X', 'Γ', 'K', 'L', 'Γ']
     refxt = [0, 6.28319, 12.94751, 16.79516, 22.23656]
     self.assertListEqual(xl, refxl)
     nptest.assert_almost_equal(xt, refxt, 5)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(xx[-1], xt[-1])
     self.assertEqual(len(xx), kLines[-1][-1]+1)
Example #7
def get_bandstructure(implargs, database, source, model,
                      detailfile='detailed.out', bandsfile='bands_tot.dat',
                      hsdfile='dftb_pin.hsd', latticeinfo=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """Get bandstructure and related data from dftb+.

    Assume that `source` is the execution directory where `detailed.out`, and
    `bands_tot.dat` can be found. Additionally, the parsed input of dftb+ --
    `dftb_pin.hsd` is also checked if lattice info is given, in order to
    analyse k-paths and provide data for subsequent plotting.
    logger = implargs.get('logger', LOGGER)
    workroot = implargs.get('workroot', '.')
    assert isdir(expanduser(joinpath(workroot, source)))
    fin1 = joinpath(abspath(expanduser(workroot)), source, detailfile)
    fin2 = joinpath(abspath(expanduser(workroot)), source, bandsfile)
    fin3 = joinpath(abspath(expanduser(workroot)), source, hsdfile)
    data = Bandstructure.fromfiles(fin1, fin2)
    if latticeinfo is not None:
        lattice = Lattice(latticeinfo)
        kLines, kLinesDict = get_klines(lattice, hsdfile=fin3)
        kvec, kticks, klabels = get_kvec_abscissa(lattice, kLines)
        data.update({'lattice': lattice,
                     'kLines': kLines,
                     'kLinesDict': kLinesDict,
                     'kvector': kvec,
                     'kticklabels': list(zip(kticks, klabels)),
        # assume model in database
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        # model not in database
        database.update({model: data})
 def test_monoclinic_facecentered(self):
     """Face-centered Monoclinic (MCLC)"""
     a, b, c, beta = 12.23, 3.04, 5.8, 103.70
     lat = Lattice({'type': 'MCLC', 'param': [a, b, c, beta]})
 def test_monoclinic(self):
     """Monoclinic (MCL)"""
     a, b, c, angle = 5.17500, 5.17500, 5.29100, 80.78
     lat = Lattice({'type': 'MCL', 'param': [a, b, c, angle]})
 def test_rhombohedral(self):
     """Rhombohedral (RHL)"""
     a, angle = 5.32208613808, 55.8216166097
     lat = Lattice({'type': 'RHL', 'param': [a, angle]})
 def test_hexagonal(self):
     """Hexagonal (HEX)"""
     a = 1.0
     c = 2.0
     lat = Lattice({'type': 'HEX', 'param': [a, c]})
 def test_facecenteredcubic(self):
     """Face centered cubic (FCC)"""
     latinfo = {'type': 'FCC', 'param': 1.0}
     lat = Lattice(latinfo)
 def test_bodycenteredcubic(self):
     """Body centered cubic (BCC)"""
     latinfo = {'type': 'BCC', 'param': 1.0}
     lat = Lattice(latinfo)
 def test_simplecubic(self):
     """Simple cubic (CUB)"""
     latinfo = {'type': 'CUB', 'param': 1.0}
     lat = Lattice(latinfo)