def create_sky(root, canvas): #傳入依序為(窗口,桌布,SE東南,窗口寬,窗口長,標籤) # sky_1.nw[0], sky_1.nw[1]為sky_1第一張圖左上的座標,分別為(0,-252)此為圖像座標 sky_1 = sky.Sky(root, canvas, config.initial_anchor_sky_1, config.initial_anchor_sky_x_1, config.initial_anchor_sky_y_1, "Sky01") #傳入依序為(窗口,桌布,SW西南,窗口寬,窗口長,標籤) #獲取 sky_1.nw[0], sky_1.nw[1],轉為窗寬高,以SW判斷獲取座標,並與窗寬高進行運算得sky_2.nw #判斷sky_2圖片會高於sky_1 sky_2 = sky.Sky(root, canvas, tkinter.SW, sky_1.nw[0], sky_1.nw[1], "Sky02") print(",22", sky_1.nw[0], sky_1.nw[1]) print(",23", sky_2.nw[0], sky_2.nw[1]) #繪製圖(放置圖片座標 窗寬,窗長,錨定SE東南,圖片地址,圖標籤(Sky01) tmp_canvas_img = canvas.create_image(sky_1.anchor_x, sky_1.anchor_y, anchor=sky_1.anchor, image=sky_1.bg_image, tags=sky_1.bg_image_tags) print(" 29", sky_1.anchor_x, sky_1.anchor_y) #傳入已設置圖片至Move.py的set_canvas_image方法 sky_1.set_canvas_image(tmp_canvas_img) #繪製圖(窗口寬高 sky_1.nw[0], sky_1.nw[1] ,SW西南,同樣圖址,Sky02) tmp_canvas_img = canvas.create_image(sky_2.anchor_x, sky_2.anchor_y, anchor=sky_2.anchor, image=sky_2.bg_image, tags=sky_2.bg_image_tags) print(" 38", sky_2.anchor_x, sky_2.anchor_y) print(",40", sky_2.nw[0], sky_2.nw[1]) sky_2.set_canvas_image(tmp_canvas_img) print(" 41", sky_1, sky_2) return [sky_1, sky_2]
def main(): pygame.init() screen_dim = (1360, 768) display = pygame.display.set_mode( screen_dim, FULLSCREEN | HWSURFACE if not sys.gettrace() else HWSURFACE) pygame.mouse.set_cursor((8, 8), (0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) uc = snake.Snake(screen_dim[0] / 3, screen_dim[1] / 2, screen_dim[0], screen_dim[1]) clock = pygame.time.Clock() scene = sky.Sky(screen_dim) p1 = player.Player() paused = False while True: paused = listen_keys(p1, paused) if paused: continue if len(scene.enemies) < 50 and random.randint(0, 160) == 0: scene.inc_enemies() if len(scene.bubbles) == 0 and random.randint(0, 160) == 0: scene.inc_bubbles() surface = pygame.Surface(screen_dim) if p1.turning_left(): uc.go_left() if p1.turning_right(): uc.go_right() if p1.firing(): else: uc.stop_firing() scene.update(uc.x, uc.y) if scene.check_hit(uc): uc.hit() if scene.check_fed(uc): uc.fed() scene.draw_background(surface) if p1.firing(): line_start, line_end = uc.draw(surface) scene.check_targets(line_start, line_end) else: uc.draw(surface) scene.draw_foreground(surface) display.blit(surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(100)
def __init__(self, width, height): self.mWidth = width self.mHeight = height self.mBlueSky = sky.Sky(self.mWidth, self.mHeight) self.mGround = ground.Ground(self.mWidth, self.mHeight) self.mMountain = mountain.Mountain(self.mWidth, self.mHeight) self.mMoon = moon.Moon(self.mWidth, self.mHeight) self.mWater = water.Water(self.mWidth, self.mHeight) self.mHouse = house.House(self.mWidth, self.mHeight) self.mCloud = cloud.Cloud(self.mWidth, self.mHeight) self.mBird = bird.Bird(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
def create_sky(root, canvas): sky_1 = sky.Sky(root, canvas, config.initial_anchor_sky_1, config.initial_anchor_sky_x_1, config.initial_anchor_sky_y_1, "Sky01") sky_2 = sky.Sky(root, canvas, tkinter.SW, sky_1.nw[0], sky_1.nw[1], "Sky02") tmp_canvas_img = canvas.create_image(sky_1.anchor_x, sky_1.anchor_y, anchor=sky_1.anchor, image=sky_1.bg_image, tags=sky_1.bg_image_tags) sky_1.set_canvas_image(tmp_canvas_img) tmp_canvas_img = canvas.create_image(sky_2.anchor_x, sky_2.anchor_y, anchor=sky_2.anchor, image=sky_2.bg_image, tags=sky_2.bg_image_tags) sky_2.set_canvas_image(tmp_canvas_img) return [sky_1, sky_2]
def StartTitleScreen(self): = sky.Sky(self, self.width) self.hill1 = hill.Hill( self, list(self.transition['hill1']), 0.8, 0.0, 8.0) self.hill2 = hill.Hill( self, list(self.transition['hill2']), 0.8, 0.0, 5.0) self.hill3 = hill.Hill( self, list(self.transition['hill3']), 0.6, 0.0, 2.0) self.grass = grass.Grass(self) self.AddDrawable(, 0) self.AddDrawable(self.hill1, 1.1) self.AddDrawable(self.hill2, 1.2) self.AddDrawable(self.hill3, 1.3) self.AddDrawable(self.grass, 3) self.flower = sapling.OldFlower(self, -0.6) self.AddDrawable(self.flower, 2) self.fader = fader.Fader(self, (0, 0, 0), 200, 500) self.AddDrawable(self.fader, 10) self.ground = None # Created when the time comes.
def __init__(self, width, height): self.mWidth = width self.mHeight = height self.mSky = sky.Sky(self.mWidth, self.mHeight) self.mSun = sun.Sun(0.67 * self.mWidth, 0.47 * self.mHeight, (1. / 8.) * self.mHeight) outline = [(int(0 * self.mWidth), int(1 * self.mHeight)), (int(0 * self.mWidth), int((2 / 3) * self.mHeight)), (int(0.25 * self.mWidth), int((5 / 9) * self.mHeight)), (int(0.5 * self.mWidth), int((2 / 3) * self.mHeight)), (int((5 / 6) * self.mWidth), int((4 / 9) * self.mHeight)), (int(1 * self.mWidth), int((7 / 9) * self.mHeight)), (int(1 * self.mWidth), int(1 * self.mHeight))] self.mMountain = mountain.Mountain(outline) self.mCloud1 = cloud.Cloud(0.1 * self.mWidth, .43 * self.mHeight, 0.31 * self.mWidth, 0.20 * self.mHeight) self.mCloud1.darken() self.mCloud2 = cloud.Cloud(0.70 * self.mWidth, .10 * self.mHeight, 0.16 * self.mWidth, 0.10 * self.mHeight) self.mCloud3 = cloud.Cloud(0.55 * self.mWidth, .40 * self.mHeight, 0.40 * self.mWidth, 0.10 * self.mHeight) self.mCloud3.lighten() self.mSmallBird1 = small_bird.SmallBird(0.25 * self.mWidth, 0.25 * self.mHeight, 0.07 * self.mWidth, 0.04 * self.mHeight) self.mSmallBird2 = small_bird.SmallBird(0.22 * self.mWidth, 0.28 * self.mHeight, 0.07 * self.mWidth, 0.04 * self.mHeight) self.mSmallBird2.thicken() self.mSmallBird3 = small_bird.SmallBird(0.15 * self.mWidth, 0.30 * self.mHeight, 0.07 * self.mWidth, 0.04 * self.mHeight) return
def __init__(self, log, dir, fgndDict=None, nrealize=1, nobs=1, clcDet=1, elv=None, pwv=None, specRes=1.e9, foregrounds=False): self.log = log self.dir = dir self.configDir = dir + 'config/' = dir.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1] #Store the program parameters params, vals = np.loadtxt(self.configDir + 'program.txt', unpack=True, usecols=[0, 2], dtype=np.str, delimiter='|') dict = {params[i].strip(): vals[i].strip() for i in range(len(params))} self.log.log( 'Using program parameter file %s' % (self.configDir + 'program.txt'), 1) #Sample the program parameters def samp(param, pos=False, norm=False): if nrealize == 1: return param.getAvg() else: return param.sample(nsample=1, pos=pos, norm=norm) self.tobs = samp(pr.Parameter(dict['Observation Time'], un.yrToSec), pos=True) self.fsky = samp(pr.Parameter(dict['Sky Fraction']), pos=True, norm=True) self.obsEff = samp(pr.Parameter(dict['Observation Efficiency']), pos=True, norm=True) self.netMgn = samp(pr.Parameter(dict['NET Margin']), pos=True) #Store sky object atmFile = sorted(gb.glob(self.configDir + '/atm*.txt')) if len(atmFile) == 0: atmFile = None self.log.log( "No custom atmosphere provided; using Atacama MERRA AM-simulated sky", 1) elif len(atmFile) > 1: atmFile = None self.log.log( 'More than one atm file found in %s; ignoring them all' % (self.configDir), 2) else: atmFile = atmFile[0] self.log.log("Using custom atmosphere defined in %s" % (atmFile), 2) = sk.Sky(self.log, nrealize=1, fgndDict=fgndDict, atmFile=atmFile, pwv=pwv, generate=False, foregrounds=foregrounds) #Store scan strategy object scanFile = sorted(gb.glob(self.configDir + '/elevation.txt')) if len(scanFile) == 0: scanDict = None self.log.log( "No scan strategy provided; using default elevation distribution", 1) elif len(scanFile) > 1: scanDict = None self.log.log( 'More than one scan strategy file found in %s; ignoring them all' % (self.configDir), 2) else: scanFile = scanFile[0] params, vals = np.loadtxt(scanFile, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1], dtype=np.str, delimiter='|') scanDict = { params[i].strip(): vals[i].strip() for i in range(2, len(params)) } self.log.log("Using scan strategy defined in %s" % (scanFile), 2) self.scn = sc.ScanStrategy(self.log, scanDict=scanDict, elv=elv) #Store camera objects cameraDirs = sorted(gb.glob(dir + '/*/')) cameraDirs = [x for x in cameraDirs if 'config' not in x] self.cameras = [ cm.Camera(self.log, dir,, self.scn, nrealize=nrealize, nobs=nobs, clcDet=clcDet, specRes=specRes) for dir in cameraDirs ]
def generate(self): #Store sky and elevation objects self.log.log("Generating sky for telescope %s" % (, 1) atmFile = sorted(gb.glob(os.path.join(self.configDir, 'atm*.txt'))) if len(atmFile) == 0: self.atmFile = None self.log.log("No custom atmosphere provided.", 2) #Obtain site if self.params['Site'] == 'NA': self.log.log("No site provided", 0) sy.exit(1) #Obtain PWV if self.params['PWV'] == 'NA': self.params['PWV'] = None pwvFile = sorted( gb.glob(os.path.join(self.configDir, 'pwv.txt'))) if len(pwvFile) == 0: self.log.log( "No pwv distribution or value provided for telescope %s" % (, 0) sy.exit(1) elif len(pwvFile) > 1: self.log.log( 'More than one pwv distribution found for telescope %s' % (, 0) sy.exit(1) else: pwvFile = pwvFile[0] params, vals = np.loadtxt(pwvFile, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1], dtype=np.str, delimiter='|') self.pwvDict = { params[i].strip(): vals[i].strip() for i in range(2, len(params)) } self.log.log( "Using pwv distribution defined in %s" % (pwvFile), 2) else: self.pwvDict = None #Obtain elevation if self.params['Elevation'] == 'NA': self.params['Elevation'] = None elvFile = sorted( gb.glob(os.path.join(self.configDir, 'elevation.txt'))) if len(elvFile) == 0: self.log.log( "No elevation distribution or value provided for telescope %s" % (, 0) sy.exit(1) elif len(elvFile) > 1: self.log.log( 'More than one elevation distribution found for telescope %s' % (, 0) sy.exit(1) else: elvFile = elvFile[0] params, vals = np.loadtxt(elvFile, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1], dtype=np.str, delimiter='|') self.elvDict = { params[i].strip(): vals[i].strip() for i in range(2, len(params)) } self.log.log( "Using elevation distribution defined in %s" % (elvFile), 2) else: self.elvDict = None elif len(atmFile) > 1: self.log.log( 'More than one atmosphere file found for telescope %s' % (, 0) sy.exit(1) else: self.atmFile = atmFile[0] self.params['Site'] = None self.params['Elevation'] = None self.params['PWV'] = None self.elvDict = None self.pwvDict = None self.log.log("Using custom atmosphere defined in %s" % (atmFile), 0) #Store sky object = sk.Sky(self.log, nrealize=1, fgndDict=self.fgndDict, atmFile=self.atmFile, site=self.params['Site'], pwv=self.params['PWV'], pwvDict=self.pwvDict, foregrounds=self.fgnds) #Store scan strategy object self.log.log("Generating scan strategy for telescope %s" % (, 1) self.scn = sc.ScanStrategy(self.log, elv=self.params['Elevation'], elvDict=self.elvDict) #Store camera objects self.log.log("Generating cameras for telescope %s" % (, 1) cameraDirs = sorted(gb.glob(os.path.join(self.dir, '*' + os.sep))) cameraDirs = [x for x in cameraDirs if 'config' not in x] cameraNames = [ cameraDir.split(os.sep)[-2] for cameraDir in cameraDirs ] self.cameras = { cameraNames[i]: cm.Camera(self.log, cameraDirs[i],, self.scn, nrealize=self.nrealize, nobs=self.nobs, clcDet=self.clcDet, specRes=self.specRes) for i in range(len(cameraNames)) }
# Be able to place different blocks depending on the number pressed if block_pick == 1: voxel = Voxel(position=self.position + mouse.normal, texture=grass_texture) # Place grass block if block_pick == 2: voxel = Voxel(position=self.position + mouse.normal, texture=stone_texture) # Place stone block if block_pick == 3: voxel = Voxel(position=self.position + mouse.normal, texture=brick_texture) # Place brick block if block_pick == 4: voxel = Voxel(position=self.position + mouse.normal, texture=dirt_texture) # Place dirt block if key == 'left mouse down': # If left mouse button is pressed, destroy block while destroy(self) is True: destroy(voxel) if key == 'space down': # If space is pressed, jump one block player.y += 1 invoke(setattr, player, 'y', player.y - 1) # 4. Create default platform for z in range(32): # Creates 32 blocks on the z axis for x in range(32): # Multiplies by 32 blocks on the x axis voxel = Voxel(position=(x, 0, z)) # Changes position of each block and creates 1024 blocks in total (32*32) sky = sky.Sky() # Maps the sky hand = Hand() # Maps the hand player = Player() # Maps the player to the 1st person view # 3. Run program
def __init__(self, channelDict, camera, opticalChainFile, atmFile=None): #***** Private variables ***** self.__mm = 1.e-03 #m from mm self.__GHz = 1.e+09 #GHz from Hz self.__aWrtHz = 1.e-18 #aW/rtHz from W/rtHz self.__pArtHz = 1.e-12 #pA/rtHz from A/rtHz self.__Hz = 1.e-09 #Hz from GHz self.__pW = 1.e-12 #pW from W self.__camera = camera self.__opticalChainFile = opticalChainFile self.__ph = ph.Physics() self.__sky = sky.Sky(atmFile) #***** Camera Parameters ***** #Optical coupling to Focal Plane self.optCouple = self.__camera.opticalCouplingToFP #Detector F-number self.Fnumber = self.__camera.fnumber #Bath temperature self.Tb = self.__camera.Tb #***** Channel Parameters ***** #Band ID self.bandID = self.__float(channelDict['BandID']) #Pixel ID self.pixelID = self.__float(channelDict['PixelID']) #Band Center self.bandCenter = self.__float(channelDict['BandCenter'], self.__GHz) #Fractional Bandwidth self.fbw = self.__float(channelDict['FBW']) #Pixel Size self.pixSize = self.__float(channelDict['PixSize'], self.__mm) #Number of detectors self.numDet = self.__float(channelDict['NumDet']) #Number of pixels self.numPix = self.numDet / 2. #Waist factor = self.__float(channelDict['WaistFact']) #Detector efficiency self.detEff = self.__float(channelDict['DetEff']) #Psat self.psat = self.__float(channelDict['Psat'], self.__pW) #Psat Factor self.psatFact = self.__float(channelDict['PsatFact']) #Thermal Carrier Index self.n = self.__float(channelDict['CarrierIndex']) #Transition temperature self.Tc = self.__float(channelDict['TransTemp']) if self.Tc == 'NA': self.TcFrac = self.__float(channelDict['TcFrac']) self.Tc = self.Tb * self.TcFrac #Photon bunching factor self.bunchFact = self.__float(channelDict['BunchFactor']) #Detector yield self.detYield = self.__float(channelDict['Yield']) #Noise equivalent current self.nei = self.__float(channelDict['NEI'], self.__pArtHz) #Number of modes self.nModes = self.__float(channelDict['nModes']) #Bolometer resistance self.boloR = self.__float(channelDict['boloR']) #***** Optical Chain ***** self.opticalChain = oc.OpticalChain(self.__opticalChainFile, self.bandID) #Generate optical arrays self.genOptics()
def draw(self, surface): # rectangle to fill the background # sky = pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.mWidth, self.mHeight) # pygame.draw.rect( surface, (66, 215, 245), sky, 0 ) # grass = pygame.Rect( 0, self.mWidth//2, self.mWidth, self.mHeight//2) # pygame.draw.rect( surface, (164, 254, 66), grass, 0 ) # must have 5/6 0f these # i have ract, circle, ellipse # rect(), polygon(), circle(), ellipse(), arc(), line() # Drawing the Sky 1/6 Classes complete theSky = sky.Sky(700, 600) theSky.draw(surface) # Drawing the Grass 2/6 Classed complete theGrass = grass.Grass(700, 600) theGrass.draw(surface) # Drawing the Cloud 3/6 Classed complete theCloud = cloud.Cloud(50, 50, 125, 75) theCloud.draw(surface) # right cloud theCloud2 = cloud.Cloud(500, 100, 125, 75) theCloud2.draw(surface) theSun = sun.Sun(350, 100, 70) theSun.draw(surface) house = square.Square(200, 300, 300, 190, (50, 100, 200)) house.draw(surface) # surface, self.mColor, self.mPoint, 0) HouseRoof = roof.Roof(((170, 300), (350, 200), (530, 300)), (115, 47, 0)) HouseRoof.draw(surface) # door door = square.Square(325, 410, 50, 80, (255, 255, 255)) door.draw(surface) # left window # self.mX, self.mY, self.mWidth, self.mHeight leftWindow = square.Square(242, 330, 40, 40, (255, 191, 0)) leftWindow.draw(surface) # right window rightWindow = square.Square(420, 330, 40, 40, (255, 191, 0)) rightWindow.draw(surface) # walk way stone1 = square.Square(333, 500, 35, 35, (90, 90, 90)) stone1.draw(surface) stone2 = square.Square(333, 545, 35, 35, (90, 90, 90)) stone2.draw(surface) stone2 = square.Square(333, 590, 35, 35, (90, 90, 90)) stone2.draw(surface) bird1 = bird.Bird(75, 200, 50, 50) bird1.draw(surface) return
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(World, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.scale = 1.0 self.pos = (0, 0, 0) self.fov = 75 self.render_distance = 100.0 self.window_x = 1080 self.window_y = 720 self.on_resize(self.window_x, self.window_y) glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) self.file_path = resource_path('textureImages') self.textures = self.load_textures() import random seed = random.randrange(1000, 9999) print 'seed ', seed shape = TerrainShape(seed=seed, island_location=(0, 0), size=4, height=.5) sand = Terrain(self.textures[0], shape, size=(20, 20), resolution=1) self.sand = sand self.draw_ables = [] self.update_ables = [] self.control_ables = [] self.point_ables = [] self.draw_ables_2d = [] self.loading = loading.Fact(self) self.update_ables.append(self.loading) self.loading_time_total = 10.0 self.loading_time = 0.0 fort = building.Building(sand, 1, 1, .1) fort_2 = building.Building(sand, 2, 1, .1) fort_3 = building.Building(sand, 1, 2, .2) fort_4 = building.Building(sand, 2, 2, .1) fort_outpost = building.Building(sand, -2, -2, .07) fort_king = building.Building(sand, 0, 0, .25) = map.Map(self.textures[1], sand) self.update_ables.append( = sky.Sky(self.sand, self.textures[4]) self.draw_ables.append( self.control_able_index = 0 self.default_controllable_index = 0 = FpsCamera(self, self.sand) self.control_ables.append( noob = noobie.Noob(self, self.sand, self.draw_ables.append(noob) self.update_ables.append(noob) # self.sprite = sprite.Sprite(self, # self.control_ables.append(self.sprite) # self.draw_ables.append(self.sprite) # self.update_ables.append(self.sprite) # self.point_ables.append(self.sprite) self.selector = selector.Selector(shape=sand, window=self) self.draw_ables.append(self.selector) self.update_ables.append(self.selector) self.input_handler = inputHandler.InputHandler() self.push_handlers(self.input_handler) self.c_bumped = self.input_handler.add_bumped(pyglet.window.key.C) self.v_bumped = self.input_handler.add_bumped(pyglet.window.key.V) self.b_bumped = self.input_handler.add_bumped(pyglet.window.key.B) self.n_bumped = self.input_handler.add_bumped(pyglet.window.key.N) self.b_switch = False self.period_bumped = self.input_handler.add_bumped( pyglet.window.key.PERIOD) self.comma_bumped = self.input_handler.add_bumped( pyglet.window.key.COMMA) self.reset_control() self.draw_number = 0 # the first rendered frame is 1 pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1 / 60.0)