Example #1
def test_TestSumSHA256():
    _, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(256)
    h1 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h1)
    assert h1 != skycoin.cipher_SHA256()

    _, c = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(256)
    h2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(c, h2)
    assert h2 != skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert h2 == freshSumSHA256(c)
Example #2
def test_TestAddSHA256():
    _, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h)
    _, c = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(64)
    i = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(c, i)
    add = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_AddSHA256(h, i, add)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert add != skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert add != h
    assert add != i
Example #3
def RandSHA256():
    err, sha = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    sh = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(sha, sh)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    return sh
Example #4
def test_TestSHA256Null():
    x = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    _, isNull = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256_Null(x)
    assert isNull
    _, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, x)
    _, isNull = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256_Null(x)
    assert not isNull
Example #5
def test_TestXorSHA256():
    _, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    _, c = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    i = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(c, i)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    temp = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    temp2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256_Xor(h, i, temp) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256_Xor(i, h, temp2) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert temp != h
    assert temp != i
    assert temp != skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert temp == temp2
Example #6
def test_TestMerkle():
    hashlist = []
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    for _ in range(5):

    for i in range(5):
        err, data = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
        assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
        err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(data, hashlist[i])
        assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
def test_TestSecKeyHashTest():
    public_key = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
    secret_key = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
    secret_key_2 = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(public_key, secret_key)
    sha_sum_1 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    _, data = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(256)
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(data, sha_sum_1)
    value = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_CheckSecKeyHash(secret_key, sha_sum_1)
    assert value == skycoin.SKY_OK
    value = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_CheckSecKeyHash(secret_key_2, sha_sum_1)
    assert value == skycoin.SKY_ErrInvalidSecKyVerification
def test_TestSignHash():
    public_key = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
    secret_key = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
    addres = skycoin.cipher__Address()
    sha_sum = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    sig_1 = skycoin.cipher_Sig()
    sig_2 = skycoin.cipher_Sig()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(public_key, secret_key)
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(public_key, addres)
    _, data = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(256)
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(data, sha_sum)
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SignHash(sha_sum, secret_key, sig_1)
    assert sig_1 != sig_2
Example #9
def makeUxBodyWithSecret():
    p = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
    s = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    uxb = skycoin.coin__UxBody()
    err, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert h.assignTo(uxb.SrcTransaction) == None
    a = skycoin.cipher__Address()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    uxb.Address = a
    uxb.Coins = int(1e6)
    uxb.Hours = int(100)
    return uxb, s
Example #10
def test_TestPubKeyFromSig():
    public_key = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
    secret_key = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(public_key, secret_key)
    sha_sum = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    _, data = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(256)
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(data, sha_sum)
    sig_1 = skycoin.cipher_Sig()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SignHash(sha_sum, secret_key, sig_1)
    public_key_2 = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_PubKeyFromSig(sig_1, sha_sum,
                                            public_key_2) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert public_key == public_key_2
    sig_2 = skycoin.cipher_Sig()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_PubKeyFromSig(
        sig_2, sha_sum,
        public_key_2) == skycoin.SKY_ErrInvalidSigPubKeyRecovery
Example #11
def test_TestSHA256KnownValue():
    vals = []
    values = struct_test()
    values.inputs = b"skycoin"
    values.outputs = b"5a42c0643bdb465d90bf673b99c14f5fa02db71513249d904573d2b8b63d353d"
    values.inputs = b"hello world"
    values.outputs = b"b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9"
    values.inputs = b"hello world asd awd awd awdapodawpokawpod "
    values.outputs = b"99d71f95cafe05ea2dddebc35b6083bd5af0e44850c9dc5139b4476c99950be4"

    for v in vals:
        b = v.inputs
        h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
        err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h)
        assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
        _, h = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256_Hex(h)
        assert h == v.outputs
Example #12
def test_TestSHA256FromHex():
    # Invalid hex hash
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256FromHex(b"cawcad", h)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_ERROR

    # Truncated hex hash
    _, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h)
    h_bytes = h.toStr()
    h1 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256FromHex(h_bytes[:int(len(h_bytes) / 2)], h1)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_ERROR

    # Valid hex hash
    h2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    err, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256_Hex(h)
    err = skycoin.SKY_cipher_SHA256FromHex(b, h2)
    assert h == h2
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
Example #13
def freshSumSHA256(b):
    sha256 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, sha256)
    return sha256
Example #14
def test_TestUxOutSnapshotHash():
    p = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
    s = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s)
    uxb = skycoin.coin__UxBody()
    _, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    a = skycoin.cipher__Address()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a)
    uxb.Address = a
    uxb.Coins = int(1e6)
    uxb.Hours = int(100)
    uxo = skycoin.coin__UxOut()
    uxh = skycoin.coin__UxHead()
    uxh.Time = 100
    uxh.BkSeq = 2
    uxo.Head = uxh
    uxo.Body = uxb
    hn = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_SnapshotHash(uxo, hn) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # snapshot hash should be dependent on every field in body and head
    # Head Time
    uxo_2 = uxo
    uxh.Time = 20
    uxo_2.Head = uxh
    hn_2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_SnapshotHash(uxo_2, hn_2) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert hn != hn_2
    # Head BkSeq
    uxo_2 = uxo
    uxh.BkSeq = 4
    uxo_2.Head = uxh
    hn_2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_SnapshotHash(uxo_2, hn_2) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert hn != hn_2
    # Body SetSrcTransaction
    uxo_2 = uxo
    uxb = skycoin.coin__UxBody()
    _, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    uxo_2.Body = uxb
    hn_2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_SnapshotHash(uxo_2, hn_2) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert hn != hn_2
    # Body Address
    p_2 = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
    s_2 = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p_2, s_2)
    a_2 = skycoin.cipher__Address()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p_2, a_2)
    uxo_2 = uxo
    uxb = skycoin.coin__UxBody()
    uxb.Address = a_2
    uxo_2.Body = uxb
    hn_2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_SnapshotHash(uxo_2, hn_2) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert hn != hn_2
    # Body Coins
    uxo_2 = uxo
    uxb = skycoin.coin__UxBody()
    uxb.Coins = int(2)
    uxo_2.Body = uxb
    hn_2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_SnapshotHash(uxo_2, hn_2) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert hn != hn_2
    # Body Hours
    uxo_2 = uxo
    uxb = skycoin.coin__UxBody()
    uxb.Hours = int(2)
    uxo_2.Body = uxb
    hn_2 = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_SnapshotHash(uxo_2, hn_2) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    assert hn != hn_2
Example #15
def test_TestUxOutCoinHours():
    p = skycoin.cipher_PubKey()
    s = skycoin.cipher_SecKey()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s)
    uxb = skycoin.coin__UxBody()
    _, b = skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128)
    h = skycoin.cipher_SHA256()
    assert skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h) == skycoin.SKY_OK
    a = skycoin.cipher__Address()
    skycoin.SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a)
    uxb.Address = a
    uxb.Coins = int(1e6)
    uxb.Hours = int(100)
    uxo = skycoin.coin__UxOut()
    uxh = skycoin.coin__UxHead()
    uxh.Time = 100
    uxh.BkSeq = 2
    uxo.Head = uxh
    uxo.Body = uxb

    # Less than an hour passed
    now = uxh.Time + 100
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxh.Time
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # 1 hours passed
    now = uxh.Time + 3600
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxh.Time + uxb.Coins / 1000000
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # 6 hours passed
    now = uxh.Time + 3600 * 6
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxh.Time + (uxb.Coins / 1000000) * 6
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # Time is backwards (treated as no hours passed)
    now = uxh.Time // 2
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxh.Time
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # 1 hour has passed, output has 1.5 coins, should gain 1 coinhour
    uxb.Coins = 1500000
    now = uxh.Time + 3600
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxb.Hours + 1
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # 2 hours have passed, output has 1.5 coins, should gain 3 coin hours
    uxb.Coins = 1500000
    uxo.Body = uxb
    now = uxh.Time + 3600 * 2
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxb.Hours + 3
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # 1 second has passed, output has 3600 coins, should gain 1 coin hour
    uxb.Coins = 3600000000
    uxo.Body = uxb
    now = uxh.Time + 1
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxb.Hours + 1
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # 1000000 hours minus 1 second have passed, output has 1 droplet, should gain 0 coin hour
    uxb.Coins = 1
    uxo.Body = uxb
    now = uxh.Time + 1000000 * 3600 - 1
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxb.Hours
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # 1000000 hours have passed, output has 1 droplet, should gain 1 coin hour
    uxb.Coins = 1
    uxo.Body = uxb
    now = uxh.Time + 1000000 * 3600
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxb.Hours + 1
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # No hours passed, using initial coin hours
    uxb.Coins = 1000000000
    uxb.Hours = 1000 * 1000
    uxo.Body = uxb
    now = uxh.Time
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxb.Hours
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # One hour passed, using initial coin hours
    now = uxh.Time + 3600
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == uxb.Hours + 1000000000 / 1000000
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # No hours passed and no hours to begin with0
    uxb.Hours = 0
    uxo.Body = uxb
    now = uxh.Time
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert hours == 0
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_OK
    # Centuries have passed, time-based calculation overflows uint64
    # when calculating the whole coin seconds
    uxb.Coins = 2000000
    uxo.Body = uxb
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_ERROR
    # Centuries have passed, time-based calculation overflows uint64
    # when calculating the droplet seconds
    uxb.Coins = 1500000
    uxo.Body = uxb
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_ERROR
    # Output would overflow if given more hours, has reached its limit
    uxb.Coins = 3600000000
    uxo.Body = uxb
    err, hours = skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_CoinHours(uxo, now)
    assert err == skycoin.SKY_ERROR