Example #1
def moonage(d, d1):  # used in twilighttab (section 3)
    # return the moon's 'age' and percent illuminated

    # percent illumination is calculated at noon
    t12 = ts.ut1(d.year, d.month, d.day, 12, 0, 0)
    phase_angle = almanac.phase_angle(eph, 'moon', t12)
    pctrad = 50 * (1.0 + math.cos(phase_angle.radians))
    pct = "{:.0f}".format(pctrad)

    # calculate age of moon

    pnm = PreviousNewMoon
    nnm = NextNewMoon
    #dt0 = datetime.date(pnm.year, pnm.month, pnm.day)
    #dt1 = datetime.date(nnm.year, nnm.month, nnm.day)
    dt = datetime.datetime.combine(d1, datetime.time(0, 0))
    age1td = dt - pnm.replace(tzinfo=None)
    age2td = dt - nnm.replace(tzinfo=None)
    age1 = age1td.days
    age2 = age2td.days
    age = age1
    if age2 >= 0:
        age = age2

    return age, pct
Example #2
def moonphase(d):  # used in twilighttab (section 3)
    # returns the moon's elongation (angle to the sun)

    # convert python 'date' to 'date with time' ...
    dt = datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month, d.day, 0, 0, 0)
    # phase is calculated at noon
    dt += datetime.timedelta(hours=12)

    t12 = ts.ut1(d.year, d.month, d.day, 12, 0, 0)
    phase_angle = almanac.phase_angle(eph, 'moon', t12)
    elong = phase_angle.radians

    # phase_angle.degrees is ...
    # 180 at New Moon, drops to 0 at Full Moon, then rises to 180 at New Moon

    #pnm = PreviousNewMoon.replace(tzinfo=None)
    #nfm = NextFullMoon.replace(tzinfo=None)
    #pfm = PreviousFullMoon.replace(tzinfo=None)
    #nnm = NextNewMoon.replace(tzinfo=None)

    if WaxingMoon:
        phase = math.pi - phase_angle.radians
        phase = math.pi + phase_angle.radians

    return phase
Example #3
def equation_of_time(d, d1, UpperList, LowerList,
                     extras):  # used in twilighttab (section 3)
    # returns equation of time, the sun's transit time,
    # the moon's transit-, antitransit-time, age and percent illumination.
    # (Equation of Time = Mean solar time - Apparent solar time)

    t00 = ts.ut1(d.year, d.month, d.day, 0, 0, 0)
    position = earth.at(t00).observe(sun)
    ra = position.apparent().radec(epoch='date')[0]
    gha00 = gha2deg(t00.gast, ra.hours)
    eqt00 = gha2eqt(gha00)
    if gha00 <= 180:
        eqt00 = r"\colorbox{{lightgray!80}}{{{}}}".format(eqt00)

    # percent illumination is calculated at noon
    t12 = ts.ut1(d.year, d.month, d.day, 12, 0, 0)
    position = earth.at(t12).observe(sun)
    ra = position.apparent().radec(epoch='date')[0]
    gha12 = gha2deg(t12.gast, ra.hours)
    eqt12 = gha2eqt(gha12)
    mpa12 = gha2mpa(gha12)
    if gha12 > 270:
        eqt12 = r"\colorbox{{lightgray!80}}{{{}}}".format(eqt12)

    # !! transit times are rounded to the nearest minute,
    # !! so the search needs to start and end 30 sec earlier
    # !! e.g. after 23h 59m 30s rounds up to 00:00 next day

    # calculate moon upper transit

    mp_upper = find_transit(d, UpperList, False)

    # calculate moon lower transit

    mp_lower = find_transit(d, LowerList, True)

    if not (extras):  # omit 'age' and 'pct'
        return eqt00, eqt12, mpa12, mp_upper, mp_lower

    phase_angle = almanac.phase_angle(eph, 'moon', t12)
    pctrad = 50 * (1.0 + math.cos(phase_angle.radians))
    pct = "{:.0f}".format(pctrad)

    # calculate age of moon

    pnm = PreviousNewMoon
    nnm = NextNewMoon
    #dt0 = datetime.date(pnm.year, pnm.month, pnm.day)
    #dt1 = datetime.date(nnm.year, nnm.month, nnm.day)
    dt = datetime.datetime.combine(d1, datetime.time(0, 0))
    age1td = dt - pnm.replace(tzinfo=None)
    age2td = dt - nnm.replace(tzinfo=None)
    age1 = age1td.days
    age2 = age2td.days
    age = age1
    if age2 >= 0:
        age = age2

    return eqt00, eqt12, mpa12, mp_upper, mp_lower, age, pct