Example #1
def power_parameters(fname, ant1, ant2):
    fcd, fs, ts, ptitle = load_wedge_sim(fname + ".pickle")

    print("Simulation file loaded.\n")

    num_f = len(fs)
    B = fs.max() - fs.min()

    etas = pol.f2etas(fs)
    #z_avg = pol.fq2z(np.average(fs) / 1e9)
    #k_para = pol.k_parallel(etas, z_avg)

    k_para = np.array([
        pol.k_parallel(etas[i], pol.fq2z(fs[i] / 1e9)) \
        for i in range(num_f)

    """ Power constants, section 1"""
    kB = 1.380649e-26  # this is in mK.
    # To use K, add 3 orders of magnitude.
    # 1 Jy = 1e-20 J / km^2 / s^2
    square_Jy = (1e-20)**2
    universal_p_coeff = square_Jy / (2 * kB)**2 / B
    """ """

    baselength = sf.ant.baselength(ant1, ant2)

    power_pieces = {
        'z': [],  # dimensionless
        'lambda': [],  # m
        'D': [],  # m?
        'DeltaD': [],
        'kperp': []

    for nu in fs:
        #nu = np.average(fs)
        """ Power constants, section 2 """
        z = pol.fq2z(nu / 1e9)

        lambda_ = pol.C / nu

        D = pol.transverse_comoving_distance(z)

        DeltaD = pol.comoving_depth(B, z)

        k_perp = baselength * pol.k_perp(z) / lambda_

    for key in power_pieces.keys():
        power_pieces[key] = np.array(power_pieces[key])

    power_pieces['fs'] = fs

    return power_pieces
Example #2
def micro_wedge(h1, f1, b1, h2, f2, b2, h3, f3, b3):
    The axes do not line up with Nunhokee et al.
    Probably something wrong with your constants
        or usage thereof.
    center_f1 = np.average(f1)
    z1 = pol.fq2z(center_f1)
    lambda1 = pol.C / center_f1
    k_par1 = pol.k_parallel(h1[:, 0], z1)
    k_orth1 = pol.k_perp(z1) / lambda1 * b1

    center_f2 = np.average(f2)
    z2 = pol.fq2z(center_f2)
    lambda2 = pol.C / center_f2
    k_par2 = pol.k_parallel(h2[:, 0], z2)
    k_orth2 = pol.k_perp(z2) / lambda2 * b2

    center_f3 = np.average(f3)
    z3 = pol.fq2z(center_f3)
    lambda3 = pol.C / center_f3
    k_par3 = pol.k_parallel(h3[:, 0], z3)
    k_orth3 = pol.k_perp(z3) / lambda3 * b3

    y = np.concatenate((k_par1, k_par2, k_par3))
    x = np.concatenate(
        (np.repeat(k_orth1, len(k_par1)), np.repeat(k_orth2, len(k_par2)),
         np.repeat(k_orth3, len(k_par3))))

    colors = np.concatenate((h1[:, 2], h2[:, 2], h3[:, 2]))

    plt.title("Helix concatenation")

    #print("Minimum:", z.min())
    #print("PTP:", z.ptp())

    plt.scatter(x, y, marker='.', c=colors)
Example #3
def collect_wedge_points(fcd, fs, ts, rAnt1, rAnt2):
    out of context
    num_t = len(ts)
    num_f = len(fs)
    B = fs.max() - fs.min()
    visual = []
    etas = pol.f2etas(fs)
    k_para = np.array([
        pol.k_parallel(etas[i], pol.fq2z(fs[i] / 1e9)) \
        for i in range(num_f)

    max_counts = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    hmax_counts = [0, 0, 0, 0]

    for ant1 in fcd.keys():
        for ant2 in fcd[ant1].keys():
            if rAnt1 is not None and rAnt1 != ant1:
            if rAnt2 is not None and rAnt2 != ant2:
            baselength = sf.ant.baselength(ant1, ant2)
            for nu_idx in range(num_f):
                nua = np.average(fs)
                nu = fs[nu_idx]
                z = pol.fq2z(nu / 1e9)
                lambda_ = pol.C / nu
                k_perp = baselength * pol.k_perp(z) / lambda_
                for t_idx in range(num_t - 1):
                    this_instant = \
                        fcd[ant1][ant2][:, t_idx, nu_idx]
                    # [I1, Q1, U1, V1] * [I2*, Q2*, U2*, V2*]
                    this_test = np.array([
                        np.abs(S) for S in this_instant
                    for i in range(len(this_test)):
                        if this_test[i] == this_test.max():
                           max_counts[i] += 1 
                    next_instant = \
                        fcd[ant1][ant2][:, t_idx + 1, nu_idx]
                    # [I1, Q1, U1, V1] * [I2*, Q2*, U2*, V2*]
                    hadamard = np.multiply(
                        this_instant, next_instant
                    htest = np.array([
                        np.abs(S) for S in hadamard
                    for i in range(len(htest)):
                        if htest[i] == htest.max():
                           hmax_counts[i] += 1
Example #4
def plot_3D(visual, fs, title, scaled=False):
    Primitive 3D plotter.
    For use with the return value of either
    Disable @scaled if you are using values such as logarithms
    x = visual[:, 0]
    y = visual[:, 1]
    z = visual[:, 2]

    colors = None
    if (scaled):
        scaled_z = (z - z.min()) / z.ptp()
        colors = plt.cm.viridis(scaled_z)
        colors = z

    print("Minimum:", z.min())
    print("PTP:", z.ptp())

    image = visual_to_image(visual)

    ### horizon-code
    center_f = np.average(fs)
    z = pol.fq2z(center_f / 1e9)
    lambda_ = pol.C / center_f
    k_starter = pol.k_perp(z) / lambda_

    horizonx = np.unique(visual[:, 0])
    horizonyp = []
    horizonym = []

    etas = pol.f2etas(fs)
    k_par = pol.k_parallel(etas, z)

    for i in range(len(horizonx)):
        k_orthogonal = horizonx[i]

        horizonyp.append(pol.horizon_limit(k_orthogonal, z))
        horizonym.append(-pol.horizon_limit(k_orthogonal, z))

    plt.scatter(horizonx, horizonyp, marker='.', c='w')
    plt.scatter(horizonx, horizonym, marker='.', c='w')
    ### end horizon-code

    # Interpolation choice doesn't really matter;
    # gaussian looks smooth
    print(image.shape, "shape")
               extent=[x.min(), x.max(), y.min(),


    plt.scatter(x, y, marker='.', c=colors)

    return x, y, visual, image
Example #5
def collect_wedge_points(fcd, fs, ts, Qi, sp=None, special_request=None):
    Read from the wedge data structure @sim_dict
        (specifically, one using the format
        established in load_wedge_sim)
    and generate 3D points appropriate for a wedge plot.
    i.e., return a list of triples:
        (k_perpendicular, k_parallel, power*)
    * currently, the implementation uses values that
    should be proportional to power. The final constants
    have not yet been considered.
    This function is distinct from
    in accepting multiple LST values from
    @sp : Stokes parameter, if you want to look at just one
        at a time
        0 : I    1 : Q    2 : U    3 : V
    @special_request: tuple of
        (baseline1, baseline2,    
    to really complete the Nunhokee parallel,
        you would want to average over a range of
        k_orth values 
    TODO: last updated 3/30
    # we need the horizon line: white dots
    # Fix amplitudes?
    # Create separate plots for I, Q, U, V
        # Create slices after the fashion of Nunhokee fig 6
    # make some notes for HERA team circulation
    num_t = len(ts)
    num_f = len(fs)
    B = fs.max() - fs.min()

    visual = []


    etas = pol.f2etas(fs)
    #z_avg = pol.fq2z(np.average(fs) / 1e9)
    #k_para = pol.k_parallel(etas, z_avg)

    k_para = np.array([
        pol.k_parallel(etas[i], pol.fq2z(fs[i] / 1e9)) \
        for i in range(num_f)

    """ Power constants, section 1"""
    kB = 1.380649e-26  # this is in mK.
    # To use K, add 3 orders of magnitude.
    # 1 Jy = 1e-20 J / km^2 / s^2
    square_Jy = (1e-20)**2
    universal_p_coeff = square_Jy / (2 * kB)**2 / B
    """ """

    for ant1 in fcd.keys():
        for ant2 in fcd[ant1].keys():
            if special_request is not None:
                if ant1 != special_request[0] or \
                    ant2 != special_request[1]:

            baselength = sf.ant.baselength(ant1, ant2)

            special = [[], [], [], []]

            for nu_idx in range(num_f):
                nua = np.average(fs)
                nu = fs[nu_idx]
                """ Power constants, section 2 """
                # using these causes problems
                z = pol.fq2z(nu / 1e9)
                lambda_ = pol.C / nu

                # less accurate, but doesn't kill the graph
                # what gives?
                z_a = pol.fq2z(nua / 1e9)
                lambda_a = pol.C / nua

                D = pol.transverse_comoving_distance(z_a)
                DeltaD = pol.comoving_depth(B, z_a)
                # Finally, condense everything into a
                # power coefficient
                p_coeff = universal_p_coeff * \
                    lambda_a ** 4 * D ** 2 * DeltaD
                """ """
                k_perp = baselength * pol.k_perp(z_a) / lambda_a

                powers_prop = []
                # store power results by Stokes index:
                special_powers = [[], [], [], []]
                # store normalized Hadamard vectors:
                special_times = []

                for t_idx in range(num_t - 1):
                    this_instant = \
                        fcd[ant1][ant2][:, t_idx, nu_idx]
                    next_instant = \
                        fcd[ant1][ant2][:, t_idx + 1, nu_idx]

                    # [I1, Q1, U1, V1] * [I2*, Q2*, U2*, V2*]

                    hadamard = np.multiply(this_instant, next_instant)
                    p = np.dot(Qi, hadamard)

                    # if no Stokes parameter is specified,
                    # we take the absolute value of the
                    # entire Stokes visibility vector
                    if sp is None:
                        sqBr = np.abs(p)
                        sqBr = np.abs(p[sp])


                    # we leave the normalized Hadamard
                    # products for the cross-section
                    # code to handle

                if special_request is not None:
                    for vector in np.array(special_times):
                        # si: Stokes index
                        for si in range(len(vector)):
                            # take the magnitude of each
                            # normalized Hadamard index
                            param = np.abs(vector[si])
                            # and count it as a power

                avg = p_coeff * np.average(np.array(powers_prop))

                #print("Using k_parallel", k_par[nu_idx])

                wedge_datum = np.array([

                if special_request is not None:
                    for si in range(len(special_powers)):
                        special_powers[si] = np.array(special_powers[si])

                    special_powers = np.array(special_powers)

                    #print("Using k_parallel", k_par[nu_idx])

                    # si: Stokes index
                    for si in range(len(special_powers)):
                        stokes_param = special_powers[si]
                        avg = p_coeff * np.average(stokes_param)

                        #!!! duplicate reference


            # Figure 6-esque investigation
            if special_request is not None:
                if ant1 == special_request[0] and \
                    ant2 == special_request[1]:
                    return np.array(special)

    visual = np.array(visual)

    return np.array(visual)
Example #6
def slicer(ant1, ant2, func_show, Qi=None,
    fs=np.arange(125e6, 175e6 + 0.001, 1e6),
    wedge_name="0Fw", ratio_mode=False, deltas=False):
    The second pair of arguments is admittedly
    disappointing, but I could not figure out
    how else to write a script like this.
    # sp doesn't matter since the use of the
    # special_request parameter branches differently
    special = func_show(wedge_name, Qi=Qi,
        special_request=(ant1, ant2))
    b = ant.baselength(ant1, ant2)
    print("Baseline length [m]:", np.around(b, 4))
    center_f = np.average(fs)
    z = pol.fq2z(center_f / 1e9)
    lambda_ = pol.C / center_f
    k_orth = pol.k_perp(z) * b / lambda_
    print("Baseline has perpendicular k mode:",
        np.around(k_orth, 4), "[h / Mpc]")
    horizonp = pol.horizon_limit(k_orth, z)
    horizonn = -pol.horizon_limit(k_orth, z)
    magnitudes = []
    # this loop only serves to re-organize the results
    for stokes_param in special:
        i = len(magnitudes) - 1
            np.fft.fftshift(stokes_param[:, 0]))
            np.fft.fftshift(stokes_param[:, 1]))
        magnitudes[i] = np.array(magnitudes[i])
    magnitudes = np.array(magnitudes)
    if ratio_mode:
            magnitudes[1, 0],
            10 ** (magnitudes[1, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]),
            label="Q / I"
            magnitudes[2, 0],
            10 ** (magnitudes[2, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]),
            label="U / I"
            magnitudes[3, 0],
            10 ** (magnitudes[3, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]),
            label="V / I"
        ### this is pretty bad
        ymin = 10 ** (magnitudes[1, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]).min()
        ymin = min(
            10 ** (magnitudes[2, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]).min()
        ymin = min(
            10 ** (magnitudes[2, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]).min()
        ymin = min(
            10 ** (magnitudes[3, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]).min()
        ymax = magnitudes[0, 1].max()
        ymax = max(
            10 ** (magnitudes[2, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]).max()
        ymax = max(
            10 ** (magnitudes[2, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]).max()
        ymax = max(
            10 ** (magnitudes[3, 1] - magnitudes[0, 1]).max()
        if deltas=False:
            plt.plot(magnitudes[0, 0], magnitudes[0, 1],
                label="I", color='k')
            plt.plot(magnitudes[1, 0], magnitudes[1, 1],
                label="Q", color='b')
            plt.plot(magnitudes[2, 0], magnitudes[2, 1],
                label="U", color='orange')
            plt.plot(magnitudes[3, 0], magnitudes[3, 1],
                label="V", color='g')
        else: # k^3 / 2 pi^2, but the problem is that