Example #1
def get_record(arg):
    """ Parse data for one urlencoded record.
        Useful for turning incoming serialized data into structure usable for manipulation.
    if not arg:
        return dbdict()

    # allow array of single record
    if arg[0] in ('{', '['):
        lst = skytools.parse_pgarray(arg)
        if len(lst) != 1:
            raise ValueError('get_record() expects exactly 1 row, got %d' % len(lst))
        arg = lst[0]

    # parse record
    return dbdict(skytools.db_urldecode(arg))
Example #2
 def retval(self, service_name=None, params=None, **kvargs):
     """ Return collected resultsets and append to the end messages to the users
         Method is called usually as last statment in dbservice to return the results
         Also converts results into desired format
     params = params or kvargs
     if len(self.messages):
         self.return_next(self.messages, "_status")
     if self.sqls is not None and len(self.sqls):
         self.return_next(self.sqls, "_sql")
     results = []
     for r in self._retval:
         res_name = r[0]
         rows = r[1]
         res_count = str(len(rows))
         if self._is_test and len(rows) > 0:
             results.append([res_name, res_count, res_name])
             n = 1
             for trow in render_table(rows, rows[0].keys()):
                 results.append([res_name, n, trow])
                 n += 1
             res_rows = make_record_array(rows)
             results.append([res_name, res_count, res_rows])
     if service_name:
         sql = "select * from %s( {i_context}, {i_params} );" % skytools.quote_fqident(
         par = dbdict(i_context=self._context, i_params=make_record(params))
         res = self.run_query(sql, par)
         for r in res:
             results.append((r.res_code, r.res_text, r.res_rows))
     return results
Example #3
 def retval(self, service_name = None, params = None, **kvargs):
     """ Return collected resultsets and append to the end messages to the users
         Method is called usually as last statment in dbservice to return the results
         Also converts results into desired format
     params = params or kvargs
     if len( self.messages ):
         self.return_next( self.messages, "_status" )
     if self.sqls is not None and len( self.sqls ):
         self.return_next( self.sqls, "_sql" )
     results = []
     for r in self._retval:
         res_name = r[0]
         rows = r[1]
         res_count = str(len(rows))
         if self._is_test and len(rows) > 0:
             results.append([res_name, res_count, res_name])
             n = 1
             for trow in render_table(rows, rows[0].keys()):
                 results.append([res_name, n, trow])
                 n += 1
             res_rows = make_record_array(rows)
             results.append([res_name, res_count, res_rows])
     if service_name:
         sql = "select * from %s( {i_context}, {i_params} );" % skytools.quote_fqident(service_name)
         par = dbdict( i_context = self._context, i_params = make_record(params) )
         res = self.run_query( sql, par )
         for r in res:
             results.append((r.res_code, r.res_text, r.res_rows))
     return results
Example #4
    def execute(self):
        """Server-side query execution via plpy.

        Query can be run either cached or uncached, depending
        on C{plan_cache} setting given to L{__init__}.

        Returns result of plpy.execute().

        args = self._arg_value_list
        types = self._arg_type_list

        if self._sqls is not None:
            self._sqls.append( { "sql": self.get_sql(PARAM_INLINE) } )

        if self._plan_cache is not None:
            sql = self.get_sql(PARAM_PLPY)
            plan = self._plan_cache.get_plan(sql, types)
            res = plpy.execute(plan, args)
            sql = self.get_sql(PARAM_INLINE)
            res = plpy.execute(sql)
        if res:
            res = [skytools.dbdict(r) for r in res]
        return res
Example #5
    def execute(self):
        """Server-side query execution via plpy.

        Query can be run either cached or uncached, depending
        on C{plan_cache} setting given to L{__init__}.

        Returns result of plpy.execute().

        args = self._arg_value_list
        types = self._arg_type_list

        if self._sqls is not None:
            self._sqls.append({"sql": self.get_sql(PARAM_INLINE)})

        if self._plan_cache is not None:
            sql = self.get_sql(PARAM_PLPY)
            plan = self._plan_cache.get_plan(sql, types)
            res = plpy.execute(plan, args)
            sql = self.get_sql(PARAM_INLINE)
            res = plpy.execute(sql)
        if res:
            res = [skytools.dbdict(r) for r in res]
        return res
Example #6
 def tapi_do(self, tablename, row, **fields):
     """ Convenience function for just doing the change without creating tapi object first
         Fields object may contain aditional overriding values that are aplied before do
     tapi = TableAPI(self, tablename, self._changelog(fields))
     row = row or dbdict()
     fields and row.update(fields)
     return tapi.do(row)
Example #7
 def tapi_do(self, tablename, row, **fields):
     """ Convenience function for just doing the change without creating tapi object first
         Fields object may contain aditional overriding values that are aplied before do
     tapi =  TableAPI(self, tablename, self._changelog(fields))
     row = row or dbdict()
     fields and row.update(fields)
     return tapi.do( row )
Example #8
def get_record_lists(tbl, field):
    """ Create dictionary of lists from given list using field as grouping criteria
        Used for master detail operatons to group detail records according to master id
    dict = dbdict()
    for rec in tbl:
        id = str(rec[field])
        dict.setdefault(id, []).append(rec)
    return dict
Example #9
 def field_copy(self, dict, *keys):
     """ Used to copy subset of fields from one record into another
         example: dbs.copy(record, hosting) "start_date", "key_colo", "key_rack")
     retval = dbdict()
     for key in keys:
         if key in dict:
             retval[key] = dict[key]
     return retval
Example #10
def get_record_lists(tbl, field):
    """ Create dictionary of lists from given list using field as grouping criteria
        Used for master detail operatons to group detail records according to master id
    dict = dbdict()
    for rec in tbl:
        id = str( rec[field] )
        dict.setdefault( id, [] ).append(rec)
    return dict
Example #11
 def field_copy(self, dict, *keys):
     """ Used to copy subset of fields from one record into another
         example: dbs.copy(record, hosting) "start_date", "key_colo", "key_rack")
     retval = dbdict()
     for key in keys:
         if key in dict:
             retval[key] = dict[key]
     return retval
Example #12
def run_query(cur, sql, params = None, **kwargs):
    """ Helper function if everything you need is just paramertisized execute
        Sets rows_found that is coneninet to use when you don't need result just
        want to know how many rows were affected
    params = params or kwargs
    sql = QueryBuilder(sql, params).get_sql(0)
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    # convert result rows to dbdict
    if rows:
        rows = [skytools.dbdict(r) for r in rows]
    return rows
Example #13
def run_query(cur, sql, params=None, **kwargs):
    """ Helper function if everything you need is just paramertisized execute
        Sets rows_found that is coneninet to use when you don't need result just
        want to know how many rows were affected
    params = params or kwargs
    sql = QueryBuilder(sql, params).get_sql(0)
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    # convert result rows to dbdict
    if rows:
        rows = [skytools.dbdict(r) for r in rows]
    return rows
Example #14
 def get_config(self):
     """Processes args dict"""
     conf = skytools.dbdict()
     # set table mode
     conf.table_mode = self.get_arg('table_mode', TABLE_MODES)
     conf.analyze = self.get_arg('analyze', [0, 1])
     if conf.table_mode == 'part':
         conf.part_mode = self.get_arg('part_mode', PART_MODES)
         conf.part_field = self.args.get('part_field')
         if conf.part_mode == 'date_field' and not conf.part_field:
             raise Exception('part_mode date_field requires part_field!')
         conf.period = self.get_arg('period', PERIODS)
         conf.part_name = self.args.get('part_name')
         conf.part_template = self.args.get('part_template')
         conf.pre_part = self.args.get('pre_part')
         conf.post_part = self.args.get('post_part')
         conf.part_func = self.args.get('part_func', PART_FUNC_NEW)
     # set row mode and event types to process
     conf.row_mode = self.get_arg('row_mode', ROW_MODES)
     event_types = self.args.get('event_types', '*')
     if event_types == '*':
         event_types = EVENT_TYPES
         event_types = [evt.upper() for evt in event_types.split(',')]
         for evt in event_types:
             if evt not in EVENT_TYPES:
                 raise Exception('Unsupported operation: %s' % evt)
     conf.event_types = event_types
     # set load handler
     conf.load_mode = self.get_arg('load_mode', LOAD_MODES)
     conf.method = self.get_arg('method', METHODS)
     # fields to skip
     conf.skip_fields = [
         for f in self.args.get('skip_fields', '').split(',')
     # get fields map (obsolete, for compatibility reasons)
     fields = self.args.get('fields', '*')
     if fields == "*":
         conf.field_map = None
         conf.field_map = {}
         for fval in fields.split(','):
             tmp = fval.split(':')
             if len(tmp) == 1:
                 conf.field_map[tmp[0]] = tmp[0]
                 conf.field_map[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
     # encoding validator
     conf.encoding = self.args.get('encoding')
     return conf
Example #15
 def run_query(self, sql, params=None, **kvargs):
     """ Helper function if everything you need is just paramertisized execute
         Sets rows_found that is coneninet to use when you don't need result just
         want to know how many rows were affected
     params = params or kvargs
     rows = skytools.plpy_exec(self.global_dict, sql, params)
     # convert result rows to dbdict
     if rows:
         rows = [dbdict(r) for r in rows]
         self.rows_found = len(rows)
         self.rows_found = 0
     return rows
Example #16
 def get_config(self):
     """Processes args dict"""
     conf = skytools.dbdict()
     # set table mode
     conf.table_mode = self.get_arg('table_mode', TABLE_MODES)
     conf.analyze = self.get_arg('analyze', [0, 1])
     if conf.table_mode == 'part':
         conf.part_mode = self.get_arg('part_mode', PART_MODES)
         conf.part_field = self.args.get('part_field')
         if conf.part_mode == 'date_field' and not conf.part_field :
             raise Exception('part_mode date_field requires part_field!')
         conf.period = self.get_arg('period', PERIODS)
         conf.part_name = self.args.get('part_name')
         conf.part_template = self.args.get('part_template')
         conf.pre_part = self.args.get('pre_part')
         conf.post_part = self.args.get('post_part')
         conf.part_func = self.args.get('part_func', PART_FUNC_NEW)
         conf.retention_period = self.args.get('retention_period')
     # set row mode and event types to process
     conf.row_mode = self.get_arg('row_mode', ROW_MODES)
     event_types = self.args.get('event_types', '*')
     if event_types == '*':
         event_types = EVENT_TYPES
         event_types = [evt.upper() for evt in event_types.split(',')]
         for evt in event_types:
             if evt not in EVENT_TYPES:
                 raise Exception('Unsupported operation: %s' % evt)
     conf.event_types = event_types
     # set load handler
     conf.load_mode = self.get_arg('load_mode', LOAD_MODES)
     conf.method = self.get_arg('method', METHODS)
     # fields to skip
     conf.skip_fields = [f.strip().lower()
             for f in self.args.get('skip_fields','').split(',')]
     # get fields map (obsolete, for compatibility reasons)
     fields = self.args.get('fields', '*')
     if  fields == "*":
         conf.field_map = None
         conf.field_map = {}
         for fval in fields.split(','):
             tmp = fval.split(':')
             if len(tmp) == 1:
                 conf.field_map[tmp[0]] = tmp[0]
                 conf.field_map[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
     # encoding validator
     conf.encoding = self.args.get('encoding')
     return conf
Example #17
 def run_query(self, sql, params = None, **kvargs):
     """ Helper function if everything you need is just paramertisized execute
         Sets rows_found that is coneninet to use when you don't need result just
         want to know how many rows were affected
     params = params or kvargs
     rows = skytools.plpy_exec(self.global_dict, sql, params)
     # convert result rows to dbdict
     if rows:
         rows = [dbdict(r) for r in rows]
         self.rows_found = len(rows)
         self.rows_found = 0
     return rows
Example #18
 def get_config(self):
     """Processes args dict"""
     conf = skytools.dbdict()
     # set table mode
     conf.table_mode = self.get_arg("table_mode", TABLE_MODES)
     if conf.table_mode == "part":
         conf.part_mode = self.get_arg("part_mode", PART_MODES)
         conf.part_field = self.args.get("part_field")
         if conf.part_mode == "date_field" and not conf.part_field:
             raise Exception("part_mode date_field requires part_field!")
         conf.period = self.get_arg("period", PERIODS)
         conf.part_name = self.args.get("part_name")
         conf.part_template = self.args.get("part_template")
         conf.pre_part = self.args.get("pre_part")
         conf.post_part = self.args.get("post_part")
     # set row mode and event types to process
     conf.row_mode = self.get_arg("row_mode", ROW_MODES)
     event_types = self.args.get("event_types", "*")
     if event_types == "*":
         event_types = EVENT_TYPES
         event_types = [evt.upper() for evt in event_types.split(",")]
         for evt in event_types:
             if evt not in EVENT_TYPES:
                 raise Exception("Unsupported operation: %s" % evt)
     conf.event_types = event_types
     # set load handler
     conf.load_mode = self.get_arg("load_mode", LOAD_MODES)
     conf.method = self.get_arg("method", METHODS)
     # fields to skip
     conf.skip_fields = [f.strip().lower() for f in self.args.get("skip_fields", "").split(",")]
     # get fields map (obsolete, for compatibility reasons)
     fields = self.args.get("fields", "*")
     if fields == "*":
         conf.field_map = None
         conf.field_map = {}
         for fval in fields.split(","):
             tmp = fval.split(":")
             if len(tmp) == 1:
                 conf.field_map[tmp[0]] = tmp[0]
                 conf.field_map[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
     # encoding validator
     conf.encoding = self.args.get("encoding")
     return conf
Example #19
 def parse_sql(self, op, sql, pklist=None):
     """Main entry point."""
     if pklist is None:
         self.pklist = []
         self.pklist = pklist
     tk = self.tokenizer(sql)
     fields = []
     values = []
         if op == "I":
             self.parse_insert(tk, fields, values)
         elif op == "U":
             self.parse_update(tk, fields, values)
         elif op == "D":
             self.parse_delete(tk, fields, values)
         raise Exception("syntax error")
     except StopIteration:
         # last sanity check
         if len(fields) == 0 or len(fields) != len(values):
             raise Exception("syntax error, fields do not match values")
     fields = [skytools.unquote_ident(f) for f in fields]
     values = [skytools.unquote_literal(f) for f in values]
     return skytools.dbdict(zip(fields, values))
Example #20
 def copy(self):
     """Return regular dict."""
     return skytools.dbdict(self.iteritems())
Example #21
 def get_config(self):
     """ Process args dict (into handler config). """
     conf = skytools.dbdict()
     return conf
Example #22
# confusion among older and newer libzmq and their forks
if not hasattr(zmq, 'XREQ'): zmq.XREQ = zmq.DEALER
if not hasattr(zmq, 'XREP'): zmq.XREP = zmq.ROUTER

from cc import __version__
from cc.crypto import CryptoContext
from cc.handler import cc_handler_lookup
from cc.message import CCMessage
from cc.stream import CCStream
from cc.util import hsize_to_bytes, reset_stats, write_atomic

LOG = skytools.dbdict(
    fmt = '%(asctime)s %(process)s %(levelname)s %(name)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s',
    datefmt = '',
    fmt_v = '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s',
    datefmt_v = '%H:%M:%S',
for k in LOG:
    LOG[k] = LOG[k].replace('%', '%%')

class CCServer(skytools.BaseScript):
    """Listens on single ZMQ sockets, dispatches messages to handlers.

        ## Parameters for CCServer ##

        # listening socket for this CC instance
        cc-socket = tcp://
Example #23
 def copy(self):
     """Return regular dict."""
     return skytools.dbdict(self.items())
Example #24
 def _create_dbdict(self, fields, values):
     fields = [skytools.unquote_ident(f) for f in fields]
     values = [skytools.unquote_literal(f) for f in values]
     return skytools.dbdict(zip(fields, values))
Example #25
 def get_config(self):
     """ Process args dict (into handler config). """
     conf = skytools.dbdict()
     return conf
Example #26
File: server.py Project: markokr/cc
import skytools
import zmq
from zmq.eventloop.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback

from cc import __version__
from cc.crypto import CryptoContext
from cc.handler import cc_handler_lookup
from cc.message import CCMessage
from cc.stream import CCStream
from cc.util import hsize_to_bytes, reset_stats, write_atomic

LOG = skytools.dbdict(
    fmt="%(asctime)s %(process)s %(levelname)s %(name)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s",
    fmt_v="%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s",
for k in LOG:
    LOG[k] = LOG[k].replace("%", "%%")

class CCServer(skytools.BaseScript):
    """Listens on single ZMQ sockets, dispatches messages to handlers.

        ## Parameters for CCServer ##

        # listening socket for this CC instance
        cc-socket = tcp://
Example #27
File: server.py Project: postsql/cc
import skytools
import zmq
from zmq.eventloop.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback

from cc import __version__
from cc.crypto import CryptoContext
from cc.handler import cc_handler_lookup
from cc.message import CCMessage
from cc.stream import CCStream
from cc.util import hsize_to_bytes, reset_stats

LOG = skytools.dbdict(
    '%(asctime)s %(process)s %(levelname)s %(name)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s',
    '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s',
for k in LOG:
    LOG[k] = LOG[k].replace('%', '%%')

class CCServer(skytools.BaseScript):
    """Listens on single ZMQ sockets, dispatches messages to handlers.

        ## Parameters for CCServer ##

        # listening socket for this CC instance
        cc-socket = tcp://
Example #28
 def _create_dbdict(self, fields, values):
     fields = [skytools.unquote_ident(f) for f in fields]
     values = [skytools.unquote_literal(f) for f in values]
     return skytools.dbdict(zip(fields, values))