def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] if text[13:] == 'command': message = _crawl_command(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text="명령어 목록") elif text[13:14] == "g": message = _crawl_guide(text) print(message) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message)) elif text[13:14] == "c": messageBlock = _crawl_champion(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(messageBlock)) elif text[13:14] == "s": message = _crawl_synergies(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, # text=message blocks=extract_json(message)) else: message = _crawl_else() print(message) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message))
def to_dict(self) -> dict: as_dict = super().to_dict() as_dict['options'] = extract_json(self.options) if self.confirm is not None: as_dict["confirm"] = extract_json(self.confirm) if self.initial_option is not None: as_dict['initial_option'] = extract_json(self.initial_option) return as_dict
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] user_di = event_data["event"]["user"] user_id = 'C:/Users/student/PycharmProjects/untitled/db/'+user_di+'.txt' uu='<@'+user_di+'>' if 'admin' in text: keywords = uu elif 'help' in text: keywords = "앱 초기 실행은 @Mavely 을 mention\n정보 기입은 성별/나이/키/몸무게 *ex:남자/24/176/65 * 형식으로 기입\n음식 칼로리 검색은 *검색/음식명*\n먹은 음식 계산은 *음식/음식명*\n운동 관련 유튜브 영상 시청은 *운동/?*\n하루 권장 칼로리 안넘기도록 주의하세요!" elif "운동" in text: keywords = getExercise(text) elif "검색" in text: food = text.split('/')[1] keywords = findFood(food) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(keywords) ) return elif"남자|여자", text): keywords = "네 "+uu+"회원님~~\n회원님께서는 하루 권장 칼로리가 " + "*"+str(setBaseUser( text, user_id))+"*" + " 이네요~\n이 이상 드시면 이 이상 드시면 살이 디룩디룩 찔테니 절--대 넘기시면 안됩니다!!\n앞으로는 음식먹기 전에 저한테 항상 검사를 맡아야 합니다!" elif "음식" in text: food = text.split('/')[1] keywords = eatFood(food,user_id,uu) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(keywords) ) return elif len(text) == 12: keywords = intro(uu) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(keywords) ) return else: keywords = joke(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(keywords) ) return slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text=keywords ) return
def to_dict(self) -> dict: json = super().to_dict() if isinstance(self.options[0], OptionGroup): json["option_groups"] = extract_json(self.options, "block") else: json["options"] = extract_json(self.options) if self.initial_options is not None: json["initial_options"] = extract_json(self.initial_options, "block") return json
def app_mentioned(event_data): now = time.localtime() got_time = "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday, now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec) print( '===============================================================================================' ) print(' * 멘션 받은 시간 : ' + got_time + '\n * Client_Msg_ID = ' + event_data["event"]["client_msg_id"] + '\n * Text = ' + event_data["event"]["text"]) print( '===============================================================================================' ) print('\n\n') channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] message = _crawl_movie_rank_details(text) new_id = event_data["event"]["client_msg_id"] if origin is None: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message)) return # 예외처리 코드 for i in range(len(origin)): if origin[i] == new_id: return print('------------------------------------------------------') print('새로운 아이디 넣기 전 origin list : ' + str(origin)) if len(origin) < 10: origin.append(new_id) else: del origin[0] origin.append(new_id) print('new_id : ' + new_id) print('새로운 아이디 추가 후 origin list : ' + str(origin)) print('------------------------------------------------------') slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message))
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] if text[13:] == 'command': message = _crawl_command(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text="명령어 목록") elif text[13:18] == "guide": message = _crawl_guide(text) # print(message) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message)) elif text[13:] == "champion": message = _crawl_champion(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, # text=message text="챔피언 정보 입니다.\n" + message) elif text[13:] == "synergies": message = _crawl_synergies(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, # text=message text="시너지 정보 입니다.") else: message = _crawl_else slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=message)
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] if 'music' in text: message = show_menu_list() slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message)) elif text[-1].isdigit(): tmp = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if int(text[-1]) in tmp: # 있는경우 sel = int(text[-1]) message_list, attachments_list = genre_crawl(sel) for i in range(len(message_list)): slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text=message_list[i], attachments=attachments_list[i]) time.sleep(1) else: #없는경우 메세지 출력 slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text="`@<봇이름> music` 과 같이 멘션해주세요.") else: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text="`@<봇이름> music` 과 같이 멘션해주세요.") return "OK", 200
def click_Threding(click_event): what_event = click_event.action_id event_list = what_event.split('_') if event_list[0] == 'price': click_value = int(click_event.value) if event_list[1] == 'up': click_value += 0 if click_value >= 5 else 1 else: click_value -= 0 if click_value <= 0 else 1 message_blocks = make_sale_message_blocks(click_value) elif event_list[0] == 'tap': if event_list[1] == 'office': crawling_url = '2010100000' elif event_list[1] == 'gaming': crawling_url = '2010300000' else: crawling_url = '2010500000' crawling_page(crawling_url) message_blocks = make_sale_message_blocks(0) # 메시지를 채널에 올립니다 slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message_blocks))
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] # timeEvent = event_data["event_time"] # 타임이벤트 발생 조건을 변경해 listening 반응을 제어 ## 챗봇이 받은 메시지 파싱 ## split = [] split = text.split(">") splitText = split[1] ## 초기 블록 생성 ## my_blocks = [] contentBlockTmp = SectionBlock(text="`****d*원하시는 날짜의 메뉴를 골라줭~!~!엉*****` ") button_actions = ActionsBlock(elements=[ ButtonElement(text="어제", action_id="yesterday", value="0"), ButtonElement(text="오늘", style="danger", action_id="today", value="1"), ButtonElement(text="내일", action_id="tomorrow", value="2"), ButtonElement(text="모레", style="primary", action_id="theDayAfterTomorrow", value="3"), ]) my_blocks.append(contentBlockTmp) my_blocks.append(button_actions) ## Post message to Chatbot ## slackWebClient_toChatbotPostMsg(channel, extract_json(my_blocks))
def select_host_from_dynamic_list(_rqst): return { 'options': extract_json([ Option(label=val, value=val) for val in ('lx5e1234', 'lx5w1234', 'lx5e4552') ]) }
def app_mentioned(event_data): print('app_mentioned event data:', event_data) channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] client_msg_id = event_data["event"]["client_msg_id"] keyword = "" for key in text.strip().split()[1:]: keyword += (str(key)) + ' ' print('client message id:', client_msg_id) if client_msg_id not in prev_client_msg_id: prev_client_msg_id[client_msg_id] = 1 else: print('=' * 50, 'PLEASE NO RETRY', '=' * 50) resp = make_response('no-retry', 200) resp.headers["X-Slack-No-Retry"] = 1 return resp # 입력한 텍스트에서 검색 키워드와 가격대를 뽑아냅니다. # 중고거래 사이트를 크롤링하여 가격대가 비슷한 상품을 찾아옵니다. message_blocks = first_message(keyword) # 메시지를 채널에 올립니다 slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message_blocks))
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] # user_id = event_data["event"]["user"] # 연령대별은 연령대 # 섹션은 날짜, 카테고리 검색 조건 설정 text_matach = text.split(" ") # message_blocks = [] if text_matach[1] in MATCHING and not text_matach[ 1] == "오늘" and not text_matach[1] == "어제": print("pass") slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text="요청한 *" + text_matach[1] + "* 뉴스입니다.\n") else: if len(text_matach) <= 2: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text= "`@<봇이름> YYYYmmdd(오늘까지) 카테고리(정치,시사,IT,세계,사회문화)`와 같이 멘션해주세요\n 혹은 `@<봇이름> 연령대(10대,20대,30대,40대,50대,60대)` 와 같이 멘션해주세요" ) return 0 if not text_matach[2] in MATCHING: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text= "`@<봇이름> YYYYmmdd(오늘까지) 카테고리(정치,시사,IT,세계,사회문화)`와 같이 멘션해주세요\n 혹은 `@<봇이름> 연령대(10대,20대,30대,40대,50대,60대)` 와 같이 멘션해주세요" ) return 0 else: if text_matach[1] == "오늘": text_matach[1] ="%Y%m%d") text = text.replace('오늘', text_matach[1]) elif text_matach[1] == "어제": text_matach[1] = ( - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y%m%d") text = text.replace('어제', text_matach[1]) print(text) now = int("%Y%m%d")) new_date = datetime.strptime(text_matach[1], '%Y%m%d') if int(new_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")) > now: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text= "`@<봇이름> YYYYmmdd(오늘까지) 카테고리(정치,시사,IT,세계,사회문화)`와 같이 멘션해주세요\n 혹은 `@<봇이름> 연령대(10대,20대,30대,40대,50대,60대)` 와 같이 멘션해주세요" ) return 0 slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, text="요청한 " + text.split(" ")[1] + " *" + text.split(" ")[2] + "* 뉴스입니다.\n") message = _crawl(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message)) return 0
def handle_select_request(self, rqst: OptionSelectRequest): """ Parameters ---------- rqst Returns ------- Notes ----- """ event = rqst.block_id callback = first( if not callback: msg = f"No handler for ext selector event: {event}" self.log.error(msg) return cal_sig = signature(callback) if len(cal_sig.parameters) == 1: return callback(rqst) action = ActionEvent(type=rqst.rqst_type, id=rqst.action_id, value=rqst.value, data={}) # invoke the callback to retrieve the list of Option or OptionGroup # items. Ensure that the callback did return what we expect, and then # return the requird Dict back to res_list = callback(rqst, action) if not res_list: emsg = f'Missing return from select {action.value}, callback: {event}' return {'options': []} if not isinstance(res_list, List): emsg = ( f'Unexpected return, not list, from select {action.value}, callback: {event}. ' f'Got {type(res_list)} instead') self.log.error(emsg) raise SlackAppTKError(emsg, rqst, res_list) first_res = first(res_list) if isinstance(first_res, swc_objs.Option): res_type = 'options' elif isinstance(first_res, swc_objs.OptionGroup): res_type = 'option_groups' else: emsg = f'Unknown return type from select callback: {type(first_res)}' self.log.error(emsg) raise SlackAppTKError(emsg, rqst, res_list) return {res_type: extract_json(res_list)}
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] message_block = _crawl(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message_block) )
def to_dict(self) -> dict: self.validate_json() fields = { "type": self._type, "title": extract_json(self._title), "blocks": extract_json(self._blocks), "close": extract_json(self._close), "submit": extract_json(self._submit), "private_metadata": self._private_metadata, "callback_id": self._callback_id, "clear_on_close": self._clear_on_close, "notify_on_close": self._notify_on_close, "external_id": self._external_id, } return {k: v for k, v in fields.items() if v is not None}
def send_multi_line(channel, text_list): block = SectionBlock( text='\n'.join(text_list) ) my_blocks = [block] slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(my_blocks), )
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] for i in range(12): message = _crawl_music_chart(text, i) message2 = crawl_image_in_url(text, i) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message2)) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=message)
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] mentioned_url = '2010100000' crawling_page(mentioned_url) massage_block = make_sale_message_blocks(0) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(massage_block))
def send(self, channel: Union[Channel, str], text: str, **kwargs): channel_id = id_for_channel(channel) if 'attachments' in kwargs and kwargs['attachments'] is not None: kwargs['attachments'] = extract_json(kwargs['attachments']) if 'blocks' in kwargs and kwargs['blocks'] is not None: kwargs['blocks'] = extract_json(kwargs['blocks']) if 'ephemeral_user' in kwargs and kwargs['ephemeral_user'] is not None: ephemeral_user_id = id_for_user(kwargs['ephemeral_user']) del kwargs['ephemeral_user'] return LowLevelSlackClient.get_instance( ).web_client.chat_postEphemeral(channel=channel_id, user=ephemeral_user_id, text=text, **kwargs) else: return LowLevelSlackClient.get_instance( ).web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel_id, text=text, **kwargs)
def on_button_click(): # 버튼 클릭은 SlackEventsApi에서 처리해주지 않으므로 직접 처리합니다 payload = request.values["payload"] click_event = MessageInteractiveEvent(json.loads(payload)) func_Name = click_event.action_id user_input = click_event.value print('block id type:', type(func_Name)) # 다른 가격대로 다시 크롤링합니다. if func_Name == '0': message_blocks = make_sale_message_blocks(user_input) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message_blocks)) elif func_Name == '1': message_blocks = make_hotel_message_blocks(user_input) if message_blocks == -1: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, text=u"*검색결과가 없습니다.. 다시 입력해주세요*") else: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message_blocks)) elif func_Name == '2': message = _crawl_find_map(user_input) if message == -1: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, text=u"띄워쓰기를 다시 하거나 좀 더 상세한 주소를 입력해 주세요.") else: slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message)) elif func_Name in ["한식", "중식", "양식", "술집"]: message_blocks = make_sale_message_blocks( str(user_input) + " " + str(func_Name)) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message_blocks)) # 메시지를 채널에 올립니다 # Slack에게 클릭 이벤트를 확인했다고 알려줍니다 return "OK", 200
def test_from_single_json_object(self): single_json_object = PlainTextObject.from_str("foo") output = extract_json(single_json_object) expected = { "result": { "type": "plain_text", "text": "foo", "emoji": True } } self.assertDictEqual(expected, {"result": output})
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] message = _crawl_city_chart(text) block = _image_extraction(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=message) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(block))
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] # if text == '<@UL9K54M32>': # keywords = '아가리' # else: # keywords = _chat_with_mybot(text) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json( [block1, block1, block2]))
def test_from_list_of_json_objects(self): json_objects = [ PlainTextObject(text="foo"), MarkdownTextObject(text="bar"), ] output = extract_json(json_objects) expected = {"result": [ {"type": "plain_text", "text": "foo", "emoji": True}, {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "bar", "verbatim": False}, ]} self.assertDictEqual(expected, {"result": output})
def app_mentioned(event_data): channel = event_data["event"]["channel"] text = event_data["event"]["text"] message = _crawl(text) if message == []: message = [SectionBlock(fields=["검색된 레시피가 없거나 오류입니다."])] slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=extract_json(message))
def main(rqst: Union[InteractiveMessageRequest, CommandRequest]) -> None: block_id = cmd.prog + '.main.button' # create a Slack message that will be used to respond to the User's # interaction which was the invocation of the /demo command. resp = Response(rqst) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # define the button callback handler to send a response back to the # User telling the time when they pressed the button # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def on_button(btn_rqst: BlockActionRequest, btn_action: ActionEvent): btn_resp = Response(btn_rqst) btn_resp.send_response(text=( f"At timestamp `{['action_ts']}`, " f"you pressed: *{btn_action.value.title()}*") ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create a message to send to the User that has two buttons; and when # they click either one, the above callback will be executed. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- user_id = rqst.user_id resp['blocks'] = extract_json([ SectionBlock(text=MarkdownTextObject(text=f'Hi there <@{user_id}>!')), DividerBlock(), ActionsBlock( block_id=block_id, elements=[ ButtonElement( text='Press for Bad', style='danger', action_id=f'{block_id}.bad', value='bad'), ButtonElement( text='Press for Good', style="primary", action_id=f'{block_id}.good', value='good') ] ), DividerBlock() ]) resp.send()
def to_dict(self) -> dict: as_dict = super().to_dict() as_dict['element'] = extract_json(self.element) pto_dfs = PlainTextObject.direct_from_string as_dict['label'] = pto_dfs(self.label) if 'hint' in as_dict: as_dict['hint'] = pto_dfs(self.hint) return as_dict
def _papago(text): new_text=text.split(",") idx = 0 try: idx = trans.index(new_text[0]) except: pass # idx = trans. if trans[idx] in text: # text = "ko_to_en, 나는 학교에 버스도 타고, 지하철도 타고, 비행기도 탄다." # new_text = ['ko_to_en','나는 학교에 버스도 타고','지하철도 타고','비행기도 탄다.',] # idx = 0 # new_new_text = "나는 학교에 버스도 타고, 지하철도 타고, 비행기도 탄다." new_new_text= ",".join(new_text[1:]) encText = urllib.parse.quote(new_new_text) data = "source=" +trans[idx][:2] + "&target="+trans[idx][-2:] + "&text=" + encText url = "" request = urllib.request.Request(url) request.add_header("X-Naver-Client-Id",client_id) request.add_header("X-Naver-Client-Secret",client_secret) response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, data=data.encode("utf-8")) rescode = response.getcode() if(rescode==200): response_body = return (response_body.decode('utf-8')[152:].split("\"")[0].replace(", @UKZKYKWUS.", "")) else: return ("Error Code:" + rescode) elif 'help' in text: block1 = SectionBlock( text="`@ko_to_en` : 한국어->영어"+"\n"+"`@en_to_ko` : 영어->한국어"+"\n"+ "`@ko_to_ja` : 한국어->일어"+"\n"+ "`@ko_to_ja` : 한국어->일어"+"\n"+"`@ko_to_vi` : 한국어->베트남어"+"\n"+ "`@ko_to_fr` : 한국어->프랑스어"+"\n"+ "`@ko_to_es` : 한국어->스페인어"+"\n"+ "`@ko_to_id` : 한국어->인도네시아어"+"\n"+ "`@ko_to_th` : 한국어->태국어"+"\n"+ "`@ko_to_ru` : 한국어->러시아어"+"\n"+ "`@en_to_ja` : 영어->일본어" ) block2 = SectionBlock( text="`@<명령어>, <문장>` 의 형태로 멘션해주세요." ) my_blocks = [block1,block2] slack_web_client.chat_postMessage( channel="#ssafy", blocks=extract_json(my_blocks) ) else: return "`@<봇이름> help` 와 같이 멘션해주세요."
def on_button_click(): # 버튼 클릭은 SlackEventsApi에서 처리해주지 않으므로 직접 처리합니다 payload = request.values["payload"] click_event = MessageInteractiveEvent(json.loads(payload)) keyword = click_event.block_id dDay = int(click_event.value) yesterday = - 1 yttt = [] for i in range(4): tmpYttt = yesterday + i if int(tmpYttt) < 10: yttt.append("0" + str(tmpYttt)) else: yttt.append(str(tmpYttt)) dateData = "" if dDay == 0: dateData = yttt[0] elif dDay == 1: dateData = yttt[1] if dDay == 2: dateData = yttt[2] elif dDay == 3: dateData = yttt[3] objectList = [] objectList = crawlig(dateData) # 블록 처리 ## my_blocks = [] for i in range(len(objectList)): m = objectList[i] titleBlockTmp = SectionBlock(text="*`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\t\t" + "Day " + dateData + ". " + m.title + "\t\t///////////`*") imgBlockTmp = ImageBlock( image_url=m.img, alt_text="이미지가 안보이면 어쩔수 없지...", ) contentBlockTmp = SectionBlock(fields=m.foods) my_blocks.append(titleBlockTmp) my_blocks.append(imgBlockTmp) my_blocks.append(contentBlockTmp) ## Post message to Chatbot ## slackWebClient_toChatbotPostMsg(, extract_json(my_blocks)) # Slack에게 클릭 이벤트를 확인했다고 알려줍니다 return "OK", 200
def on_button_click(): # 버튼 클릭은 SlackEventsApi에서 처리해주지 않으므로 직접 처리합니다 payload = request.values["payload"] click_event = MessageInteractiveEvent(json.loads(payload)) fortune = click_event.value user_id_ = if(fortune == "birth"): message = today_fortune(user_id_) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message) ) return "OK", 200 elif(fortune == "animal"): message = animal_fortune(user_id_) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message) ) return "OK", 200 elif(fortune == "constellation"): message = constellation_fortune(user_id_) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message) ) return "OK", 200 elif fortune in ["love", "money", "work", "study"]: message = today_fortune_detail(user_id_, fortune) slack_web_client.chat_postMessage(, blocks=extract_json(message) ) return "OK", 200 # Slack에게 클릭 이벤트를 확인했다고 알려줍니다 return "OK", 200