def build_message(self): event_class = None # Handle supported event types if self.source == '': from import HealthEvent event_class = HealthEvent if event_class: return event_class(self.event).build_message() # Create message and attachment message = SlackMessage(text=self.detail_type, ) attachment = SlackAttachment(title=self.detail_type, text=json.dumps(self.detail), footer='CloudWatch Event') # Source attachment.add_field(title='Source', value=self.source) # Account attachment.add_field(title='Account', value=self.account_id) # Region attachment.add_field(title='Region', value=self.region) # Resources if self.resources: attachment.add_field(title='Resources', value=', '.join(self.resources), short=False) # Add attachment message.add_attachment(attachment) return message
def main(testing=False): from slack import SlackMessage setproctitle('trac_ticket') logging.basicConfig(level='DEBUG' if testing else 'INFO') with open('.slack_token') as f: token = slack = SlackMessage(token, testing=testing) logging.error('SlackMessage has stopped')
def build_message(self): alarm_state = self.message['NewStateValue'] if alarm_state == 'ALARM': color = 'danger' elif alarm_state == 'OK': color = 'good' else: color = 'warning' message = SlackMessage() attachment = SlackAttachment(title=self.subject, text=self.message['NewStateReason'], footer='CloudWatch Alarm', color=color) # Alarm attachment.add_field( title='Alarm', value='<%s|%s>' % (build_alarm_link( self.alarm_name, region=self.region), self.alarm_name)) # Build fields for each dimension for dimension in self.trigger['Dimensions']: title = dimension['name'] value = dimension['value'] # Add link to certain dimensions if title == 'InstanceId': value = '<%s|%s>' % (build_ec2_search( value, region=self.region, method='instanceId'), value) attachment.add_field(title=title, value=value) # Metric attachment.add_field( title='Metric', value='%s/%s' % (self.trigger['Namespace'], self.trigger['MetricName'])) # Account Information if self.account_alias: account = '%s (%s)' % (self.account_alias, self.account_id) else: account = self.account_id attachment.add_field(title='Account', value=account) # Region attachment.add_field(title='Region', value=self.message['Region']) # Add the attachment message.add_attachment(attachment) return message
def build_message(self): event_class = None if 'AutoScalingGroupARN' in self.message: from events.sns.autoscaling import AutoScalingEvent event_class = AutoScalingEvent elif 'AlarmName' in self.message: from events.sns.alarm import AlarmEvent event_class = AlarmEvent if event_class: return event_class(self.event).build_message() message = SlackMessage() if isinstance(self.message, dict): # If message is a dict, split attributes into attachment fields attachment = SlackAttachment( title=self.subject, text=None, ) for key, value in self.message.items(): short = True # If value is a list/dict, convert to JSON and use full width field if isinstance(value, (list, dict)): value = json.dumps(value) short = False # Add the field attachment.add_field(title=key, value=value, short=short) # Add attachment to the message message.add_attachment(attachment) else: # Fallback to a plain message message.text = '*%(subject)s*\n\n%(message)s' % { 'subject': self.subject, 'message': self.message } return message
def build_message(self): message = SlackMessage() # Build the text text = '' for item in self.detail['eventDescription']: text = item['latestDescription'] + '\n' + text # Create attachment attachment = SlackAttachment( title=self.detail['eventTypeCode'], title_link=build_phd_link(self.detail['eventArn']), text=text, footer='Health Event', color='danger' ) # Service attachment.add_field( title='Service', value=self.service ) # Region attachment.add_field( title='Region', value=self.region ) # Affected resources attachment.add_field( title='Resources', value=', '.join(self.resources), short=False ) # Account Information attachment.add_field( title='Account', value=self.account_id ) # Add attachment and return message message.add_attachment(attachment) return message
# coding: utf-8 # 参考:「みんなのRaspberry Pi入門」リックテレコム 石井もルナ・江崎徳秀 著 # spi, time ライブラリをインポート import spidev import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from slack import SlackMessage ledflag = False slackPost = SlackMessage() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) led_channel = 4 GPIO.setup(led_channel, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(led_channel, GPIO.HIGH) # SpiDev オブジェクトのインスタンスを生成 spi = spidev.SpiDev() # ポート0、デバイス0のSPI をオープン, 0) # 最大クロックスピードを1MHz に設定 spi.max_speed_hz=1000000 # 1 ワードあたり8ビットに設定 spi.bits_per_word=8 # ダミーデータを設定(1111 1111) dummy = 0xff
def build_message(self): if self.event_type not in self.VALID_EVENTS: return if self.event_type == event_types.EVENT_AUTOSCALING_INSTANCE_LAUNCH: color = 'good' elif self.event_type == event_types.EVENT_AUTOSCALING_INSTANCE_TERMINATE: color = 'warning' else: color = 'danger' message = SlackMessage() attachment = SlackAttachment( title=self.subject, text=self.message['Cause'].replace(' ', '.\n\n'), footer=self.message['Service'], color=color, ) # Auto Scaling Group asg_name = self.message['AutoScalingGroupName'] attachment.add_field( title='Auto Scaling Group Name', value='<%s|%s>' % (build_asg_link(asg_name, region=self.region), asg_name)) # Instance ID instance_id = self.message['EC2InstanceId'] attachment.add_field( title='EC2 Instance ID', value='<%s|%s>' % (build_ec2_search( instance_id, method='instanceId', region=self.region), instance_id)) # Subnet subnet_id = self.message['Details'].get('Subnet ID') subnet_name = subnet_id try: subnet = self.ec2.Subnet(subnet_id) for item in subnet.tags: if item['Key'] == 'Name': subnet_name = item['Value'] break except ClientError: subnet = None # Availability Zone availability_zone = self.message['Details'].get('Availability Zone') # Combine subnet and availability zone into a single field attachment.add_field( title='Subnet', value='<%s|%s (%s)>' % (build_ec2_search( subnet_id, method='subnetId', region=self.region), subnet_name, availability_zone)) # Get VPC if possible if subnet: vpc_name = for item in subnet.vpc.tags: if item['Key'] == 'Name': vpc_name = item['Value'] break attachment.add_field( title='VPC', value='<%s|%s>' % (build_ec2_search(, method='vpcId', region=self.region), vpc_name), ) # Account Information if self.account_alias: account = '%s (%s)' % (self.account_alias, self.account_id) else: account = self.account_id attachment.add_field(title='Account', value=account) # Region Information attachment.add_field(title='Region', value=self.region) # Add the attachment message.add_attachment(attachment) return message
parser.add_argument( '--radarr-key', '-rk', help='Radarr API key, find it on Radarr > Settings > General' ) parser.add_argument( '--tmdb-key', '-tk', help='TMDB API Key, register app on tmdb to obtain API Key' ) args = parser.parse_args() return args args = _argparse() radarr = RadarrApi(args.radarr_url, args.radarr_key) radarr.unmonitorMovieIfNeeded(os.environ.get("radarr_movie_id"), os.environ.get("radarr_eventtype")) radarr.loadData(os.environ.get("radarr_download_id")) link = ""+os.environ.get("radarr_movie_tmdbid", "") tmdb = TmdbApi(args.tmdb_key) tmdb.loadMovieData(radarr.tmdbId) tmdb.downloadMovieProductionImage() message = SlackMessage(args.webhook_url) message.package("*"+ os.environ.get("radarr_movie_title", "") +"* ("+ radarr.year +") ["+ os.environ.get("radarr_moviefile_quality", "") +"]") message.constructor("`" +radarr.indexer+"` _"+os.environ.get("radarr_moviefile_releasegroup", "")+"_ ("+radarr.sizeOnDisk+")") message.release(radarr.releaseTitle) message.notify()
sonarr = SonarrApi(args.sonarr_url, args.sonarr_key) sonarr.loadData(os.environ.get("sonarr_series_id", ""), os.environ.get("sonarr_episodefile_id", ""), os.environ.get("sonarr_download_id", "")) sonarr.unmonitorMovieIfNeeded(os.environ.get("sonarr_eventtype")) networkName = tmdb.normalizeNetworkName( networkLogoEmoji = tmdb.downloadImageIfNeeded(networkLogoUrl, networkName) season = os.environ.get("sonarr_episodefile_seasonnumber", "") episode = os.environ.get("sonarr_episodefile_episodenumbers", "") link = "" tvMaze = TvMazeApi(os.environ.get("sonarr_series_tvmazeid", "")) link = tvMaze.getEpisodeUrl(season, episode) message = SlackMessage(args.webhook_url) message.package("*" + os.environ.get("sonarr_series_title", "") + " - " + season + "x" + episode + " - " + os.environ.get("sonarr_episodefile_episodetitles", "") + "* [" + os.environ.get("sonarr_episodefile_quality", "") + "]") message.constructor("`" + sonarr.indexer + "` _" + os.environ.get("sonarr_episodefile_releasegroup", "") + "_ (" + sonarr.sizeOnDisk + ")") message.iconUrl = networkLogoUrl message.iconEmoji = networkLogoEmoji message.notify()