Example #1
            LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c) for c in cartesian_cylinders

        # For every cylinder, find the closest reference cylinder.
        cylinder_pairs = find_cylinder_pairs(world_cylinders,

        # Estimate a transformation using the cylinder pairs.
        trafo = estimate_transform(
            [world_cylinders[pair[0]] for pair in cylinder_pairs],
            [reference_cylinders[pair[1]] for pair in cylinder_pairs],

        # Transform the cylinders using the estimated transform.
        transformed_world_cylinders = []
        if trafo:
            transformed_world_cylinders =\
                [apply_transform(trafo, c) for c in
                 [world_cylinders[pair[0]] for pair in cylinder_pairs]]

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        out_file.write("F %f %f %f\n" % pose)
        # The detected cylinders in the scanner's coordinate system.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "D C", cartesian_cylinders)
        # The detected cylinders, transformed using the estimated trafo.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C", transformed_world_cylinders)

    pose = (1850.0, 1897.0, 3.717551306747922)

    # Read the logfile which contains all scans.
    logfile = LegoLogfile()

    # Iterate over all positions.
    out_file = file("find_wall_pairs.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i], ticks_to_mm,
                           robot_width, scanner_displacement)

        # Subsample points.
        subsampled_points = get_subsampled_points(logfile.scan_data[i])
        world_points = [
            LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c) for c in subsampled_points

        # Get corresponding points on wall.
        left, right = get_corresponding_points_on_wall(world_points)

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print >> out_file, "F %f %f %f" % pose
        # Write the scanner points and corresponding points.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C", left + right)

    # Iterate over all positions.
    out_file = file("find_cylinder_pairs.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i],
                           ticks_to_mm, robot_width,

        # Extract cylinders, also convert them to world coordinates.
        cartesian_cylinders = compute_scanner_cylinders(
            depth_jump, minimum_valid_distance, cylinder_offset)
        world_cylinders = [LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c)
                           for c in cartesian_cylinders]

        # For every cylinder, find the closest reference cylinder.
        cylinder_pairs = find_cylinder_pairs(
            world_cylinders, reference_cylinders, max_cylinder_distance)

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print >> out_file, "F %f %f %f" % pose
        # The detected cylinders in the scanner's coordinate system.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "D C", cartesian_cylinders)
        # The reference cylinders which were part of a cylinder pair.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C",
            [reference_cylinders[j[1]] for j in cylinder_pairs])

    out_file = open("estimate_wall_transform.txt", "w")
    for i in range(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i], ticks_to_mm,
                           robot_width, scanner_displacement)

        # Subsample points.
        subsampled_points = get_subsampled_points(logfile.scan_data[i])
        world_points = [
            LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c) for c in subsampled_points

        # Get the transformation
        left, right = get_corresponding_points_on_wall(world_points)
        trafo = estimate_transform(left, right, fix_scale=True)

        # Correct the initial position using trafo. Also transform points.
        if trafo:
            pose = correct_pose(pose, trafo)
            world_points = [apply_transform(trafo, p) for p in world_points]
            world_points = []

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print("F %f %f %f" % pose, file=out_file)
        # Write the scanner points and corresponding points.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C", world_points)

    pose = (1850.0, 1897.0, 3.717551306747922)

    # Read the logfile which contains all scans.
    logfile = LegoLogfile()

    # Iterate over all positions.
    out_file = file("find_wall_pairs.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i],
                           ticks_to_mm, robot_width,

        # Subsample points.
        subsampled_points = get_subsampled_points(logfile.scan_data[i])
        world_points = [LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c)
                        for c in subsampled_points]

        # Get corresponding points on wall.
        left, right = get_corresponding_points_on_wall(world_points)

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print >> out_file, "F %f %f %f" % pose
        # Write the scanner points and corresponding points.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C", left + right)

    # Iterate over all positions.
    out_file = file("find_cylinder_pairs.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i],
                           ticks_to_mm, robot_width,

        # Extract cylinders, also convert them to world coordinates.
        cartesian_cylinders = compute_scanner_cylinders(
            depth_jump, minimum_valid_distance, cylinder_offset)
        world_cylinders = [LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c)
                           for c in cartesian_cylinders]

        # For every cylinder, find the closest reference cylinder.
        cylinder_pairs = find_cylinder_pairs(
            world_cylinders, reference_cylinders, max_cylinder_distance)

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print >> out_file, "F %f %f %f" % pose
        # The detected cylinders in the scanner's coordinate system.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "D C", cartesian_cylinders)
        # The reference cylinders which were part of a cylinder pair.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C",
            [reference_cylinders[j[1]] for j in cylinder_pairs])

Example #7
            depth_jump, minimum_valid_distance, cylinder_offset)
        world_cylinders = [LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c)
                           for c in cartesian_cylinders]

        # For every cylinder, find the closest reference cylinder.
        cylinder_pairs = find_cylinder_pairs(
            world_cylinders, reference_cylinders, max_cylinder_distance)

        # Estimate a transformation using the cylinder pairs.
        trafo = estimate_transform(
            [world_cylinders[pair[0]] for pair in cylinder_pairs],
            [reference_cylinders[pair[1]] for pair in cylinder_pairs],
            fix_scale = True)

        # Transform the cylinders using the estimated transform.
        transformed_world_cylinders = []
        if trafo:
            transformed_world_cylinders =\
                [apply_transform(trafo, c) for c in
                 [world_cylinders[pair[0]] for pair in cylinder_pairs]]            

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print >> out_file, "F %f %f %f" % pose
        # The detected cylinders in the scanner's coordinate system.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "D C", cartesian_cylinders)
        # The detected cylinders, transformed using the estimated trafo.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C", transformed_world_cylinders)

    # Iterate over all positions.
    out_file = file("icp_wall_transform.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i],
                           ticks_to_mm, robot_width,

        # Subsample points.
        subsampled_points = get_subsampled_points(logfile.scan_data[i])
        world_points = [LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c)
                        for c in subsampled_points]

        # Get the transformation.
        # You may play withe the number of iterations here to see
        # the effect on the trajectory!
        trafo = get_icp_transform(world_points, iterations = 40)

        # Correct the initial position using trafo.
        pose = correct_pose(pose, trafo)

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print >> out_file, "F %f %f %f" % pose
        # Write the scanner points and corresponding points.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C",
            [apply_transform(trafo, p) for p in world_points])

Example #9
    # Iterate over all positions.
    out_file = file("icp_wall_transform.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i],
                           ticks_to_mm, robot_width,

        # Subsample points.
        subsampled_points = get_subsampled_points(logfile.scan_data[i])
        world_points = [LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c)
                        for c in subsampled_points]

        # Get the transformation.
        # You may play withe the number of iterations here to see
        # the effect on the trajectory!
        trafo = get_icp_transform(world_points, iterations = 40)

        # Correct the initial position using trafo.
        pose = correct_pose(pose, trafo)

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print >> out_file, "F %f %f %f" % pose
        # Write the scanner points and corresponding points.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C",
            [apply_transform(trafo, p) for p in world_points])

    out_file = open("estimate_wall_transform.txt", "w")
    for i in range(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i],
                           ticks_to_mm, robot_width,

        # Subsample points.
        subsampled_points = get_subsampled_points(logfile.scan_data[i])
        world_points = [LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c)
                        for c in subsampled_points]

        # Get the transformation
        left, right = get_corresponding_points_on_wall(world_points)
        trafo = estimate_transform(left, right, fix_scale = True)

        # Correct the initial position using trafo. Also transform points.
        if trafo:
            pose = correct_pose(pose, trafo)
            world_points = [apply_transform(trafo, p) for p in world_points]
            world_points = []

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        out_file.write("F %f %f %f\n" % pose)
        # Write the scanner points and corresponding points.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C", world_points)

    # Read the logfile which contains all scans.
    logfile = LegoLogfile()

    # Iterate over all positions.
    out_file = file("find_wall_pairs.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.scan_data)):
        # Compute the new pose.
        pose = filter_step(pose, logfile.motor_ticks[i], ticks_to_mm,
                           robot_width, scanner_displacement)

        # Subsample points.
        subsampled_points = get_subsampled_points(
            logfile.scan_data[i])  # subsampling
        world_points = [
            LegoLogfile.scanner_to_world(pose, c)  # from the local positon
            for c in subsampled_points

        # Get corresponding points on wall.
        left, right = get_corresponding_points_on_wall(world_points)

        # Write to file.
        # The pose.
        print >> out_file, "F %f %f %f" % pose
        # Write the scanner points and corresponding points.
        write_cylinders(out_file, "W C", left + right)  # combine a a new list
