import slideMaker as sm import fnmatch import os import utils #PATH=/nfs-7/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH #export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/users/cgeorge/software/slideMaker/ t = "madrid" exprs = {'_mm_OS', '_ee_OS', '_em_OS', '_all_SF', '_all_EZ', '_all_SS'} #exprs = {'_all_SF','_all_EZ','_all_SS'} for expr in exprs: sm.initSlides(me="GC", themeName=t, opts="--themecolor 51,51,179") for file in os.listdir('.'): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*' + expr + '.pdf'): print file sm.addSlide(p1=file) sm.writeSlides("kinem_plot_dump" + expr + ".tex", opts="--compile --copy")
import sys, os import slideMaker as sm import tableMaker as tm sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths /home/users/namin/2015/fr/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/testing/SSAnalysis/WZRun2/pdfs_before/") sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="alex",opts="--themecolor 13,26,129") sm.addSlide(title="WZ Scale Factor ENDL With 832.7 pb$^{-1} (OLD)$", opts="") sm.addSlide(title="Overview", text=""" - Using latest json with 832 pb$^{-1}$ - Construct \\coolblue{WZ control region} with baseline requirement of $\\met > 30$ and Njets$>2$ and -- 3 tight leptons -- Pair of leptons has $|m_{\\ell\\ell}-m_Z|\\leq15$ -- Njets$<5$ -- 0 btags -- in the HighHigh region (each lepton has $\\pt>25$) """) sm.addSlide(p1="h1D_njets.pdf", p2="h1D_nbtags.pdf", title="N-1 plots: njets, nbtags") sm.addSlide(p1="h1D_lep1pt.pdf", p2="h1D_lep2pt.pdf", title="N-1 plots: lepton $\\pt$") sm.addSlide(p1="h1D_met.pdf", p2="h1D_mtmin.pdf", title="CR plots: $\\met$, $\\mtmin$") sm.addSlide(p1="h1D_ht.pdf", p2="h1D_zmass.pdf", title="CR plots: $\\Ht$, $m_{\\ell\\ell}$") # DATA # data = 14.00 pm 3.74 # WZ # wz = 8.44 pm 0.13
import sys import glob import slideMaker as sm # test2 and test3 can be folders with your plots, so you can execute this script anywhere really sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths ../yield_plots/") # sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="alex",opts="--casual Nick --themecolor random --font gillius") sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="alex",opts="--casual Nick --themecolor 81,73,69 --font gillius") sm.addSlide(title="SS: 74X vs 76X ", opts="") # samples = [ # "TChiChi_mChi-150_mLSP-1", # "TChiNeu_mChi-300_mLSP-285", # "TChiNeu_mChi-300_mLSP-290", # "TChiNeu_mChi-300_mLSP-295", # "TChiNeu_mChi-300_mLSP-297", # "TChiNeu_mChi-300_mLSP-299", # ] # plot_types = [ # "mChi", "chargino daughters", "W daughters", "met", "pfjet pt", "pfjet eta" # ] plot_types = [ ["HH" , "high_yields.pdf" , "high_yields_76x.pdf"] , ["HL" , "hl_yields.pdf" , "hl_yields_76x.pdf"] , ["$H_T$" , "kinem_ht_.pdf" , "kinem_ht__76x.pdf"] ,
-- third secondary bullet \\orange{test} """ sm.addObject("t1","text",(0.25,0.15),width=0.3, text="testlabel", color="red", size=0, bold=False,opts="--rotate -45") sm.addObject("t2","text",(0.75,0.15),width=0.3, text="testlabel", color="coolblue", size=0, bold=False) sm.addObject("a1","arrow", (0.31,0.15), (0.69,0.15)) sm.addObject("a2","arrow", (0.31,0.15), (0.65,0.46), opts="--crayon --noarrowhead") sm.addObject("a0","arrow") sm.addObject("c0","circle") # supported themes are "nick", "alex", and "madrid" # test2 and test3 can be folders with your plots, so you can execute this script anywhere really # themecolor takes RGB. could put in explicit color names, but RGB more robust # also try the --modernfont option sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="nick",opts="--graphicspaths ./test2/,./test3/ --themecolor 51,51,179") sm.addSlide(title="Perturbation Theory on $H_m(dS_n,\\mathbb{R})$ Orbifolds", opts="--shorttitle snarxiv hep-th") # pass in a list of textobjects (which are just dicts, so they can be modified too) sm.addSlide(p1="yields.pdf",p2="yields.pdf", objects=["t1","t2","a1","a2"]) sm.addSlide(p1="yields.pdf",p2="yields.pdf") # when I specify an empty object, a helper grid gets printed on the slide if I've specified # the global option "--makegrid". A gui is produced if I specify "--makegui" instead sm.addSlide(p1="zmass.pdf", objects=["a0","c0"]) sm.addSlide(text=content+content) # slides reset their numbering when you start the backup section sm.startBackup() sm.addSlide(text=content, p1="filt.pdf", opts="--sidebyside") sm.addSlide(text=content, p1="zmass.pdf", p2="zmass.pdf")
import sys, os import slideMaker as sm import tableMaker as tm sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths ../pdfs/") sm.initSlides(me="Nick", themeName="alexmod", opts="--themecolor 13,26,129") sm.addSlide(title="WZ Scale Factor ENDL With 1.264 fb$^{-1} (OLD)$", opts="") sm.addSlide(title="Overview", text=""" - Using latest json with 1.264 fb$^{-1}$ - Construct \\coolblue{WZ control region} with baseline requirement of $\\met > 30$ and Njets$>2$ and -- 3 tight leptons -- Pair of leptons has $|m_{\\ell\\ell}-m_Z|\\leq15$ -- $2<$Njets$<5$ -- 0 btags -- in the HighHigh region (each lepton has $\\pt>25$) """) sm.addSlide(p1="h1D_njets.pdf", p2="h1D_nbtags.pdf", title="N-1 plots: njets, nbtags") sm.addSlide(p1="h1D_lep1pt.pdf", p2="h1D_lep2pt.pdf", title="N-1 plots: lepton $\\pt$") sm.addSlide(p1="h1D_met.pdf", p2="h1D_mtmin.pdf", title="CR plots: $\\met$, $\\mtmin$") sm.addSlide(p1="h1D_ht.pdf",
import sys, os import slideMaker as sm import tableMaker as tm # sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths ../plots_120215/,/home/users/namin/2015/jec/an2013_131/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test/flat/,/home/users/namin/2015/jec/an2013_131/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test/flat/images/") # sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths ../plots/,/home/users/namin/2015/jec/an2013_131/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test/flat/,/home/users/namin/2015/jec/an2013_131/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test/flat/images/") sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths ../plots/,../../l1/images/") # sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="alex",opts="--themecolor 100,74,196 --casual \\textbf{Nick Amin} ENDL \\today --font gillius") # sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="alex",opts="--themecolor 29,76,165 --casual \\textbf{Nick Amin} ENDL \\today --font gillius") sm.initSlides(me="Nick", themeName="alexmod", opts="--themecolor 255,105,180 --font gillius") sm.addSlide(title="80X FastSim JECs", opts="") # - Use PU, NoPU samples to derive \\textbf{L1} corrections # -- /QCD\\_Pt-15to7000\\_TuneCUETP8M1\\_Flat\\_13TeV\\_pythia8/ RunIISpring15FSPremixDR-NoPU\\_ForSUSJECs\\_MCRUN2\\_74\\_V9-v1/AODSIM # -- /QCD\\_Pt-15to7000\\_TuneCUETP8M1\\_Flat\\_13TeV\\_pythia8/ RunIISpring15FSPremixDR-FlatPU0To50\\_ForSUSJECs\\_MCRUN2\\_74\\_V9-v1/AODSIM # -- Corrects for PU in bins of $\\eta$ as a function of $\\pt$ # - Use NoPU sample to derive \\textbf{L2L3} correction # -- L3Absolute makes response flat in $\\pt$ using absolute response ($\\pt^\\text{gen}-\\pt^\\text{reco}$). Text file produced from this is a dummy file nowadays (L2L3 done together in one step) # -- L2Relative makes response flat in $\\eta$ using relative response ($\\pt^\\text{reco}/\\pt^\\text{gen}$). # - Produce corrections for ak\\{4,8\\}\\{pf,pfchs\\} jets since this is what we have in FastSim # -- Use TAMU framework (\\url{}) # -- Focus on AK4PFchs here (other 3 are in backup) sm.addSlide(title="Overview", text=""" - Use PU, NoPU samples (made from same GEN events) to derive L1 corrections -- /QCD\\_Pt-15to7000\\_TuneCUETP8M1\\_Flat\\_13TeV\\_pythia8/RunIISpring16FSPremixDR-NoPU\\_ForSUSJECs\\_80X\\_mcRun2\\_asymptotic\\_v12-v1/AODSIM -- /QCD\\_Pt-15to7000\\_TuneCUETP8M1\\_Flat\\_13TeV\\_pythia8/RunIISpring16FSPremixDR-FlatPU0To50\\_ForSUSJECs\\_80X\\_mcRun2\\_asymptotic\\_v12-v1/AODSIM - Use L1 corrected PU sample to derive L2L3 correction
import sys, os import slideMaker as sm import tableMaker as tm # sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths ../plots_120215/,/home/users/namin/2015/jec/an2013_131/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test/flat/,/home/users/namin/2015/jec/an2013_131/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test/flat/images/") # sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths ../plots/,/home/users/namin/2015/jec/an2013_131/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test/flat/,/home/users/namin/2015/jec/an2013_131/CMSSW_7_4_1_patch1/src/JetMETAnalysis/JetAnalyzers/test/flat/images/") sm.addGlobalOptions("--graphicspaths ../plots/,../../l1/images/") # sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="alex",opts="--themecolor 100,74,196 --casual \\textbf{Nick Amin} ENDL \\today --font gillius") # sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="alex",opts="--themecolor 29,76,165 --casual \\textbf{Nick Amin} ENDL \\today --font gillius") sm.initSlides(me="Nick",themeName="alexmod",opts="--themecolor 255,105,180 --font gillius") sm.addSlide(title="80X FastSim JECs", opts="") # - Use PU, NoPU samples to derive \\textbf{L1} corrections # -- /QCD\\_Pt-15to7000\\_TuneCUETP8M1\\_Flat\\_13TeV\\_pythia8/ RunIISpring15FSPremixDR-NoPU\\_ForSUSJECs\\_MCRUN2\\_74\\_V9-v1/AODSIM # -- /QCD\\_Pt-15to7000\\_TuneCUETP8M1\\_Flat\\_13TeV\\_pythia8/ RunIISpring15FSPremixDR-FlatPU0To50\\_ForSUSJECs\\_MCRUN2\\_74\\_V9-v1/AODSIM # -- Corrects for PU in bins of $\\eta$ as a function of $\\pt$ # - Use NoPU sample to derive \\textbf{L2L3} correction # -- L3Absolute makes response flat in $\\pt$ using absolute response ($\\pt^\\text{gen}-\\pt^\\text{reco}$). Text file produced from this is a dummy file nowadays (L2L3 done together in one step) # -- L2Relative makes response flat in $\\eta$ using relative response ($\\pt^\\text{reco}/\\pt^\\text{gen}$). # - Produce corrections for ak\\{4,8\\}\\{pf,pfchs\\} jets since this is what we have in FastSim # -- Use TAMU framework (\\url{}) # -- Focus on AK4PFchs here (other 3 are in backup) sm.addSlide(title="Overview", text=""" - Use PU, NoPU samples (made from same GEN events) to derive L1 corrections -- /QCD\\_Pt-15to7000\\_TuneCUETP8M1\\_Flat\\_13TeV\\_pythia8/RunIISpring16FSPremixDR-NoPU\\_ForSUSJECs\\_80X\\_mcRun2\\_asymptotic\\_v12-v1/AODSIM -- /QCD\\_Pt-15to7000\\_TuneCUETP8M1\\_Flat\\_13TeV\\_pythia8/RunIISpring16FSPremixDR-FlatPU0To50\\_ForSUSJECs\\_80X\\_mcRun2\\_asymptotic\\_v12-v1/AODSIM - Use L1 corrected PU sample to derive L2L3 correction - Produce corrections for ak\\{4,8\\}\\{pf,pfchs\\} jets -- Use TAMU framework (\\url{}) -- Focus on AK4PFchs here (other 3 are in backup)
color="coolblue", size=0, bold=False) sm.addObject("a1", "arrow", (0.31, 0.15), (0.69, 0.15)) sm.addObject("a2", "arrow", (0.31, 0.15), (0.65, 0.46), opts="--crayon --noarrowhead") sm.addObject("a0", "arrow") sm.addObject("c0", "circle") # supported themes are "nick", "alex", and "madrid" # themecolor takes RGB. could put in explicit color names, but RGB more robust # also try the --modernfont option sm.initSlides(me="Nick", themeName="alexmod", opts="--themecolor 51,51,179 --font gillius") sm.addSlide(title="Perturbation Theory on $H_m(dS_n,\\mathbb{R})$ Orbifolds", opts="--shorttitle snarxiv hep-th") # pass in a list of textobjects (which are just dicts, so they can be modified too) sm.addSlide(p1="yields.pdf", p2="yields.pdf", objects=["t1", "t2", "a1", "a2"]) sm.addSlide(p1="yields.pdf", p2="yields.pdf") # or EVEN better, you can pass in a list of plots sm.addSlide( title="Many plots", plots=["zmass.pdf", "zmass.pdf", "zmass.pdf", "zmass.pdf", "zmass.pdf"]) # when I specify an empty object, a helper grid gets printed on the slide if I've specified # the global option "--makegrid". A gui is produced if I specify "--makegui" instead