def makeBaselinePolicy(_): return BaselinePolicy()
extended_dir = zoo_dir / "extended" # Example: # reward_wrapper_dir = zoo_dir / "reward_wrapper" obs_small_always_dir = zoo_dir / "obs_small_always" # Add the test agents you would like to evaluate to the test_agents dictionary { "model_name": "path/to/model"} # You may delete the existing ones in the test_agents dictionary (they are just examples) test_agents = { "ppo": PPOPolicy(obs_small_always_dir / ""), "ppo_sp": PPOPolicy(obs_small_always_dir / ""), "ga_sp": makeSlimePolicyLite(obs_small_always_dir / "ga_sp.json"), } if args.benchmark and not args.evaltest: pretrained_agents = { "baseline": BaselinePolicy(), "ppo": PPOPolicy(pretrained_dir / ""), "ppo_sp": PPOPolicy(pretrained_dir / ""), "ga_sp": makeSlimePolicyLite(pretrained_dir / "ga_sp.json"), "random": RandomPolicy(), } extended_agents = { "ppo_extended": PPOPolicy(extended_dir / ""), "ppo_sp_extended": PPOPolicy(extended_dir / ""), "ga_sp_extended": makeSlimePolicyLite(extended_dir / "ga_sp.json"), } benchmarks = { "pretrained": pretrained_agents, "extended": extended_agents