Example #1
    def test_additional_info_crash_msg(self):
        We want to make sure we catch errors as additional info,
        and in particular when doing multiprocessing runs, we
        want to make sure we capture dask exceptions
        def target_nonpickable(x, seed, instance):
            return x**2, {'key': seed, 'instance': instance}

        runner = ExecuteTAFuncDict(ta=target_nonpickable, stats=self.stats, run_obj='quality')

        runner = DaskParallelRunner(runner, n_workers=2)

        run_info = RunInfo(config=2, instance='test', instance_specific="0",
                           seed=0, cutoff=None, capped=False, budget=0.0)
        run_info, result = runner.get_finished_runs()[0]

        # Make sure the traceback message is included
        self.assertIn('traceback', result.additional_info)
            # We expect the problem to occur in the run wrapper
            # So traceback should show this!

        # Make sure the error message is included
        self.assertIn('error', result.additional_info)
            'Can\'t pickle local object',
Example #2
 def test_file_output(self):
     tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     single_worker_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
     parallel_runner = DaskParallelRunner(  # noqa F841
         single_worker=single_worker_mock, n_workers=1, output_directory=tmp_dir
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmp_dir, '.dask_scheduler_file')))
Example #3
    def test_do_not_close_external_client(self):
        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        single_worker_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
        client = Client()
        parallel_runner = DaskParallelRunner(
            single_worker=single_worker_mock, dask_client=client, n_workers=1, output_directory=tmp_dir
        )  # noqa F841
        del parallel_runner
        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmp_dir, '.dask_scheduler_file')))
        self.assertEqual(client.status, 'running')
        parallel_runner = DaskParallelRunner(
            single_worker=single_worker_mock, dask_client=client, n_workers=1, output_directory=tmp_dir
        )  # noqa F841
        del parallel_runner
        self.assertEqual(client.status, 'running')
Example #4
    def test_num_workers(self):
        """Make sure we can properly return the number of workers"""

        # We use the funcdict as a mechanism to test Runner
        runner = ExecuteTAFuncDict(ta=target_delayed, stats=self.stats, run_obj='quality')
        runner = DaskParallelRunner(runner, n_workers=2)
        self.assertEqual(runner.num_workers(), 2)

        # Reduce the number of workers
        # have to give time for the worker to be killed
        self.assertEqual(runner.num_workers(), 1)
Example #5
    def __init__(
        scenario: Scenario,
        tae_runner: Optional[Union[Type[BaseRunner], Callable]] = None,
        tae_runner_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        runhistory: Optional[Union[Type[RunHistory], RunHistory]] = None,
        runhistory_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        intensifier: Optional[Type[AbstractRacer]] = None,
        intensifier_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        acquisition_function: Optional[
            Type[AbstractAcquisitionFunction]] = None,
        acquisition_function_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        integrate_acquisition_function: bool = False,
        acquisition_function_optimizer: Optional[
            Type[AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer]] = None,
        acquisition_function_optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        model: Optional[Type[AbstractEPM]] = None,
        model_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        runhistory2epm: Optional[Type[AbstractRunHistory2EPM]] = None,
        runhistory2epm_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        initial_design: Optional[Type[InitialDesign]] = None,
        initial_design_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        initial_configurations: Optional[List[Configuration]] = None,
        stats: Optional[Stats] = None,
        restore_incumbent: Optional[Configuration] = None,
        rng: Optional[Union[np.random.RandomState, int]] = None,
        smbo_class: Optional[Type[SMBO]] = None,
        run_id: Optional[int] = None,
        random_configuration_chooser: Optional[
            Type[RandomConfigurationChooser]] = None,
        random_configuration_chooser_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        dask_client: Optional[dask.distributed.Client] = None,
        n_jobs: Optional[int] = 1,

        scenario : ~smac.scenario.scenario.Scenario
            Scenario object
        tae_runner : ~smac.tae.base.BaseRunner or callable
            Callable or implementation of
            :class:`~smac.tae.base.BaseRunner`. In case a
            callable is passed it will be wrapped by
            If not set, it will be initialized with the
        tae_runner_kwargs: Optional[Dict]
            arguments passed to constructor of '~tae_runner'
        runhistory : RunHistory
            runhistory to store all algorithm runs
        runhistory_kwargs : Optional[Dict]
            arguments passed to constructor of runhistory.
            We strongly advise against changing the aggregation function,
            since it will break some code assumptions
        intensifier : Intensifier
            intensification object to issue a racing to decide the current
        intensifier_kwargs: Optional[Dict]
            arguments passed to the constructor of '~intensifier'
        acquisition_function : ~smac.optimizer.acquisition.AbstractAcquisitionFunction
            Class or object that implements the :class:`~smac.optimizer.acquisition.AbstractAcquisitionFunction`.
            Will use :class:`~smac.optimizer.acquisition.EI` or :class:`~smac.optimizer.acquisition.LogEI` if not set.
            `~acquisition_function_kwargs` is passed to the class constructor.
        acquisition_function_kwargs : Optional[Dict]
            dictionary to pass specific arguments to ~acquisition_function
        integrate_acquisition_function : bool, default=False
            Whether to integrate the acquisition function. Works only with models which can sample their
            hyperparameters (i.e. GaussianProcessMCMC).
        acquisition_function_optimizer : ~smac.optimizer.ei_optimization.AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer
            Object that implements the :class:`~smac.optimizer.ei_optimization.AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer`.
            Will use :class:`smac.optimizer.ei_optimization.LocalAndSortedRandomSearch` if not set.
        acquisition_function_optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict]
            Arguments passed to constructor of '~acquisition_function_optimizer'
        model : AbstractEPM
            Model that implements train() and predict(). Will use a
            :class:`~smac.epm.rf_with_instances.RandomForestWithInstances` if not set.
        model_kwargs : Optional[Dict]
            Arguments passed to constructor of '~model'
        runhistory2epm : ~smac.runhistory.runhistory2epm.RunHistory2EMP
            Object that implements the AbstractRunHistory2EPM. If None,
            will use :class:`~smac.runhistory.runhistory2epm.RunHistory2EPM4Cost`
            if objective is cost or
            if objective is runtime.
        runhistory2epm_kwargs: Optional[Dict]
            Arguments passed to the constructor of '~runhistory2epm'
        initial_design : InitialDesign
            initial sampling design
        initial_design_kwargs: Optional[Dict]
            arguments passed to constructor of `~initial_design'
        initial_configurations : List[Configuration]
            list of initial configurations for initial design --
            cannot be used together with initial_design
        stats : Stats
            optional stats object
        rng : np.random.RandomState
            Random number generator
        restore_incumbent : Configuration
            incumbent used if restoring to previous state
        smbo_class : ~smac.optimizer.smbo.SMBO
            Class implementing the SMBO interface which will be used to
            instantiate the optimizer class.
        run_id : int (optional)
            Run ID will be used as subfolder for output_dir. If no ``run_id`` is given, a random ``run_id`` will be
        random_configuration_chooser : ~smac.optimizer.random_configuration_chooser.RandomConfigurationChooser
            How often to choose a random configuration during the intensification procedure.
        random_configuration_chooser_kwargs : Optional[Dict]
            arguments of constructor for '~random_configuration_chooser'
        dask_client : dask.distributed.Client
            User-created dask client, can be used to start a dask cluster and then attach SMAC to it.
        n_jobs : int, optional
            Number of jobs. If > 1 or -1, this creates a dask client if ``dask_client`` is ``None``. Will
            be ignored if ``dask_client`` is not ``None``.
            If ``None``, this value will be set to 1, if ``-1``, this will be set to the number of cpu cores.
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__ + "." +

        self.scenario = scenario
        self.output_dir = ""
        if not restore_incumbent:
            # restore_incumbent is used by the CLI interface which provides a method for restoring a SMAC run given an
            # output directory. This is the default path.
            # initial random number generator
            run_id, rng = get_rng(rng=rng, run_id=run_id, logger=self.logger)
            self.output_dir = create_output_directory(scenario, run_id)
        elif scenario.output_dir is not None:  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            run_id, rng = get_rng(rng=rng, run_id=run_id, logger=self.logger)
            # output-directory is created in CLI when restoring from a
            # folder. calling the function again in the facade results in two
            # folders being created: run_X and run_X.OLD. if we are
            # restoring, the output-folder exists already and we omit creating it,
            # but set the self-output_dir to the dir.
            # necessary because we want to write traj to new output-dir in CLI.
            self.output_dir = cast(str, scenario.output_dir_for_this_run
                                   )  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        rng = cast(np.random.RandomState, rng)

        if (scenario.deterministic is
                True  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                and getattr(scenario, 'tuner_timeout', None) is None
                and scenario.run_obj ==
                'quality'  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                'Optimizing a deterministic scenario for quality without a tuner timeout - will make '
                'SMAC deterministic and only evaluate one configuration per iteration!'
            scenario.intensification_percentage = 1e-10  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            scenario.min_chall = 1  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821


        # initialize stats object
        if stats:
            self.stats = stats
            self.stats = Stats(scenario)

        if self.scenario.run_obj == "runtime" and not self.scenario.transform_y == "LOG":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                "Runtime as objective automatically activates log(y) transformation"
            self.scenario.transform_y = "LOG"  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821

        # initialize empty runhistory
        runhistory_def_kwargs = {}
        if runhistory_kwargs is not None:
        if runhistory is None:
            runhistory = RunHistory(**runhistory_def_kwargs)
        elif inspect.isclass(runhistory):
            runhistory = runhistory(
                **runhistory_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[operator] # noqa F821
        elif isinstance(runhistory, RunHistory):
            raise ValueError(
                'runhistory has to be a class or an object of RunHistory')

        rand_conf_chooser_kwargs = {'rng': rng}
        if random_configuration_chooser_kwargs is not None:
        if random_configuration_chooser is None:
            if 'prob' not in rand_conf_chooser_kwargs:
                    'prob'] = scenario.rand_prob  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            random_configuration_chooser_instance = (
                            )  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            )  # type: RandomConfigurationChooser
        elif inspect.isclass(random_configuration_chooser):
            random_configuration_chooser_instance = random_configuration_chooser(
                rand_conf_chooser_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
        elif not isinstance(random_configuration_chooser,
            raise ValueError(
                "random_configuration_chooser has to be"
                " a class or object of RandomConfigurationChooser")

        # reset random number generator in config space to draw different
        # random configurations with each seed given to SMAC
            rng.randint(MAXINT))  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821

        # initial Trajectory Logger
        traj_logger = TrajLogger(output_dir=self.output_dir, stats=self.stats)

        # initial EPM
        types, bounds = get_types(
            scenario.feature_array)  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        model_def_kwargs = {
            'types': types,
            'bounds': bounds,
            'instance_features': scenario.feature_array,
            'seed': rng.randint(MAXINT),
            'pca_components': scenario.PCA_DIM,
        if model_kwargs is not None:
        if model is None:
            for key, value in {
                    'log_y': scenario.transform_y
                    in ["LOG",
                        "LOGS"],  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    'num_trees': scenario.
                    rf_num_trees,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    'do_bootstrapping': scenario.
                    rf_do_bootstrapping,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    'ratio_features': scenario.
                    rf_ratio_features,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    'min_samples_split': scenario.
                    rf_min_samples_split,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    'min_samples_leaf': scenario.
                    rf_min_samples_leaf,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    'max_depth': scenario.
                    rf_max_depth,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                if key not in model_def_kwargs:
                    model_def_kwargs[key] = value
                'configspace'] = self.scenario.cs  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            model_instance = (
                    **model_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            )  # type: AbstractEPM
        elif inspect.isclass(model):
                'configspace'] = self.scenario.cs  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            model_instance = model(
                **model_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            raise TypeError("Model not recognized: %s" % (type(model)))

        # initial acquisition function
        acq_def_kwargs = {'model': model_instance}
        if acquisition_function_kwargs is not None:
        if acquisition_function is None:
            if scenario.transform_y in [
                    "LOG", "LOGS"
            ]:  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                acquisition_function_instance = (
                          acq_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
                )  # type: AbstractAcquisitionFunction
                acquisition_function_instance = EI(
                    **acq_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
        elif inspect.isclass(acquisition_function):
            acquisition_function_instance = acquisition_function(
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument acquisition_function must be None or an object implementing the "
                "AbstractAcquisitionFunction, not %s." %
        if integrate_acquisition_function:
            acquisition_function_instance = IntegratedAcquisitionFunction(

        # initialize optimizer on acquisition function
        acq_func_opt_kwargs = {
            'acquisition_function': acquisition_function_instance,
            scenario.cs,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            'rng': rng,
        if acquisition_function_optimizer_kwargs is not None:
        if acquisition_function_optimizer is None:
            for key, value in {
                    'max_steps': scenario.
                    sls_max_steps,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    'n_steps_plateau_walk': scenario.
                    sls_n_steps_plateau_walk,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                if key not in acq_func_opt_kwargs:
                    acq_func_opt_kwargs[key] = value
            acquisition_function_optimizer_instance = (
                    acq_func_opt_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            )  # type: AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer
        elif inspect.isclass(acquisition_function_optimizer):
            acquisition_function_optimizer_instance = acquisition_function_optimizer(
                **acq_func_opt_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument acquisition_function_optimizer must be None or an object implementing the "
                "AcquisitionFunctionMaximizer, but is '%s'" %

        # initialize tae_runner
        # First case, if tae_runner is None, the target algorithm is a call
        # string in the scenario file
        tae_def_kwargs = {
            'stats': self.stats,
            'run_obj': scenario.run_obj,
            scenario.par_factor,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            scenario.cost_for_crash,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            'abort_on_first_run_crash': scenario.
            abort_on_first_run_crash  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        if tae_runner_kwargs is not None:

        if 'ta' not in tae_def_kwargs:
                'ta'] = scenario.ta  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        if tae_runner is None:
                'ta'] = scenario.ta  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            tae_runner_instance = (
                    **tae_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            )  # type: BaseRunner
        elif inspect.isclass(tae_runner):
            tae_runner_instance = cast(BaseRunner, tae_runner(
                **tae_def_kwargs))  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
        elif callable(tae_runner):
            tae_def_kwargs['ta'] = tae_runner
                'use_pynisher'] = scenario.limit_resources  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            tae_runner_instance = ExecuteTAFuncDict(
                **tae_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument 'tae_runner' is %s, but must be "
                "either None, a callable or an object implementing "
                "BaseRunner. Passing 'None' will result in the "
                "creation of target algorithm runner based on the "
                "call string in the scenario file." % type(tae_runner))

        # In case of a parallel run, wrap the single worker in a parallel
        # runner
        if n_jobs is None or n_jobs == 1:
            _n_jobs = 1
        elif n_jobs == -1:
            _n_jobs = joblib.cpu_count()
        elif n_jobs > 0:
            _n_jobs = n_jobs
            raise ValueError(
                'Number of tasks must be positive, None or -1, but is %s' %
        if _n_jobs > 1 or dask_client is not None:
            tae_runner_instance = DaskParallelRunner(

        # Check that overall objective and tae objective are the same
        # TODO: remove these two ignores once the scenario object knows all its attributes!
        if tae_runner_instance.run_obj != scenario.run_obj:  # type: ignore[union-attr] # noqa F821
            raise ValueError(
                "Objective for the target algorithm runner and "
                "the scenario must be the same, but are '%s' and "
                "'%s'" %
                 scenario.run_obj))  # type: ignore[union-attr] # noqa F821

        # initialize intensification
        intensifier_def_kwargs = {
            'stats': self.stats,
            'traj_logger': traj_logger,
            'rng': rng,
            scenario.train_insts,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            scenario.cutoff,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            scenario.deterministic,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            'run_obj_time': scenario.run_obj ==
            "runtime",  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            'instance_specifics': scenario.
            instance_specific,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            'adaptive_capping_slackfactor': scenario.
            intens_adaptive_capping_slackfactor,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            scenario.intens_min_chall  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821

        if isinstance(intensifier, Intensifier) \
                or (intensifier is not None and inspect.isclass(intensifier) and issubclass(intensifier, Intensifier)):
                'always_race_against'] = scenario.cs.get_default_configuration(
                )  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                'use_ta_time_bound'] = scenario.use_ta_time  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                'minR'] = scenario.minR  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                'maxR'] = scenario.maxR  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        if intensifier_kwargs is not None:

        if intensifier is None:
            intensifier_instance = (
                            )  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            )  # type: AbstractRacer
        elif inspect.isclass(intensifier):
            intensifier_instance = intensifier(
                **intensifier_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument intensifier must be None or an object implementing the AbstractRacer, but is '%s'"
                % type(intensifier))

        # initial design
        if initial_design is not None and initial_configurations is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Either use initial_design or initial_configurations; but not both"

        init_design_def_kwargs = {
            'cs': scenario.cs,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            'traj_logger': traj_logger,
            'rng': rng,
            scenario.ta_run_limit,  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            'configs': initial_configurations,
            'n_configs_x_params': 0,
            'max_config_fracs': 0.0
        if initial_design_kwargs is not None:
        if initial_configurations is not None:
            initial_design_instance = InitialDesign(**init_design_def_kwargs)
        elif initial_design is None:
            if scenario.initial_incumbent == "DEFAULT":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                init_design_def_kwargs['max_config_fracs'] = 0.0
                initial_design_instance = DefaultConfiguration(
            elif scenario.initial_incumbent == "RANDOM":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                init_design_def_kwargs['max_config_fracs'] = 0.0
                initial_design_instance = RandomConfigurations(
            elif scenario.initial_incumbent == "LHD":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                initial_design_instance = LHDesign(**init_design_def_kwargs)
            elif scenario.initial_incumbent == "FACTORIAL":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                initial_design_instance = FactorialInitialDesign(
            elif scenario.initial_incumbent == "SOBOL":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                initial_design_instance = SobolDesign(**init_design_def_kwargs)
                raise ValueError("Don't know what kind of initial_incumbent "
                                 "'%s' is" % scenario.initial_incumbent
                                 )  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        elif inspect.isclass(initial_design):
            initial_design_instance = initial_design(**init_design_def_kwargs)
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument initial_design must be None or an object implementing the InitialDesign, but is '%s'"
                % type(initial_design))

        # if we log the performance data,
        # the RFRImputator will already get
        # log transform data from the runhistory
        if scenario.transform_y in [
                "LOG", "LOGS"
        ]:  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            cutoff = np.log(np.nanmin([
                np.inf, np.float_(scenario.cutoff)
            ]))  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            threshold = cutoff + np.log(
                scenario.par_factor)  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            cutoff = np.nanmin([np.inf, np.float_(scenario.cutoff)
                                ])  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
            threshold = cutoff * scenario.par_factor  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        num_params = len(scenario.cs.get_hyperparameters()
                         )  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
        imputor = RFRImputator(rng=rng,

        r2e_def_kwargs = {
            'scenario': scenario,
            'num_params': num_params,
            'success_states': [
            'impute_censored_data': True,
            'impute_state': [
            'imputor': imputor,
            'scale_perc': 5
        if scenario.run_obj == 'quality':
                [StatusType.SUCCESS, StatusType.CRASHED, StatusType.MEMOUT],

        if isinstance(
            (SuccessiveHalving, Hyperband)) and scenario.run_obj == "quality":
                'success_states': [
                'consider_for_higher_budgets_state': [

        if runhistory2epm_kwargs is not None:
        if runhistory2epm is None:
            if scenario.run_obj == 'runtime':
                rh2epm = (
                        **r2e_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
                )  # type: AbstractRunHistory2EPM
            elif scenario.run_obj == 'quality':
                if scenario.transform_y == "NONE":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    rh2epm = RunHistory2EPM4Cost(
                        **r2e_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
                elif scenario.transform_y == "LOG":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    rh2epm = RunHistory2EPM4LogCost(
                        **r2e_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
                elif scenario.transform_y == "LOGS":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    rh2epm = RunHistory2EPM4LogScaledCost(
                        **r2e_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
                elif scenario.transform_y == "INVS":  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa F821
                    rh2epm = RunHistory2EPM4InvScaledCost(
                        **r2e_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
                raise ValueError('Unknown run objective: %s. Should be either '
                                 'quality or runtime.' % self.scenario.run_obj)
        elif inspect.isclass(runhistory2epm):
            rh2epm = runhistory2epm(
                **r2e_def_kwargs)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            raise TypeError(
                "Argument runhistory2epm must be None or an object implementing the RunHistory2EPM, but is '%s'"
                % type(runhistory2epm))

        smbo_args = {
            'scenario': scenario,
            'stats': self.stats,
            'initial_design': initial_design_instance,
            'runhistory': runhistory,
            'runhistory2epm': rh2epm,
            'intensifier': intensifier_instance,
            'num_run': run_id,
            'model': model_instance,
            'acq_optimizer': acquisition_function_optimizer_instance,
            'acquisition_func': acquisition_function_instance,
            'rng': rng,
            'restore_incumbent': restore_incumbent,
            'tae_runner': tae_runner_instance,
        }  # type: Dict[str, Any]

        if smbo_class is None:
            self.solver = SMBO(**
                               smbo_args)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821
            self.solver = smbo_class(
                **smbo_args)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa F821