Example #1
    def spy(P,i=None,file=None,scale=None):
        """Generates sparsity plot using Pylab"""
        if type(P) is spmatrix:
            V = chompack.symmetrize(chompack.tril(P))
            n = V.size[0]
            if not P._A: raise AttributeError, "SDP data missing"
            n = +P.n; 
            if i == None: V = chompack.symmetrize(P.V)
            elif i>=0 and i<=P.m and P._A:
                r = P._A.CCS[1][P._A.CCS[0][i]:P._A.CCS[0][i+1]]
                if type(r) is int: I = [r%n]; J = [r/n]
                else: I,J = misc.ind2sub(n,r)
                V = chompack.symmetrize(spmatrix(0.,I,J,(n,n)))
            else: raise ValueError, "index out of range"

        from math import floor
        msize = max(1,int(floor(100./n)))

        if file==None: pylab.ion()
        else: pylab.ioff()
        f = pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6)); f.clf()
        if scale is None: scale = 1.0 
        I = V.I*scale+1; J = (n-V.J)*scale
        p = pylab.plot(I,J, 's', linewidth = 1, hold = 'False')
        pylab.setp(p, markersize = msize, markerfacecolor = 'k')
        g = pylab.gca()
        locs,labels = pylab.yticks()
        locs = locs[locs<=n*scale]; locs = locs[locs>=1]
                     [str(int(loc)) for loc in locs])
        if file: pylab.savefig(file)
Example #2
File: base.py Project: cvxopt/smcp
 def get_A(self,i=None):
     """Returns A if i is None, otherwise returns Ai as spmatrix"""
     if i==None and self._A: return self._A
     elif i>=0 and i<=self.m and self._A:
         r = self._A.CCS[1][self._A.CCS[0][i]:self._A.CCS[0][i+1]]
         v = self._A.CCS[2][self._A.CCS[0][i]:self._A.CCS[0][i+1]]
         if isinstance(v,float): I = [r/self.n]; J = [r%self.n]
         else: I,J = misc.ind2sub(self.n,r)
         return spmatrix(v,I,J,(self.n,self.n))
     elif self._A: raise ValueError("index is out of range")
     else: raise AttributeError("SDP object has not been initialized")
Example #3
 def get_A(self, i=None):
     """Returns A if i is None, otherwise returns Ai as spmatrix"""
     if i == None and self._A: return self._A
     elif i >= 0 and i <= self.m and self._A:
         r = self._A.CCS[1][self._A.CCS[0][i]:self._A.CCS[0][i + 1]]
         v = self._A.CCS[2][self._A.CCS[0][i]:self._A.CCS[0][i + 1]]
         if isinstance(v, float):
             I = [r / self.n]
             J = [r % self.n]
             I, J = misc.ind2sub(self.n, r)
         return spmatrix(v, I, J, (self.n, self.n))
     elif self._A:
         raise ValueError, "index is out of range"
         raise AttributeError, "SDP object has not been initialized"
Example #4
File: base.py Project: cvxopt/smcp
 def V(self):
     """Sparsity pattern (CVXOPT spmatrix)"""
     I,J = misc.ind2sub(self.n,self.I)
     return spmatrix(0.,I,J,(self.n,self.n))
Example #5
 def V(self):
     """Sparsity pattern (CVXOPT spmatrix)"""
     I, J = misc.ind2sub(self.n, self.I)
     return spmatrix(0., I, J, (self.n, self.n))