Example #1
    def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray, labels: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize dataset.

            data: tabular data as a NumPy ndarray
            labels: tabular data as a NumPy ndarray. If not specified,
                dataset is unlabeled.

            InvalidParameterError for invalid arguments. In particular,
                numbers of data and labels must match.

            From numerical NumPy data:
            TabularData(numpy.ndarray(...), ...)

            From a Pandas DataFrame:
            df = pandas.DataFrame(..., columns=[...])
            TabularData(df.to_records(index=False), labels=...)

            From mixed NumPy data, with column names (note use of tuples):
            a = numpy.array([('a', 1), ('b', 2)], dtype=[('C', str), ('D', int)])
            TabularData(a, ...)

        # parameter validation
        data = params.instance(data, np.ndarray)
        labels = params.optional_(labels, lambda arg: params.instance(arg, np.ndarray))

        if labels is not None:
            # number of samples and labels must match
            if data.shape[0] != labels.shape[0]:
                raise InvalidParameterError(
                    "same number of samples and labels",
                    f"{data.shape[0]} samples, {labels.shape[0]} labels",

            # uniqueness of "column" names, if any, is enforced by NumPy,
            # but only separately for data and labels
            if is_sequence(data.dtype.names) and is_sequence(labels.dtype.names):
                column_names = data.dtype.names + labels.dtype.names
                if len(column_names) != len(np.unique(column_names)):
                    raise InvalidParameterError(
                        "unique column names for samples and labels", column_names

        self._data, self._labels = data, labels

Example #2
    def _intersection(
        lhs: "TabularData", rhs: "TabularData", duplicates: bool = False
    ) -> "TabularData":
        """Specialized intersection.

        For labeled data, labels are compared as well.

        The datasets must be compatible in the sense that both are of type
        TabularData or derived, and either labeled or unlabeled.

            lhs: one of the two datasets to intersect ('left hand side')
            rhs: one of the two datasets to intersect ('right hand side')
            duplicates: if False (default), the returned data do not contain
                duplicate entries; if True, duplicates are taken into account.
                Both inputs and labels have to match for duplicates.

            TabularData containing only samples in both datasets, either without duplicates
            (set intersection) or taking duplicates into account (multiset intersection)

            NotImplementedError if the set intersection can not be computed

        # parameter validation
        lhs = params.instance(lhs, TabularData)
        rhs = params.instance(rhs, TabularData)
        duplicates = params.boolean(duplicates)

        # special case: empty set
        if lhs.num_samples == 0:
            return lhs.subset()  # copy
        if rhs.num_samples == 0:
            return rhs.subset()  # copy

        if lhs.is_labeled != rhs.is_labeled:
            raise InvalidParameterError("compatible TabularData", "mismatch in labeling")

        # intersection calculation
        _lhs, _rhs = TabularData._joint_data_labels(lhs), TabularData._joint_data_labels(rhs)

        if _lhs.dtype != _rhs.dtype:
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                "Matching TabularData", f"{_lhs.dtype.descr} and {_rhs.dtype.descr}"

        if duplicates is False:
            _, indices, _ = np.intersect1d(_lhs, _rhs, return_indices=True)  # drops any duplicates
            indices = np.sort(indices)  # restores original order
            return lhs.subset(indices)
        else:  # duplicates = True
            raise NotImplementedError(  # todo: implement
                "specialized multiset intersection not implemented for TabularData"
Example #3
File: data.py Project: kyawlin/smlb
def complement(lhs: "Data", rhs: "Data", duplicates: bool = False) -> "Data":
    """(Multi)set complement of two datasets.

    This complement method does not retain duplicates by default.
    For multiset behaviour, specify 'duplicates=True'.

        lhs: set A in A - B ('left hand side')
        rhs: set B in A - B ('right hand side')
        duplicates: if False (default), the returned data do not contain
            duplicate entries; if True, duplicates are taken into account.
            Both inputs and labels have to match for duplicates.

        Data containing all samples in lhs, but not in rhs, without duplicates

    # parameter validation
    lhs = params.instance(lhs, Data)
    rhs = params.instance(rhs, Data)

    # special case: empty set
    if lhs.num_samples == 0:
        return lhs.subset()
    if rhs.num_samples == 0:
        return lhs.subset()

    # try specialized implementations
    exception = None
        if hasattr(lhs.__class__, "_complement"):
            return lhs.__class__._complement(lhs, rhs, duplicates)
    except (NotImplementedError, InvalidParameterError) as e:
        exception = e

        if hasattr(rhs.__class__, "_complement"):
            return rhs.__class__._complement(lhs, rhs, duplicates)
    except (NotImplementedError, InvalidParameterError) as e:
        exception = e

    # no specialized method found or succeeded
    raise NotImplementedError(
        "generalized (multi)set complement not implemented") from exception
Example #4
    def apply(self, data: Data) -> Data:
        """Transforms data.

            data: labeled data to transform

            transformed data

            InvalidParameterError if Data is not labeled

        data = params.instance(data, Data)
        if not data.is_labeled:
            raise InvalidParameterError("labeled data", "unlabeled data")

        # patch the labels() method of the data object (not class)
        # there is no need to store the old labels function as it is a class member, not an object member

        for name in ("_orig_labels", "labels", "_noise"):
            # patch if necessary by choosing a random name instead of _labels
            if name in data.__dict__:
                raise BenchmarkError(f"internal error: data object already has {name} method")

        # create a copy of the dataset
        data = copy.deepcopy(data)

        # rename labels to _labels for data only
        setattr(data, "_orig_labels", getattr(data, "labels"))

        # store noise model
        setattr(data, "_noise", self._noise)

        # add wrapper as new labels() method

        def labels(self, indices=None):
            """Query labels of a sequence of samples.

            This wrapper adds noise.

                indices: a sequence of sample 'indices'.
                         See 'samples()' for details.

                a sequence of labels

            labels = self._orig_labels(indices)
            return labels + self._noise.noise(labels.shape)

        setattr(data, "labels", labels.__get__(data))

        return data
Example #5
    def __init__(self, noise: Noise, **kwargs):
        """Initialize state.

            noise: noise model

            dataset with noisy labels


        self._noise = params.instance(noise, Noise)
Example #6
    def fit(self, data: Data) -> Learner:
        """Fits the model to training data.

            data: labeled training data

            self (allows chaining)
            InvalidParameterError if data is not labeled

        data = params.instance(data, Labels)
        if not data.is_labeled:
            raise InvalidParameterError("Labeled data", "unlabeled data")

        return self
Example #7
    def _joint_data_labels(ds):
        """Single structured array for data and labels for comparison.

        Structured arrays can be used to run NumPy set methods
        on arrays with more than one dimension.

        ds = params.instance(ds, TabularData)

        if is_sequence(ds._data.dtype.names):  # structured array
            lhs = ds._data
        else:  # homogeneous array, possibly many dimensions
            lhs = np.reshape(ds._data, (ds.num_samples, -1))
            lhs = lhs.view([("", ds._data.dtype)] * np.prod(lhs.shape[1:]))
            lhs = np.reshape(lhs, ds.num_samples)

        if not ds.is_labeled:
            result = lhs
        else:  # is_labeled
            # alternatives for hstack() that did not work included
            # numpy.lib.recfunctions.merge_arrays.

            if is_sequence(ds._labels.dtype.names):  # structured array
                rhs = ds._labels
            else:  # homogeneous array, possibly high-dimensional
                rhs = np.reshape(ds._labels, (ds.num_samples, -1))
                rhs = rhs.view([(str(i), rhs.dtype) for i in range(np.prod(rhs.shape[1:]))])
                rhs = np.reshape(rhs, ds.num_samples)

            # lhs and rhs are structured array (views) now
            # unfortunately, np.hstack fails for these
            dtypes = lhs.dtype.descr + rhs.dtype.descr
            result = np.empty(ds.num_samples, dtype=dtypes)
            for name in lhs.dtype.names:
                result[name] = lhs[name]
            for name in rhs.dtype.names:
                result[name] = rhs[name]

        return result
Example #8
    def __init__(
        data: "pandas.DataFrame",  # noqa F821
        labels: Optional[Union["pandas.DataFrame", Sequence[str]]] = None,
        dtype: Optional[dict] = None,
        join: Optional[str] = None,
        filterf: Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]] = None,
        samplef: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None,
        labelf: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None,
        """Initialize dataset.

        Parameters control loading and preprocessing of the data. Order:
        1. joining
        2. filtering
        3. sample and label transform

            data: the samples in the form of a Pandas DataFrame.
            labels: the labels, either in the form of a Pandas DataFrame with same number of rows
                as data and different column names, or in the form of a list of column names,
                which are then split out from the data and used as labels. If not specified,
                the dataset is unlabeled.
            dtype: the NumPy data types to use for samples and labels, in the form of a dictionary
                with column names as keys and dtypes as values. Can be used to override dtype
                auto-detection for some or all columns.
            join: if specified, name of "column" to join by; this changes labels
                to be sequences of single-entry labels
            filterf: a function that accepts a sample and returns whether to keep it
                (True) or exclude it (False). Default retains all samples
            samplef: function accepting and returning a sample; applied to all samples
                as post-processing
            labelf: function accepting and returning a label; applied to all labels
                as post-processing

            InvalidParameterError for invalid arguments. In particular,
                numbers of data and labels must match. If column names are given,
                they must be unique across data and labels, if any.

        import pandas as pd  # only import if class is used

        # parameter validation
        data = params.instance(data, pd.DataFrame)
        labels = params.optional_(
            lambda arg: params.any_(
                lambda arg: params.instance(arg, pd.DataFrame),  # before tuple_
                lambda arg: params.tuple_(arg, params.string),
        dtype = params.optional_(dtype, lambda arg: params.instance(arg, dict), default={})
        join = params.optional_(join, params.string)
        singleargf = lambda arg: params.callable(arg, num_pos_or_kw=1)  # noqa: E731
        filterf = params.optional_(filterf, singleargf)
        samplef = params.optional_(samplef, singleargf)
        labelf = params.optional_(labelf, singleargf)

        if labels is None and labelf:
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                "matching labels and label function", "label function specified for unlabeled data"

        # process data
        data = data.reset_index(drop=True)

        # if labels are given as separate DataFrame, join them
        if isinstance(labels, pd.DataFrame):
            if len(data) != len(labels):
                raise InvalidParameterError(
                    "matching data and labelsa",
                    f"different number of rows ({len(data)} != {len(labels)})",

            labels = labels.reset_index(drop=True)

            col_names = np.hstack((data.columns.values, labels.columns.values))
            if len(col_names) != len(np.unique(col_names)):
                raise InvalidParameterError(
                    "unique column names", f"{data.columns.values} and {labels.columns.values}"

            data = pd.concat([data, labels], axis=1)
            labels = labels.columns.values

        # 1. optional joining
        if join:
            groups = data.groupby(join, sort=False, as_index=False)
            data = groups.aggregate(lambda tdf: tdf.tolist())

        # 2. optional filtering
        if filterf:
            selection = data.apply(filterf, axis=1)
            data = data[selection]

        # split data and labels
        if labels is not None:
            # DataFrame column indexing requires list, not tuple
            data, labels = data.drop(columns=list(labels)), data[list(labels)]

        # 3. optional sample and label transform
        if samplef:
            data = data.apply(samplef, axis=1, result_type="reduce")
            if isinstance(data, pd.Series):
                data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Samples"])
        if labelf:
            labels = labels.apply(labelf, axis=1, result_type="reduce")
            if isinstance(labels, pd.Series):
                labels = pd.DataFrame(labels, columns=["Labels"])

        # convert to NumPy structured array
        data = self._to_numpy(data, dtype=dtype)
        labels = self._to_numpy(labels, dtype=dtype) if labels is not None else None

        super().__init__(data=data, labels=labels, **kwargs)
Example #9
    def _complement(
        lhs: "TabularData", rhs: "TabularData", duplicates: bool = False
    ) -> "TabularData":
        """Specialized (multi)set complement.

        For labeled data, labels are compared as well.

        The datasets must be compatible in the sense that both are of type
        DataMatrix or derived, and either labeled or unlabeled.

            lhs: set A in A - B ('left hand side')
            rhs: set B in A - B ('right hand side')
            duplicates: if False (default), the returned data do not contain
                duplicate entries; if True, duplicates are taken into account.
                Both inputs and labels have to match for duplicates.

            Data containing all samples in lhs, but not in rhs, either without duplicates
            (set complement) or taking duplicates into account (multiset complement).

        # parameter validation
        lhs = params.instance(lhs, TabularData)
        rhs = params.instance(rhs, TabularData)
        duplicates = params.boolean(duplicates)

        # special case: empty set
        if lhs.num_samples == 0:
            return lhs.subset()
        if rhs.num_samples == 0:
            return lhs.subset()

        if lhs.is_labeled != rhs.is_labeled:
            raise InvalidParameterError("compatible TabularData", "mismatch in labeling")

        # complement calculation
        _lhs, _rhs = TabularData._joint_data_labels(lhs), TabularData._joint_data_labels(rhs)

        if _lhs.dtype != _rhs.dtype:
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                "Matching TabularData", f"{_lhs.dtype.descr} and {_rhs.dtype.descr}"

        if duplicates is False:
            # np.setdiff1d does not return indices, so we don't use it

            indices = np.arange(_lhs.size)[np.isin(_lhs, _rhs, invert=True)]  # indexes into _lhs
            _, indices2 = np.unique(_lhs[indices], return_index=True)  # indexes into indices
            indices = indices[np.sort(indices2)]  # restores order

            return lhs.subset(indices)

            # below implementation is correct but a bit slower:

            # # remove duplicates from _lhs
            # _, indices = np.unique(_lhs, return_index=True)
            # indices = np.sort(indices)  # restores original order
            # _lhs = _lhs[indices]

            # # remove any element from _rhs
            # _, indices, _ = np.intersect1d(_lhs, _rhs, return_indices=True)
            # indices = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(_lhs.size), indices, assume_unique=True)
        else:  # duplicates = True
            raise NotImplementedError(  # todo: implement
                "specialized multiset complement not implemented for TabularData"