Example #1
    def characters(self):
        Return the two characters `(\chi_1, \chi_2)` such this representation
        `\pi_{f, p}` is equal to the principal series `\pi(\chi_1, \chi_2)`.
        These are the unramified characters mapping `p` to the roots of the Satake polynomial,
        so in most cases (but not always) they will be defined over an
        extension of the coefficient field of self.


            sage: LocalComponent(Newform('11a'), 17).characters()
            Character of Q_17*, of level 0, mapping 17 |--> d,
            Character of Q_17*, of level 0, mapping 17 |--> -d - 2
            sage: LocalComponent(Newforms(Gamma1(5), 6, names='a')[1], 3).characters()
            Character of Q_3*, of level 0, mapping 3 |--> -3/2*a1 + 12,
            Character of Q_3*, of level 0, mapping 3 |--> -3/2*a1 - 12
        f = self.satake_polynomial()
        if not f.is_irreducible():
            # This can happen; see the second example above
            d = f.roots()[0][0]
            d = self.coefficient_field().extension(f, 'd').gen()
        G = SmoothCharacterGroupQp(self.prime(), d.parent())
        return Sequence([
            G.character(0, [d]),
            G.character(0, [self.newform()[self.prime()] - d])
Example #2
    def central_character(self):
        Return the central character of this representation. This is the
        restriction to `\QQ_p^\times` of the unique smooth character `\omega`
        of `\mathbf{A}^\times / \QQ^\times` such that `\omega(\varpi_\ell) =
        \ell^j \varepsilon(\ell)` for all primes `\ell \nmid Np`, where
        `\varpi_\ell` is a uniformiser at `\ell`, `\varepsilon` is the
        Nebentypus character of the newform `f`, and `j` is the twist factor
        (see the documentation for :func:`~LocalComponent`).


            sage: LocalComponent(Newform('27a'), 3).central_character()
            Character of Q_3*, of level 0, mapping 3 |--> 1

            sage: LocalComponent(Newforms(Gamma1(5), 5, names='c')[0], 5).central_character()
            Character of Q_5*, of level 1, mapping 2 |--> c0 + 1, 5 |--> 125

            sage: LocalComponent(Newforms(DirichletGroup(24)([1, -1,-1]), 3, names='a')[0], 2).central_character()
            Character of Q_2*, of level 3, mapping 7 |--> 1, 5 |--> -1, 2 |--> -2
        from sage.arith.all import crt
        chi = self.newform().character()
        f = self.prime()**self.conductor()
        N = self.newform().level() // f
        G = DirichletGroup(f, self.coefficient_field())
        chip = G([chi(crt(ZZ(x), 1, f, N))
                  for x in G.unit_gens()]).primitive_character()
        a = crt(1, self.prime(), f, N)

        if chip.conductor() == 1:
            return SmoothCharacterGroupQp(
                self.prime(), self.coefficient_field()).character(
                    0, [chi(a) * self.prime()**self.twist_factor()])
            return SmoothCharacterGroupQp(
                self.prime(), self.coefficient_field()).character(
                    list((~chip).values_on_gens()) +
                    [chi(a) * self.prime()**self.twist_factor()])
Example #3
    def characters(self):
        Return the two characters `(\chi_1, \chi_2)` such that the local component `\pi_{f, p}` is the induction of the character `\chi_1 \times \chi_2` of the Borel subgroup.


            sage: LocalComponent(Newforms(Gamma1(13), 2, names='a')[0], 13).characters()
            Character of Q_13*, of level 0, mapping 13 |--> 3*a0 + 2,
            Character of Q_13*, of level 1, mapping 2 |--> a0 + 2, 13 |--> -3*a0 - 7
        G = SmoothCharacterGroupQp(self.prime(), self.coefficient_field())
        chi1 = G.character(0, [self.newform()[self.prime()]])
        chi2 = G.character(0, [self.prime()]) * self.central_character() / chi1
        return Sequence([chi1, chi2], cr=True, universe=G)
Example #4
    def characters(self):
        Return the defining characters of this representation. In this case, it
        will return the unique unramified character `\chi` of `\QQ_p^\times`
        such that this representation is equal to `\mathrm{St} \otimes \chi`,
        where `\mathrm{St}` is the Steinberg representation (defined as the
        quotient of the parabolic induction of the trivial character by its
        trivial subrepresentation).


        Our first example is the newform corresponding to an elliptic curve of
        conductor `37`. This is the nontrivial quadratic twist of Steinberg,
        corresponding to the fact that the elliptic curve has non-split
        multiplicative reduction at 37::

            sage: LocalComponent(Newform('37a'), 37).characters()
            [Character of Q_37*, of level 0, mapping 37 |--> -1]

        We try an example in odd weight, where the central character isn't

            sage: Pi = LocalComponent(Newforms(DirichletGroup(21)([-1, 1]), 3, names='j')[0], 7); Pi.characters()
            [Character of Q_7*, of level 0, mapping 7 |--> -1/2*j0^2 - 7/2]
            sage: Pi.characters()[0] ^2 == Pi.central_character()

        An example using a non-standard twist factor::

            sage: Pi = LocalComponent(Newforms(DirichletGroup(21)([-1, 1]), 3, names='j')[0], 7, twist_factor=3); Pi.characters()
            [Character of Q_7*, of level 0, mapping 7 |--> -7/2*j0^2 - 49/2]
            sage: Pi.characters()[0]^2 == Pi.central_character()

        return [
                self.coefficient_field()).character(0, [
                    self.newform()[self.prime()] * self.prime()
                    **((self.twist_factor() - self.newform().weight() + 2) / 2)