Example #1
def epoch(n, i, mode):
    # mode (str): train or test
    batch_ind = np.arange(i, i + batch_size)
    batch = images[batch_ind, :, :, :]
    batch_labels = onehot_labels[batch_ind, :, :, ]
    batch_mask = building_mask[batch_ind, :, :, ]
    if mode is 'train':
        ang = np.random.rand() * 360
        for j in range(len(batch_ind)):
            for b in range(batch.shape[3]):
                batch[j, :, :, b] = imrotate(batch[j, :, :, b], ang)
                batch_labels[j, :, :, b] = imrotate(batch_labels[j, :, :, b],

    # prediction_np = sess.run(prediction,feed_dict={x:batch})
    tic = time.time()

    #print('%.2f' % (time.time() - tic) + ' s tf inference')
    if mode is 'train':
        _, loss, loss_l2, res = sess.run(
            [optimizer, cross_entropy, l2loss, pred],
                x_: batch,
                y_: batch_labels
        prediction = np.int32(res[:, :, :, 1] >= np.amax(res, axis=3))

    if mode is 'test':
        res = sess.run(pred, feed_dict={x_: batch})
        prediction = np.int32(res[:, :, :, 1] >= np.amax(res, axis=3))
    g = np.abs(np.linspace(-1, 1, out_size))
    G0, G1 = np.meshgrid(g, g)
    d = (1 - np.sqrt(G0 * G0 + G1 * G1))
    for j in range(len(batch_ind)):
        val = np.max(d * prediction[j, :, :])
        seed_im = np.int32(d * prediction[j, :, :] == val)
        if val > 0:
            prediction[j, :, :] = skimage.morphology.reconstruction(
                seed_im, prediction[j, :, :])
    if do_plot:
        plt.imshow(res[0, :, :, :])

    intersection = (batch_mask[:, :, :, 0] + prediction) == 2
    union = (batch_mask[:, :, :, 0] + prediction) >= 1
    iou = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union)
    area_gt = np.sum(batch_mask[:, :, :, 0] > 0)
    area_snake = np.sum(prediction > 0)
    if do_save_results:
            model_path + 'results/seg_' + str(i).zfill(3) + '.png',
            np.uint8(prediction[0, :, :] * 255))

    return iou, area_gt, area_snake
Example #2
def epoch(i, mode):
    # mode (str): train or test
    batch_ind = np.arange(i, i + batch_size)
    batch = images[batch_ind, :, :, :]
    batch_labels = onehot_labels[batch_ind, :, :, ]
    if mode is 'train':
        ang = np.random.rand() * 360
        for j in range(len(batch_ind)):
            for b in range(batch.shape[3]):
                batch[j, :, :, b] = imrotate(batch[j, :, :, b], ang)
                batch_labels[j, :, :, b] = imrotate(batch_labels[j, :, :, b],

    # prediction_np = sess.run(prediction,feed_dict={x:batch})

    #print('%.2f' % (time.time() - tic) + ' s tf inference')
    if mode is 'train':
        _, loss, res = sess.run([optimizer, cross_entropy, pred],
                                    x_: batch,
                                    y_: batch_labels
        prediction = np.int32(res[:, :, :, 1] >= np.amax(res, axis=3))

    if mode is 'test':
        res = sess.run(pred, feed_dict={x_: batch})
        prediction = np.int32(res[:, :, :, 1] >= np.amax(res, axis=3))
        seed_im = np.zeros((out_size, out_size))
        g = np.abs(np.linspace(-1, 1, out_size))
        G0, G1 = np.meshgrid(g, g)
        d = (1 - np.sqrt(G0 * G0 + G1 * G1))
        for j in range(len(batch_ind)):
            val = np.max(d * prediction[j, :, :])
            seed_im = np.int32(d * prediction[j, :, :] == val)
            prediction[j, :, :] = skimage.morphology.reconstruction(
                seed_im, prediction[j, :, :])

    intersection = (batch_labels[:, :, :, 1] + prediction) == 2
    union = (batch_labels[:, :, :, 1] + prediction) >= 1
    iou = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union)
    if mode is 'train':
        iou_train[len(iou_train) - 1] += iou
    if mode is 'test':
        iou_test[len(iou_test) - 1] += iou
Example #3
def epoch(n, i, mode):
    # mode (str): train or test
    batch_ind = np.arange(i, i + batch_size)
    batch = np.float32(np.copy(images[:, :, :, batch_ind]))
    thisGT = np.copy(ground_thruths[:, :, batch_ind[0]])
    if mode is 'train':
        ang = np.random.rand() * 360
        for j in range(len(batch_ind)):
            for b in range(batch.shape[2]):
                batch[:, :, b, j] = imrotate(batch[:, :, b, j], ang)
        R = [[np.cos(ang * np.pi / 180),
              np.sin(ang * np.pi / 180)],
             [-np.sin(ang * np.pi / 180),
              np.cos(ang * np.pi / 180)]]
        thisGT -= out_size / 2
        thisGT = np.matmul(thisGT, R)
        thisGT += out_size / 2
        thisGT = np.minimum(thisGT, out_size - 1)
        thisGT = np.maximum(thisGT, 0)
    [mapE, mapA, mapB, mapK,
     l2] = sess.run([predE, predA, predB, predK, l2loss], feed_dict={x: batch})

    mapA = np.maximum(mapA, 0)
    mapB = np.maximum(mapB, 0)
    mapK = np.maximum(mapK, 0)

    s = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, L)
    init_u = out_size / 2 + 5 * np.cos(s)
    init_v = out_size / 2 + 5 * np.sin(s)
    init_snake = np.array([init_u, init_v]).T
    for j in range(batch_size):
        snake = Active_contour.active_contour(mapE[:,:,0,j], mapA[:,:,0,j], mapB[:,:,0,j], mapK[:,:,0,j], 1, \
                  init_snake, 25, Force_coefficient = 1, Balloon_coefficient = 1, h_= (3*im_size / L)**2, px=1, d0=0.0, d1=0.0)

        M = mapE.shape[0]
        N = mapE.shape[1]
        der1, der2 = derivatives_poly(snake)

        der1_GT, der2_GT = derivatives_poly(thisGT)
        grads_arrayE = mapE * 0.0  # A tensor of the same dimensions filled with zeros.
        grads_arrayA = mapA * 0.0
        grads_arrayB = mapB * 0.0
        grads_arrayK = mapK * 0.0
        grads_arrayE[:, :, 0, j] = -(draw_poly(snake, 1, [M, N], 4) -
                                     draw_poly(thisGT, 1, [M, N], 4))
        grads_arrayA[:, :, 0, j] = -(np.mean(der1) - np.mean(der1_GT))
        grads_arrayB[:, :, 0, j] = -(draw_poly(snake, der2, [M, N], 4) -
                                     draw_poly(thisGT, der2_GT, [M, N], 4))
        mask_gt = draw_poly_fill(thisGT, [M, N])
        mask_snake = draw_poly_fill(snake, [M, N])
        grads_arrayK[:, :, 0, j] = -(mask_gt - mask_snake)

        plt.imshow(batch[:, :, :, j])
        #plt.imshow(draw_poly(thisGT, 1, [M, N],4))
        #plt.imshow(draw_poly_fill(thisGT, [M, N]))
        plt.imshow(mapE[:, :, 0, 0])

        intersection = (mask_gt + mask_snake) == 2
        union = (mask_gt + mask_snake) >= 1
        iou = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union)
        area_gt = np.sum(mask_gt > 0)
        area_snake = np.sum(mask_snake > 0)
        print('Area ratio: ', area_snake / area_gt)

    if mode is 'train':
        tic = time.time()
                x: batch,
                grad_predE: grads_arrayE,
                grad_predA: grads_arrayA,
                grad_predB: grads_arrayB,
                grad_predK: grads_arrayK,
                grad_l2loss: 1
    return iou, area_gt, area_snake, snake
Example #4
def epoch(n, i, mode):
    # mode (str): train or test
    batch_ind = np.arange(i, i + batch_size)
    batch = np.float32(images[:, :, :, batch_ind]) / 255
    batch_mask = np.copy(masks[:, :, :, batch_ind])
    thisGT = np.copy(GT[:, :, batch_ind[0]])
    thisDWT = np.copy(DWT[:, :, batch_ind[0]])
    if mode is 'train':
        ang = np.random.rand() * 360
        for j in range(len(batch_ind)):
            for b in range(batch.shape[2]):
                batch[:, :, b, j] = imrotate(batch[:, :, b, j], ang)
            batch_mask[:, :, 0, j] = imrotate(batch_mask[:, :, 0, j],
        R = [[np.cos(ang * np.pi / 180),
              np.sin(ang * np.pi / 180)],
             [-np.sin(ang * np.pi / 180),
              np.cos(ang * np.pi / 180)]]
        thisGT -= out_size / 2
        thisGT = np.matmul(thisGT, R)
        thisGT += out_size / 2
        thisDWT -= out_size / 2
        thisDWT = np.matmul(thisDWT, R)
        thisDWT += out_size / 2
        thisGT = np.minimum(thisGT, out_size - 1)
        thisGT = np.maximum(thisGT, 0)
        thisDWT = np.minimum(thisDWT, out_size - 1)
        thisDWT = np.maximum(thisDWT, 0)
    # prediction_np = sess.run(prediction,feed_dict={x:batch})
    [mapE, mapA, mapB, mapK,
     l2] = sess.run([predE, predA, predB, predK, l2loss], feed_dict={x: batch})

    if mode is 'train':
        for j in range(mapK.shape[3]):
            mapK[:, :, 0, j] -= batch_mask[:, :, 0, j] * 0.5 - 0.5 / 2
    mapA = np.maximum(mapA, 0)
    mapB = np.maximum(mapB, 0)
    mapK = np.maximum(mapK, 0)
    # Do snake inference
    for j in range(batch_size):
        init_snake = thisDWT
        snake, snake_hist = snake_process(mapE, mapA, mapB, mapK, init_snake)
        # Get last layer gradients
        M = mapE.shape[0]
        N = mapE.shape[1]
        der1, der2 = derivatives_poly(snake)

        der1_GT, der2_GT = derivatives_poly(thisGT)

        grads_arrayE = mapE * 0.001
        grads_arrayA = mapA * 0.001
        grads_arrayB = mapB * 0.001
        grads_arrayK = mapK * 0.001
        grads_arrayE[:, :, 0,
                     0] -= draw_poly(snake, 1, [M, N], 12) - draw_poly(
                         thisGT, 1, [M, N], 12)
        grads_arrayA[:, :, 0, 0] -= (np.mean(der1) - np.mean(der1_GT))
        grads_arrayB[:, :, 0, 0] -= (draw_poly(snake, der2, [M, N], 12) -
                                     draw_poly(thisGT, der2_GT, [M, N], 12))
        mask_gt = draw_poly_fill(thisGT, [M, N])
        mask_snake = draw_poly_fill(snake, [M, N])
        grads_arrayK[:, :, 0, 0] -= mask_gt - mask_snake

        intersection = (mask_gt + mask_snake) == 2
        union = (mask_gt + mask_snake) >= 1
        iou = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union)
    if mode is 'train':
        tic = time.time()
                x: batch,
                grad_predE: grads_arrayE,
                grad_predA: grads_arrayA,
                grad_predB: grads_arrayB,
                grad_predK: grads_arrayK,
                grad_l2loss: 1
        #print('%.2f' % (time.time() - tic) + ' s apply gradients')
        #print('IoU = %.2f' % (iou))
    #if mode is 'test':
    #print('IoU = %.2f' % (iou))
    if do_plot and n >= 1:
        plot_snakes(snake, snake_hist, thisGT, mapE, np.maximum(mapA, 0), np.maximum(mapB, 0), mapK, \
                grads_arrayE, grads_arrayA, grads_arrayB, grads_arrayK, batch, batch_mask)
    return iou
Example #5
def epoch(n,i,mode):
    # mode (str): train or test
    batch_ind = np.arange(i,i+batch_size)
    batch = np.copy(images[:, :, :, batch_ind])
    batch_mask = np.copy(masks[:, :, :, batch_ind])
    thisGT = np.copy(GT[:, :, batch_ind[0]])
    if mode is 'train':
        ang = np.random.rand() * 360
        for j in range(len(batch_ind)):
            for b in range(batch.shape[2]):
                batch[:, :, b, j] = imrotate(batch[:, :, b, j], ang)
            batch_mask[:, :, 0, j] = imrotate(batch_mask[:, :, 0, j], ang, resample='nearest')
        R = [[np.cos(ang * np.pi / 180), np.sin(ang * np.pi / 180)],
             [-np.sin(ang * np.pi / 180), np.cos(ang * np.pi / 180)]]
        thisGT -= out_size / 2
        thisGT = np.matmul(thisGT, R)
        thisGT += out_size / 2
    # prediction_np = sess.run(prediction,feed_dict={x:batch})
    tic = time.time()
    [mapE, mapA, mapB, mapK, l2] = sess.run([predE, predA, predB, predK, l2loss], feed_dict={x: batch})
    mapA = np.maximum(mapA, 0)
    mapB = np.maximum(mapB,0)
    mapK = np.maximum(mapK, 0)
    #print('%.2f' % (time.time() - tic) + ' s tf inference')
    if mode is 'train':
        for j in range(mapK.shape[3]):
            mapK[:, :, 0, j] -= batch_mask[:, :, 0, j] * 0.5 - 0.5 / 2
        # mapE_aug[:,:,0,j] = mapE[:,:,0,j]+np.maximum(0,20-batch_dists[:,:,0,j])*max_val/50
    # Do snake inference
    s = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, L)
    init_u = out_size / 2 + 5 * np.cos(s)
    init_v = out_size / 2 + 5 * np.sin(s)
    init_u = init_u.reshape([L, 1])
    init_v = init_v.reshape([L, 1])
    init_snake = np.array([init_u[:, 0], init_v[:, 0]]).T
    for j in range(batch_size):
        snake, snake_hist = snake_process(mapE, mapA, mapB, mapK, init_snake)
        # Get last layer gradients
        M = mapE.shape[0]
        N = mapE.shape[1]
        der1, der2 = derivatives_poly(snake)

        der1_GT, der2_GT = derivatives_poly(thisGT)

        grads_arrayE = mapE * 0.01
        grads_arrayA = mapA * 0.01
        grads_arrayB = mapB * 0.01
        grads_arrayK = mapK * 0.01
        grads_arrayE[:, :, 0, 0] -= draw_poly(snake, 1, [M, N],12) - draw_poly(thisGT, 1, [M, N],12)
        grads_arrayA[:, :, 0, 0] -= (np.mean(der1) - np.mean(der1_GT))
        grads_arrayB[:, :, 0, 0] -= (draw_poly(snake, der2, [M, N],12) - draw_poly(thisGT, der2_GT, [M, N],12))
        mask_gt = draw_poly_fill(thisGT, [M, N])
        mask_snake = draw_poly_fill(snake, [M, N])
        grads_arrayK[:, :, 0, 0] -= mask_gt - mask_snake

        intersection = (mask_gt+mask_snake) == 2
        union = (mask_gt + mask_snake) >= 1
        iou = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union)
    if mode is 'train':
        tic = time.time()
            feed_dict={x: batch, grad_predE: grads_arrayE, grad_predA: grads_arrayA, grad_predB: grads_arrayB,
                       grad_predK: grads_arrayK, grad_l2loss: 1})
        #print('%.2f' % (time.time() - tic) + ' s apply gradients')
        #print('IoU = %.2f' % (iou))
    #if mode is 'test':
        #print('IoU = %.2f' % (iou))
    if do_plot and n>=99 : # end_epoch=100
        # fig0, fig1, fig2, fig3 = plot_snakes(snake, snake_hist, thisGT, mapE, mapA, mapB, mapK, \
        #        grads_arrayE, grads_arrayA, grads_arrayB, grads_arrayK, batch, batch_mask)
        fig = save_plot_snakes(snake, snake_hist, thisGT, mapE, mapA, mapB, mapK, grads_arrayE, grads_arrayA, grads_arrayB, grads_arrayK, batch, batch_mask, 'snake_'+ str(i+1).zfill(3) +'_epoch_'+ str(n).zfill(3))
    return iou,snake