Example #1
 def setSync(self, syncMode):
     if self.active:
         p = snap.SNAPPacket(serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0,
                             1, [CMD_SYNC, int(syncMode)])
         if p.send():
             return True
     return False
Example #2
	def setNotify(self):
		#global serialPort
		if self.active:
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_NOTIFY, snap.localAddress] ) 	# set notifications to be sent to host
			if p.send():
				return True
		return False
Example #3
 def backward(self, speed):
     if self.active:
         p = snap.SNAPPacket(serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0,
                             1, [CMD_REVERSE, int(speed)])
         if p.send():
             return True
     return False
Example #4
 def free(self):
     if self.active:
         p = snap.SNAPPacket(serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0,
                             1, [CMD_FREE])
         if p.send():
             return True
     return False
Example #5
 def backward1(self):
     if self.active:
         p = snap.SNAPPacket(serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0,
                             1, [CMD_BACKWARD1])
         if p.send():
             return True
     return False
Example #6
 def setCooler(self, speed):
     if self.active:
         p = snap.SNAPPacket(serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0,
                             1, [CMD_SETCOOLER, int(speed)])
         if p.send():
             return True
     return False
Example #7
 def setVoltateReference(self, val):
     if self.active:
         p = snap.SNAPPacket(serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0,
                             1, [CMD_SETVREF, int(val)])
         if p.send():
             return True
     return False
Example #8
	def setPos(self, pos):
		if self.active:
			posMSB ,posLSB = int2bytes( pos )
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_SETPOS, posMSB, posLSB] )
			if p.send():
				return True
		return False
Example #9
def scanNetwork():
    devices = []
    for remoteAddress in range(
            1, 10):  # For every address in range. full range will be 255
        print "Trying address " + str(remoteAddress)
        p = snap.SNAPPacket(
            serialPort, remoteAddress, snap.localAddress, 0, 1,
            [CMD_GETMODULETYPE])  # Create snap packet requesting module type
        #p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, remoteAddress, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_VERSION] )
        if p.send():  # Send snap packet, if sent ok then await reply
            rep = p.getReply()
            if rep:
                #devices[ rep.dataBytes[1] ] = remoteAddress
                    'address': remoteAddress,
                    'type': rep.dataBytes[1],
                    'subType': rep.dataBytes[2]
                })  # If device replies then add to device list.
                "print na"
            print "scan no ack"
    for d in devices:
        #now get versions
        print "device", d
Example #10
	def setHeat(self, lowHeat, highHeat, tempTarget, tempMax):
		if self.active:	
			tempTargetMSB, tempTargetLSB = int2bytes( tempTarget )
			tempMaxMSB ,tempMaxLSB = int2bytes( tempMax )
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_SETHEAT, int(lowHeat), int(highHeat), tempTargetMSB, tempTargetLSB, tempMaxMSB, tempMaxLSB] )	# assumes MSB first (don't know this!)
			if p.send():
				return True
		return False
Example #11
	def getSensors(self):
		if self.active:
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_GETSENSOR] )
			if p.send():
				rep = p.getReply()
				data = checkReplyPacket( rep, 3, CMD_GETSENSOR )		# replace this with a proper object in SNAP module?
				if data:
					print data[1], data[2]
		return False
Example #12
	def getTemp(self):
		if self.active:		
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_GETTEMP] )
			if p.send():
				rep = p.getReply()
				data = checkReplyPacket( rep, 2, CMD_GETTEMP )
				if data:
					return data[1]
		return False
Example #13
 def setMotor(self, direction, speed):
     if self.active:
         p = snap.SNAPPacket(serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0,
                             [int(direction), int(speed)
                              ])  ##no command being sent, whats going on?
         if p.send():
             return True
     return False
Example #14
	def getModuleType(self):	#note: do pics not support this yet? I can't see it in code and get no reply from pic
		if self.active:
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_GETMODULETYPE] )	# Create SNAP packet requesting module type
			if p.send():
				rep = p.getReply()
				data = checkReplyPacket( rep, 2, CMD_GETMODULETYPE )						# If packet sent ok and was acknoledged then await reply, otherwise return False
				if data:
					return data[1]								# If valid reply is recieved then return it, otherwise return False
		return False
Example #15
 def setPower(self, power):
     if self.active:
         p = snap.SNAPPacket(serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0,
                             [CMD_SETPOWER, int(power * 0.63)
                              ])  # This is a value from 0 to 63 (6 bits)
         if p.send():
             return True
     return False
Example #16
	def getVersion(self):
		if self.active:
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_VERSION] )
			if p.send():
				rep = p.getReply()
				data = checkReplyPacket( rep, 3, CMD_VERSION )
				if data:
					return data[1], data[2]
		return False
Example #17
	def getPos(self):
		if self.active:
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_GETPOS] )
			if p.send():
				rep = p.getReply()
				data = checkReplyPacket( rep, 3, CMD_GETPOS )
				if data:
					pos = bytes2int( data[1], data[2] )
					return pos 						# return value
		return False
Example #18
	def DDA( self, speed, seekTo, slaveDelta, waitArrival = True):
		if self.active and seekTo <= self.limit:
			masterPosMSB, masterPosLSB = int2bytes( seekTo )
			slaveDeltaMSB, slaveDeltaLSB = int2bytes( slaveDelta )
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_DDA, int(speed), masterPosMSB ,masterPosLSB, slaveDeltaMSB, slaveDeltaLSB] ) 	#start sync
			if p.send():
				if waitArrival:
					notif = getNotification( serialPort )
					if notif.dataBytes[0] == CMD_DDA:
						if printDebug: print "    valid notification for DDA"	# todo: add actual enforement on wrong notification
						return False
				return True
		return False
Example #19
	def homeReset(self, speed, waitArrival = True):
		if self.active:
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_HOMERESET, int(speed)] ) 
			if p.send():
				if waitArrival:
					if printDebug: print "reset wait"
					notif = getNotification( serialPort )
					if notif.dataBytes[0] == CMD_HOMERESET:
						if printDebug: print "    valid notification for reset"
						return False
					if printDebug: print "reset done"
				return True
		return False
Example #20
	def seek(self, pos, speed, waitArrival = True):
		if self.active and pos <= self.limit:
			posMSB ,posLSB = int2bytes( pos )
			p = snap.SNAPPacket( serialPort, self.address, snap.localAddress, 0, 1, [CMD_SEEK, int(speed), posMSB ,posLSB] ) 
			if p.send():
				if waitArrival:
					if printDebug: print "    wait notify"
					notif = getNotification( serialPort )
					if notif.dataBytes[0] == CMD_SEEK:
						if printDebug: print "    valid notification for seek"
						return False
					if printDebug: print "    rec notif"
				return True
		return False