def test_realize_lcs():

    # here's some completely made-up data:
    obs = Table({'time': [10., 60., 110.],
                 'band': ['desg', 'desr', 'desi'],
                 'gain': [1., 1., 1.],
                 'skynoise': [100., 100., 100.],
                 'zp': [30., 30., 30.],
                 'zpsys': ['ab', 'ab', 'ab']})

    # A model with a flat spectrum between 0 and 100 days.
    model = sncosmo.Model(source=flatsource())

    # parameters to run
    params = [{'amplitude': 1., 't0': 0., 'z': 0.},
              {'amplitude': 1., 't0': 100., 'z': 0.},
              {'amplitude': 1., 't0': 200., 'z': 0.}]

    # By default, realize_lcs should return all observations for all SNe
    lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, params)
    assert len(lcs[0]) == 3
    assert len(lcs[1]) == 3
    assert len(lcs[2]) == 3

    # For trim_obervations=True, only certain observations will be
    # returned.
    lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, params, trim_observations=True)
    assert len(lcs[0]) == 2
    assert len(lcs[1]) == 1
    assert len(lcs[2]) == 0
Example #2
def test_realize_lcs():

    # here's some completely made-up data:
    obs1 = Table({
        'time': [10., 60., 110.],
        'band': ['bessellb', 'bessellr', 'besselli'],
        'gain': [1., 1., 1.],
        'skynoise': [100., 100., 100.],
        'zp': [30., 30., 30.],
        'zpsys': ['ab', 'ab', 'ab']

    # same made up data with aliased column names:
    obs2 = Table({
        'MJD': [10., 60., 110.],
        'filter': ['bessellb', 'bessellr', 'besselli'],
        'GAIN': [1., 1., 1.],
        'skynoise': [100., 100., 100.],
        'ZPT': [30., 30., 30.],
        'zpmagsys': ['ab', 'ab', 'ab']

    for obs in (obs1, obs2):

        # A model with a flat spectrum between 0 and 100 days.
        model = sncosmo.Model(source=flatsource())

        # parameters to run
        params = [{
            'amplitude': 1.,
            't0': 0.,
            'z': 0.
        }, {
            'amplitude': 1.,
            't0': 100.,
            'z': 0.
        }, {
            'amplitude': 1.,
            't0': 200.,
            'z': 0.

        # By default, realize_lcs should return all observations for all SNe
        lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, params)
        assert len(lcs[0]) == 3
        assert len(lcs[1]) == 3
        assert len(lcs[2]) == 3

        # For trim_obervations=True, only certain observations will be
        # returned.
        lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, params, trim_observations=True)
        assert len(lcs[0]) == 2
        assert len(lcs[1]) == 1
        assert len(lcs[2]) == 0
Example #3
    def get_supernova(self, z, num_obs, tmin, tmax, cosmology, x0_mean=-19.3, x0_sigma=0.1):
        t0 = np.random.uniform(tmin, tmax)
        ts = np.linspace(t0 - 60, t0 + 60, num_obs)

        times = np.array([[t, t + 0.1, t + 0.2] for t in ts]).flatten()
        bands = [b for t in ts for b in ['desg', 'desr', 'desi']]
        gains = np.ones(times.shape)
        skynoise = 50 * np.ones(times.shape)
        zp = 30 * np.ones(times.shape)
        zpsys = ['ab'] * times.size

        obs = Table({'time': times,
                     'band': bands,
                     'gain': gains,
                     'skynoise': skynoise,
                     'zp': zp,
                     'zpsys': zpsys})

        model = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2')

        mabs = np.random.normal(x0_mean, x0_sigma)
        model.set_source_peakabsmag(mabs, 'bessellb', 'ab', cosmo=cosmology)
        x0 = model.get('x0')
        p = {'z': z,
             't0': t0,
             'x0': x0,
             'x1': np.random.normal(0., 1.),
             'c': np.random.normal(0., 0.1)

        lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])
        return lcs[0]
Example #4
 def data(self, nobs, exclude_bands=[]):
     model = self.model
     baset = np.linspace(model.mintime(), model.maxtime(), nobs)
     zps = []
     zpsyss = []
     times = []
     bands = []
     skynoises = []
     for band in map(sncosmo.get_bandpass, csp.bands):
         if in exclude_bands:
         zps += ([csp.zeropoints[]] * nobs)
         zpsyss += ([] * nobs)
         times += baset.tolist()
         skynoises += (1e-10 * model.bandflux(band, baset)).tolist()
         bands += [] * nobs
     gains = np.ones_like(times) * gain
     obs = Table({'time':times,
     params = [dict(zip(model.param_names, model.parameters))]
     lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, params)
     lc = sncosmo.photdata.normalize_data(lcs[0])
     lc['fluxerr'] = 0.01 * lc['flux'].max()
     lc = Table(lc) 
     lc.meta['zcmb'] = self.z
     return lc
Example #5
 def data(self, nobs, exclude_bands=[]):
     model = self.model
     baset = np.linspace(model.mintime(), model.maxtime(), nobs)
     zps = []
     zpsyss = []
     times = []
     bands = []
     skynoises = []
     for band in map(sncosmo.get_bandpass, csp.bands):
         if in exclude_bands:
         zps += ([csp.zeropoints[]] * nobs)
         zpsyss += ([] * nobs)
         times += baset.tolist()
         skynoises += (1e-10 * model.bandflux(band, baset)).tolist()
         bands += [] * nobs
     gains = np.ones_like(times) * gain
     obs = Table({
         'time': times,
         'band': bands,
         'gain': gains,
         'skynoise': skynoises,
         'zp': zps,
         'zpsys': zpsyss
     params = [dict(zip(model.param_names, model.parameters))]
     lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, params)
     lc = sncosmo.photdata.normalize_data(lcs[0])
     lc['fluxerr'] = 0.01 * lc['flux'].max()
     lc = Table(lc)
     lc.rename_column('time', 'mjd')
     lc.rename_column('band', 'filter')
     lc.meta['zcmb'] = self.z
     return lc
Example #6
def generate_ia_light_curve(z, mabs, x1, c, get_calib=True, **kwargs):
    if "cosmo" in kwargs:
        cosmo = kwargs["cosmo"]
        del kwargs["cosmo"]
        cosmo = WMAP9

    model = sncosmo.Model(source="salt2-extended")
    model.set_source_peakabsmag(mabs, "bessellb", "ab", cosmo=cosmo)
    x0 = model.get("x0")
    obs, t0, bands, zps = get_obs_times_and_conditions(**kwargs)
    p = {"z": z, "t0": t0, "x0": x0, "x1": x1, "c": c}
    lc = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])[0]
    if get_calib:
        filters = ["desg", "desr", "desi", "desz"]
        delta = 0.01
        lcs = [(None, 0, lc)]
        for f in filters:
            l = lc.copy()
            delta_zps = np.array([delta if b == f else 0 for b in bands])
            l["flux"] *= np.power(10, delta_zps / 2.5)
            l["fluxerr"] *= np.power(10, delta_zps / 2.5)
            lcs.append((f, delta, l))
        lcs = [(None, 0, lc)]

    return lcs
Example #7
    def get_supernova(self, z, num_obs, tmin, tmax, cosmology, alpha, beta,
                      x0_mean=-19.3, x0_sigma=0.1):
        t0 = np.random.uniform(tmin, tmax)
        ts = np.linspace(t0 - 60, t0 + 60, num_obs)

        times = np.array([[t, t + 0.1, t + 0.2] for t in ts]).flatten()
        bands = [b for t in ts for b in ['desg', 'desr', 'desi']]
        gains = np.ones(times.shape)
        skynoise = 20 * np.ones(times.shape)
        zp = 30 * np.ones(times.shape)
        zpsys = ['ab'] * times.size

        obs = Table({'time': times,
                     'band': bands,
                     'gain': gains,
                     'skynoise': skynoise,
                     'zp': zp,
                     'zpsys': zpsys})

        model = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2')

        mabs = np.random.normal(x0_mean, x0_sigma)
        x1 = np.random.normal(0., 1.)
        c = np.random.normal(0., 0.2)
        mabs = mabs - alpha * x1 + beta * c
        model.set_source_peakabsmag(mabs, 'bessellb', 'ab', cosmo=cosmology)

        x0 = model.get('x0')

        p = {'z': z,
             't0': t0,
             'x0': x0,
             'x1': x1,
             'c': c

        lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])
        res, fitted_model = sncosmo.fit_lc(lcs[0], model, ['t0', 'x0', 'x1', 'c'])
        determined_parameters = {k: v for k, v in zip(res.param_names, res.parameters)}
        mb = fitted_model.source.peakmag("bessellb", "ab")
        x0_ind = res.vparam_names.index('x0')
        x1_ind = res.vparam_names.index('x1')
        c_ind = res.vparam_names.index('c')

        x0 = res.parameters[res.param_names.index('x0')]
        x1 = res.parameters[res.param_names.index('x1')]
        c = res.parameters[res.param_names.index('c')]
        sigma_mb2 = 5 * np.sqrt(res.covariance[x0_ind, x0_ind]) / (2 * x0 * np.log(10))
        sigma_mbx1 = -5 * res.covariance[x0_ind, x1_ind] / (2 * x0 * np.log(10))
        sigma_mbc = -5 * res.covariance[x0_ind, c_ind] / (2 * x0 * np.log(10))
        covariance = np.array([[sigma_mb2, sigma_mbx1, sigma_mbc],
                              [sigma_mbx1, res.covariance[x1_ind, x1_ind],
                               res.covariance[x1_ind, c_ind]],
                              [sigma_mbc, res.covariance[x1_ind, c_ind],
                               res.covariance[c_ind, c_ind]]])
        icov = np.linalg.inv(covariance)
        return [mb, x1, c, covariance, icov]
def create_sne_simulation(sn_type,model,start_phase,params,myfile,snid):
	#Create Ia simulation
	for k in range(len(lcs)):

		#Find magnitude measrements for each filter
		idxs_r=np.where(band == 'sdssr')[0]

		idxs_g=np.where(band == 'sdssg')[0]


		for i in range(len(obs_flux_r)):
			full_rband_mag[i]=ab.band_flux_to_mag(np.array(obs_flux_r[i]), 'sdssr')
			full_iband_mag[i]=ab.band_flux_to_mag(np.array(obs_flux_i[i]), 'sdssi')
			full_gband_mag[i]=ab.band_flux_to_mag(np.array(obs_flux_g[i]), 'sdssg')

		if len(rband_mag)==0:
			#print rband_mag, rband_time
			if sn_type=='SNIa':
				for l in range(0,len(rband_mag)):
				for l in range(0,len(rband_mag)):
	return snid
Example #9
def realise_light_curve(temp_dir, seed):
    t0 = 1000
    num_obs = 20
    z = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
    deltat = -35

    newmoon = 1000 - np.random.uniform(0, 29.5)

    ts = np.arange(t0 + deltat, (t0 + deltat) + 5 * num_obs, 5)

    bands = [b for t in ts for b in ['desg', 'desr', 'desi', 'desz']]
    # zps = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [33.80, 34.54, 34.94, 35.52]])  # Deep field OLD
    # zps = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [34.24, 34.85, 34.94, 35.42]])  # Deep field
    zps = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [32.46, 32.28, 32.55, 33.12]])  # Shallow field
    mins = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [22.1, 21.1, 20.1, 18.7]])
    maxs = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [19.4, 19.7, 19.4, 18.2]])
    seeing = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [1.06, 1.00, 0.96, 0.93]])
    times = np.array([[t, t + 0.05, t + 0.1, t + 0.2] for t in ts]).flatten()

    full = 0.5 + 0.5 * np.sin((times - newmoon) * 2 * np.pi / 29.5)
    perm = np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, full.shape)
    seeing2 = np.random.uniform(4, 6, full.shape)
    sigma_psf = seeing2 / 2.36

    sky_noise = np.array([np.sqrt(10.0**(((maxx - minn) * f + minn + p - zp) / -2.5) * 0.263**2) *
                          np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) * s
                          for f, p, s, minn, maxx, zp in zip(full, perm, sigma_psf, mins, maxs, zps)])

    # sky_noise = np.array([np.sqrt(10.0**(((maxx - minn) * f + minn + p - zp) / -2.5)) *
    #                       np.pi * ((2.04 * se) / 2) ** 2
    #                       for f,p,minn,maxx,zp,se in zip(full, perm, mins, maxs, zps, seeing)])

    zpsys = ['ab'] * times.size
    gains = np.ones(times.shape)

    obs = Table({'time': times,
                 'band': bands,
                 'gain': gains,
                 'skynoise': sky_noise,
                 'zp': zps,
                 'zpsys': zpsys})

    model = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2-extended')
    mabs = np.random.normal(-19.3, 0.3)
    model.set_source_peakabsmag(mabs, 'bessellb', 'ab')
    x0 = model.get('x0')
    x1 = np.random.normal()
    c = np.random.normal(scale=0.1)
    p = {'z': z, 't0': t0, 'x0': x0, 'x1': x1, 'c': c}

    lc = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])[0]
    fig = sncosmo.plot_lc(lc)
    fig.savefig(temp_dir + os.sep + "lc_%d.png" % seed, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
    ston = (lc["flux"] / lc["fluxerr"]).max()
    print(z, t0, x0, x1, c, ston)
    return z, t0, x0, x1, c, ston, lc
Example #10
    def _get_lightcurve_(self, p, obs, idx_orig=None):
        if obs is not None:
            ra, dec, mwebv_sfd98 = p.pop('ra'), p.pop('dec'), p.pop(

            # Get unperturbed lc from sncosmo
            lc = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs,
                                     self.generator.model, [p],

            # Replace fluxerrors with covariance matrix that contains
            # correlated terms for the calibration uncertainty
            fluxerr = np.sqrt(obs['skynoise']**2 +
                              np.abs(lc['flux']) / obs['gain'])

            fluxcov = np.diag(fluxerr**2)
            save_cov = False
            for band in set(obs['band']):
                if self.instruments[band]['err_calib'] is not None:
                    save_cov = True
                    idx = np.where(obs['band'] == band)[0]
                    err = self.instruments[band]['err_calib']
                    for k0 in idx:
                        for k1 in idx:
                            fluxcov[k0, k1] += (lc['flux'][k0] *
                                                lc['flux'][k1] * err**2)

            # Add random (but correlated) noise to the fluxes
            fluxchol = np.linalg.cholesky(fluxcov)
            flux = lc['flux'] +

            # Apply blinded bias if given
            if self.blinded_bias is not None:
                bias_array = np.array([
                    if band in self.blinded_bias.keys() else 0
                    for band in obs['band']
                flux *= 10**(-0.4 * bias_array)

            lc['flux'] = flux
            lc['fluxerr'] = np.sqrt(np.diag(fluxcov))

            # Additional metadata for the lc fitter
            lc.meta['ra'] = ra
            lc.meta['dec'] = dec
            if save_cov:
                lc.meta['fluxcov'] = fluxcov
            lc.meta['mwebv_sfd98'] = mwebv_sfd98
            if idx_orig is not None:
                lc.meta['idx_orig'] = idx_orig
            lc = None

        return lc
Example #11
    def reals(self, taxis, band):
        Generate simulated light curves for a given parameter setting


        assert len(taxis) == len(band)

        lcs  = sncosmo.realize_lcs(self.obs(taxis, band), self.model, [self.params()])
        return lcs
Example #12
def generate_ii_light_curve(z, mabs, source=None, **kwargs):
    if source is None:
        sources = [a[0] for a in sncosmo.builtins.models if a[1] == "SN IIP"]
        source = sources[np.random.randint(0, len(sources))]
    obs, t0, bands, zps = get_obs_times_and_conditions(**kwargs)
    model = sncosmo.Model(source=source)
    model.set_source_peakabsmag(mabs, "bessellb", "ab")
    p = {"z": z, "amplitude": model.get("amplitude"), "t0": t0}
    lc = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])[0]
    return lc
Example #13
 def generate_lcs(self):
     if bench: print "Generating lcs...."
     self.lcs = []
     start = time.time()
     for p in self.params:
         libid = np.random.choice(self.simlib_obs_sets.keys())
         light_curve = sncosmo.realize_lcs(self.simlib_obs_sets[libid],
                                           self.model, [p])
         flag = self.impose_SNR_cuts(light_curve[0])
         if flag:
             for jj, b in enumerate(light_curve[0]['band']):
                 if b == "desg": light_curve[0]['zp'][jj] += self.zp_off[0]
                 if b == "desr": light_curve[0]['zp'][jj] += self.zp_off[1]
                 if b == "desi": light_curve[0]['zp'][jj] += self.zp_off[2]
                 if b == "desz": light_curve[0]['zp'][jj] += self.zp_off[3]
     end = time.time()
     if bench:
         print "Simulation took", end - start, "secs"
         print "Number of simulations passing cuts:", len(self.lcs)
Example #14
def realise_light_curve(seed):
    t0 = 1000
    x0 = 1e-5
    x1 = 0
    c = 0
    e = False and np.random.random() > 0.8
    if e:
        u = np.random.random() > 0.3
        if u:
            z = 0.1
            z = 0.9
        z = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
    sn = np.random.uniform(low=50, high=300)
    num_obs = 20
    deltat = -35
    ts = np.arange(t0 + deltat, (t0 + deltat) + 5 * num_obs, 5)

    times = np.array([[t, t + 0.05, t + 0.1, t + 0.2] for t in ts]).flatten()
    bands = [b for t in ts for b in ['desg', 'desr', 'desi', 'desz']]
    gains = np.ones(times.shape)
    skynoise = sn * np.ones(times.shape)
    zp = 30 * np.ones(times.shape)
    zpsys = ['ab'] * times.size

    obs = Table({'time': times,
                 'band': bands,
                 'gain': gains,
                 'skynoise': skynoise,
                 'zp': zp,
                 'zpsys': zpsys})

    model = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2-extended')
    p = {'z': z, 't0': t0, 'x0': x0, 'x1': x1, 'c': c}
    lc = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])[0]
    ston = (lc["flux"] / lc["fluxerr"]).max()
    return z, t0, x0, x1, c, ston, lc
Example #15
 def generate_lcs(self):
     if bench: print "Generating lcs...."
     self.lcs = []
     start = time.time()
     for p in self.params:
         #libid = 2498 #EJ: Nov 7th right now just generate all with same libid.
         #Need to sort simlib times so they are monotonically increasing
         libid = np.random.choice(self.simlib_obs_sets.keys())
         light_curve = sncosmo.realize_lcs(self.simlib_obs_sets[libid],
                                           self.model, [p])
         flag = self.impose_SNR_cuts(light_curve[0])
         #print type(light_curve[0]),light_curve[0]
         if flag:
             for jj, b in enumerate(light_curve[0]['band']):
                 if b == "desg": light_curve[0]['zp'][jj] += self.zp_off[0]
                 if b == "desr": light_curve[0]['zp'][jj] += self.zp_off[1]
                 if b == "desi": light_curve[0]['zp'][jj] += self.zp_off[2]
                 if b == "desz": light_curve[0]['zp'][jj] += self.zp_off[3]
     end = time.time()
     if bench:
         print "Simulation took", end - start, "secs"
         print "Number of simulations passing cuts:", len(self.lcs)
Example #16
def simulate_simlib(simlibfile, snmodelsource, outfile="LC/simulatedlc.dat", restrict=10):
    Simulate SN based on the simlibfile using SNCosmo SALT models

    simlibfile :




    from astropy.units import Unit
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

    # read the simlibfile into obstables
    meta, obstables = sncosmo.read_snana_simlib(simlibfilename)

    # set the SNCosmo model source
    dustmaproot = os.getenv("SIMS_DUSTMAPS_DIR")
    map_dir = os.path.join(dustmaproot, "DustMaps")
    dust = sncosmo.CCM89Dust()
    model = Model(
        source=snmodelsource, effects=[dust, dust], effect_frames=["rest", "obs"], effect_names=["host", "mw"]

    maxSNperField = restrict
    # Different fields in SIMLIB are indexed by libids
    libids = obstables.keys()
    lcs = []
    for libid in libids:

        # Get the obstable corresponding to each field
        obstable = obstables[libid]
        # Need Area from PixSize
        ra = obstable.meta["RA"]
        dec = obstable.meta["DECL"]
        area = obstable.meta["PIXSIZE"]
        maxmjd = obstable["time"].max()
        minmjd = obstable["time"].min()
        rangemjd = maxmjd - minmjd
        skycoords = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit="deg")
        t_mwebv = sncosmo.get_ebv_from_map(skycoords, mapdir=map_dir, interpolate=False)
        params = []
        # col = Table.Column(obstable['SEARCH'].size*['ab'], name='zpsys')
        # obstable['FLT'].name =  'band'
        # obstable['MJD'].name =  'time'
        # obstable['ZPTAVG'].name =  'zp'
        # obstable['CCD_GAIN'].name =  'gain'
        # obstable['SKYSIG'].name =  'skynoise'
        # obstable.add_column(col)
        redshifts = list(sncosmo.zdist(0.0, 1.2, ratefunc=cosmoRate, time=rangemjd, area=area))
        print "num SN generated ", len(redshifts)
        for i, z in enumerate(redshifts):
            mabs = normal(-19.3, 0.3)
            model.set_source_peakabsmag(mabs, "bessellb", "ab")
            x0 = model.get("x0")
            # RB: really should not be min, max but done like in catalogs
            p = {"z": z, "t0": uniform(minmjd, maxmjd), "x0": x0, "x1": normal(0.0, 1.0), "c": normal(0.0, 0.1)}
            if maxSNperField is not None:
                if i == maxSNperField:
        print "realizing SN"
        lcslib = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obstable, model, params, trim_observations=True)
        # alllcsintables = vstack(lcslib)
    # print alllcsintables[0]
    # print alllcsintables[MJD].size
    # write light curves to disk
    for i, field in enumerate(lcs):
        for snid, lc in enumerate(field):
            sncosmo.write_lc(lc, fname=outfile + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(snid) + ".dat", format="ascii")
    return lcs
Example #17
def realise_light_curve(temp_dir, zeros, seed, scatter=0.3, cosmology=None, mabs=-19.3):
    simulation = cosmology is not None
    if cosmology is None:
        cosmology = WMAP9
    t0 = 1000
    num_obs = 20
    if simulation:
        if np.random.random() < 0.1:
            z = np.random.uniform(0.03, 0.2)
            zs = list(sncosmo.zdist(0.05, 1.2, area=30, time=10000))
            z_ind = np.random.randint(0, len(zs))
            z = zs[z_ind]
        print("Simulation: z=%0.6f" % z)
        z = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
    deltat = -35

    newmoon = 1000 - np.random.uniform(0, 29.5)

    ts = np.arange(t0 + deltat, (t0 + deltat) + 5 * num_obs, 5)

    bands = [b for t in ts for b in ['desg', 'desr', 'desi', 'desz']]
    zps = np.array([b for t in ts for b in zeros])
    mins = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [22.1, 21.1, 20.1, 18.7]])
    maxs = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [19.4, 19.7, 19.4, 18.2]])
    seeing = np.array([b for t in ts for b in [1.06, 1.00, 0.96, 0.93]])
    times = np.array([[t, t + 0.05, t + 0.1, t + 0.2] for t in ts]).flatten()

    full = 0.5 + 0.5 * np.sin((times - newmoon) * 2 * np.pi / 29.5)
    perm = np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, full.shape)
    seeing2 = np.random.uniform(4, 6, full.shape)
    sigma_psf = seeing2 / 2.36

    sky_noise = np.array([np.sqrt(10.0**(((maxx - minn) * f + minn + p - zp) / -2.5) * 0.263**2) *
                          np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) * s
                          for f, p, s, minn, maxx, zp in zip(full, perm, sigma_psf, mins, maxs, zps)])

    zpsys = ['ab'] * times.size
    gains = np.ones(times.shape)

    obs = Table({'time': times,
                 'band': bands,
                 'gain': gains,
                 'skynoise': sky_noise,
                 'zp': zps,
                 'zpsys': zpsys})

    model = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2-extended')

    if not simulation:
        x1 = 0
        c = 0
        x1 = np.random.normal(0, 0.5)
        c = np.random.normal(0, 0.1)
    alpha = 0.14
    beta = 3.15
    mabs = np.random.normal(mabs, scatter) - alpha * x1 + beta * c
    model.set_source_peakabsmag(mabs, 'bessellb', 'ab', cosmo=cosmology)
    x0 = model.get('x0')
    p = {'z': z, 't0': t0, 'x0': x0, 'x1': x1, 'c': c}

    lc = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])[0]
    ston = (lc["flux"] / lc["fluxerr"]).max()
    return z, t0, x0, x1, c, ston, lc
Example #18
def random_obs(temp_dir, seed):
    interp = generate_and_return()
    x1 = np.random.normal()
    # colour = np.random.normal(scale=0.1)
    colour = 0
    x0 = 1e-5
    # t0 = np.random.uniform(low=1000, high=2000)
    t0 = 1000
    z = np.random.uniform(low=0.1, high=1.0)

    # deltat = np.random.uniform(low=-20, high=0)
    # num_obs = np.random.randint(low=10, high=40)
    num_obs = 20
    deltat = -35

    filename = temp_dir + "/save_%d.npy" % seed

    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        ts = np.arange(t0 + deltat, (t0 + deltat) + 5 * num_obs, 5)

        times = np.array([[t, t + 0.05, t + 0.1, t + 0.2] for t in ts]).flatten()
        bands = [b for t in ts for b in ["desg", "desr", "desi", "desz"]]
        gains = np.ones(times.shape)
        skynoise = np.random.uniform(low=20, high=800) * np.ones(times.shape)
        zp = 30 * np.ones(times.shape)
        zpsys = ["ab"] * times.size

        obs = Table({"time": times, "band": bands, "gain": gains, "skynoise": skynoise, "zp": zp, "zpsys": zpsys})
        model = sncosmo.Model(source="salt2")
        p = {"z": z, "t0": t0, "x0": x0, "x1": x1, "c": colour}
        print(seed, " Vals are ", p)
        lc = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])[0]
        ston = (lc["flux"] / lc["fluxerr"]).max()

        model.set(t0=t0, x1=x1, c=colour, x0=x0)
            res, fitted_model = sncosmo.fit_lc(
                lc, model, ["t0", "x0", "x1", "c"], guess_amplitude=False, guess_t0=False
        except ValueError:
            return np.nan, np.nan, x1, colour, num_obs, ston, deltat, z, 0

        fig = sncosmo.plot_lc(lc, model=fitted_model, errors=res.errors)
        fig.savefig(temp_dir + os.sep + "lc_%d.png" % seed, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
        my_model = PerfectRedshift([lc], [z], t0, name="posterior%d" % seed)
        sampler = EnsembleSampler(temp_dir=temp_dir, num_burn=400, num_steps=1500)
        c = ChainConsumer(), chain_consumer=c)
        map = {"x0": "$x_0$", "x1": "$x_1$", "c": "$c$", "t0": "$t_0$"}
        parameters = [map[a] for a in res.vparam_names]

        mu1 = get_mu_from_chain(interped, c.chains[-1], c.parameters[-1])
        c.chains[-1] = np.hstack((c.chains[-1], mu1[:, None]))

        chain2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(res.parameters[1:], res.covariance, size=int(1e5))
        chain2 = np.hstack((chain2, get_mu_from_chain(interp, chain2, parameters)[:, None]))
        c.add_chain(chain2, parameters=parameters, name="Gaussian")
        figfilename = filename.replace(".npy", ".png")
        c.plot(filename=figfilename, truth={"$t_0$": t0, "$x_0$": x0, "$x_1$": x1, "$c$": colour})

        means = []
        stds = []
        isgood = (
            (np.abs(x1 - res.parameters[3]) < 4) & (np.abs(colour - res.parameters[4]) < 2) & (res.parameters[2] > 0.0)
        isgood *= 1.0

        for i in range(len(c.chains)):
            a = c.chains[i][:, -1]
        diffmu = np.diff(means)[0]
        diffstd = np.diff(stds)[0], np.array([diffmu, diffstd, ston, 1.0 * isgood]))

        vals = np.load(filename)
        diffmu = vals[0]
        diffstd = vals[1]
        ston = vals[2]
        isgood = vals[3]

    return diffmu, diffstd, x1, colour, num_obs, ston, deltat, z, isgood
Example #19
    skynoise = 80 * np.ones(times.shape)
    zp = 30 * np.ones(times.shape)
    zpsys = ['ab'] * times.size

    obs = Table({'time': times,
                 'band': bands,
                 'gain': gains,
                 'skynoise': skynoise,
                 'zp': zp,
                 'zpsys': zpsys})

    model = sncosmo.Model(source='salt2-extended')
    p = {'z': z, 't0': t0, 'x0': x0, 'x1': x1, 'c': colour}
    print("Realise LCs")
    lcs = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, model, [p])
    print("Fit LCs")
    res, fitted_model = sncosmo.fit_lc(lcs[0], model, ['t0', 'x0', 'x1', 'c'])

    dir_name = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    temp_dir = dir_name + os.sep + "output"
    surface = temp_dir + os.sep + "surfaces_simple.png"
    mu_simple = temp_dir + os.sep + "mu_simple.png"
    mcmc_chain = temp_dir + os.sep + "mcmc_simple.npy"
    c = ChainConsumer()
    print("Fit model")
    my_model = PerfectRedshift(lcs, [z], t0, name="My posterior")
    sampler = EnsembleSampler(temp_dir=temp_dir, num_steps=20000), chain_consumer=c)
    c.add_chain(np.random.multivariate_normal(res.parameters[1:], res.covariance, size=int(1e7)),
                name="Summary Stats", parameters=["$t_0$", "$x_0$", "$x_1$", "$c$"])
Example #20
    obstable['MJD'].name =  'time'
    obstable['ZPTAVG'].name =  'zp'
    obstable['CCD_GAIN'].name =  'gain'
    obstable['SKYSIG'].name =  'skynoise'
    col = Table.Column(prefixbandname("LSST_", obstable), name='band')

    return None

# Now display the table of observations
print str(obstable)

## Simulate the SN, plot and profile

relevantdata = sncosmo.realize_lcs(obstable, model, params, trim_observations=True)

from astropy.table import Table
print type(relevantdata)

x = Table(relevantdata[0])

print str(x)

print str(len(relevantdata[0]))

# Write out to a file as this is how we will do things in a larger set by looping through, and then read in the file


# fig_relevant = sncosmo.plot_lc(relevantdata[0], model=model)
Example #21
 def get_lightcurves(self, obs, trim_observations=True, **kwargs):
     """Realize lightcurves based on the randomized lightcurve parameters
     and a single set of observations"""
     params = self.get_lightcurve_full_param(full_out=False)
     return sncosmo.realize_lcs(obs, self.model, params,
                                trim_observations=trim_observations, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, sntype, observations=None, z_range=[1.8,2.2],
                 t0_range=[0,0], nsim=100, perfect=True,
                 Om=0.3, H0=70, filterset='hst' ):
        """ Run a monte carlo sim using sncosmo to simulate <nsim> SNe
        of the given <sntype> over the given <z_range>.

        Simulates Type Ia SNe with the SALT2 model, and CC SNe with
        the SNANA CC templates.

        Observations are done at time t=0, unless specified otherwise in
        a user-defined observations table.

        Set perfect=True for noiseless "observations" of the simulated SNe.
        from astropy import cosmology
        import sncosmo
        from numpy.random import normal, uniform, choice
        import numpy as np

        self.sntype = sntype
        self.z_range = z_range
        self.nsim = nsim
        self.perfect = perfect

        if observations is None :
            observations = mkobservationsTable( filterset=filterset )
        self.observations = observations

        # Make a list of all the unique sncosmo source models available,
        # and assign a relative probability that any given simulated SN of this
        # type (CC or Ia) belongs to that subclass
        if sntype.lower() in ['cc','ii','ibc'] :
            subClassDict  = SubClassDict_SNANA[sntype.lower()]
            subClassProbs = ccSubClassProbs[sntype.lower()]
            self.SourcenameSet = np.array( subClassDict.keys() )
            self.SubclassSet = np.array([ subClassDict[source] for source in self.SourcenameSet ])
            self.SubclassCount = np.array([ len(np.where(self.SubclassSet==subclass)[0])
                                         for subclass in self.SubclassSet ], dtype=float)
            self.SourceprobSet = np.array([ subClassProbs[subclass]
                                          for subclass in self.SubclassSet ]) / self.SubclassCount
            self.SourceprobSet /= self.SourceprobSet.sum()
        elif sntype.lower()=='ia' :
            # No sub-class divisions for SNIa
            self.SourcenameSet = np.array(['salt2-extended'])
            self.SubclassSet = np.array( ['Ia'] )
            self.SourceprobSet = np.array( [1] )
            self.SubclassCount = np.array( [1] )

        # load the O'Donnell 1994 dust model
        self.dust = sncosmo.OD94Dust()

        # Define an sncosmo SN model for each available source
        modelset = np.array([ sncosmo.Model(source=source, effects=[self.dust],
                                    effect_names=['host'], effect_frames=['rest'])
                                 for source in self.SourcenameSet ])
        # Define a cosmology
        # self.Om = Om
        # self.H0 = H0
        self.cosmo = cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(Om0=Om, H0=H0)

        # For each simulated SN, draw random Av from distributions
        # as defined in Rodney et al 2014a :
        #   For SN Ia :  P(Av) = exp(-Av/0.33)
        #   For CC SN :  P(Av) = 4 * gauss(0.6) + exp(-Rv/1.7)
        if sntype=='Ia':
            tau,sigma,R0 = 0.33, 0, 0
        else :
            tau,sigma,R0 = 1.7, 0.6, 4
        self.Av = mcsample( pAv, nsim, tau=tau, sigma=sigma, R0=R0 )

        # For each simulated SN, draw a random Rv from a normal
        # distribution centered on 3.1 with width 0.5
        self.Rv = normal( 3.1, 0.5, nsim )
        self.Rv = np.where( self.Rv>0, self.Rv, 0.01 )

        # Convert Av and Rv to E(B-V) :
        # Rv = Av/EBV ==> EBV = Av/Rv
        self.EBV = self.Av / self.Rv

        # TODO : draw the redshifts with a metropolis-hastings sampler to match
        #  a distribution defined based on the expected SN rate

        # Disabled : uniform redshift spacing
        # zlist = np.linspace( z_range[0], z_range[1], nsim )

        # Draw a random redshift from a uniform distribution
        self.z = uniform( low=z_range[0], high=z_range[1], size=nsim )

        lightcurvelist = []
        peakabsmagRlist = []
        modelparamlist = []
        subclasslist = []
        modelindexlist = []
        sourcenamelist = []
        t0list = []
        if sntype=='Ia':
            x0list = []
            x1list = []
            clist = []
        else :
            amplitudelist = []
        for isim in range(self.nsim):
            # Randomly draw an sncosmo model from the available list, according to
            # the predefined probability list, setting the SN sub-class for this
            # simulated SN
            imodel = choice( np.arange(len(modelset)), replace=True, p=self.SourceprobSet )
            model =  modelset[imodel]
            subclass = self.SubclassSet[imodel]

            z = self.z[isim]
            EBV = self.EBV[isim]
            Rv = self.Rv[isim]

            # Set the peak absolute magnitude according to the observed
            # luminosity functions, as defined in Table 3 of Graur:2014a;
            # and set the host extinction according to the 'mid' dust model
            # of Rodney:2014a.
            if subclass == 'Ia' :
                MR = normal( -19.37, 0.47 )
            elif subclass == 'Ib' :
                MR = normal( -17.90, 0.90 )
            elif subclass == 'Ic' :
                MR = normal( -18.30, 0.60 )
            elif subclass == 'IIP' :
                MR = normal( -16.56, 0.80 )
            elif subclass == 'IIL' :
                MR = normal( -17.66, 0.42 )
            elif subclass == 'IIn' :
                MR = normal( -18.25, 1.00 )
            model.set_source_peakabsmag( MR, 'bessellr', 'vega', cosmo=self.cosmo)

            modelindexlist.append( imodel )
            subclasslist.append( subclass )
            peakabsmagRlist.append( MR )
            sourcenamelist.append( self.SourcenameSet[imodel] )
            if subclass =='Ia' :
                x0 = model.get('x0')
                # TODO : use bifurcated gaussians for more realistic x1,c dist'ns
                x1 = normal(0., 1.)
                c = normal(0., 0.1)
                t0 = uniform( t0_range[0], t0_range[1] )
                modelparams = {'z':z, 't0':t0, 'x0':x0, 'x1':x1, 'c':c, 'hostebv':EBV, 'hostr_v':Rv}
                t0list.append( t0 )
                x0list.append( x0 )
                x1list.append( x1 )
                clist.append( c )
                t0list.append( t0 )
            else :
                amplitude = model.get('amplitude')
                t0 = uniform( t0_range[0], t0_range[1] )
                modelparams = {'z':z, 't0':t0, 'amplitude':amplitude, 'hostebv':EBV, 'hostr_v':Rv }
                amplitudelist.append( amplitude )
                t0list.append( t0 )
            modelparamlist.append( modelparams )

            # Generate one simulated SN:
            snlc = sncosmo.realize_lcs(self.observations, model, [ modelparams ],
                                       thresh=None)#, perfect=perfect )
            lightcurvelist.append( snlc[0] )

        self.lightcurves = lightcurvelist
        self.t0 = np.array( t0list )
        self.modelindex = np.array( modelindexlist )
        self.sourcename = np.array( sourcenamelist )
        self.subclass = np.array( subclasslist )
        self.modelparam = np.array( modelparamlist )
        self.peakabsmagR = np.array( peakabsmagRlist )

        if sntype=='Ia':
            self.x0 = np.array( x0list )
            self.x1 = np.array( x1list )
            self.c  = np.array( clist )
        else :
            self.amplitude = np.array( amplitudelist )
