Example #1
class SSNES():
    def __init__(self, x0, learning_rate_mult, popsize):
        self.snes = SNES(x0, learning_rate_mult, popsize)

    def gen(self):
        self.asked = self.snes.ask()
        self.scores = {n: [] for n in range(len(self.asked))}

    def predict(self):
        r = randint(0, len(self.asked) - 1)
        asked = self.asked[r]
        return asked, r

    def fit(self, scores, r):

        # sort them out
        for i, score in enumerate(scores):

        told = []
        for i in range(len(self.asked)):

        self.snes.tell(self.asked, told)
Example #2
def main():
    print("Total number of weights to evolve is:", weights.shape)

    all_examples_indices = list(range(x_train.shape[0]))

    clf, _ = train_classifier(model, x_train, y_train)

    y_pred = predict_classifier(model, clf, x_test)
    print(y_test.shape, y_pred.shape)
    test_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)

    print('Non-trained NN Test accuracy:', test_accuracy)
    # print('Test MSE:', test_mse)

    snes = SNES(weights, 1, POPULATION_SIZE)
    for i in range(0, GENERATIONS):
        start = timer()
        asked = snes.ask()

        # to be provided back to snes
        told = []
        # use a small number of training samples for speed purposes
        subsample_indices = np.random.choice(all_examples_indices, size=SAMPLE_SIZE, replace=False)
        # evaluate on another subset
        subsample_indices_valid = np.random.choice(all_examples_indices, size=SAMPLE_SIZE + 1, replace=False)

        # iterate over the population
        for asked_j in asked:
            # set nn weights
            # train the classifer and get back the predictions on the training data
            clf, _ = train_classifier(model, x_train[subsample_indices], y_train[subsample_indices])

            # calculate the predictions on a different set
            y_pred = predict_classifier(model, clf, x_train[subsample_indices_valid])
            score = accuracy_score(y_train[subsample_indices_valid], y_pred)

            # clf, _ = train_classifier(model, x_train, y_train)
            # y_pred = predict_classifier(model, clf, x_test)
            # score = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
            # append to array of values that are to be returned

        snes.tell(asked, told)
        end = timer()
        print("It took", end - start, "seconds to complete generation", i + 1)


    clf, _ = train_classifier(model, x_train, y_train)
    y_pred = predict_classifier(model, clf, x_test)

    print(y_test.shape, y_pred.shape)
    test_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)

    print('Test accuracy:', test_accuracy)
Example #3
def train_agent(game_chosen,game,run,pop_size,generations):
	function to run the game

			game_chosen (str): name of the game
			game(str): folder name
			run(int): folder name
			pop_size: population size for the SNES algorithm
			generations: number of generations for the SNES algorithm

	# start the desired game file
	textPlayer = tP.TextPlayer(game_chosen)

	# initialize a list to keep track of the game scores
	track_scores = []

	# set last score to zero
	last_score = 0

	# initialize the agent
	agent = Neuroagent_agent.NeuroAgent()

	# return the original weights of the neural network structure in the neuroevolution
	initial_weights = agent.agent_return_weights()

	state = textPlayer.run()
	last_state = state

	# pass variables to SNES
	snes = SNES(initial_weights, 1, pop_size)

	# start the timer
	start = timer()

	# iterate through number of generations
	for i in range(0, generations):
		asked = snes.ask()
		told = []
		j = 0
		for asked_j in asked:
			# use SNES to set the weights of the NN
			last_state = state
			action = agent.take_action(state,asked_j)
			state = textPlayer.execute_command(action)
			print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(action,state))
			print('This is Population No. {0} of Generation no. {1}'.format(j,i))
			if textPlayer.get_score() != None:
				score, possible_score = textPlayer.get_score()
				# if previous state is equal to current state, then agent reward gets deducted by value of -0.2 otherwise reward multiplies by a factor of * 1.2
				reward = score - last_score
				if last_state == state:
					agent_reward = reward - 0.2
					agent_reward = reward * 1.2
				last_score = score
				accumulated_reward = agent.get_total_points_earned()
				print  ('Your overall score is {0} and you gained reward of {1} in the last action and agent reward of {2}'.format(accumulated_reward,reward,agent_reward))
				#in case the game cant retrieve the score from the game engine, set the score for that generation to 0
				score = 0
				# if previous state is equal to current state, then agent reward gets deducted by value of -0.2 otherwise reward multiplies by a factor of * 1.2
				reward = score - last_score
				if last_state == state:
					agent_reward = reward - 0.2
					agent_reward = reward * 1.2
				last_score = score
				accumulated_reward = agent.get_total_points_earned()
				print  ('Your overall score is {0} and you gained reward of {1} in the last action and agent reward of {2}'.format(accumulated_reward,reward,agent_reward))
			j += 1
		tokens, labels = agent.agent_return_models()
		save_tokens_labels_words_seen(i, tokens, labels,game,run)

	# at end of training
	# pass the final weights to the neural network structure
	snes_centre_weights = snes.center

	word_seen = agent.agent_return_word_seen()

	# save the scores
	with open('./completed_runs/'+game+'/finalruns/run_'+str(run)+'/track_scores_'+game+'_pop50gen500.pkl', 'wb') as f:
		pickle.dump(track_scores, f)

	# save the words seen in the game
	with open('./completed_runs/'+game+'/finalruns/run_'+str(run)+'/words_seen_'+game+'_pop50gen500.pkl', 'wb') as h:
		pickle.dump(word_seen, h)
	with open('./completed_runs/'+game+'/finalruns/run_'+str(run)+'/test_word_seen_vectors_'+game+'_pop50gen500.pkl', 'wb') as i:
		pickle.dump(tokens, i)
	with open('./completed_runs/'+game+'/finalruns/run_'+str(run)+'/test_word_seen_vocab_'+game+'_pop50gen500.pkl', 'wb') as k:
		pickle.dump(labels, k)

	# end the timer
	end = timer()
	print('The time taken to run the traning is {0}'.format(end - start))
Example #4
# this is irrelevant for what we want to achieve
model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer="adam")
print("compilation is over")
nnw = NNWeightHelper(model)
weights = nnw.get_weights()

print("Total number of weights to evolve is:", weights.shape)
all_examples_indices = list(range(x_train.shape[0]))
clf, _ = train_classifier(model, x_train, y_train)
y_pred = predict_classifier(model, clf, x_test)

test_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
print('Non-trained NN Test accuracy:', test_accuracy)
# print('Test MSE:', test_mse)

snes = SNES(weights, 1, POPULATION_SIZE)
p = []
for i in range(0, GENERATIONS):
    start = timer()
    asked = snes.ask()

    # to be provided back to snes
    told = []

    # use a small number of training samples for speed purposes
    subsample_indices = np.random.choice(all_examples_indices,
    # evaluate on another subset
    subsample_indices_valid = np.random.choice(all_examples_indices,
                                               size=SAMPLE_SIZE + 1,
Example #5
 def __init__(self, x0, learning_rate_mult, popsize):
     self.snes = SNES(x0, learning_rate_mult, popsize)
#weights = K.get_trainable_weights(model)
#dim = len(weights)
#steps = 2*SAMPLES/GENERATION**2/BATCH_SIZE #target generations for SNES to reach full adaptation
batch_size = int(len(source_adapt) / round(len(source_adapt) / BATCH_SIZE, 0))
steps = 2 * SAMPLES / GENERATION / batch_size
#batches = int(len(source_adapt)/batch_size) #number iterations for each epoch
batches = int(GENERATION * len(source_adapt) / batch_size)
batches -= batches % GENERATION
trgbatch_size = int(
    len(target_adapt) / round(len(target_adapt) / batch_size, 0))
trg_batches = int(GENERATION * len(target_adapt) / trgbatch_size)
yd_fit = np.concatenate([np.tile(0, batch_size), np.tile(1, trgbatch_size)])

#epochs = int(EPOCHS*SAMPLES_PER_EPOCH/batch_size/batches)
epochs = int(EPOCHS * GENERATION * SAMPLES_PER_EPOCH / batch_size / batches)
#snes = SSNES(weights, 2, GENERATION)#np.zeros(dim), 1, GENERATION)
fitnesses = np.zeros(GENERATION)
losses = [[], [], [], []]
asked = snes.ask()
#asked = snes.asked
"""----------------------commence adaptation---------------------------- """
t0 = time.time()
step = 0
genloss = []
timeloss = []
trg_batch = 0
trg_start = 0
trgtrain_end = trgbatch_size
trgtest_start = trgtrain_end
trgtest_end = 2 * trgtrain_end
Example #7
track_scores = []
last_score = 0
# defining population size
pop_size = 10
# defining generation size
generations = 100
# init the agent
agent = vivan_agent.vivAgent()
initial_weights = agent.agent_return_weights()

state = textPlayer.run()
last_state = state
# print (state)
# pass variables to SNES
snes = SNES(initial_weights, 1, pop_size)

start = timer()
#while (counter < training_cycles):
for i in range(0, generations):
    asked = snes.ask()
    told = []
    j = 0
    for asked_j in asked:
        # use SNES to set the weights of the NN
        # only run the SNES after 1st round
        # pass asked to function in vivan_wordfiles.py everytime
        # init the neural network in vivan_wordfiles.py
        # but it is run only when the def_results_for_words is called.
        # how about reward?