def shell_cmd(verbose, with_req_context): try: from IPython.terminal.ipapp import TerminalIPythonApp except ImportError: click.echo( cformat( '%{red!}You need to `pip install ipython` to use the SNMS shell' )) sys.exit(1) current_app.config['REPL'] = True # disables e.g. memoize_request request_stats_request_started() context, info = _make_shell_context() banner = cformat('%{yellow!}SNMS v{} is ready for your commands').format( snms.__version__) if verbose: banner = '\n'.join(info + ['', banner]) ctx = current_app.make_shell_context() ctx.update(context) # clearCache() stack = ExitStack() if with_req_context: stack.enter_context( current_app.test_request_context(base_url=config.BASE_URL)) with stack: ipython_app = TerminalIPythonApp.instance(user_ns=ctx, display_banner=False) ipython_app.initialize(argv=[]) ipython_app.start()
def create(grant_admin, create_company): """Creates a new user""" user_type = 'user' if not grant_admin else 'super_admin' while True: email = prompt_email() if email is None: return email = email.lower() if not User.query.filter( == email).count(): break print(cformat('%{red}Email already exists')) name = click.prompt("Name").strip() print() password = prompt_pass() if password is None: return user = User(uid=generate_uid(), email=email, name=name, role=user_type, password=generate_password_hash(password), is_verified = True) if create_company: company_name = click.prompt("Company Name").strip() company = Company(name=company_name, uid=generate_uid(), key=generate_key()) user_company = CompanyUserAssociation(role=ROLE_ADMIN) user_company.user = user company.users.append(user_company) user.own_companies.append(company) db.session.add(company) _print_user_info(user) if click.confirm(cformat("%{yellow}Create the new {}?").format(user_type), default=True): db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() print(cformat("%{green}New {} created successfully with ID: %{green!}{}").format(user_type, user.uid))
def celery_cmd(args): # remove the celery shell command next(funcs for group, funcs, _ in command_classes if group == 'Main').remove('shell') del CeleryCommand.commands['shell'] if args and args[0] == 'flower': # Somehow flower hangs when executing it using CeleryCommand() so we simply exec it directly. # It doesn't really need the celery config anyway (besides the broker url) try: import flower except ImportError: print(cformat('%{red!}Flower is not installed')) sys.exit(1) auth_args = ['[email protected]', '--auth_provider=flower.views.auth.GithubLoginHandler'] auth_env = {'FLOWER_OAUTH2_KEY': '', 'FLOWER_OAUTH2_SECRET': '', 'FLOWER_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI': 'http://localhost:5555/login' } args = ['celery', '-b', config.CELERY_BROKER] + args env = dict(os.environ, **auth_env) os.execvpe('celery', args, env) elif args and args[0] == 'shell': print(cformat('%{red!}Please use `snms shell`.')) sys.exit(1) else: CeleryCommand(celery).execute_from_commandline(['snms celery'] + args)
def _require_encoding(encoding): cur_encoding = db.engine.execute("SELECT current_setting('server_encoding')").scalar() if cur_encoding >= encoding: return True print(cformat('%{red}Database encoding must be {}; got {}').format(encoding, cur_encoding)) print(cformat('%{yellow}Recreate your database using `createdb -E {} -T template0 ...`').format(encoding)) return False
def _require_extensions(*names): missing = sorted(name for name in names if not has_extension(db.engine, name)) if not missing: return True print(cformat('%{red}Required Postgres extensions missing: {}').format(', '.join(missing))) print(cformat('%{yellow}Create them using these SQL commands (as a Postgres superuser):')) for name in missing: print(cformat('%{white!} CREATE EXTENSION {};').format(name)) return False
def create_all_tables(db, verbose=False, add_initial_data=True): """Create all tables and required initial objects""" from snms.modules.settings.operations import add_default_settings if verbose: print(cformat('%{green}Creating tables')) db.create_all() if verbose: print(cformat('%{green}Tables, created')) if add_initial_data: if verbose: print(cformat('%{green}Adding default settings')) add_default_settings()
def purge(): """Remove deleted companies, sensors, and other data.""" print(cformat('%{yellow!}*** DANGER')) print(cformat('%{yellow!}***%{reset} ' '%{red!}This operation will %{yellow!}PERMANENTLY ERASE %{red!} data!%{reset}')) from snms.modules.sensors import Sensor, SensorType deleted_sensors = Sensor.find(Sensor.deleted).all() tabledata = [['ID', 'Name', 'Created On']] for sensor in deleted_sensors: tabledata.append([str(,, sensor.created_at]) table = AsciiTable(tabledata, cformat('%{white!}Deleted Sensors%{reset}')) print(table.table)
def _add_to_context(namespace, info, element, name=None, doc=None, color='green'): if not name: name = element.__name__ namespace[name] = element if doc: info.append( cformat('+ %%{%s}{}%%{white!} ({})' % color).format(name, doc)) else: info.append(cformat('+ %%{%s}{}' % color).format(name))
def revoke_admin(user_id): """Revokes administration rights from a given user""" user = User.get(user_id) if user is None: print(cformat("%{red}This user does not exist")) return _print_user_info(user) if not user.is_admin: print(cformat("%{yellow}This user does not have administration rights")) return if click.confirm(cformat("%{yellow}Revoke administration rights from this user?")): user.role = 'user' db.session.commit() print(cformat("%{green}Administration rights revoked successfully"))
def grant_admin(user_id): """Grants administration rights to a given user""" user = User.get(user_id) if user is None: print(cformat("%{red}This user does not exist")) return _print_user_info(user) if user.role == ROLE_ADMIN: print(cformat("%{yellow}This user already has administration rights")) return if click.confirm(cformat("%{yellow}Grant administration rights to this user?")): user.role = ROLE_ADMIN db.session.commit() print(cformat("%{green}Administration rights granted successfully"))
def _add_to_context_multi(namespace, info, elements, names=None, doc=None, color='green'): if not names: names = [x.__name__ for x in elements] for name, element in zip(names, elements): namespace[name] = element if doc: info.append( cformat('+ %%{white!}{}:%%{reset} %%{%s}{}' % color).format( doc, ', '.join(names))) else: info.append(cformat('+ %%{%s}{}' % color).format(', '.join(names)))
def _require_pg_version(version): # convert version string such as '9.4.10' to `90410` which is the # format used by server_version_num req_version = sum(segment * 10**(4 - 2*i) for i, segment in enumerate(map(int, version.split('.')))) cur_version = db.engine.execute("SELECT current_setting('server_version_num')::int").scalar() if cur_version >= req_version: return True print(cformat('%{red}Postgres version too old; you need at least {} (or newer)').format(version)) return False
def prepare_db(empty=False, root_path=None, verbose=True): """Initialize an empty database (create tables, set alembic rev to HEAD).""" if not _require_pg_version('9.2'): return # if not _require_encoding('UTF8'): # return # if not _require_extensions('unaccent', 'pg_trgm'): # return root_path = root_path or current_app.root_path tables = get_all_tables(db) if 'alembic_version' not in tables['public']: if verbose: print(cformat('%{green}Setting the alembic version to HEAD')) stamp(directory=os.path.join(root_path, 'migrations'), revision='heads') PluginScriptDirectory.dir = os.path.join(root_path, 'core', 'plugins', 'alembic') alembic.command.ScriptDirectory = PluginScriptDirectory plugin_msg = cformat("%{cyan}Setting the alembic version of the %{cyan!}{}%{reset}%{cyan} " "plugin to HEAD%{reset}") # for plugin in plugin_engine.get_active_plugins().values(): # if not os.path.exists(plugin.alembic_versions_path): # continue # if verbose: # print(plugin_msg.format( # with plugin.plugin_context(): # stamp(revision='heads') # Retrieve the table list again, just in case we created unexpected tables tables = get_all_tables(db) tables['public'] = [t for t in tables['public'] if not t.startswith('alembic_version')] if any(tables.values()): if verbose: print(cformat('%{red}Your database is not empty!')) print(cformat('%{yellow}If you just added a new table/model, create an alembic revision instead!')) print() print('Tables in your database:') for schema, schema_tables in sorted(tables.items()): for t in schema_tables: print(cformat(' * %{cyan}{}%{reset}.%{cyan!}{}%{reset}').format(schema, t)) return create_all_tables(db, verbose=verbose, add_initial_data=(not empty))
def _make_shell_context(): context = {} info = [cformat('%{white!}Available objects')] add_to_context = partial(_add_to_context, context, info) add_to_context_multi = partial(_add_to_context_multi, context, info) add_to_context_smart = partial(_add_to_context_smart, context, info) # Common stdlib modules info.append(cformat('*** %{magenta!}stdlib%{reset} ***')) DATETIME_ATTRS = ('date', 'time', 'datetime', 'timedelta') ORM_ATTRS = ('joinedload', 'defaultload', 'contains_eager', 'lazyload', 'noload', 'subqueryload', 'undefer', 'undefer_group', 'load_only') add_to_context_multi([getattr(datetime, attr) for attr in DATETIME_ATTRS] + [getattr(sqlalchemy.orm, attr) for attr in ORM_ATTRS] + [itertools, re, sys, os], color='yellow') # Models info.append(cformat('*** %{magenta!}Models%{reset} ***')) models = [ cls for name, cls in sorted(db.Model._decl_class_registry.items(), key=itemgetter(0)) if hasattr(cls, '__table__') ] add_to_context_smart(models) # Tasks info.append(cformat('*** %{magenta!}Tasks%{reset} ***')) tasks = [ task for task in celery.tasks.values() if not'celery.') ] add_to_context_smart(tasks, get_name=lambda x:'.', '_'), color='blue!') # Plugins info.append(cformat('*** %{magenta!}Plugins%{reset} ***')) # Utils info.append(cformat('*** %{magenta!}Misc%{reset} ***')) add_to_context(celery, 'celery', doc='celery app', color='blue!') add_to_context(db, 'db', doc='sqlalchemy db interface', color='cyan!') add_to_context(now_utc, 'now_utc', doc='get current utc time', color='cyan!') add_to_context(config, 'config', doc='snms config') add_to_context(current_app, 'app', doc='flask app') add_to_context(lambda *a, **kw: server_to_utc(datetime.datetime(*a, **kw)), 'dt', doc='like datetime() but converted from localtime to utc') # Stuff from plugins # signals.plugin.shell_context.send(add_to_context=add_to_context, add_to_context_multi=add_to_context_multi) return context, info
def _safe_downgrade(*args, **kwargs): func = kwargs.pop('_func') print(cformat('%{yellow!}*** DANGER')) print(cformat('%{yellow!}***%{reset} ' '%{red!}This operation may %{yellow!}PERMANENTLY ERASE %{red!}some data!%{reset}')) if current_app.debug: skip_confirm = os.environ.get('SNMS_ALWAYS_DOWNGRADE', '').lower() in ('1', 'yes') print(cformat('%{yellow!}***%{reset} ' "%{green!}Debug mode is active, so you probably won't destroy valuable data")) else: skip_confirm = False print(cformat('%{yellow!}***%{reset} ' "%{red!}Debug mode is NOT ACTIVE, so make sure you are on the right machine!")) if not skip_confirm and input(cformat('%{yellow!}***%{reset} ' 'To confirm this, enter %{yellow!}YES%{reset}: ')) != 'YES': print(cformat('%{green}Aborted%{reset}')) sys.exit(1) else: return func(*args, **kwargs)