def response_data(self, n_freqs=5000): """ Calculate the frequency response of the filter functions defined and return them as 1D-Dataset, containing the frequency axis and a DataArray with complex filter amplitudes for each frequency component. The DataArrays will be written in the filter order and labeled `filter response omegaN` for a component N. :param n_freqs: Number of frequency steps to calculate for. :type n_freqs: int :return: The DataSet containing the frequency responses. :rtype: :class:`` """ responses = [] frequencies = None for b in self.butters: freqs, response = b.response(n_freqs) if frequencies is None: frequencies = freqs else: assert np.allclose( freqs, frequencies), "Butters giving inconsistent frequencies." responses.append(response) das = [ ds.DataArray(responses[i], label="filter response omega{0}".format(i)) for i in range(len(self.butters)) ] data = ds.DataSet("Frequency Filter Response Functions", das, [ds.Axis(frequencies, label='frequency')]) return data
def hist_asc(source, T_start=None, T_bin=1, tif_probe=None): """ Reads an DLD energy channel histogram, saved in a file with the extension ".hist.asc". :param str source: The path of the source file. :param int T_start: The start channel of the chosen time binning. By default, the first channel containing counts is taken. :param int T_bin: The binning of the chosen time binning. :param str tif_probe: A tif that was saved at the same time (or with the same settings) as the histogram to read, typically when executing "save all" in Terra. This deactivates *T_start* and *T_bin* and reads the binning from the tags in the tiff file instead. :return: The imported data. :rtype: """ filepath = os.path.abspath(source) filebase = os.path.basename(filepath) if tif_probe is not None: # Read tif probe file: infile = tiff.tifffile.TiffFile(tif_probe) # Read time binning metadata from tags: roi_and_bin_id = "41010" # as defined by Christian Schneider #define TIFFTAG_ROI_AND_BIN 41010 tag = tiff.search_tag(infile, roi_and_bin_id) # roi_and_bin_list = tag.value T_start, St, T_bin = int(tag.value[2]), int(tag.value[5]), int( tag.value[8]) infile.close() # Read the "HistoXplusY" column from the .asc file to an array: count_data = numpy.loadtxt(filepath, dtype=int, skiprows=1, usecols=2) # Trim the trailing zeroes: count_data = numpy.trim_zeros(count_data, 'b') # If no start channel is given, guess it by taking the first non-zero entry, taking the binning into account. if not tif_probe and T_start is None: start_index = numpy.nonzero(count_data)[0][0] T_start = start_index * T_bin # Trim the leading zeroes: count_data = numpy.trim_zeros(count_data) # Initialize Channel axis and Count DataArray taxis = ds.Axis([T_start + i * T_bin for i in range(count_data.shape[0])], label='channel', plotlabel='Time Channel') dataarray = ds.DataArray(count_data, unit='count', label='counts', plotlabel='Counts') # Return DataSet: return ds.DataSet(label=filebase, datafields=[dataarray], axes=[taxis])
def read_jpeg(filepath): """ Reads a generic jpeg file. Therefore, the 2D image dimensions are interpreted as x and y. Reads only greyscale, if a color (RGB or RGBA) image is given, it will be converted to greyscale. :param filepath: String: The (absolute or relative) path of input file. :return: The dataset instance generated from the image file. """ # Translate input path to absolute path: filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) filebase = os.path.basename(filepath) # Read tif file to numpy array. Axes will be (x, y): indata = imageio.imread(filepath, as_gray=True) # Initialize data for dataset: dataarray = ds.DataArray(indata, unit='dimensionless', label='brightness', plotlabel='Brightness') # Careful about orientation! This is like a matrix: # rows go first and are numbered in vertical direction -> Y # columns go last and are numbered in horizontal direction -> X yaxis = ds.Axis(np.arange(0, indata.shape[0]), unit='pixel', label='y', plotlabel='y') xaxis = ds.Axis(np.arange(0, indata.shape[1]), unit='pixel', label='x', plotlabel='x') # Return dataset: return ds.DataSet(label=filebase, datafields=[dataarray], axes=[yaxis, xaxis])
def bin_axis(self): """ Gives the new Axis with ticks via np.mean :return: """ newaxis = for ax in range(len(self.binAxisID)): oldaxis =[ax]) ticks = np.zeros(np.int16(oldaxis.shape[0] / self.binFactor[ax])) newSubAxis = ds.Axis(data=ticks, unit=oldaxis.get_unit(), label=oldaxis.get_label() + ' binned x' + str(self.binFactor[ax]), plotlabel=oldaxis.get_plotlabel()) # Make more elegant for i in range(np.int16(oldaxis.shape[0] / self.binFactor[ax])): newSubAxis[i] = np.mean(oldaxis.get_data()[self.binFactor[ax] * i:self.binFactor[ax] * (i + 1)]) newaxis[self.binAxisID[ax]] = newSubAxis return newaxis
def transformed_axis(self, unit=None, label=None, plotlabel=None): """ Calculate the transformed axis, e.g. the frequency axis from the time axis. To calculate the frequency values, an FFT of a 1-dimensional probe slice is performed and the frequency ticks are calculated from the result. :param unit: Convert the calculated axis to this unit, deviating from `self.axis_freq_unit`. :type unit: None or str :param label: A label for the built axis. If none is given, the prefix `FFT_inverse_` is put before the label of the original axis. :type label: None or str :param plotlabel: An (optional) plotlabel for the generated axis. :type plotlabel: None or str :return: The frequency axis resulting from the FFT. :rtype: :class:`` """ # Calculate the frequency ticks: probe_slice = tuple([ 0 if i != self.axis_to_transform_id else np.s_[:] for i in range(self.indata.dimensions) ]) ax_size = fftpack.fftshift( fftpack.fft( self.indata.get_datafield(0).data[probe_slice].magnitude)).size fticks = fftpack.fftshift( fftpack.fftfreq(ax_size, self.sampling_delta.magnitude)) # Build the Axis object with the correct unit and return it: if label is None: label = "FFT-inverse_" + self.axis_to_transform.get_label() ax = ds.Axis(fticks, 1 / self.axis_to_transform.units, label=label, plotlabel=plotlabel) if unit is not None: ax.set_unit(unit) else: ax.set_unit(self.axis_freq_unit) return ax
def timelog_folder(folderpath, timeunit='s', timeunitlabel=None, timeformat=None, prefix="", postfix="", h5target=True): """ # TODO: UPDATE THIS FROM GENERIC COPIED DOCSTRING! :param folderpath: The (relative or absolute) path of the folders containing the powerlaw measurement series. :return: The dataset containing the images stacked along a time axis. """ if timeunitlabel is None: timeunitlabel = timeunit # Translate input path to absolute path: folderpath = os.path.abspath(folderpath) # Inspect the given folder for the image files: timefiles = {} for filename in filter(is_jpeg, os.listdir(folderpath)): # Strip extension, prefix, postfix: timestring = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] timestring = timestring.lstrip(prefix) timestring = timestring.rstrip(postfix) if timeformat: # If format is given, parse accordingly: timestring = timestring.strip() imgtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestring, timeformat) else: # Else try to parse as best as guessable: imgtime = dparser.parse(filename, fuzzy=True) timefiles[imgtime] = filename # Build time axis: axlist = [] starttime = min(timefiles.keys()) for imgtime in iter(sorted(timefiles.keys())): axlist.append((imgtime - starttime).total_seconds()) times = u.to_ureg(axlist, 'second').to(timeunit) pl = 'Time / ' + timeunitlabel # Plot label for power axis. timeaxis = ds.Axis(times, label='time', plotlabel=pl) # ----------------------Create dataset------------------------ # Test data size: sample_data = read_jpeg( os.path.join(folderpath, timefiles[list(timefiles.keys())[0]])) axlist = [timeaxis] + sample_data.axes newshape = timeaxis.shape + sample_data.shape # Build the data-structure that the loaded data gets filled into if h5target: chunks = True compression = 'gzip' compression_opts = 4 # Probe HDF5 initialization to optimize buffer size: if chunks is True: # Default is auto chunk alignment, so we need to probe. chunk_size = probe_chunksize(shape=newshape, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_opts) else: chunk_size = chunks use_cache_size = buffer_needed(newshape, (0, ), chunk_size, dtype=np.uint8) # Initialize full DataSet with zeroes: dataspace = ds.Data_Handler_H5( unit=sample_data.get_datafield(0).get_unit(), shape=newshape, chunks=chunks, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_opts, chunk_cache_mem_size=use_cache_size, dtype=np.uint8) dataarray = ds.DataArray( dataspace, label=sample_data.get_datafield(0).get_label(), plotlabel=sample_data.get_datafield(0).get_plotlabel(), h5target=dataspace.h5target, chunks=chunks, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_opts, chunk_cache_mem_size=use_cache_size) dataset = ds.DataSet("Powerlaw " + folderpath, [dataarray], axlist, h5target=h5target, chunk_cache_mem_size=use_cache_size) else: # In-memory data processing without h5 files. dataspace = u.to_ureg(np.zeros(newshape, dtype=np.uint8), sample_data.datafields[0].get_unit()) dataarray = ds.DataArray( dataspace, label=sample_data.get_datafield(0).get_label(), plotlabel=sample_data.get_datafield(0).get_plotlabel(), h5target=None) dataset = ds.DataSet("Time Log " + folderpath, [dataarray], axlist, h5target=h5target) dataarray = dataset.get_datafield(0) # ----------------------Fill dataset------------------------ # Fill in data from imported tiffs: slicebase = tuple([np.s_[:] for j in range(len(sample_data.shape))]) if verbose: import time print("Reading Time Series Folder of shape: ", dataset.shape) if h5target: print("... generating chunks of shape: ", dataset.get_datafield(0).data.ds_data.chunks) print("... using cache size {0:d} MB".format(use_cache_size // 1024**2)) else: print("... in memory") start_time = time.time() for i, imgtime in zip(list(range(len(timefiles))), iter(sorted(timefiles.keys()))): islice = (i, ) + slicebase # Import jpeg: idata = read_jpeg(os.path.join(folderpath, timefiles[imgtime])) # Check data consistency: assert idata.shape == sample_data.shape, "Trying to combine scan data with different shape." for ax1, ax2 in zip(idata.axes, sample_data.axes): assert ax1.units == ax2.units, "Trying to combine scan data with different axis dimensionality." assert idata.get_datafield(0).units == sample_data.get_datafield(0).units, \ "Trying to combine scan data with different data dimensionality." # Write data: dataarray[islice] = idata.get_datafield(0).data if verbose: tpf = ((time.time() - start_time) / float(i + 1)) etr = tpf * (dataset.shape[0] - i + 1) print( "image {0:d} / {1:d}, Time/File {3:.2f}s ETR: {2:.1f}s".format( i, dataset.shape[0], etr, tpf)) return dataset
newda = self.bin_data(h5target=None) newds = ds.DataSet( + " binned", (newda,), newaxis,, h5target=h5target) return newds if __name__ == '__main__': # Just for testing: print("Testing...") test_fakedata = True # Create and test on a fake dataset that's easier to overview: if test_fakedata: print("Building fake data...") fakearray = np.stack([np.arange(50) for i in range(25)] + [np.arange(50) + 100 for i in range(25)]) fakedata = ds.DataArray(fakearray, h5target=True, chunks=(5, 5)) fakeds = ds.DataSet("test", [ds.DataArray(fakedata)], [ds.Axis(np.arange(50), label="y"), ds.Axis(np.arange(50), label="x")], h5target=True) fakeds.saveh5("binning_testdata.hdf5") print("Test binning on fake data...") b = Binning(fakeds, binAxisID=('y', 'x'), binFactor=(2, 8)) binnedds = b.bin(h5target="binning_outdata.hdf5") binnedds.saveh5() test_realdata = False # Testing real data from NFC Session on Ben's PC: if test_realdata: path = 'E:\\NFC15\\20171207 ZnO+aSiH\\01 DLD PSI -3 to 150 fs step size 400as\\Maximamap\\Driftcorrected\\summed_runs' data_dir = path + '\\projected.hdf5' # data_dir = path + '\\summed_data.hdf5' h5target = path + '\\binned_data.hdf5' data = ds.DataSet.from_h5file(data_dir, h5target=h5target)
guesslist.append(u.to_ureg(guesselement, guessunit).magnitude) guess = tuple(guesslist) return curve_fit(fermi_edge, energies.magnitude, intensities.magnitude, guess) if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate some test data: E_f, d_E, c, d = 30, 1, 100, 1 f = FermiEdge.from_coeffs((E_f, d_E, c, d)) energies = u.to_ureg(np.linspace(25, 35, 1000), 'eV') intensities = u.to_ureg( f.fermi_edge(energies).magnitude + np.random.randn(1000) * 5, 'count') testdata = ds.DataSet("testdata", (ds.DataArray(intensities, label="counts"), ), (ds.Axis(energies, label="E"), )) testroi = ds.ROI(testdata, {'E': [u.to_ureg(29.8, 'eV'), None]}) # Test the single modules: guess = FermiEdge.guess_parameters(energies, intensities) result = FermiEdge.fit_fermi_edge(energies, intensities, guess) print("result: {0}".format(result[0])) f = FermiEdge.from_xy(energies, intensities, guess) # Test the full thing: f = FermiEdge(testroi) print("result: {0}".format([f.E_f, f.dE, f.c, f.d])) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(energies, intensities)